   * Gets resolution information about the coverage itself.
   * @param reader an {@link ImageReader} to use for getting the resolution information.
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws TransformException
   * @throws DataSourceException
  private void getResolutionInfo(ImageReader reader) throws IOException, TransformException {
    // //
    // get the dimension of the high resolution image and compute the
    // resolution
    // //
    final Rectangle originalDim = new Rectangle(0, 0, reader.getWidth(0), reader.getHeight(0));
    if (originalGridRange == null) {
      originalGridRange = new GridEnvelope2D(originalDim);

    // ///
    // setting the higher resolution available for this coverage
    // ///
    highestRes = CoverageUtilities.getResolution((AffineTransform) raster2Model);

    if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
          new StringBuffer("Highest Resolution = [")