Ejemplo n.º 1
   * Looks a configuration object using the preference store and extension points to locate the
   * class and instantiate it. If there is a problem, null is returned and the caller is expect to
   * supply a default value of their own. Exceptions are not thrown, but messages will be logged.
   * <p>These configuration objects are typically defined in plugin_customization.ini files, and
   * these values are loaded into the preference store. The parameter <tt>prefConstant</tt> is used
   * to look up this value, and should be the key (prefixed by the plug-in name,
   * org.locationtech.udig.ui) used in the ini file.
   * <p>The returned object will either be an instances of <tt>interfaceClass</tt> or <tt>null</tt>.
   * <p>The parameter <tt>xpid</tt> is the extension point ID that the value specified in the ini
   * file should point to. This extension point must contain an attribute used for an id, and an
   * attribute used for the class which is an implementation of <tt>interfaceClass</tt>.
   * <tt>idField</tt> indicates the name of the attribute for id, and <tt>classField</tt> indicates
   * the name of the attribute for the class.
   * <p>Example: plugin_customization.ini
   * <pre>
   * org.locationtech.udig.ui/workbenchConfiguration=org.locationtech.udig.internal.ui.UDIGWorkbenchConfiguration
   * </pre>
   * <b><tt>store</tt></b>: org.locationtech.udig.internal.ui.UiPlugin.getPreferenceStore() (this
   * corresponds to the first part of the key)
   * <p><b><tt>pluginID</tt></b>: "org.locationtech.udig.ui"
   * <p><b><tt>prefConstant</tt></b>: "workbenchConfiguration"
   * <pre>
   *     <extension
   *       point="org.locationtech.udig.ui.workbenchConfigurations">
   *         <workbenchConfiguration
   *           class="org.locationtech.udig.internal.ui.UDIGWorkbenchConfiguration"
   *           id="org.locationtech.udig.internal.ui.UDIGWorkbenchConfiguration"/>
   *     </extension>
   * </pre>
   * <b><tt>xpid</tt></b>: "org.locationtech.udig.ui.workbenchConfigurations"
   * <b><tt>idField</tt></b>: "id" <b><tt>classField</tt></b>: "class"
   * <p>This will return an instance of <tt>org.locationtech.udig.ui.WorkbenchConfiguration</tt>, or
   * null if it cannot find one (in which case, check the logs!).
   * <p>Make sure to be a good developer and use constants. Also make sure to use a default
   * implementation if this returns null! The code should not explode!
   * <p>TODO It would be nice to simplify this API call.
   * @param interfaceClass instance of the interface that will be instantiated and returned
   * @param store the preference store used to lookup prefConstant
   * @param pluginID the ID of the plug-in that the preference store lives
   * @param prefConstant key used in plugin_customization.ini
   * @param xpid extension point id key
   * @param idField id attribute key used in extension point
   * @param classField class attribute key used in extension point
  public static Object lookupConfigurationObject(
      Class<?> interfaceClass,
      final IPreferenceStore store,
      final String pluginID,
      final String prefConstant,
      final String xpid,
      final String idField,
      final String classField) {

    final String configurationID = store.getString(prefConstant);

    if (configurationID != null && !configurationID.equals("")) {
      try {
        final Object[] configObj = new Object[1];
        final Throwable[] error = new Throwable[1];
        ExtensionPointProcessor p =
            new ExtensionPointProcessor() {

              public void process(IExtension extension, IConfigurationElement element)
                  throws Exception {
                try {
                  if (element.getAttribute(idField) != null
                      && element.getAttribute(idField).equals(configurationID)) {
                    Object obj = element.createExecutableExtension(classField);
                    configObj[0] = obj;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                  configObj[0] = null;
                  error[0] = e;
        ExtensionPointUtil.process(getDefault(), xpid, p);

        if (configObj[0] != null) {
          return configObj[0];
        } else {
          MessageFormat format =
              new MessageFormat(Messages.UDIGWorkbenchWindowAdvisor_specifiedButNotFound);
          Object[] args = new Object[] {configurationID, interfaceClass.getName()};
          StringBuffer message = format.format(args, new StringBuffer(), null);
          Throwable e = null;
          if (error[0] != null) {
            e = error[0];
          trace(message.toString(), e);
      } catch (Exception e) {
                new Object[] {configurationID},

    return null;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Adds the name of the caller class to the message.
  * @param caller class of the object doing the trace.
  * @param message tracing message, may be null.
  * @param e exception, may be null.
 public static void trace(Class<?> caller, String message, Throwable e) {
   trace(caller.getSimpleName() + ": " + message, e); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Messages that only engage if getDefault().isDebugging() and the trace option traceID is true.
  * Available trace options can be found in the Trace class. (They must also be part of the
  * .options file)
 public static void trace(String traceID, Class<?> caller, String message, Throwable e) {
   if (isDebugging(traceID)) {
     trace(caller, message, e);