@Test public void testFlatMapMaxConcurrent() { final int m = 4; final AtomicInteger subscriptionCount = new AtomicInteger(); Observable<Integer> source = Observable.range(1, 10) .flatMap( new Func1<Integer, Observable<Integer>>() { @Override public Observable<Integer> call(Integer t1) { return compose(Observable.range(t1 * 10, 2), subscriptionCount, m) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.computation()); } }, m); TestSubscriber<Integer> ts = new TestSubscriber<Integer>(); source.subscribe(ts); ts.awaitTerminalEvent(); ts.assertNoErrors(); Set<Integer> expected = new HashSet<Integer>( Arrays.asList( 10, 11, 20, 21, 30, 31, 40, 41, 50, 51, 60, 61, 70, 71, 80, 81, 90, 91, 100, 101)); Assert.assertEquals(expected.size(), ts.getOnNextEvents().size()); Assert.assertTrue(expected.containsAll(ts.getOnNextEvents())); }
@Test public void testWetherAfterAddingEntryAndRemovingItSizesAreChanging() { ImagesBuffer buffer = ImagesBuffer.getInstance(); buffer.clear(); buffer.addEntry("all", "cards.jpg"); Assert.assertEquals(1, buffer.size()); buffer.removeEntry("all"); Assert.assertEquals(0, buffer.size()); }
/** Demonstrate toString() usage */ @Test public void testToString() { // create tree DecisionTree t1 = new DecisionTree<String>(new Attribute<String>("Price", null)); DecisionTree t2 = new DecisionTree<String>(new Attribute<String>("Est", null)); DecisionTree t3 = new DecisionTree<String>(new Attribute<String>("Type", null)); t1.addBranch("$$$", t2); t2.addBranch("0-10", t3); t2.addLeaf(">60", "No"); t3.addLeaf("French", "Yes"); // test Assert.assertEquals( "|- Price" + "\n" + " |- $$$" + "\n" + " |- Est" + "\n" + " |- 0-10" + "\n" + " |- Type" + "\n" + " |- French -> Yes" + "\n" + " |- >60 -> No" + "\n", t1.toString()); }
@Test public void testGettingElementWhichIsNotPresent() { ImagesBuffer buffer = ImagesBuffer.getInstance(); buffer.clear(); BufferedImage im = buffer.getEntry("dasd"); Assert.assertEquals(null, im); }
@Test public void formatTest1() { Formatter format = new Formatter(); String result = formatter.format("{0:.2f}", 3.1415926); Assert.assertEquals(format.format("%.2f", 3.1415926).toString(), result); format.close(); }
@Test public void testPCTiles() { // Simplified version of tests in runit_quantile_1_golden.R. There we test // probs=seq(0,1,by=0.01) Vec vec = vec(5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 18, 23, 27, 28, 30, 31, 33, 34, 43, 45, 48, 161); double[] pctiles = vec.pctiles(); // System.out.println(java.util.Arrays.toString(pctiles)); Assert.assertEquals(13.75, pctiles[4], 1e-5); vec.remove(); vec = vec(5, 8, 9, 9, 9, 16, 18, 23, 27, 28, 30, 31, 31, 34, 43, 43, 43, 161); pctiles = vec.pctiles(); // System.out.println(java.util.Arrays.toString(pctiles)); Assert.assertEquals(10.75, pctiles[4], 1e-5); vec.remove(); }
@Test public void studentInformationIsPrintedOutCorrectly() { GsonReader mockGson = mock(GsonReader.class); String studentNr = "13865669"; Palautukset palautukset = new Palautukset(); ArrayList<Palautus> palautusLista = new ArrayList<Palautus>(); Palautus p = new Palautus(); p.setEtunimi("Tony"); p.setSukunimi("Kovanen"); p.setGithubtunnus("rase-"); p.setOpiskelijanumero("13865669"); p.setTehtavat("1,2,3,4,5"); p.setTehtavia(5); p.setTunteja(2); p.setViikko(1); palautusLista.add(p); Palautus b = new Palautus(); b.setEtunimi("Bottleneck"); b.setSukunimi(""); b.setGithubtunnus(""); b.setOpiskelijanumero("13865669"); b.setTehtavat("Bottleneck"); b.setTehtavia(0); b.setTunteja(0); b.setViikko(0); palautusLista.add(b); palautukset.setPalautukset(palautusLista); when(mockGson.read(studentNr)).thenReturn(palautukset); StudentInformation info = new StudentInformation(studentNr, mockGson); System.out.println(info); Assert.assertEquals( "Tony Kovanen 13865669\n\nminiprojekti: Bottleneck\n\nviikko 1: 5 tehtävää 1,2,3,4,5 aikaa kului 2 tuntia.\n\nyhteensä: 5 tehtävää 2 tuntia", info.toString()); }
@Test public void testRemovingElementWhichIsNotPresent() { ImagesBuffer buffer = ImagesBuffer.getInstance(); buffer.clear(); buffer.removeEntry("dasd"); Assert.assertEquals(0, buffer.size()); }
/** Test CassandraOutputStream.write(int); */ private void testWriteWith( int blockSize, int subblockSize, int bufferSize, int totalBytesToWrite, int storedSubBlockesExpectation) throws Exception { StoreMock storeMock = new StoreMock(); out = new CassandraOutputStream( null, storeMock, null, null, blockSize, subblockSize, null, bufferSize); Assert.assertEquals(0, out.getPos()); for (int i = 0; i < totalBytesToWrite; i++) { out.write(i); } Assert.assertEquals(totalBytesToWrite, out.getPos()); out.close(); // Validate the expectations. Assert.assertEquals(storedSubBlockesExpectation, storeMock.storeSubBlockCount); // This is always one. Assert.assertEquals(1, storeMock.storeINodeCount); int totalBlocks = calculateTotalBlocks(totalBytesToWrite, blockSize); // Assert the total blocks per file Assert.assertEquals(totalBlocks, storeMock.inodesStored.get(0).getBlocks().length); // Assert SubBlocks per Block int totalSubBlocksPerBlock = blockSize % subblockSize == 0 ? blockSize / subblockSize : (blockSize / subblockSize) + 1; assertSubBlocksInBlocks( storeMock.inodesStored.get(0).getBlocks(), totalSubBlocksPerBlock, storedSubBlockesExpectation); // Assert and print for debug. for (Block block : storeMock.inodesStored.get(0).getBlocks()) { logger.info(block); } }
@Test public void returningNullvaluedStudentReturnsASpecialToString() { GsonReader mockGson = mock(GsonReader.class); String studentNr = "13865669"; when(mockGson.read(studentNr)).thenReturn(new Palautukset()); StudentInformation info = new StudentInformation(studentNr, mockGson); Assert.assertEquals("Käyttäjää ei löytynyt", info.toString()); }
@Test public void testAddingTheSameEntires() { ImagesBuffer buffer = ImagesBuffer.getInstance(); buffer.clear(); buffer.addEntry("all", "cards.jpg"); buffer.addEntry("all", "cards.jpg"); Assert.assertEquals(1, buffer.size()); }
@Test public void testWetherAfterAddingEntryNumberOfEntriesEcountered() { ImagesBuffer buffer = ImagesBuffer.getInstance(); buffer.clear(); buffer.addEntry("all", "cards.jpg"); int size = buffer.size(); Assert.assertEquals(1, size); }
@Test public void extractorFieldNotFound() { class TestClass { public int a = 10; } String result = formatter.format("Test {0.a}, {0.b}", new TestClass()); Assert.assertEquals("Test 10, ", result); }
@Test public void shouldReturnUnparsableClassIfErrorOccursWhileParsing() { ClassParser parser = mock(ClassParser.class); when(parser.getClass("MyClassName")).thenThrow(new RuntimeException(new NotFoundException(""))); builder = new JavaClassBuilder(parser); Assert.assertThat(builder.createClass("MyClassName"), instanceOf(UnparsableClass.class)); }
@Test public void otherExtractorError() { class TestClass { public Object a = null; } String result = formatter.format("Test {0.a.b}", new TestClass()); Assert.assertEquals("Test ", result); }
/** Verify that the Blocks have the expected amount of SubBlocks. */ private void assertSubBlocksInBlocks( Block[] blocks, int totalSubBlocksPerBlock, int storedSubBlockesExpectation) { int totalSubBlocksSoFar = 0; for (Block block : blocks) { if (storedSubBlockesExpectation - totalSubBlocksSoFar < totalSubBlocksPerBlock) { // This is the last block. Assert the remaining subBlocks Assert.assertEquals( storedSubBlockesExpectation - totalSubBlocksSoFar, block.subBlocks.length); } else { Assert.assertEquals(totalSubBlocksPerBlock, block.subBlocks.length); } // Keep accumulating totalSubBlocksSoFar += block.subBlocks.length; } // Validate the total Sub Blocks. Assert.assertEquals(storedSubBlockesExpectation, totalSubBlocksSoFar); }
@Test public void testAddingBufferedImageUnderKeyAndRetrievingIt() { ImagesBuffer buffer = ImagesBuffer.getInstance(); buffer.addEntry("all", "cards.jpg"); BufferedImage image = buffer.getEntry("all"); Assert.assertNotNull(image); // buffer.splitImagesFromSource("cards.jpg",50,100); // CardNode node= new CardNode(new Card(Card.Name.ACE,Card.Suit.SPADE)); }
/** * Run the String getRefreshTimeSeconds() method test. * * @throws Exception * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/15/14 3:52 PM */ @Test public void testGetRefreshTimeSeconds_1() throws Exception { JobQueueManager fixture = new JobQueueManager(); fixture.tableState = new TableViewState(); fixture.tablePrefs = new TablePreferences(new LinkedList()); fixture.setRefreshTimeSeconds("30"); String result = fixture.getRefreshTimeSeconds(); assertNotNull(result); Assert.assertEquals("30", fixture.getRefreshTimeSeconds()); }
@Test public void testFuzzySearch() throws Exception { CertTypeService c = CertTypeService.getService(); try { Assert.assertNotNull(c.fuzzySearch("id", "1")); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
@Test(expected = RuntimeException.class) public void testPredictWithDepth() throws Exception { // get restaurant data DataSet restaurant = DataSetTest.loadRestaurantData(); // create tree DecisionTree t1 = new DecisionTree<String>(new Attribute<String>("Price", null)); DecisionTree t2 = new DecisionTree<String>(new Attribute<String>("Est", null)); DecisionTree t3 = new DecisionTree<String>(new Attribute<String>("Type", null)); t1.addBranch("$$$", t2); t2.addBranch("0-10", t3); t3.addLeaf("French", "Yes"); // test Assert.assertEquals("Yes", t1.predict(restaurant.getExample(0))); Assert.assertEquals( null, t1.predict( restaurant.getExample( 4))); // should throw RuntimeException since no branch is set for ">60" }
/** Test CassandraOutputStream.write(buffer, off, len); */ private void testWriteBufferWith( int blockSize, int subblockSize, int bufferSize, int totalBytesToWrite, int storedSubBlockesExpectation) throws Exception { // Null object here are not needed or irrelevant for this test case. // buffer size different from bytes to write is intentional. StoreMock storeMock = new StoreMock(); out = new CassandraOutputStream( null, storeMock, null, null, blockSize, subblockSize, null, bufferSize); Assert.assertEquals(0, out.getPos()); // Fill up the buffer byte[] buffer = new byte[totalBytesToWrite]; for (int i = 0; i < totalBytesToWrite; i++) { buffer[i] = (byte) i; } // Invoke the method being tested. out.write(buffer, 0, totalBytesToWrite); Assert.assertEquals(totalBytesToWrite, out.getPos()); out.close(); // Validate the expectations. Assert.assertEquals(storedSubBlockesExpectation, storeMock.storeSubBlockCount); // This is always one. Assert.assertEquals(1, storeMock.storeINodeCount); int totalBlocks = calculateTotalBlocks(totalBytesToWrite, blockSize); // Assert the total blocks per file Assert.assertEquals(totalBlocks, storeMock.inodesStored.get(0).getBlocks().length); }
@Test public void moreComplexExctractor() { class TestClassA { public int a = 10; } class TestClassB { TestClassA b = new TestClassA(); } String result = formatter.format("Test {0.b.a}", new TestClassB()); Assert.assertEquals("Test 10", result); }
/** Test predictions */ @Test public void testPredict() { // get restaurant data DataSet restaurantData = null; try { restaurantData = DataSetTest.loadRestaurantData(); } catch (IOException e) { Assert.fail("Could not load restaurant data from URL."); } // create tree DecisionTree t = new DecisionTree<String>(new Attribute<String>("Price", null)); t.addBranch("$", new DecisionTreeLeaf("No")); t.addLeaf("$$", "Yes"); // alternate form, preferred t.addLeaf("$$$", "Maybe"); // test Assert.assertEquals("No", t.predict(restaurantData.getExample(1))); Assert.assertEquals("Yes", t.predict(restaurantData.getExample(5))); Assert.assertEquals("Maybe", t.predict(restaurantData.getExample(0))); // test tree coverage for (Example e : restaurantData) { Assert.assertNotNull(t.predict(e)); } }
@Test public void test35() throws Exception { driver.get(baseUrl + "/accountType/list"); driver.findElement(By.xpath("//strong[text()='Direct Customer']")).click(); driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("a.submit.edit > span")).click(); driver.findElement(By.id("creditLimitAsDecimal")).clear(); driver.findElement(By.id("creditLimitAsDecimal")).sendKeys("300.00"); driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("a.submit.save > span")).click(); driver.findElement(By.xpath("//strong[text()='Direct Customer']")).click(); driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("a.submit.edit > span")).click(); driver.findElement(By.id("creditLimitAsDecimal")).clear(); driver.findElement(By.id("creditLimitAsDecimal")).sendKeys("200.00"); driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("a.submit.save > span")).click(); driver.findElement(By.xpath("//strong[text()='Direct Customer']")).click(); Assert.assertEquals(driver.getPageSource().contains("US$200.00"), true); }
@Ignore // don't care for any reordering @Test(timeout = 10000) public void flatMapRangeAsyncLoop() { for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) { if (i % 10 == 0) { System.out.println("flatMapRangeAsyncLoop > " + i); } TestSubscriber<Integer> ts = new TestSubscriber<Integer>(); Observable.range(0, 1000) .flatMap( new Func1<Integer, Observable<Integer>>() { @Override public Observable<Integer> call(Integer t) { return Observable.just(t); } }) .observeOn(Schedulers.computation()) .subscribe(ts); ts.awaitTerminalEvent(2500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (ts.getOnCompletedEvents().isEmpty()) { System.out.println(ts.getOnNextEvents().size()); } ts.assertTerminalEvent(); ts.assertNoErrors(); List<Integer> list = ts.getOnNextEvents(); assertEquals(1000, list.size()); boolean f = false; for (int j = 0; j < list.size(); j++) { if (list.get(j) != j) { System.out.println(j + " " + list.get(j)); f = true; } } if (f) { Assert.fail("Results are out of order!"); } } }
@Test public void formatterNothingToDoHere() { String result = formatter.format("Test", 1, 2, 3); Assert.assertEquals(result, "Test"); }
@Test public void simpleFormat() { String result = formatter.format("Test {{ {0}, {1}, }} {{, {2} }}{{}}", 1, 2, 3); Assert.assertEquals(result, "Test { 1, 2, } {, 3 }{}"); }
@Test public void formatterNullArgs() { String result = formatter.format("test{0}test", null); Assert.assertEquals("testtest", result); }
@Test public void formatTest2() { String result = formatter.format("{0:04d}", new BigInteger("31")); Assert.assertEquals("0031", result); }