public AutoCompleteDictionary getDictionary() { if (this.dict == null) { this.dict = component.isForCAS() ? app.getCommandDictionaryCAS() : app.getCommandDictionary(); } return dict; }
@Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { Object source = event.getSource(); App.debug("source is: " + source); if (source == btnOK) { App.debug("btnOk"); returnOption = GOptionPane.OK_OPTION; close(); } if (source == btnCancel) { App.debug("btnCancel"); returnOption = GOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION; close(); } if (optionButtons == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < optionButtons.length; i++) { if (source == optionButtons[i]) { returnOption = i; close(); } } }
protected final void setOptionPanelRegardingFocus(boolean updateEuclidianTab) { if (stayInCurrentPanelWithObjects()) return; OptionType type = getFocusedViewType(); if (type != null) { if (type == OptionType.EUCLIDIAN || type == OptionType.EUCLIDIAN2) { if (app.getActiveEuclidianView() .getEuclidianController() .checkBoxOrTextfieldOrButtonJustHitted()) { // hit check box or text field : does nothing return; } // ev clicked setOptionPanelWithoutCheck(type); if (updateEuclidianTab) { setSelectedTab(type); } } else setOptionPanel(type); // here necessary no object is selected updateObjectPanelSelection(app.getSelectionManager().getSelectedGeos()); } }
/** * acts when mouse has been released in euclidian controller * * @param creatorMode says if euclidian view is in creator mode (ie not move mode) */ public void mouseReleasedForPropertiesView(boolean creatorMode) { GeoElement geo; if (objectPanel == null) { geo = null; } else { geo = objectPanel.consumeGeoAdded(); } if (app.getSelectionManager().selectedGeosSize() > 0) { // selected geo is the most important updatePropertiesViewCheckConstants(app.getSelectionManager().getSelectedGeos()); } else if (geo != null) { // last created geo if (creatorMode) { // if euclidian view is e.g. in move mode, then // geo was created by a script, so just show // object properties ArrayList<GeoElement> geos = new ArrayList<GeoElement>(); geos.add(geo); setOptionPanel(OptionType.OBJECTS, geos); } else { setOptionPanel(OptionType.OBJECTS, null); } } else { // focus updateSelectedTab(Construction.Constants.NOT); setOptionPanelRegardingFocus(true); // updatePropertiesView(); } }
public double getMaxSuggestionsHeight() { double ret = (app.getHeight() / 2); if (component != null) { ret = Math.max( 29, Math.min( ret, app.getHeight() + ((AppW) app).getAbsTop() - component.getAbsoluteTop() - component.toWidget().getOffsetHeight() - ((AppW) app).getAppletFrame().getKeyboardHeight())); } return ret; }
public static String getImageURL(int mode, AppW app) { // String modeText = app.getKernel().getModeText(mode); // // bugfix for Turkish locale added Locale.US // String iconName = "mode_" +StringUtil.toLowerCase(modeText) // + "_32"; // // macro if (mode >= EuclidianConstants.MACRO_MODE_ID_OFFSET) { int macroID = mode - EuclidianConstants.MACRO_MODE_ID_OFFSET; try { Macro macro = app.getKernel().getMacro(macroID); String iconName = macro.getIconFileName(); if (iconName == null || iconName.length() == 0) { // default icon return safeURI(myIconResourceBundle.mode_tool_32()); } // use image as icon Image img = new NoDragImage(app.getImageManager().getExternalImageSrc(iconName), 32); return img.getUrl(); } catch (Exception e) { App.debug("macro does not exist: ID = " + macroID); return ""; } } return safeURI(getImageURLNotMacro(mode)); }
protected void drawOnCanvas(org.geogebra.common.awt.GGraphics2D g2, String text) { App app = view.getApplication(); setPreferredSize(getPreferredSize()); GFont vFont = view.getFont(); setLabelFont(app.getFontCanDisplay(text, false, vFont.getStyle(), getLabelFontSize())); g2.setFont(getLabelFont()); g2.setStroke(EuclidianStatic.getDefaultStroke()); g2.setPaint(geo.getObjectColor()); if (geo.isVisible()) { drawWidget(g2); } }
private void showDialog(boolean autoComplete) { loc = app.getLocalization(); updateGUI(); center(); if (inputField != null) { inputField.setAutoComplete(autoComplete); } show(); }
private static Icon loadIcon(String iconImage) { URL iconUrl = FileChooserCompletionListCellRenderer.class.getResource(ICON_LOCATION + iconImage); if (iconUrl == null) { App.debug("Could not load icon: " + iconImage); return new ImageIcon(); } return new ImageIcon(iconUrl); }
protected GDimension drawLatex( GGraphics2D g2, GeoElement geo0, GFont font, String text, int x, int y) { App app = view.getApplication(); return app.getDrawEquation() .drawEquation( app, geo0, g2, x, y, text, font, false, geo.getObjectColor(), geo.getBackgroundColor(), false, false, null); };
/** * Sets and shows the option panel for the given option type * * @param type type */ public final void setOptionPanel(OptionType type) { ArrayList<GeoElement> geos = removeAllConstants(app.getSelectionManager().getSelectedGeos()); if (type == OptionType.OBJECTS) { // ensure that at least one geo is // selected if (geos.size() == 0) { GeoElement geo = app.getSelectionManager().setFirstGeoSelectedForPropertiesView(); if (geo == null) { // does nothing: stay in same panel return; } // add this first geo geos.add(geo); } } setOptionPanel(type, geos); }
/** * Brings up a new ExerciseBuilderDialog * * @param app application */ public ExerciseBuilderDialog(App app) { super(false, false, null, ((AppW) app).getPanel()); = (AppW) app; // exerciseBuilderHandler = new ExerciseBuilderDOMHandler(); exercise = app.getKernel().getExercise(); if (exercise.isEmpty()) { exercise.initStandardExercise(); } createGUI(); }
// private void playMP3(final String url) { try { // Create the JavaFX Panel for the WebView JFXPanel fxPanel = new JFXPanel(); fxPanel.setLocation(new Point(0, 0)); // Initialize the webView in a JavaFX-Thread Platform.runLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { MediaPlayer player = new MediaPlayer(new Media(url));; } }); if (true) return; AudioInputStream in = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(new URL(url)); AudioFormat baseFormat = in.getFormat(); AudioFormat decodedFormat = new AudioFormat( AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_SIGNED, baseFormat.getSampleRate(), 16, baseFormat.getChannels(), baseFormat.getChannels() * 2, baseFormat.getSampleRate(), false); AudioInputStream din = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(decodedFormat, in); DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info(SourceDataLine.class, decodedFormat); SourceDataLine line = (SourceDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(info); if (line != null) {; byte[] data = new byte[4096]; // Start line.start(); int nBytesRead; while ((nBytesRead =, 0, data.length)) != -1) { line.write(data, 0, nBytesRead); } // Stop line.drain(); line.stop(); line.close(); din.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { App.debug("playing MP3 failed " + url + " " + e.toString()); } }
/** * @param app * @param type Option panel type * @return true if given Option panel is showing (or is instantiated but hidden) */ public static boolean isOptionPanelAvailable(App app, OptionType type) { boolean isAvailable = true; switch (type) { case EUCLIDIAN: isAvailable = app.getGuiManager().showView(App.VIEW_EUCLIDIAN); break; case EUCLIDIAN2: isAvailable = app.getGuiManager().showView(App.VIEW_EUCLIDIAN2); break; case EUCLIDIAN_FOR_PLANE: isAvailable = app.hasEuclidianViewForPlaneVisible(); break; case EUCLIDIAN3D: isAvailable = app.getGuiManager().showView(App.VIEW_EUCLIDIAN3D); break; case SPREADSHEET: isAvailable = app.getGuiManager().showView(App.VIEW_SPREADSHEET); break; case CAS: isAvailable = app.getGuiManager().showView(App.VIEW_CAS); break; case OBJECTS: // always available break; } return isAvailable; }
public List<String> resetCompletions() { updateCurrentWord(false); completions = null; // if (isEqualsRequired && !text.startsWith("=")) // return null; boolean korean = false; if (app.getLocalization() != null) { korean = "ko".equals(app.getLocalization().getLanguage()); } // start autocompletion only for words with at least two characters // maybe this was also done in the Web case in MathQuillGGB, but // it should not do harm to check it twice... if (!InputHelper.needsAutocomplete(curWord, app.getKernel())) { completions = null; return null; } String cmdPrefix = curWord.toString(); if (korean) { completions = getDictionary().getCompletionsKorean(cmdPrefix); } else { completions = getDictionary().getCompletions(cmdPrefix); } List<String> commandCompletions = getSyntaxes(completions); // Start with the built-in function completions completions = app.getParserFunctions().getCompletions(cmdPrefix); // Then add the command completions if (completions.isEmpty()) { completions = commandCompletions; } else if (commandCompletions != null) { completions.addAll(commandCompletions); } return completions; }
/** * @param renderer GL renderer * @param polygon polygon * @param pt polygon triangulation * @param vertices vertices of the polygon * @param verticesLength vertices length (may <> vertices.length due to cache) */ public static final void drawPolygon( Renderer renderer, GeoPolygon polygon, PolygonTriangulation pt, Coords[] vertices, int verticesLength) { Coords n = polygon.getMainDirection(); pt.clear(); try { // simplify the polygon and check if there are at least 3 points // left if (pt.updatePoints() > 2) { // check if the polygon is convex Convexity convexity = pt.checkIsConvex(); if (convexity != Convexity.NOT) { boolean reverse = polygon.getReverseNormalForDrawing() ^ (convexity == Convexity.CLOCKWISE); renderer.getGeometryManager().drawPolygonConvex(n, vertices, verticesLength, reverse); } else { // set intersections (if needed) and divide the polygon into // non self-intersecting polygons pt.setIntersections(); // convert the set of polygons to triangle fans pt.triangulate(); // compute 3D coords for intersections Coords[] verticesWithIntersections = pt.getCompleteVertices(vertices, polygon.getCoordSys(), verticesLength); // draw the triangle fans renderer .getGeometryManager() .drawTriangleFans( n, verticesWithIntersections, pt.getMaxPointIndex(), pt.getTriangleFans()); } } } catch (Exception e) { App.debug(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } }
public boolean popupSuggestions() { // sub, or query is the same as the current word, // so moved from method parameter to automatism // updateCurrentWord(true);// although true would be nicer here updateCurrentWord(false); // compatibility should be preserved if (curWord != null && curWord.length() > 0 && !"sqrt".equals(curWord.toString())) { // for length check we also need flattenKorean if (!InputHelper.needsAutocomplete(this.curWord, app.getKernel())) { // if there is only one letter typed, // for any reason, this method should // hide the suggestions instead! hideSuggestions(); } else { popup.requestSuggestions( new SuggestOracle.Request(this.curWord.toString(), querylimit), popupCallback); } } else { hideSuggestions(); } return true; }
@Override public void focusGained(View v, Element el) { super.focusGained(v, el); focusedView = v; GeoGebraFrameW.useFocusedBorder(getArticleElement(), frame); // we really need to set it to true switch (v.getViewID()) { case App.VIEW_ALGEBRA: case App.VIEW_EUCLIDIAN: case App.VIEW_EUCLIDIAN2: this.getGlobalKeyDispatcher().setFocusedIfNotTab(); break; default: if (App.isView3D(v.getViewID()) || ((v.getViewID() >= App.VIEW_EUCLIDIAN_FOR_PLANE_START) && (v.getViewID() <= App.VIEW_EUCLIDIAN_FOR_PLANE_END))) { this.getGlobalKeyDispatcher().setFocusedIfNotTab(); } } }
// ============================================================ // Event Handlers // ============================================================ // public void actionPerformed(Object source) { if (source instanceof AutoCompleteTextFieldW) { doTextFieldActionPerformed(source); } else if (source == minus || source == plus || source == none) { minus.setValue(source == minus); none.setValue(source == none); plus.setValue(source == plus); App.debug("[Data] - 0 + has pressed"); if (source == minus) { getModel().getSettings().setStemAdjust(-1); } if (source == none) { getModel().getSettings().setStemAdjust(0); } if (source == plus) { getModel().getSettings().setStemAdjust(1); } getModel().updatePlot(true); } else if (source == btnOptions) { optionsPanel.setPanel(getModel().getSelectedPlot()); optionsPanel.setVisible(btnOptions.isSelected()); resize(); } else if (source == btnExport) { } else if (source == lbDisplayType) { int idx = lbDisplayType.getSelectedIndex(); if (idx != -1) { PlotType t = plotTypes.get(idx); getModel().setSelectedPlot(t); getModel().updatePlot(true); } if (optionsPanel.isVisible()) { optionsPanel.setPanel(getModel().getSelectedPlot()); resize(); } } }
/* * Take a list of commands and return all possible syntaxes for these * commands */ private List<String> getSyntaxes(List<String> commands) { if (commands == null) { return null; } ArrayList<String> syntaxes = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String cmd : commands) { String cmdInt = app.getInternalCommand(cmd); Localization loc = app.getLocalization(); String syntaxString; if (component.isForCAS()) { syntaxString = app.getLocalization().getCommandSyntaxCAS(cmdInt); } else { syntaxString = app.getExam() == null ? loc.getCommandSyntax(cmdInt) : app.getExam().getSyntax(cmdInt, loc, app.getSettings()); } if (syntaxString != null) { if (syntaxString.endsWith( component.isForCAS() ? Localization.syntaxCAS : Localization.syntaxStr)) { // command not found, check for macros Macro macro = component.isForCAS() ? null : app.getKernel().getMacro(cmd); if (macro != null) { syntaxes.add(macro.toString()); } else { // syntaxes.add(cmdInt + "[]"); Log.debug("Can't find syntax for: " + cmd); } continue; } for (String syntax : syntaxString.split("\\n")) { syntaxes.add(syntax); } } } return syntaxes; }
protected void close() { // if hide is called before the callback the callback can create another // Message (without being hidden instantanousely)! hide(); if (requiresReturnValue) { if (returnOption == GOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION) { returnValue = initialSelectionValue; } else { returnValue = inputField.getText(); } } if (returnHandler != null) { App.debug("option: " + returnOption + " value: " + returnValue); String[] dialogResult = {returnOption + "", returnValue}; returnHandler.callback(dialogResult); } // return the focus to the input field calling this dialog if (caller != null) caller.setFocus(true); caller = null; }
private void updateButtonPanel() { buttonPanel.clear(); switch (optionType) { case GOptionPane.CUSTOM_OPTION: optionButtons = new Button[optionNames.length]; for (int i = optionNames.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { optionButtons[i] = new Button(optionNames[i]); optionButtons[i].addClickHandler(this); // Styling of cancel button should be different if (optionNames[i].equals(app.getMenu("Cancel"))) { optionButtons[i].addStyleName("cancelBtn"); } buttonPanel.add(optionButtons[i]); } break; case GOptionPane.OK_OPTION: case GOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION: buttonPanel.add(btnOK); setLabels(); break; case GOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION: buttonPanel.add(btnOK); buttonPanel.add(btnCancel); setLabels(); break; default: buttonPanel.add(btnOK); setLabels(); } }
public void checkCursorKeys(KeyDownEvent e) { String text = autoCompleteTextField.getText(); // ?// (String) // delegate.getCellEditorValue(); int keyCode = e.getNativeKeyCode(); // Application.debug(e+""); switch (keyCode) { case KeyCodes.KEY_UP: if (isSuggesting()) { return; } if (isFormulaBarListener) return; // Application.debug("UP"); stopCellEditing(0, -1, false); // ?//e.consume(); tabReturnCol = -1; break; case KeyCodes.KEY_TAB: if (isFormulaBarListener) return; App.debug(" tab"); // Application.debug("RIGHT"); // shift-tab moves left // tab moves right if (tabReturnCol == -1) tabReturnCol = column; stopCellEditing(e.isShiftKeyDown() ? -1 : 1, 0, false); e.preventDefault(); break; case KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER: if (isSuggesting()) { return; } // if incomplete command entered, want to move the cursor to // between [] int bracketsIndex = text.indexOf("[]"); if (bracketsIndex == -1) { if (tabReturnCol != -1) { int colOffset = tabReturnCol - column; stopCellEditing(colOffset, 1, true); } else { // TODO: in desktop this works with column, row + 1 String cellBelowStr = GeoElementSpreadsheet.getSpreadsheetCellName(column, row + 1); GeoElement cellBelow = kernel.getConstruction().lookupLabel(cellBelowStr); boolean moveDown = cellBelow == null || !cellBelow.isFixed(); // don't move down to cell below after <Enter> if it's // fixed stopCellEditing(0, moveDown ? 1 : 0, moveDown); } } else { autoCompleteTextField.setCaretPosition(bracketsIndex + 1); // ?//e.consume(); } tabReturnCol = -1; break; case KeyCodes.KEY_DOWN: if (isSuggesting()) { return; } if (isFormulaBarListener) { // ?//e.consume(); return; } // Application.debug("DOWN"); stopCellEditing(0, 1, false); tabReturnCol = -1; break; case KeyCodes.KEY_LEFT: if (isFormulaBarListener) return; // Application.debug("LEFT"); // Allow left/right keys to exit cell for easier data entry if (getCaretPosition() == 0) { stopCellEditing(-1, 0, false); } tabReturnCol = -1; break; case KeyCodes.KEY_RIGHT: if (isFormulaBarListener) return; // Application.debug("RIGHT"); // Allow left/right keys to exit cell for easier data entry if (getCaretPosition() == text.length()) { stopCellEditing(1, 0, false); } tabReturnCol = -1; break; case KeyCodes.KEY_PAGEDOWN: case KeyCodes.KEY_PAGEUP: e.preventDefault(); // ?//e.consume(); tabReturnCol = -1; break; // An F1 keypress causes the focus to be lost, so we // need to set 'editing' to false to prevent the focusLost() // method from calling stopCellEditing() // ?//case KeyEvent.VK_F1: // ?// editing = false; // ?// break; } }
@Override public boolean hasFocus() { App.debug("unimplemented"); return false; }
private static void status(String status) { App.debug(status); }
@Override public boolean hit(Hitting hitting) { if (waitForReset) { // prevent NPE return false; } if (getGeoElement().getAlphaValue() < EuclidianController.MIN_VISIBLE_ALPHA_VALUE) { return false; } GeoPolygon poly = (GeoPolygon) getGeoElement(); if (poly.getCoordSys() == null) { App.debug("" + poly); return false; } // project hitting origin on polygon plane if (globalCoords == null) { globalCoords = new Coords(4); inPlaneCoords = new Coords(4); } if (hitting.isSphere()) { hitting.origin.projectPlane(poly.getCoordSys().getMatrixOrthonormal(), globalCoords); if (hittingPointForOutline == null) { hittingPointForOutline = new GeoPoint3D(poly.getConstruction()); hittingPointForOutline.setWillingCoordsUndefined(); hittingPointForOutline.setWillingDirectionUndefined(); } // try outline hittingPointForOutline.setCoords(globalCoords); poly.pointChanged(hittingPointForOutline); Coords p3d = hittingPointForOutline.getInhomCoordsInD3(); if (project == null) { project = Coords.createInhomCoorsInD3(); } double d = p3d.distance(hitting.origin); double scale = getView3D().getScale(); if (d * scale <= poly.getLineThickness() + hitting.getThreshold()) { setZPick(-d, -d); setPickingType(PickingType.POINT_OR_CURVE); return true; } // try inside hittingPointForOutline.setCoords(globalCoords); hittingPointForOutline.setRegion(poly); poly.pointChangedForRegion(hittingPointForOutline); p3d = hittingPointForOutline.getInhomCoordsInD3(); d = p3d.distance(hitting.origin); if (d * scale <= hitting.getThreshold()) { setZPick(-d, -d); setPickingType(PickingType.SURFACE); return true; } } else { hitting.origin.projectPlaneThruVIfPossible( poly.getCoordSys().getMatrixOrthonormal(), hitting.direction, globalCoords, inPlaneCoords); if (!hitting.isInsideClipping(globalCoords)) { return false; } boolean ret = false; // check if hitting projection hits the polygon if (poly.isInRegion(inPlaneCoords.getX(), inPlaneCoords.getY())) { double parameterOnHitting = inPlaneCoords.getZ(); // TODO use // other for // non-parallel // projection // : // -hitting.origin.distance(project[0]); setZPick(parameterOnHitting, parameterOnHitting); setPickingType(PickingType.SURFACE); ret = true; } // check if hitting is on path if (!poly.wasInitLabelsCalled()) { if (hittingPointForOutline == null) { hittingPointForOutline = new GeoPoint3D(poly.getConstruction()); } hittingPointForOutline.setCoords(globalCoords); poly.pointChanged(hittingPointForOutline); Coords p3d = hittingPointForOutline.getInhomCoordsInD3(); if (hitting.isInsideClipping(p3d)) { if (project == null) { project = Coords.createInhomCoorsInD3(); } p3d.projectLine( hitting.origin, hitting.direction, project, parameters); // check distance to hitting line double d = p3d.distance(project); double scale = getView3D().getScale(); if (d * scale <= poly.getLineThickness() + hitting.getThreshold()) { double z = -parameters[0]; double dz = poly.getLineThickness() / scale; setZPick(z + dz, z - dz); setPickingType(PickingType.POINT_OR_CURVE); return true; } } } return ret; } return false; }
private void initActions() { if (app.isExam()) { addItem( MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml( GuiResources.INSTANCE.menu_icon_sign_out().getSafeUri().asString(), app.getMenu("Close"), true), true, new MenuCommand(app) { @Override public void doExecute() { // set Firefox dom.allow_scripts_to_close_windows in about:config to true to make this // work String[] optionNames = {app.getMenu("Cancel"), app.getMenu("Exit")}; app.getGuiManager() .getOptionPane() .showOptionDialog( app, app.getMenu("ExitExamConfirm"), app.getMenu("ExitExamConfirmTitle"), GOptionPane.CUSTOM_OPTION, GOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, null, optionNames, new AsyncOperation() { @Override public void callback(Object obj) { String[] dialogResult = (String[]) obj; if ("1".equals(dialogResult[0])) { exitExam(); } } }); } }); return; } // this is enabled always addItem( MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml( GuiResources.INSTANCE.menu_icon_file_new().getSafeUri().asString(), app.getMenu("New"), true), true, new MenuCommand(app) { @Override public void doExecute() { ((DialogManagerW) app.getDialogManager()).getSaveDialog().showIfNeeded(newConstruction); } }); // open menu is always visible in menu addItem( MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml( GuiResources.INSTANCE.menu_icon_file_open().getSafeUri().asString(), app.getPlain("Open"), true), true, new MenuCommand(app) { @Override public void doExecute() { app.openSearch(null); if (FileMenuW.this.onFileOpen != null) {; } } }); if (app.getLAF().undoRedoSupported()) { addItem( MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml( GuiResources.INSTANCE.menu_icon_file_save().getSafeUri().asString(), app.getMenu("Save"), true), true, new MenuCommand(app) { @Override public void doExecute() { app.getGuiManager().save(); } }); } // this is enabled always uploadToGGT = addItem( MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml( GuiResources.INSTANCE.menu_icon_file_share().getSafeUri().asString(), app.getMenu("Share"), true), true, new MenuCommand(app) { @Override public void doExecute() { if (!nativeShareSupported()) { app.uploadToGeoGebraTube(); } else { app.getGgbApi() .getBase64( true, new StringHandler() { @Override public void handle(String s) { String title = app.getKernel().getConstruction().getTitle(); nativeShare(s, "".equals(title) ? "construction" : title); } }); } } }); App.debug("HAS EXPORT" + app.getLAF().exportSupported()); if (app.getLAF().exportSupported()) { addItem( MainMenu.getMenuBarHtml( GuiResources.INSTANCE.menu_icons_file_export().getSafeUri().asString(), app.getMenu("Export"), true), true, new ExportMenuW(app)); } app.getNetworkOperation().getView().add(this); if (!app.getNetworkOperation().isOnline()) { render(false); } }
public void removeFrequencyTable() { App.debug("removeFrequencyTable"); plotPanelSouth.remove(spFrequencyTable); plotPanel.updateSize(); resize(false); }
public void setTableFromGeoFrequencyTable(AlgoFrequencyTable parentAlgorithm, boolean b) { App.debug("setTableFromGeoFrequencyTable"); frequencyTable.setTableFromGeoFrequencyTable(parentAlgorithm, b); resize(false); }
@Override public boolean isShowing() { App.debug("unimplemented"); return false; }