public void setNativeBox(Catalog catalog, String name) throws Exception {
   FeatureTypeInfo fti = catalog.getFeatureTypeByName(name);
   fti.setNativeBoundingBox(fti.getFeatureSource(null, null).getBounds());
       new ReferencedEnvelope(fti.getNativeBoundingBox(), DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84));;
  private LayerReference vectorLayer() throws IOException {
    Catalog catalog = getCatalog();
    FeatureTypeInfo typeInfo = catalog.getFeatureTypeByName(VECTOR_LAYER_NAME);
    FeatureSource<? extends FeatureType, ? extends Feature> source;
    source = typeInfo.getFeatureSource(null, null);

    LayerReference layerReference = new LayerReference(VECTOR_LAYER_NAME, source);
    return layerReference;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  public MockCatalogBuilder featureType(
      final String name,
      String srs,
      ProjectionPolicy projPolicy,
      ReferencedEnvelope envelope,
      ReferencedEnvelope latLonEnvelope) {

    String ftId = newId();
    final DataStoreInfo ds = dataStores.peekLast();
    NamespaceInfo ns = namespaces.peekLast();

    final FeatureTypeInfo ft = createNiceMock(FeatureTypeInfo.class);

        ft, FeatureTypeInfo.class, ftId, name, ds, ns, srs, projPolicy, envelope, latLonEnvelope);


    // setup the property file data
    File propDir = new File(dataDirRoot, ds.getName());

    String fileName = name + ".properties";
    try {
      IOUtils.copy(getClass().getResourceAsStream(fileName), new File(propDir, fileName));
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);

    try {
              new IAnswer<FeatureType>() {
                public FeatureType answer() throws Throwable {
                  return ((DataStore) ds.getDataStore(null)).getSchema(name);
      expect(ft.getFeatureSource(null, null))
                  new IAnswer<FeatureSource>() {
                    public FeatureSource answer() throws Throwable {
                      return ((DataStore) ds.getDataStore(null)).getFeatureSource(name);
    } catch (IOException e) {

    expect(catalog.getFeatureTypeByName(or(eq(name), eq(ns.getPrefix() + ":" + name))))

                or(eq(new NameImpl(ns.getPrefix(), name)), eq(new NameImpl(ns.getURI(), name)))))
    expect(catalog.getFeatureTypeByName(ns, name)).andReturn(ft).anyTimes();

    expect(catalog.getFeatureTypeByName(ns.getPrefix(), name)).andReturn(ft).anyTimes();
    // expect(catalog.getFeatureTypeByName(or(eq(ns.getPrefix()), eq(ns.getURI())), name))
    //    .andReturn(ft).anyTimes();

    expect(catalog.getFeatureTypeByStore(ds, name)).andReturn(ft).anyTimes();
    expect(catalog.getFeatureTypeByDataStore(ds, name)).andReturn(ft).anyTimes();

    ft.accept((CatalogVisitor) anyObject());
            new VisitAnswer() {
              protected void doVisit(CatalogVisitor visitor) {

    callback.onResource(name, ft, ds, this);
    replay(ft, createLayer(ft, name, ns));
    return this;
Ejemplo n.º 4
   * Loads the feature collection based on the current styling and the scale denominator. If no
   * feature is going to be returned a null feature collection will be returned instead
   * @param featureSource
   * @param layer
   * @param mapContent
   * @param wms
   * @param scaleDenominator
   * @return
   * @throws Exception
  public static SimpleFeatureCollection loadFeatureCollection(
      SimpleFeatureSource featureSource,
      Layer layer,
      WMSMapContent mapContent,
      WMS wms,
      double scaleDenominator)
      throws Exception {
    SimpleFeatureType schema = featureSource.getSchema();

    Envelope envelope = mapContent.getRenderingArea();
    ReferencedEnvelope aoi =
        new ReferencedEnvelope(envelope, mapContent.getCoordinateReferenceSystem());
    CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCrs = schema.getCoordinateReferenceSystem();

    boolean reprojectBBox =
        (sourceCrs != null)
            && !CRS.equalsIgnoreMetadata(aoi.getCoordinateReferenceSystem(), sourceCrs);
    if (reprojectBBox) {
      aoi = aoi.transform(sourceCrs, true);

    Filter filter = createBBoxFilter(schema, aoi);

    // now build the query using only the attributes and the bounding
    // box needed
    Query q = new Query(schema.getTypeName());

    // now, if a definition query has been established for this layer,
    // be sure to respect it by combining it with the bounding box one.
    Query definitionQuery = layer.getQuery();

    if (definitionQuery != Query.ALL) {
      if (q == Query.ALL) {
        q = (Query) definitionQuery;
      } else {
        q = (Query) DataUtilities.mixQueries(definitionQuery, q, "KMLEncoder");

    // handle startIndex requested by client query

    // check the regionating strategy
    RegionatingStrategy regionatingStrategy = null;
    String stratname = (String) mapContent.getRequest().getFormatOptions().get("regionateBy");
    if (("auto").equals(stratname)) {
      Catalog catalog = wms.getGeoServer().getCatalog();
      Name name = layer.getFeatureSource().getName();
      stratname =
              .get("kml.regionateStrategy", String.class);
      if (stratname == null || "".equals(stratname)) {
        stratname = "best_guess";
            "No default regionating strategy has been configured in "
                + name
                + "; using automatic best-guess strategy.");

    if (stratname != null) {
      regionatingStrategy = findStrategyByName(stratname);

      // if a strategy was specified but we did not find it, let the user
      // know
      if (regionatingStrategy == null)
        throw new ServiceException("Unknown regionating strategy " + stratname);

    // try to load less features by leveraging regionating strategy and the
    // SLD
    Filter regionatingFilter = Filter.INCLUDE;

    if (regionatingStrategy != null)
      regionatingFilter = regionatingStrategy.getFilter(mapContent, layer);

    Filter ruleFilter =
            getLayerRules(featureSource.getSchema(), layer.getStyle()), scaleDenominator);
    Filter finalFilter = joinFilters(q.getFilter(), ruleFilter, regionatingFilter);
    if (finalFilter == Filter.EXCLUDE) {
      // if we don't have any feature to return
      return null;

    // make sure we output in 4326 since that's what KML mandates
    CoordinateReferenceSystem wgs84;
    try {
      wgs84 = CRS.decode("EPSG:4326");
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(
          "Cannot decode EPSG:4326, the CRS subsystem must be badly broken...");
    if (sourceCrs != null && !CRS.equalsIgnoreMetadata(wgs84, sourceCrs)) {
      return new ReprojectFeatureResults(featureSource.getFeatures(q), wgs84);

    return featureSource.getFeatures(q);
Ejemplo n.º 5
  public ValueCollectionType run(GetPropertyValueType request) throws WFSException {
    // check the request resolve
    if (request.isSetResolve() && !ResolveValueType.NONE.equals(request.getResolve())) {
      throw new WFSException(request, "Only resolve = none is supported", "InvalidParameterValue")

    if (request.getValueReference() == null) {
      throw new WFSException(request, "No valueReference specified", "MissingParameterValue")

    // do a getFeature request
    GetFeatureType getFeature = Wfs20Factory.eINSTANCE.createGetFeatureType();

    FeatureCollectionType fc =

    QueryType query = (QueryType) request.getAbstractQueryExpression();
    QName typeName = (QName) query.getTypeNames().iterator().next();
    FeatureTypeInfo featureType =
        catalog.getFeatureTypeByName(typeName.getNamespaceURI(), typeName.getLocalPart());

    try {
      // look for the attribute type
      AttributeTypeInfo attribute = null;
      for (AttributeTypeInfo at : featureType.attributes()) {
        if (at.getName().equals(request.getValueReference())) {
          attribute = at;
      if (attribute == null) {
        throw new WFSException(request, "No such attribute: " + request.getValueReference());

      AttributeDescriptor descriptor = attribute.getAttribute();
      if (descriptor == null) {
        PropertyDescriptor pd = featureType.getFeatureType().getDescriptor(attribute.getName());
        if (pd instanceof AttributeDescriptor) {
          descriptor = (AttributeDescriptor) pd;

      if (descriptor == null) {
        throw new WFSException(request, "Unable to obtain descriptor for " + attribute.getName());

      // create value collection type from feature collection
      ValueCollectionType vc = Wfs20Factory.eINSTANCE.createValueCollectionType();
      vc.getMember().add(new PropertyValueCollection(fc.getMember().iterator().next(), descriptor));
      // TODO: next/previous but point back at GetPropertyValue
      // vc.setNext(fc.getNext());
      // vc.setPrevious(fc.getPrevious());
      return vc;
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new WFSException(request, e);