   * Sets the Milestone in the passed in section to be readonly if it has been copied to a CG
   * Invoice doc.
   * @param section Milestone section to review and possibly set readonly
   * @param proposalNumber used to look for CG Invoice docs
  private void prepareMilestonesTab(Section section, Long proposalNumber) {
    ContractsGrantsInvoiceDocumentService cgInvDocService =

    for (Row row : section.getRows()) {
      for (Field field : row.getFields()) {
        if (field.getCONTAINER().equalsIgnoreCase(field.getFieldType())) {
          for (Row containerRow : field.getContainerRows()) {
            for (Field containerRowfield : containerRow.getFields()) {
              // a record is no longer editable if the bill has been copied to a CINV doc
              if (ObjectUtils.getNestedAttributePrimitive(containerRowfield.getPropertyName())
                  .matches(ArPropertyConstants.MilestoneFields.MILESTONE_IDENTIFIER)) {
                String milestoneId = containerRowfield.getPropertyValue();
                if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(milestoneId)) {
                  if (cgInvDocService.hasMilestoneBeenCopiedToInvoice(
                      proposalNumber, milestoneId)) {
                    for (Field rowfield : row.getFields()) {
                      if (rowfield.getCONTAINER().equalsIgnoreCase(rowfield.getFieldType())) {
                        for (Row fieldContainerRow : rowfield.getContainerRows()) {
                          for (Field fieldContainerRowField : fieldContainerRow.getFields()) {
  public void testMultiCampusRows() {
        .addObject(MultiCampusConstants.USER_CAMPUS_CODE_KEY, (Object) CAMPUS_CODE);

    List<Row> rows = service.getRows();
    assertEquals(LOOKUP_CRITERIA_FIELD_COUNT, rows.size());
    for (Row row : rows) {
      for (Field field : row.getFields()) {
        if (field.getPropertyName().equals(CAMPUS_CODE_FIELD)) {
          assertFieldProperties(field, CAMPUS_CODE_FIELD, CAMPUS_LOOKUPABLE_CLASS_NAME);
          assertEquals(CAMPUS_CODE, field.getPropertyValue());