private void setupAttributes() { Color frameColor = (Color) AttributeFigure.getDefaultAttribute(FigureAttributeConstant.FRAME_COLOR); Color fillColor = (Color) AttributeFigure.getDefaultAttribute(FigureAttributeConstant.FILL_COLOR); Integer arrowMode = (Integer) AttributeFigure.getDefaultAttribute(FigureAttributeConstant.ARROW_MODE); String fontName = (String) AttributeFigure.getDefaultAttribute(FigureAttributeConstant.FONT_NAME); FigureEnumeration fe = view().selection(); while (fe.hasNextFigure()) { Figure f = fe.nextFigure(); frameColor = (Color) f.getAttribute(FigureAttributeConstant.FRAME_COLOR); fillColor = (Color) f.getAttribute(FigureAttributeConstant.FILL_COLOR); arrowMode = (Integer) f.getAttribute(FigureAttributeConstant.ARROW_MODE); fontName = (String) f.getAttribute(FigureAttributeConstant.FONT_NAME); } fFrameColor.setSelectedIndex(ColorMap.colorIndex(frameColor)); fFillColor.setSelectedIndex(ColorMap.colorIndex(fillColor)); if (arrowMode != null) { fArrowChoice.setSelectedIndex(arrowMode.intValue()); } if (fontName != null) { fFontChoice.setSelectedItem(fontName); } }
public Rectangle2D.Double calculateLayout( CompositeFigure compositeFigure, Point2D.Double anchor, Point2D.Double lead) { Rectangle2D.Double bounds = null; for (Figure child : compositeFigure.getChildren()) { Locator locator = getLocator(child); Rectangle2D.Double r; if (locator == null) { r = child.getBounds(); } else { Point2D.Double p = locator.locate(compositeFigure); Dimension2DDouble d = child.getPreferredSize(); r = new Rectangle2D.Double(p.x, p.y, d.width, d.height); } if (!r.isEmpty()) { if (bounds == null) { bounds = r; } else { bounds.add(r); } } } return (bounds == null) ? new Rectangle2D.Double() : bounds; }
private Figure findConnectableFigure(Point2D.Double p, Drawing drawing) { for (Figure f : drawing.getFiguresFrontToBack()) { if (!f.includes(getOwner()) && f.canConnect() && f.contains(p)) { return f; } } return null; }
public Figure basicRemoveChild(int index) { Figure figure = children.get(index); children.remove(index); quadTree.remove(figure); figure.removeFigureListener(figureHandler); needsSorting = true; return figure; }
@Override public Figure findFigureInside(Point2D.Double p) { Collection<Figure> c = quadTree.findContains(p); for (Figure f : getFiguresFrontToBack()) { if (c.contains(f) && f.contains(p)) { return f.findFigureInside(p); } } return null; }
public java.util.List<Figure> findFiguresWithin(Rectangle2D.Double bounds) { LinkedList<Figure> contained = new LinkedList<Figure>(); for (Figure f : children) { Rectangle2D r = f.getBounds(); if (AttributeKeys.TRANSFORM.get(f) != null) { r = AttributeKeys.TRANSFORM.get(f).createTransformedShape(r).getBounds2D(); } if (f.isVisible() && bounds.contains(r)) { contained.add(f); } } return contained; }
public Figure findFigureBehind(Point2D.Double p, Figure figure) { boolean isBehind = false; for (Figure f : getFiguresFrontToBack()) { if (isBehind) { if (f.isVisible() && f.contains(p)) { return f; } } else { isBehind = figure == f; } } return null; }
public Figure findFigureBehind(Point2D.Double p, Collection<Figure> figures) { int inFrontOf = figures.size(); for (Figure f : getFiguresFrontToBack()) { if (inFrontOf == 0) { if (f.isVisible() && f.contains(p)) { return f; } } else { if (figures.contains(f)) { inFrontOf--; } } } return null; }
public void sendToBack(Figure figure) { if (children.remove(figure)) { children.add(0, figure); needsSorting = true; fireAreaInvalidated(figure.getDrawingArea()); } }
public void bringToFront(Figure figure) { if (children.remove(figure)) { children.add(figure); needsSorting = true; fireAreaInvalidated(figure.getDrawingArea()); } }
private Connector findConnectionTarget(Point2D.Double p, Drawing drawing) { Figure targetFigure = findConnectableFigure(p, drawing); if (getSource() == null && targetFigure != null) { return findConnector(p, targetFigure, getOwner()); } else if (targetFigure != null) { Connector target = findConnector(p, targetFigure, getOwner()); if ((targetFigure != null) && targetFigure.canConnect() && targetFigure != savedTarget && !targetFigure.includes(getOwner()) && (canConnect(getSource(), target) || getTarget() != null && getTarget().getOwner() == targetFigure)) { return target; } } return null; }
public Figure findFigure(Point2D.Double p) { Collection<Figure> c = quadTree.findContains(p); switch (c.size()) { case 0: return null; case 1: { Figure f = c.iterator().next(); return (f.contains(p)) ? f : null; } default: { for (Figure f : getFiguresFrontToBack()) { if (c.contains(f) && f.contains(p)) return f; } return null; } } }
public Figure findFigureExcept(Point2D.Double p, Collection ignore) { Collection<Figure> c = quadTree.findContains(p); switch (c.size()) { case 0: { return null; } case 1: { Figure f = c.iterator().next(); return (!ignore.contains(f) || !f.contains(p)) ? null : f; } default: { for (Figure f : getFiguresFrontToBack()) { if (!ignore.contains(f) && f.contains(p)) return f; } return null; } } }
public Rectangle2D.Double layout( CompositeFigure compositeFigure, Point2D.Double anchor, Point2D.Double lead) { Rectangle2D.Double bounds = null; for (Figure child : compositeFigure.getChildren()) { Locator locator = getLocator(child); Rectangle2D.Double r; if (locator == null) { r = child.getBounds(); } else { Point2D.Double p = locator.locate(compositeFigure, child); Dimension2DDouble d = child.getPreferredSize(); r = new Rectangle2D.Double(p.x, p.y, d.width, d.height); } child.willChange(); child.setBounds( new Point2D.Double(r.getMinX(), r.getMinY()), new Point2D.Double(r.getMaxX(), r.getMaxY())); child.changed(); if (!r.isEmpty()) { if (bounds == null) { bounds = r; } else { bounds.add(r); } } } return (bounds == null) ? new Rectangle2D.Double() : bounds; }
protected Point2D.Double chop(Figure target, Point2D.Double from) { target = getConnectorTarget(target); Rectangle2D.Double r = target.getBounds(); if (STROKE_COLOR.get(target) != null) { double grow; switch (STROKE_PLACEMENT.get(target)) { case CENTER: default: grow = AttributeKeys.getStrokeTotalWidth(target) / 2d; break; case OUTSIDE: grow = AttributeKeys.getStrokeTotalWidth(target); break; case INSIDE: grow = 0d; break; } Geom.grow(r, grow, grow); } return Geom.angleToPoint(r, Geom.pointToAngle(r, from)); }
/** * Updates the list of connectors that we draw when the user moves or drags the mouse over a * figure to which can connect. */ public void repaintConnectors() { Rectangle2D.Double invalidArea = null; for (Connector c : connectors) { if (invalidArea == null) { invalidArea = c.getDrawingArea(); } else { invalidArea.add(c.getDrawingArea()); } } connectors = (connectableFigure == null) ? new java.util.LinkedList<Connector>() : connectableFigure.getConnectors(getOwner()); for (Connector c : connectors) { if (invalidArea == null) { invalidArea = c.getDrawingArea(); } else { invalidArea.add(c.getDrawingArea()); } } if (invalidArea != null) { view.getComponent().repaint(view.drawingToView(invalidArea)); } }
public void basicAdd(int index, Figure figure) { children.add(index, figure); quadTree.add(figure, figure.getDrawingArea()); figure.addFigureListener(figureHandler); needsSorting = true; }
public void draw(Graphics2D g, Collection<Figure> c) { for (Figure f : c) { f.draw(g); } }
protected Connector findConnector(Point2D.Double p, Figure f, ConnectionFigure prototype) { return f.findConnector(p, prototype); }