Ejemplo n.º 1
   * Creates a Kiji table in an HBase instance, without checking for validation compatibility and
   * without applying permissions.
   * @param tableLayout The initial layout of the table (with unassigned column ids).
   * @param splitKeys The initial key boundaries between regions. There will be splitKeys + 1
   *     regions created. Pass null to specify the default single region.
   * @throws IOException on I/O error.
   * @throws KijiAlreadyExistsException if the table already exists.
  private void createTableUnchecked(TableLayoutDesc tableLayout, byte[][] splitKeys)
      throws IOException {
    final KijiURI tableURI = KijiURI.newBuilder(mURI).withTableName(tableLayout.getName()).build();

    // This will validate the layout and may throw an InvalidLayoutException.
    final KijiTableLayout kijiTableLayout = KijiTableLayout.newLayout(tableLayout);

    if (getMetaTable().tableExists(tableLayout.getName())) {
      throw new KijiAlreadyExistsException(
          String.format("Kiji table '%s' already exists.", tableURI), tableURI);

    if (tableLayout.getKeysFormat() instanceof RowKeyFormat) {
      LOG.warn("Usage of 'RowKeyFormat' is deprecated. New tables should use 'RowKeyFormat2'.");

    getMetaTable().updateTableLayout(tableLayout.getName(), tableLayout);

    if (mSystemVersion.compareTo(Versions.SYSTEM_2_0) >= 0) {
      // system-2.0 clients retrieve the table layout from ZooKeeper as a stream of notifications.
      // Invariant: ZooKeeper hold the most recent layout of the table.
      LOG.debug("Writing initial table layout in ZooKeeper for table {}.", tableURI);
      try {
        final ZooKeeperMonitor monitor = new ZooKeeperMonitor(mZKClient);
        try {
          final byte[] layoutId = Bytes.toBytes(kijiTableLayout.getDesc().getLayoutId());
          monitor.notifyNewTableLayout(tableURI, layoutId, -1);
        } finally {
      } catch (KeeperException ke) {
        throw new IOException(ke);

    try {
      final HTableSchemaTranslator translator = new HTableSchemaTranslator();
      final HTableDescriptor desc =
          translator.toHTableDescriptor(mURI.getInstance(), kijiTableLayout);
      LOG.debug("Creating HBase table '{}'.", desc.getNameAsString());
      if (null != splitKeys) {
        getHBaseAdmin().createTable(desc, splitKeys);
      } else {
    } catch (TableExistsException tee) {
      throw new KijiAlreadyExistsException(
          String.format("Kiji table '%s' already exists.", tableURI), tableURI);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public KijiTableLayout modifyTableLayout(
      TableLayoutDesc update, boolean dryRun, PrintStream printStream) throws IOException {
    final State state = mState.get();
        state == State.OPEN,
        "Cannot modify table layout in Kiji instance %s in state %s.",


    if (dryRun && (null == printStream)) {
      printStream = System.out;

    final KijiMetaTable metaTable = getMetaTable();

    final String tableName = update.getName();
    // Throws a KijiTableNotFoundException if there is no table.

    final KijiURI tableURI = KijiURI.newBuilder(mURI).withTableName(tableName).build();
    LOG.debug("Applying layout update {} on table {}", update, tableURI);

    KijiTableLayout newLayout = null;

    if (dryRun) {
      // Process column ids and perform validation, but don't actually update the meta table.
      final List<KijiTableLayout> layouts = metaTable.getTableLayoutVersions(tableName, 1);
      final KijiTableLayout currentLayout = layouts.isEmpty() ? null : layouts.get(0);
      newLayout = KijiTableLayout.createUpdatedLayout(update, currentLayout);
    } else {
      // Actually set it.
      if (mSystemVersion.compareTo(Versions.SYSTEM_2_0) >= 0) {
        try {
          // Use ZooKeeper to inform all watchers that a new table layout is available.
          final HBaseTableLayoutUpdater updater =
              new HBaseTableLayoutUpdater(this, tableURI, update);
          try {
            newLayout = updater.getNewLayout();
          } finally {
        } catch (KeeperException ke) {
          throw new IOException(ke);
      } else {
        // System versions before system-2.0 do not enforce table layout update consistency or
        // validation.
        newLayout = metaTable.updateTableLayout(tableName, update);
    Preconditions.checkState(newLayout != null);

    if (dryRun) {
      printStream.println("This table layout is valid.");

    LOG.debug("Computing new HBase schema");
    final HTableSchemaTranslator translator = new HTableSchemaTranslator();
    final HTableDescriptor newTableDescriptor =
        translator.toHTableDescriptor(mURI.getInstance(), newLayout);

    LOG.debug("Reading existing HBase schema");
    final KijiManagedHBaseTableName hbaseTableName =
        KijiManagedHBaseTableName.getKijiTableName(mURI.getInstance(), tableName);
    HTableDescriptor currentTableDescriptor = null;
    byte[] tableNameAsBytes = hbaseTableName.toBytes();
    try {
      currentTableDescriptor = getHBaseAdmin().getTableDescriptor(tableNameAsBytes);
    } catch (TableNotFoundException tnfe) {
      if (!dryRun) {
        throw tnfe; // Not in dry-run mode; table needs to exist. Rethrow exception.
    if (currentTableDescriptor == null) {
      if (dryRun) {
        printStream.println("Would create new table: " + tableName);
        currentTableDescriptor =
      } else {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "Table " + hbaseTableName.getKijiTableName() + " does not exist");
    LOG.debug("Existing table descriptor: {}", currentTableDescriptor);
    LOG.debug("New table descriptor: {}", newTableDescriptor);

    LOG.debug("Checking for differences between the new HBase schema and the existing one");
    final HTableDescriptorComparator comparator = new HTableDescriptorComparator();
    if (0 == comparator.compare(currentTableDescriptor, newTableDescriptor)) {
      LOG.debug("HBase schemas are the same.  No need to change HBase schema");
      if (dryRun) {
        printStream.println("This layout does not require any physical table schema changes.");
    } else {
      LOG.debug("HBase schema must be changed, but no columns will be deleted");

      if (dryRun) {
        printStream.println("Changes caused by this table layout:");
      } else {
        LOG.debug("Disabling HBase table");

      for (HColumnDescriptor newColumnDescriptor : newTableDescriptor.getFamilies()) {
        final String columnName = Bytes.toString(newColumnDescriptor.getName());
        final ColumnId columnId = ColumnId.fromString(columnName);
        final String lgName = newLayout.getLocalityGroupIdNameMap().get(columnId);
        final HColumnDescriptor currentColumnDescriptor =
        if (null == currentColumnDescriptor) {
          if (dryRun) {
            printStream.println("  Creating new locality group: " + lgName);
          } else {
            LOG.debug("Creating new column " + columnName);
            getHBaseAdmin().addColumn(hbaseTableName.toString(), newColumnDescriptor);
        } else if (!newColumnDescriptor.equals(currentColumnDescriptor)) {
          if (dryRun) {
            printStream.println("  Modifying locality group: " + lgName);
          } else {
            LOG.debug("Modifying column " + columnName);
            getHBaseAdmin().modifyColumn(hbaseTableName.toString(), newColumnDescriptor);
        } else {
          LOG.debug("No changes needed for column " + columnName);

      if (dryRun) {
        if (newTableDescriptor.getMaxFileSize() != currentTableDescriptor.getMaxFileSize()) {
              "  Changing max_filesize from %d to %d: %n",
              currentTableDescriptor.getMaxFileSize(), newTableDescriptor.getMaxFileSize());
        if (newTableDescriptor.getMaxFileSize() != currentTableDescriptor.getMaxFileSize()) {
              "  Changing memstore_flushsize from %d to %d: %n",
      } else {
        LOG.debug("Modifying table descriptor");
        getHBaseAdmin().modifyTable(tableNameAsBytes, newTableDescriptor);

      if (!dryRun) {
        LOG.debug("Re-enabling HBase table");

    return newLayout;