 public Object getInstance(ScopedComponent component) {
   Object instance = instances.get(component);
   if (instance != EMPTY && instance != null) {
     return instance;
   CountDownLatch latch;
   // Avoid race condition where two or more threads attempt to initialize the component instance
   // concurrently.
   // Pending component instantiations are tracked and threads block on a latch until they are
   // complete.
   synchronized (component) {
     latch = pending.get(component);
     if (latch != null) {
       try {
         // wait on the instantiation
         latch.await(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
       } catch (InterruptedException e) {
         throw new Fabric3Exception("Error creating instance for: " + component.getUri(), e);
       // an instance wrapper is now available as the instantiation has completed
       return instances.get(component);
     } else {
       latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
       pending.put(component, latch);
   try {
     instance = component.createInstance();
     // some component instances such as system singletons may already be started
     // if (!component.isInstanceStarted()) {
     List<Pair> queue;
     URI uri = component.getContributionUri();
     synchronized (destroyQueues) {
       queue = destroyQueues.get(uri);
       if (queue == null) {
         // The context has not been initialized. This can happen if two deployable composites are
         // deployed simultaneously and a
         // component in the first composite to be deployed references a component in the second
         // composite. In this case,
         // create the destroy queue prior to the context being started.
         queue = new ArrayList<>();
         destroyQueues.put(uri, queue);
     queue.add(new Pair(component, instance));
     // }
     instances.put(component, instance);
     return instance;
   } finally {