// set commitment leadtime to a larger number and make sure ordering // behavior is correct @Test public void testGenerateOrders2() { // set up the genco with commitment leadtime=3 PluginConfig config = new PluginConfig("Genco", "").addConfiguration("commitmentLeadtime", "3"); genco.configure(config); // all defaults // capture orders final ArrayList<Order> orderList = new ArrayList<Order>(); doAnswer( new Answer() { public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) { Object[] args = invocation.getArguments(); orderList.add((Order) args[0]); return null; } }) .when(mockProxy) .routeMessage(isA(Order.class)); // set up some timeslots Timeslot ts0 = timeslotRepo.makeTimeslot(start); ts0.disable(); assertEquals("first ts has sn=0", 0, ts0.getSerialNumber()); timeslotRepo.makeTimeslot(start.plus(TimeService.HOUR)); timeslotRepo.makeTimeslot(start.plus(TimeService.HOUR * 2)); timeslotRepo.makeTimeslot(start.plus(TimeService.HOUR * 3)); timeslotRepo.makeTimeslot(start.plus(TimeService.HOUR * 4)); assertEquals("4 enabled timeslots", 4, timeslotRepo.enabledTimeslots().size()); // generate orders and check genco.generateOrders(start, timeslotRepo.enabledTimeslots()); assertEquals("two orders", 2, orderList.size()); Order first = orderList.get(0); assertEquals("first order for ts3", 3, first.getTimeslot().getSerialNumber()); assertEquals("first order price", 1.0, first.getLimitPrice(), 1e-6); assertEquals("first order for 50 mwh", -100.0, first.getMWh(), 1e-6); Order second = orderList.get(1); assertEquals("second order for ts4", 4, second.getTimeslot().getSerialNumber()); assertEquals("second order price", 1.0, second.getLimitPrice(), 1e-6); assertEquals("second order for 100 mwh", -100.0, second.getMWh(), 1e-6); }
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { Competition.newInstance("Genco test"); mockProxy = mock(BrokerProxy.class); mockSeedRepo = mock(RandomSeedRepo.class); seed = mock(RandomSeed.class); when(mockSeedRepo.getRandomSeed(eq(Genco.class.getName()), anyInt(), anyString())) .thenReturn(seed); timeslotRepo = new TimeslotRepo(); genco = new Genco("Test"); genco.init(mockProxy, mockSeedRepo); start = new DateTime(2011, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeZone.UTC).toInstant(); }
@Test public void testGenerateOrders() { // set up the genco PluginConfig config = new PluginConfig("Genco", ""); genco.configure(config); // all defaults // capture orders final ArrayList<Order> orderList = new ArrayList<Order>(); doAnswer( new Answer() { public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) { Object[] args = invocation.getArguments(); orderList.add((Order) args[0]); return null; } }) .when(mockProxy) .routeMessage(isA(Order.class)); // set up some timeslots Timeslot ts1 = timeslotRepo.makeTimeslot(start); ts1.disable(); Timeslot ts2 = timeslotRepo.makeTimeslot(start.plus(TimeService.HOUR)); Timeslot ts3 = timeslotRepo.makeTimeslot(start.plus(TimeService.HOUR * 2)); assertEquals("2 enabled timeslots", 2, timeslotRepo.enabledTimeslots().size()); // 50 mwh already sold in ts2 MarketPosition posn2 = new MarketPosition(genco, ts2, -50.0); genco.addMarketPosition(posn2, ts2); // generate orders and check genco.generateOrders(start, timeslotRepo.enabledTimeslots()); assertEquals("two orders", 2, orderList.size()); Order first = orderList.get(0); assertEquals("first order for ts2", ts2, first.getTimeslot()); assertEquals("first order price", 1.0, first.getLimitPrice(), 1e-6); assertEquals("first order for 50 mwh", -50.0, first.getMWh(), 1e-6); Order second = orderList.get(1); assertEquals("second order for ts3", ts3, second.getTimeslot()); assertEquals("second order price", 1.0, second.getLimitPrice(), 1e-6); assertEquals("second order for 100 mwh", -100.0, second.getMWh(), 1e-6); }
@Test public void testUpdateModel() { when(seed.nextDouble()).thenReturn(0.5); PluginConfig config = new PluginConfig("Genco", ""); genco.configure(config); // all defaults assertEquals("correct initial capacity", 100.0, genco.getCurrentCapacity(), 1e-6); assertTrue("initially in operation", genco.isInOperation()); genco.updateModel(start); assertEquals("correct updated capacity", 100.0, genco.getCurrentCapacity(), 1e-6); assertTrue("still in operation", genco.isInOperation()); }
@Test public void testGenco() { assertNotNull("created something", genco); assertEquals("correct name", "Test", genco.getUsername()); }