   * Determine the fitness of the given Chromosome instance. The higher the return value, the more
   * fit the instance. This method should always return the same fitness value for two equivalent
   * Chromosome instances.
   * @param a_subject the Chromosome instance to evaluate
   * @return positive double reflecting the fitness rating of the given Chromosome
   * @since 2.0 (until 1.1: return type int)
   * @author Neil Rotstan, Klaus Meffert, John Serri
  public double evaluate(IChromosome a_subject) {
    // Take care of the fitness evaluator. It could either be weighting higher
    // fitness values higher (e.g.DefaultFitnessEvaluator). Or it could weight
    // lower fitness values higher, because the fitness value is seen as a
    // defect rate (e.g. DeltaFitnessEvaluator)
    boolean defaultComparation = a_subject.getConfiguration().getFitnessEvaluator().isFitter(2, 1);

    // The fitness value measures both how close the value is to the
    // target amount supplied by the user and the total number of coins
    // represented by the solution. We do this in two steps: first,
    // we consider only the represented amount of change vs. the target
    // amount of change and return higher fitness values for amounts
    // closer to the target, and lower fitness values for amounts further
    // away from the target. Then we go to step 2, which returns a higher
    // fitness value for solutions representing fewer total coins, and
    // lower fitness values for solutions representing more total coins.
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------
    int changeAmount = amountOfChange(a_subject);
    int totalCoins = getTotalNumberOfCoins(a_subject);
    int changeDifference = Math.abs(m_targetAmount - changeAmount);
    double fitness;
    if (defaultComparation) {
      fitness = 0.0d;
    } else {
      fitness = MAX_BOUND / 2;
    // Step 1: Determine distance of amount represented by solution from
    // the target amount. If the change difference is greater than zero we
    // will divide one by the difference in change between the
    // solution amount and the target amount. That will give the desired
    // effect of returning higher values for amounts closer to the target
    // amount and lower values for amounts further away from the target
    // amount.
    // In the case where the change difference is zero it means that we have
    // the correct amount and we assign a higher fitness value.
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    if (defaultComparation) {
      fitness += changeDifferenceBonus(MAX_BOUND / 2, changeDifference);
    } else {
      fitness -= changeDifferenceBonus(MAX_BOUND / 2, changeDifference);
    // Step 2: We divide the fitness value by a penalty based on the number of
    // coins. The higher the number of coins the higher the penalty and the
    // smaller the fitness value.
    // And inversely the smaller number of coins in the solution the higher
    // the resulting fitness value.
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    if (defaultComparation) {
      fitness -= computeCoinNumberPenalty(MAX_BOUND / 2, totalCoins);
    } else {
      fitness += computeCoinNumberPenalty(MAX_BOUND / 2, totalCoins);
    // Make sure fitness value is always positive.
    // -------------------------------------------
    return Math.max(1.0d, fitness);