Ejemplo n.º 1
 public Object from(Json x) {
   try {
     return HGUtils.loadClass(graph, x.asString());
   } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
     throw new HGException(e);
 protected T back() {
   if (HGUtils.eq(key.getData(), initialKey.getData())) return null;
   try {
     OperationStatus status = cursor.cursor().getPrev(key, data, LockMode.DEFAULT);
     if (status == OperationStatus.SUCCESS)
       return converter.fromByteArray(data.getData(), data.getOffset(), data.getSize());
     else return null;
   } catch (Throwable t) {
     throw new HGException(t);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public Object from(Json x) {
   Collection<Object> C;
   try {
     C =
             HGUtils.loadClass(graph, x.at("javaType").asString()).newInstance();
     for (Json j : x.at("data").asJsonList()) C.add(value(j));
   } catch (Exception e) {
     throw new RuntimeException(e);
   return C;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public Json to(Object x) {
   String typeName =
           ? shortNameMap.getY(x.getClass().getName())
           : x.getClass().getName();
   Json result = Json.object().set("javaType", typeName);
   if (x instanceof HGLink) {
     result.set("_link", array());
     for (int i = 0; i < ((HGLink) x).getArity(); i++)
       result.at("_link").add(((HGLink) x).getTargetAt(i));
   if (x instanceof Collection) {
     result.set("_collection", array());
     for (Object element : (Collection<?>) x)
   if (x instanceof Map) {
     result.set("_map", array());
     for (Map.Entry<?, ?> e : ((Map<?, ?>) x).entrySet())
                   .set("key", makeProperty(e.getKey()))
                   .set("value", makeProperty(e.getValue())));
   try {
     if (props != null) // user provided list of properties
     for (String propname : props) {
         PropertyDescriptor desc = BonesOfBeans.getPropertyDescriptor(x, propname);
         Object value = BonesOfBeans.getProperty(x, desc);
         if (!ignoreNulls || value != null) result.set(propname, makeProperty(value));
     else // all introspected properties
     for (PropertyDescriptor desc : BonesOfBeans.getAllPropertyDescriptors(x).values())
         if (desc.getReadMethod() != null && desc.getWriteMethod() != null) {
           Object value = BonesOfBeans.getProperty(x, desc);
           if (!ignoreNulls || value != null) result.set(desc.getName(), makeProperty(value));
     return result;
   } catch (Throwable ex) {
   return null; // unreachable
Ejemplo n.º 5
    public Object from(Json x) {
      if (!x.isObject()) return x.getValue();
      Json typeName = x.at("javaType");
      if ("mjson.Json".equals(typeName)) return x.at("value");
      if (typeName == null) {
        // Not a bean, must be simply a map
        HashMap<String, Object> m = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        for (Map.Entry<String, Json> e : x.asJsonMap().entrySet())
          m.put(e.getKey(), from(e.getValue()));
        return m;
      String fullName = shortNameMap.getX(typeName.asString());
      if (fullName == null) fullName = typeName.asString();

      if (fullName.equals(String.class.getName())) return x.at("value").getValue();
      else if (fullName.equals(Boolean.class.getName())) return x.at("value").getValue();

      try {
        Class<?> beanClass = HGUtils.loadClass(graph, fullName);
        if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(beanClass)) return castNumber(beanClass, x.at("value"));
        // return beanClass.getConstructor(new
        // Class[]{String.class}).newInstance(x.at("value").getValue().toString());
        else if (Boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(beanClass)) return x.at("value").asBoolean();
        Object bean = null;
        x = x.at("value");
        if (HGLink.class.isAssignableFrom(beanClass) && x.has("_link")) {
          HGHandle[] targets = new HGHandle[x.at("_link").asJsonList().size()];
          for (int i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) targets[i] = value(x.at("_link").at(i));
          bean =
                  .getDeclaredConstructor(new Class[] {HGHandle[].class})
                  .newInstance(new Object[] {targets});
        } else bean = beanClass.newInstance();
        if (x.has("_collection"))
          for (Json element : x.at("_collection").asJsonList())
            ((Collection<Object>) bean).add(value(element));
        if (x.has("_map"))
          for (Json entry : x.at("_map").asJsonList())
            ((Map<Object, Object>) bean).put(value(entry.at("key")), value(entry.at("value")));
        for (Map.Entry<String, Json> entry : x.asJsonMap().entrySet()) {
          PropertyDescriptor descriptor = BonesOfBeans.getPropertyDescriptor(bean, entry.getKey());
          if (descriptor == null) continue;
          Class<?> propertyClass = descriptor.getPropertyType();
          Object value = null;

          if (descriptor instanceof IndexedPropertyDescriptor) {
            int length = entry.getValue().asJsonList().size();
            Object A =
                    ((IndexedPropertyDescriptor) descriptor).getIndexedPropertyType(), length);
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) Array.set(A, i, from(entry.getValue().at(i)));

          } else if (propertyClass.equals(Class.class)) {
            if (entry.getValue().isString())
              value = HGUtils.loadClass(graph, entry.getValue().asString());
            else if (!entry.getValue().isNull())
              value = HGUtils.loadClass(graph, entry.getValue().at("value").asString());
          } else if (entry.getValue().isNumber())
            value = castNumber(propertyClass, entry.getValue());
          else value = value(entry.getValue());
          BonesOfBeans.setProperty(bean, entry.getKey(), value);
        return bean;
      } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Failed to JSON-deserialize bean of type " + fullName, ex);