protected void disposeAllContainers() {
   ServiceResponse<KieContainerResourceList> response = client.listContainers();
   Assert.assertEquals(ServiceResponse.ResponseType.SUCCESS, response.getType());
   List<KieContainerResource> containers = response.getResult().getContainers();
   if (containers != null) {
     for (KieContainerResource container : containers) {
  * The first call to the server takes usually much longer because the JVM needs to load all the classes, JAXRS subsystem gets
  * initialized, etc. The first test sometimes fails, more frequently on slow machines.
  * This method creates dummy container and then immediately destroys it. This should warm-up the server enough
  * so that the subsequent calls are faster.
 private static void warmUpServer() throws Exception {
       "Warming-up the server by creating dummy container and then immediately destroying it...");
   KieServicesConfiguration config = createKieServicesRestConfiguration();
   // specify higher timeout, the default is too small
   KieServicesClient client = KieServicesFactory.newKieServicesClient(config);
   ReleaseId warmUpReleaseId = new ReleaseId("org.kie.server.testing", "server-warm-up", "42");
           "warm-up-kjar", new KieContainerResource("warm-up-kjar", warmUpReleaseId)));
   assertSuccess(client.disposeContainer("warm-up-kjar"));"Server warm-up done.");
 public String call() {
   String payload =
       "<batch-execution lookup=\"kbase1.stateless\">\n"
           + "  <insert out-identifier=\"person1\">\n"
           + "    <org.kie.server.testing.Person>\n"
           + "      <firstname>Darth</firstname>\n"
           + "    </org.kie.server.testing.Person>\n"
           + "  </insert>\n"
           + "</batch-execution>";
   long threadId = Thread.currentThread().getId();
   ServiceResponse<String> reply;
   for (int i = 0; i < NR_OF_REQUESTS_PER_THREAD; i++) {
     logger.trace("Container call #{}, thread-id={}", i, threadId);
     reply = client.executeCommands(CONTAINER_ID, payload);
     logger.trace("Container reply for request #{}: {}, thread-id={}", i, reply, threadId);
     assertEquals(ServiceResponse.ResponseType.SUCCESS, reply.getType());
   return "SUCCESS";