Ejemplo n.º 1
    /** Return the expression to be rendered when the RHS is an interval type */
    private final Field<T> getIntervalExpression(Configuration configuration) {
      SQLDialect dialect = configuration.getDialect();
      int sign = (operator == ADD) ? 1 : -1;

      switch (dialect) {
        case ASE:
        case SYBASE:
        case SQLSERVER:
            if (rhs.get(0).getType() == YearToMonth.class) {
              return field(
                  "{dateadd}(mm, {0}, {1})", getDataType(), val(sign * rhsAsYTM().intValue()), lhs);
            } else {
              // SQL Server needs this cast.
              Field<Timestamp> lhsAsTS = lhs.cast(Timestamp.class);
              DayToSecond interval = rhsAsDTS();

              // Be careful with 32-bit INT arithmetic. Sybase ASE
              // may fatally overflow when using micro-second precision
              if (interval.getNano() != 0) {
                return field(
                    "{dateadd}(ss, {0}, {dateadd}(us, {1}, {2}))",
                    val(sign * (long) interval.getTotalSeconds()),
                    val(sign * interval.getMicro()),
              } else {
                return field(
                    "{dateadd}(ss, {0}, {1})",
                    getDataType(), val(sign * (long) interval.getTotalSeconds()), lhsAsTS);

        case CUBRID:
        case MYSQL:
            Interval interval = rhsAsInterval();

            if (operator == SUBTRACT) {
              interval = interval.neg();

            if (rhs.get(0).getType() == YearToMonth.class) {
              return field(
                  "{date_add}({0}, {interval} {1} {year_month})",
                  getDataType(), lhs, val(interval, String.class));
            } else {
              if (dialect == MYSQL) {
                return field(
                    "{date_add}({0}, {interval} {1} {day_microsecond})",
                    getDataType(), lhs, val(interval, String.class));
              } else {
                return field(
                    "{date_add}({0}, {interval} {1} {day_millisecond})",
                    getDataType(), lhs, val(interval, String.class));

        case DB2:
            if (rhs.get(0).getType() == YearToMonth.class) {
              if (operator == ADD) {
                return lhs.add(field("{0} month", val(rhsAsYTM().intValue())));
              } else {
                return lhs.sub(field("{0} month", val(rhsAsYTM().intValue())));
            } else {
              // DB2 needs this cast if lhs is of type DATE.
              DataType<T> type = lhs.getDataType();

              if (operator == ADD) {
                return lhs.cast(Timestamp.class)
                    .add(field("{0} microseconds", val(rhsAsDTS().getTotalMicro())))
              } else {
                return lhs.cast(Timestamp.class)
                    .sub(field("{0} microseconds", val(rhsAsDTS().getTotalMicro())))

        case DERBY:
        case HSQLDB:
            if (rhs.get(0).getType() == YearToMonth.class) {
              return field(
                  "{fn {timestampadd}({sql_tsi_month}, {0}, {1}) }",
                  getDataType(), val(sign * rhsAsYTM().intValue()), lhs);
            } else {
              return field(
                  "{fn {timestampadd}({sql_tsi_second}, {0}, {1}) }",
                  getDataType(), val(sign * (long) rhsAsDTS().getTotalSeconds()), lhs);

        case FIREBIRD:
            if (rhs.get(0).getType() == YearToMonth.class) {
              return field(
                  "{dateadd}({month}, {0}, {1})",
                  getDataType(), val(sign * rhsAsYTM().intValue()), lhs);
            } else {
              return field(
                  "{dateadd}({millisecond}, {0}, {1})",
                  getDataType(), val(sign * (long) rhsAsDTS().getTotalMilli()), lhs);

        case H2:
            if (rhs.get(0).getType() == YearToMonth.class) {
              return field(
                  "{dateadd}('month', {0}, {1})",
                  getDataType(), val(sign * rhsAsYTM().intValue()), lhs);
            } else {
              return field(
                  "{dateadd}('ms', {0}, {1})",
                  getDataType(), val(sign * (long) rhsAsDTS().getTotalMilli()), lhs);

        case INGRES:
            throw new SQLDialectNotSupportedException(
                "Date time arithmetic not supported in Ingres. Contributions welcome!");

        case SQLITE:
            String prefix = (sign > 0) ? "+" : "-";

            if (rhs.get(0).getType() == YearToMonth.class) {
              return field(
                  "{datetime}({0}, '" + prefix + rhsAsYTM().intValue() + " months')",
            } else {
              return field(
                  "{datetime}({0}, '" + prefix + rhsAsDTS().getTotalSeconds() + " seconds')",

        case ORACLE:
        case POSTGRES:
          return new DefaultExpression();