Ejemplo n.º 1
  protected void innerParseCreateField(ParseContext context, List<Field> fields)
      throws IOException {
    String ipAsString;
    if (context.externalValueSet()) {
      ipAsString = (String) context.externalValue();
      if (ipAsString == null) {
        ipAsString = nullValue;
    } else {
      if (context.parser().currentToken() == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_NULL) {
        ipAsString = nullValue;
      } else {
        ipAsString = context.parser().text();

    if (ipAsString == null) {
    if (context.includeInAll(includeInAll, this)) {
      context.allEntries().addText(names.fullName(), ipAsString, boost);

    final long value = ipToLong(ipAsString);
    if (fieldType.indexOptions() != IndexOptions.NONE || fieldType.stored()) {
      CustomLongNumericField field = new CustomLongNumericField(this, value, fieldType);
    if (hasDocValues()) {
      addDocValue(context, fields, value);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 protected Field parseCreateField(ParseContext context) throws IOException {
   if (context.parser().currentName() != null
       && context.parser().currentName().equals(Defaults.NAME)) {
     // we are in the parsing of _parent phase
     String parentId = context.parser().text();
     return new Field(
         names.indexName(), Uid.createUid(context.stringBuilder(), type, parentId), fieldType);
   // otherwise, we are running it post processing of the xcontent
   String parsedParentId = context.doc().get(Defaults.NAME);
   if (context.sourceToParse().parent() != null) {
     String parentId = context.sourceToParse().parent();
     if (parsedParentId == null) {
       if (parentId == null) {
         throw new MapperParsingException(
             "No parent id provided, not within the document, and not externally");
       // we did not add it in the parsing phase, add it now
       return new Field(
           names.indexName(), Uid.createUid(context.stringBuilder(), type, parentId), fieldType);
     } else if (parentId != null
         && !parsedParentId.equals(Uid.createUid(context.stringBuilder(), type, parentId))) {
       throw new MapperParsingException(
           "Parent id mismatch, document value is ["
               + Uid.createUid(parsedParentId).id()
               + "], while external value is ["
               + parentId
               + "]");
   // we have parent mapping, yet no value was set, ignore it...
   return null;
 protected void parseCreateField(ParseContext context, List<Field> fields) throws IOException {
   if (!fieldType().stored()) {
   byte[] value;
   if (context.parser().currentToken() == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_NULL) {
   } else {
     value = context.parser().binaryValue();
     if (compress != null && compress && !CompressorFactory.isCompressed(value, 0, value.length)) {
       if (compressThreshold == -1 || value.length > compressThreshold) {
         BytesStreamOutput bStream = new BytesStreamOutput();
         StreamOutput stream = CompressorFactory.defaultCompressor().streamOutput(bStream);
         stream.writeBytes(value, 0, value.length);
         value = bStream.bytes().toBytes();
   if (value == null) {
   fields.add(new Field(names.indexName(), value, fieldType));
  protected void parseCreateField(ParseContext context, List<Field> fields) throws IOException {
    if (fieldType().indexOptions() == IndexOptions.NONE
        && !fieldType().stored()
        && !fieldType().hasDocValues()) {

    Boolean value = context.parseExternalValue(Boolean.class);
    if (value == null) {
      XContentParser.Token token = context.parser().currentToken();
      if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_NULL) {
        if (fieldType().nullValue() != null) {
          value = fieldType().nullValue();
      } else {
        value = context.parser().booleanValue();

    if (value == null) {
    fields.add(new Field(fieldType().names().indexName(), value ? "T" : "F", fieldType()));
    if (fieldType().hasDocValues()) {
      fields.add(new SortedNumericDocValuesField(fieldType().names().indexName(), value ? 1 : 0));
Ejemplo n.º 5
  private void serializeObject(final ParseContext context, String currentFieldName)
      throws IOException {
    if (currentFieldName == null) {
      throw new MapperParsingException(
          "object mapping ["
              + name
              + "] trying to serialize an object with no field associated with it, current value ["
              + context.parser().textOrNull()
              + "]");

    Mapper objectMapper = mappers.get(currentFieldName);
    if (objectMapper != null) {
    } else {
      Dynamic dynamic = this.dynamic;
      if (dynamic == null) {
        dynamic = context.root().dynamic();
      if (dynamic == Dynamic.STRICT) {
        throw new StrictDynamicMappingException(fullPath, currentFieldName);
      } else if (dynamic == Dynamic.TRUE) {
        // we sync here just so we won't add it twice. Its not the end of the world
        // to sync here since next operations will get it before
        synchronized (mutex) {
          objectMapper = mappers.get(currentFieldName);
          if (objectMapper == null) {
            // remove the current field name from path, since template search and the object builder
            // add it as well...
            Mapper.Builder builder =
                context.root().findTemplateBuilder(context, currentFieldName, "object");
            if (builder == null) {
              builder = MapperBuilders.object(currentFieldName).enabled(true).pathType(pathType);
              // if this is a non root object, then explicitly set the dynamic behavior if set
              if (!(this instanceof RootObjectMapper) && this.dynamic != Defaults.DYNAMIC) {
                ((Builder) builder).dynamic(this.dynamic);
            BuilderContext builderContext =
                new BuilderContext(context.indexSettings(), context.path());
            objectMapper = builder.build(builderContext);
            putDynamicMapper(context, currentFieldName, objectMapper);
          } else {
      } else {
        // not dynamic, read everything up to end object

  protected void parseCreateField(ParseContext context, List<Field> fields) throws IOException {
    boolean parent = context.docMapper().isParent(context.type());
    if (parent) {
      addJoinFieldIfNeeded(fields, parentJoinFieldType, context.id());

    if (!active()) {

    if (context.parser().currentName() != null
        && context.parser().currentName().equals(Defaults.NAME)) {
      // we are in the parsing of _parent phase
      String parentId = context.parser().text();
          new Field(
              Uid.createUid(context.stringBuilder(), parentType, parentId),
      addJoinFieldIfNeeded(fields, childJoinFieldType, parentId);
    } else {
      // otherwise, we are running it post processing of the xcontent
      String parsedParentId = context.doc().get(Defaults.NAME);
      if (context.sourceToParse().parent() != null) {
        String parentId = context.sourceToParse().parent();
        if (parsedParentId == null) {
          if (parentId == null) {
            throw new MapperParsingException(
                "No parent id provided, not within the document, and not externally");
          // we did not add it in the parsing phase, add it now
              new Field(
                  Uid.createUid(context.stringBuilder(), parentType, parentId),
          addJoinFieldIfNeeded(fields, childJoinFieldType, parentId);
        } else if (parentId != null
            && !parsedParentId.equals(
                Uid.createUid(context.stringBuilder(), parentType, parentId))) {
          throw new MapperParsingException(
              "Parent id mismatch, document value is ["
                  + Uid.createUid(parsedParentId).id()
                  + "], while external value is ["
                  + parentId
                  + "]");
    // we have parent mapping, yet no value was set, ignore it...
Ejemplo n.º 7
 private void serializeArray(ParseContext context, String lastFieldName) throws IOException {
   String arrayFieldName = lastFieldName;
   Mapper mapper = mappers.get(lastFieldName);
   if (mapper != null && mapper instanceof ArrayValueMapperParser) {
   } else {
     XContentParser parser = context.parser();
     XContentParser.Token token;
     while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_ARRAY) {
       if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) {
         serializeObject(context, lastFieldName);
       } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_ARRAY) {
         serializeArray(context, lastFieldName);
       } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) {
         lastFieldName = parser.currentName();
       } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_NULL) {
         serializeNullValue(context, lastFieldName);
       } else if (token == null) {
         throw new MapperParsingException(
             "object mapping for ["
                 + name
                 + "] with array for ["
                 + arrayFieldName
                 + "] tried to parse as array, but got EOF, is there a mismatch in types for the same field?");
       } else {
         serializeValue(context, lastFieldName, token);
  public Mapper parse(ParseContext context) throws IOException {
    QueryShardContext queryShardContext = new QueryShardContext(this.queryShardContext);
    if (context.doc().getField(queryBuilderField.name()) != null) {
      // If a percolator query has been defined in an array object then multiple percolator queries
      // could be provided. In order to prevent this we fail if we try to parse more than one query
      // for the current document.
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("a document can only contain one percolator query");

    XContentParser parser = context.parser();
    QueryBuilder queryBuilder =
        parseQueryBuilder(queryShardContext.newParseContext(parser), parser.getTokenLocation());
    // Fetching of terms, shapes and indexed scripts happen during this rewrite:
    queryBuilder = queryBuilder.rewrite(queryShardContext);

    try (XContentBuilder builder = XContentFactory.contentBuilder(QUERY_BUILDER_CONTENT_TYPE)) {
      queryBuilder.toXContent(builder, new MapParams(Collections.emptyMap()));
      byte[] queryBuilderAsBytes = BytesReference.toBytes(builder.bytes());
              new Field(
                  queryBuilderField.name(), queryBuilderAsBytes, queryBuilderField.fieldType()));

    Query query = toQuery(queryShardContext, mapUnmappedFieldAsString, queryBuilder);
    processQuery(query, context);
    return null;
  * Parse a field as though it were a string.
  * @param context parse context used during parsing
  * @param nullValue value to use for null
  * @param defaultBoost default boost value returned unless overwritten in the field
  * @return the parsed field and the boost either parsed or defaulted
  * @throws IOException if thrown while parsing
 public static ValueAndBoost parseCreateFieldForString(
     ParseContext context, String nullValue, float defaultBoost) throws IOException {
   if (context.externalValueSet()) {
     return new ValueAndBoost(context.externalValue().toString(), defaultBoost);
   XContentParser parser = context.parser();
   if (parser.currentToken() == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_NULL) {
     return new ValueAndBoost(nullValue, defaultBoost);
   if (parser.currentToken() == XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT
       && Version.indexCreated(context.indexSettings()).before(Version.V_3_0_0)) {
     XContentParser.Token token;
     String currentFieldName = null;
     String value = nullValue;
     float boost = defaultBoost;
     while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) {
       if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) {
         currentFieldName = parser.currentName();
       } else {
         if ("value".equals(currentFieldName) || "_value".equals(currentFieldName)) {
           value = parser.textOrNull();
         } else if ("boost".equals(currentFieldName) || "_boost".equals(currentFieldName)) {
           boost = parser.floatValue();
         } else {
           throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown property [" + currentFieldName + "]");
     return new ValueAndBoost(value, boost);
   return new ValueAndBoost(parser.textOrNull(), defaultBoost);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public Mapper parse(ParseContext context) throws IOException, MapperParsingException {
   if (context.sourceToParse().ttl() < 0) { // no ttl has been provided externally
     long ttl;
     if (context.parser().currentToken() == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING) {
       ttl = TimeValue.parseTimeValue(context.parser().text(), null, "ttl").millis();
     } else {
       ttl = context.parser().longValue(coerce.value());
     if (ttl <= 0) {
       throw new MapperParsingException(
           "TTL value must be > 0. Illegal value provided [" + ttl + "]");
   return null;
Ejemplo n.º 11
  protected void parseCreateField(ParseContext context, List<Field> fields) throws IOException {
    Object addressAsObject;
    if (context.externalValueSet()) {
      addressAsObject = context.externalValue();
    } else {
      addressAsObject = context.parser().textOrNull();

    if (addressAsObject == null) {
      addressAsObject = fieldType().nullValue();

    if (addressAsObject == null) {

    String addressAsString = addressAsObject.toString();
    InetAddress address;
    if (addressAsObject instanceof InetAddress) {
      address = (InetAddress) addressAsObject;
    } else {
      try {
        address = InetAddresses.forString(addressAsString);
      } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        if (ignoreMalformed.value()) {
        } else {
          throw e;

    if (context.includeInAll(includeInAll, this)) {
      context.allEntries().addText(fieldType().name(), addressAsString, fieldType().boost());

    if (fieldType().indexOptions() != IndexOptions.NONE) {
      fields.add(new InetAddressPoint(fieldType().name(), address));
    if (fieldType().hasDocValues()) {
          new SortedSetDocValuesField(
              fieldType().name(), new BytesRef(InetAddressPoint.encode(address))));
    if (fieldType().stored()) {
          new StoredField(fieldType().name(), new BytesRef(InetAddressPoint.encode(address))));
Ejemplo n.º 12
 protected Field parseCreateField(ParseContext context) throws IOException {
   String value = nullValue;
   float boost = this.boost;
   if (context.externalValueSet()) {
     value = (String) context.externalValue();
   } else {
     XContentParser parser = context.parser();
     if (parser.currentToken() == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_NULL) {
       value = nullValue;
     } else if (parser.currentToken() == XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) {
       XContentParser.Token token;
       String currentFieldName = null;
       while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) {
         if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) {
           currentFieldName = parser.currentName();
         } else {
           if ("value".equals(currentFieldName) || "_value".equals(currentFieldName)) {
             value = parser.textOrNull();
           } else if ("boost".equals(currentFieldName) || "_boost".equals(currentFieldName)) {
             boost = parser.floatValue();
           } else {
             throw new ElasticSearchIllegalArgumentException(
                 "unknown property [" + currentFieldName + "]");
     } else {
       value = parser.textOrNull();
   if (value == null) {
     return null;
   if (ignoreAbove > 0 && value.length() > ignoreAbove) {
     return null;
   if (context.includeInAll(includeInAll, this)) {
     context.allEntries().addText(names.fullName(), value, boost);
   if (!fieldType().indexed() && !fieldType().stored()) {
     context.ignoredValue(names.indexName(), value);
     return null;
   Field field = new StringField(names.indexName(), value, fieldType);
   return field;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 protected void innerParseCreateField(ParseContext context, List<Field> fields)
     throws IOException {
   final Object value;
   if (context.externalValueSet()) {
     value = context.externalValue();
   } else {
     value = context.parser().textOrNull();
   if (value != null) {
     final BytesRef bytes = new BytesRef(value.toString());
     final long hash =
         MurmurHash3.hash128(bytes.bytes, bytes.offset, bytes.length, 0, new MurmurHash3.Hash128())
     super.innerParseCreateField(context.createExternalValueContext(hash), fields);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 private void serializeValue(
     final ParseContext context, String currentFieldName, XContentParser.Token token)
     throws IOException {
   if (currentFieldName == null) {
     throw new MapperParsingException(
         "object mapping ["
             + name
             + "] trying to serialize a value with no field associated with it, current value ["
             + context.parser().textOrNull()
             + "]");
   Mapper mapper = mappers.get(currentFieldName);
   if (mapper != null) {
   } else {
     parseDynamicValue(context, currentFieldName, token);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 private void serializeArray(ParseContext context, String lastFieldName) throws IOException {
   Mapper mapper = mappers.get(lastFieldName);
   if (mapper != null && mapper instanceof ArrayValueMapperParser) {
   } else {
     XContentParser parser = context.parser();
     XContentParser.Token token;
     while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_ARRAY) {
       if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) {
         serializeObject(context, lastFieldName);
       } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_ARRAY) {
         serializeArray(context, lastFieldName);
       } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) {
         lastFieldName = parser.currentName();
       } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_NULL) {
         serializeNullValue(context, lastFieldName);
       } else {
         serializeValue(context, lastFieldName, token);
Ejemplo n.º 16
  protected void parseCreateField(ParseContext context, List<Field> fields) throws IOException {
    final String value;
    if (context.externalValueSet()) {
      value = context.externalValue().toString();
    } else {
      value = context.parser().textOrNull();

    if (value == null) {

    if (context.includeInAll(includeInAll, this)) {
      context.allEntries().addText(fieldType().name(), value, fieldType().boost());

    if (fieldType().indexOptions() != IndexOptions.NONE || fieldType().stored()) {
      Field field = new Field(fieldType().name(), value, fieldType());
Ejemplo n.º 17
  protected void parseCreateField(ParseContext context, List<Field> fields) throws IOException {
    XContentParser parser = context.parser();
    if (parser.currentName() != null
        && parser.currentName().equals(Defaults.NAME)
        && parser.currentToken().isValue()) {
      // we are in the parse Phase
      String id = parser.text();
      if (context.id() != null && !context.id().equals(id)) {
        throw new MapperParsingException(
            "Provided id [" + context.id() + "] does not match the content one [" + id + "]");
    } // else we are in the pre/post parse phase

    if (fieldType.indexOptions() != IndexOptions.NONE || fieldType.stored()) {
      fields.add(new Field(names.indexName(), context.id(), fieldType));
    if (hasDocValues()) {
      fields.add(new BinaryDocValuesField(names.indexName(), new BytesRef(context.id())));
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public Mapper parse(ParseContext context) throws IOException {
   try {
     Shape shape = context.parseExternalValue(Shape.class);
     if (shape == null) {
       ShapeBuilder shapeBuilder = ShapeBuilder.parse(context.parser(), this);
       if (shapeBuilder == null) {
         return null;
       shape = shapeBuilder.build();
     if (fieldType().pointsOnly() && !(shape instanceof Point)) {
       throw new MapperParsingException(
               + fieldType().names().fullName()
               + "}] is configured for points only but a "
               + ((shape instanceof JtsGeometry)
                   ? ((JtsGeometry) shape).getGeom().getGeometryType()
                   : shape.getClass())
               + " was found");
     Field[] fields = fieldType().defaultStrategy().createIndexableFields(shape);
     if (fields == null || fields.length == 0) {
       return null;
     for (Field field : fields) {
       if (!customBoost()) {
   } catch (Exception e) {
     throw new MapperParsingException(
         "failed to parse [" + fieldType().names().fullName() + "]", e);
   return null;
 protected void innerParseCreateField(ParseContext context, List<Field> fields)
     throws IOException {
   byte value;
   float boost = fieldType().boost();
   if (context.externalValueSet()) {
     Object externalValue = context.externalValue();
     if (externalValue == null) {
       if (fieldType().nullValue() == null) {
       value = fieldType().nullValue();
     } else if (externalValue instanceof String) {
       String sExternalValue = (String) externalValue;
       if (sExternalValue.length() == 0) {
         if (fieldType().nullValue() == null) {
         value = fieldType().nullValue();
       } else {
         value = Byte.parseByte(sExternalValue);
     } else {
       value = ((Number) externalValue).byteValue();
     if (context.includeInAll(includeInAll, this)) {
       context.allEntries().addText(fieldType().name(), Byte.toString(value), boost);
   } else {
     XContentParser parser = context.parser();
     if (parser.currentToken() == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_NULL
         || (parser.currentToken() == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING
             && parser.textLength() == 0)) {
       if (fieldType().nullValue() == null) {
       value = fieldType().nullValue();
       if (fieldType().nullValueAsString() != null && (context.includeInAll(includeInAll, this))) {
         context.allEntries().addText(fieldType().name(), fieldType().nullValueAsString(), boost);
     } else if (parser.currentToken() == XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT
         && Version.indexCreated(context.indexSettings()).before(Version.V_3_0_0)) {
       XContentParser.Token token;
       String currentFieldName = null;
       Byte objValue = fieldType().nullValue();
       while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) {
         if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) {
           currentFieldName = parser.currentName();
         } else {
           if ("value".equals(currentFieldName) || "_value".equals(currentFieldName)) {
             if (parser.currentToken() != XContentParser.Token.VALUE_NULL) {
               objValue = (byte) parser.shortValue(coerce.value());
           } else if ("boost".equals(currentFieldName) || "_boost".equals(currentFieldName)) {
             boost = parser.floatValue();
           } else {
             throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown property [" + currentFieldName + "]");
       if (objValue == null) {
         // no value
       value = objValue;
     } else {
       value = (byte) parser.shortValue(coerce.value());
       if (context.includeInAll(includeInAll, this)) {
         context.allEntries().addText(fieldType().name(), parser.text(), boost);
   if (fieldType().indexOptions() != IndexOptions.NONE || fieldType().stored()) {
     CustomByteNumericField field = new CustomByteNumericField(value, fieldType());
   if (fieldType().hasDocValues()) {
     addDocValue(context, fields, value);
Ejemplo n.º 20
  public void parse(ParseContext context) throws IOException {
    XContentParser parser = context.parser();
    XContentParser.Token token = parser.currentToken();

    String surfaceForm = null;
    BytesRef payload = null;
    long weight = -1;
    List<String> inputs = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(4);

    if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING) {
    } else {
      String currentFieldName = null;
      while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) {
        if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) {
          currentFieldName = parser.currentName();
        } else if ("payload".equals(currentFieldName)) {
          if (!isStoringPayloads()) {
            throw new MapperException("Payloads disabled in mapping");
          if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) {
            XContentBuilder payloadBuilder =
            payload = payloadBuilder.bytes().toBytesRef();
        } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING) {
          if ("output".equals(currentFieldName)) {
            surfaceForm = parser.text();
          if ("input".equals(currentFieldName)) {
        } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_NUMBER) {
          if ("weight".equals(currentFieldName)) {
            weight =
                parser.longValue(); // always parse a long to make sure we don't get the overflow
            // value
            if (weight < 0 || weight > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
              throw new ElasticSearchIllegalArgumentException(
                  "Weight must be in the interval [0..2147483647] but was " + weight);
        } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_ARRAY) {
          if ("input".equals(currentFieldName)) {
            while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_ARRAY) {
    payload = payload == null ? EMPTY : payload;
    if (surfaceForm == null) { // no surface form use the input
      for (String input : inputs) {
        BytesRef suggestPayload =
            analyzingSuggestLookupProvider.buildPayload(new BytesRef(input), weight, payload);
        context.doc().add(getCompletionField(input, suggestPayload));
    } else {
      BytesRef suggestPayload =
          analyzingSuggestLookupProvider.buildPayload(new BytesRef(surfaceForm), weight, payload);
      for (String input : inputs) {
        context.doc().add(getCompletionField(input, suggestPayload));
  public Mapper parse(ParseContext context) throws IOException {
    ContentPath.Type origPathType = context.path().pathType();

    GeoPoint sparse = context.parseExternalValue(GeoPoint.class);

    if (sparse != null) {
      parse(context, sparse, null);
    } else {
      sparse = new GeoPoint();
      XContentParser.Token token = context.parser().currentToken();
      if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_ARRAY) {
        token = context.parser().nextToken();
        if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_ARRAY) {
          // its an array of array of lon/lat [ [1.2, 1.3], [1.4, 1.5] ]
          while (token != XContentParser.Token.END_ARRAY) {
            parse(context, GeoUtils.parseGeoPoint(context.parser(), sparse), null);
            token = context.parser().nextToken();
        } else {
          // its an array of other possible values
          if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_NUMBER) {
            double lon = context.parser().doubleValue();
            token = context.parser().nextToken();
            double lat = context.parser().doubleValue();
            while ((token = context.parser().nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_ARRAY) ;
            parse(context, sparse.reset(lat, lon), null);
          } else {
            while (token != XContentParser.Token.END_ARRAY) {
              if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING) {
                parsePointFromString(context, sparse, context.parser().text());
              } else {
                parse(context, GeoUtils.parseGeoPoint(context.parser(), sparse), null);
              token = context.parser().nextToken();
      } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING) {
        parsePointFromString(context, sparse, context.parser().text());
      } else if (token != XContentParser.Token.VALUE_NULL) {
        parse(context, GeoUtils.parseGeoPoint(context.parser(), sparse), null);

    return null;
Ejemplo n.º 22
  protected void innerParseCreateField(ParseContext context, List<Field> fields)
      throws IOException {
    String dateAsString = null;
    Long value = null;
    float boost = this.boost;
    if (context.externalValueSet()) {
      Object externalValue = context.externalValue();
      if (externalValue instanceof Number) {
        value = ((Number) externalValue).longValue();
      } else {
        dateAsString = (String) externalValue;
        if (dateAsString == null) {
          dateAsString = nullValue;
    } else {
      XContentParser parser = context.parser();
      XContentParser.Token token = parser.currentToken();
      if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_NULL) {
        dateAsString = nullValue;
      } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_NUMBER) {
        value = parser.longValue(coerce.value());
      } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) {
        String currentFieldName = null;
        while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) {
          if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) {
            currentFieldName = parser.currentName();
          } else {
            if ("value".equals(currentFieldName) || "_value".equals(currentFieldName)) {
              if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_NULL) {
                dateAsString = nullValue;
              } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_NUMBER) {
                value = parser.longValue(coerce.value());
              } else {
                dateAsString = parser.text();
            } else if ("boost".equals(currentFieldName) || "_boost".equals(currentFieldName)) {
              boost = parser.floatValue();
            } else {
              throw new ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException(
                  "unknown property [" + currentFieldName + "]");
      } else {
        dateAsString = parser.text();

    if (dateAsString != null) {
      assert value == null;
      if (context.includeInAll(includeInAll, this)) {
        context.allEntries().addText(names.fullName(), dateAsString, boost);
      value = parseStringValue(dateAsString);

    if (value != null) {
      if (fieldType.indexOptions() != IndexOptions.NONE || fieldType.stored()) {
        CustomLongNumericField field = new CustomLongNumericField(this, value, fieldType);
      if (hasDocValues()) {
        addDocValue(context, fields, value);
Ejemplo n.º 23
  public void parse(ParseContext context) throws IOException {
    String iri;
    XContentParser parser = context.parser();
    XContentParser.Token token = parser.currentToken();

    if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING) {
      iri = parser.text();
    } else {
      throw new MapperParsingException(name() + " does not contain String value");

    ContentPath.Type origPathType = context.path().pathType();

    try {
      OntologyHelper helper = getHelper(ontologySettings, threadPool);

      OntologyData data = findOntologyData(helper, iri);
      if (data == null) {
        logger.debug("Cannot find OWL class for IRI {}", iri);
      } else {
            getPredefinedMapper(FieldMappings.URI, context),

        // Look up the label(s)
        addFieldData(context, getPredefinedMapper(FieldMappings.LABEL, context), data.getLabels());

        // Look up the synonyms
            context, getPredefinedMapper(FieldMappings.SYNONYMS, context), data.getLabels());

        // Add the child details
            getPredefinedMapper(FieldMappings.CHILD_URI, context),
            getPredefinedMapper(FieldMappings.CHILD_LABEL, context));

        // Add the parent details
            getPredefinedMapper(FieldMappings.PARENT_URI, context),
            getPredefinedMapper(FieldMappings.PARENT_LABEL, context));

        if (ontologySettings.isIncludeIndirect()) {
          // Add the descendant details
              getPredefinedMapper(FieldMappings.DESCENDANT_URI, context),
              getPredefinedMapper(FieldMappings.DESCENDANT_LABEL, context));

          // Add the ancestor details
              getPredefinedMapper(FieldMappings.ANCESTOR_URI, context),
              getPredefinedMapper(FieldMappings.ANCESTOR_LABEL, context));

        if (ontologySettings.isIncludeRelations()) {
          // Add the related nodes
          Map<String, Collection<String>> relations = data.getRelationIris();

          for (String relation : relations.keySet()) {
            // Sanitise the relation name
            String sanRelation = relation.replaceAll("\\W+", "_");
            String uriMapperName = sanRelation + DYNAMIC_URI_FIELD_SUFFIX;
            String labelMapperName = sanRelation + DYNAMIC_LABEL_FIELD_SUFFIX;

            // Get the mapper for the relation
            FieldMapper<String> uriMapper =
            FieldMapper<String> labelMapper =

            if (uriMapper == null) {
              // No mappers created yet - build new ones for URI and label
              BuilderContext builderContext =
                  new BuilderContext(context.indexSettings(), context.path());
              uriMapper =
              labelMapper =


    } catch (OntologyHelperException e) {
      throw new ElasticsearchException("Could not initialise ontology helper", e);
    } finally {
Ejemplo n.º 24
  private void serializeObject(final ParseContext context, String currentFieldName)
      throws IOException {
    if (currentFieldName == null) {
      throw new MapperParsingException(
          "object mapping ["
              + name
              + "] trying to serialize an object with no field associated with it, current value ["
              + context.parser().textOrNull()
              + "]");

    Mapper objectMapper = mappers.get(currentFieldName);
    if (objectMapper != null) {
    } else {
      Dynamic dynamic = this.dynamic;
      if (dynamic == null) {
        dynamic = context.root().dynamic();
      if (dynamic == Dynamic.STRICT) {
        throw new StrictDynamicMappingException(currentFieldName);
      } else if (dynamic == Dynamic.TRUE) {
        // we sync here just so we won't add it twice. Its not the end of the world
        // to sync here since next operations will get it before
        boolean newMapper = false;
        synchronized (mutex) {
          objectMapper = mappers.get(currentFieldName);
          if (objectMapper == null) {
            newMapper = true;
            Mapper.Builder builder =
                context.root().findTemplateBuilder(context, currentFieldName, "object");
            if (builder == null) {
              builder =
            // remove the current field name from path, since the object builder adds it as well...
            BuilderContext builderContext =
                new BuilderContext(context.indexSettings(), context.path());
            objectMapper = builder.build(builderContext);
            // now re add it
        // traverse and parse outside of the mutex
        if (newMapper) {
          // we need to traverse in case we have a dynamic template and need to add field mappers
          // introduced by it
              new FieldMapperListener() {
                public void fieldMapper(FieldMapper fieldMapper) {
              new ObjectMapperListener() {
                public void objectMapper(ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
        // now, parse it
      } else {
        // not dynamic, read everything up to end object

Ejemplo n.º 25
  public void parse(ParseContext context) throws IOException {
    if (!enabled) {
    XContentParser parser = context.parser();

    String currentFieldName = parser.currentName();
    XContentParser.Token token = parser.currentToken();
    if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_NULL) {
      // the object is null ("obj1" : null), simply bail

    if (token.isValue() && !allowValue()) {
      // if we are parsing an object but it is just a value, its only allowed on root level parsers
      // with there
      // is a field name with the same name as the type
      throw new MapperParsingException(
          "object mapping for [" + name + "] tried to parse as object, but found a concrete value");

    Document restoreDoc = null;
    if (nested.isNested()) {
      Document nestedDoc = new Document();
      // pre add the uid field if possible (id was already provided)
      IndexableField uidField = context.doc().getField(UidFieldMapper.NAME);
      if (uidField != null) {
        // we don't need to add it as a full uid field in nested docs, since we don't need
        // versioning
        // we also rely on this for UidField#loadVersion

        // this is a deeply nested field
        if (uidField.stringValue() != null) {
              new Field(
        } else {
              new Field(
                  ((UidField) uidField).uid(),
      // the type of the nested doc starts with __, so we can identify that its a nested one in
      // filters
      // note, we don't prefix it with the type of the doc since it allows us to execute a nested
      // query
      // across types (for example, with similar nested objects)
          new Field(
              TypeFieldMapper.NAME, nestedTypePathAsString, TypeFieldMapper.Defaults.FIELD_TYPE));
      restoreDoc = context.switchDoc(nestedDoc);

    ContentPath.Type origPathType = context.path().pathType();

    // if we are at the end of the previous object, advance
    if (token == XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) {
      token = parser.nextToken();
    if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) {
      // if we are just starting an OBJECT, advance, this is the object we are parsing, we need the
      // name first
      token = parser.nextToken();

    while (token != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) {
      if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) {
        serializeObject(context, currentFieldName);
      } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_ARRAY) {
        serializeArray(context, currentFieldName);
      } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) {
        currentFieldName = parser.currentName();
      } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_NULL) {
        serializeNullValue(context, currentFieldName);
      } else if (token == null) {
        throw new MapperParsingException(
            "object mapping for ["
                + name
                + "] tried to parse as object, but got EOF, has a concrete value been provided to it?");
      } else if (token.isValue()) {
        serializeValue(context, currentFieldName, token);
      token = parser.nextToken();
    // restore the enable path flag
    if (nested.isNested()) {
      Document nestedDoc = context.switchDoc(restoreDoc);
      if (nested.isIncludeInParent()) {
        for (IndexableField field : nestedDoc.getFields()) {
          if (field.name().equals(UidFieldMapper.NAME)
              || field.name().equals(TypeFieldMapper.NAME)) {
          } else {
      if (nested.isIncludeInRoot()) {
        // don't add it twice, if its included in parent, and we are handling the master doc...
        if (!(nested.isIncludeInParent() && context.doc() == context.rootDoc())) {
          for (IndexableField field : nestedDoc.getFields()) {
            if (field.name().equals(UidFieldMapper.NAME)
                || field.name().equals(TypeFieldMapper.NAME)) {
            } else {
Ejemplo n.º 26
 protected Field innerParseCreateField(ParseContext context) throws IOException {
   long value;
   float boost = this.boost;
   if (context.externalValueSet()) {
     Object externalValue = context.externalValue();
     if (externalValue == null) {
       if (nullValue == null) {
         return null;
       value = nullValue;
     } else if (externalValue instanceof String) {
       String sExternalValue = (String) externalValue;
       if (sExternalValue.length() == 0) {
         if (nullValue == null) {
           return null;
         value = nullValue;
       } else {
         value = Long.parseLong(sExternalValue);
     } else {
       value = ((Number) externalValue).longValue();
     if (context.includeInAll(includeInAll, this)) {
       context.allEntries().addText(names.fullName(), Long.toString(value), boost);
   } else {
     XContentParser parser = context.parser();
     if (parser.currentToken() == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_NULL
         || (parser.currentToken() == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING
             && parser.textLength() == 0)) {
       if (nullValue == null) {
         return null;
       value = nullValue;
       if (nullValueAsString != null && (context.includeInAll(includeInAll, this))) {
         context.allEntries().addText(names.fullName(), nullValueAsString, boost);
     } else if (parser.currentToken() == XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) {
       XContentParser.Token token;
       String currentFieldName = null;
       Long objValue = nullValue;
       while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) {
         if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) {
           currentFieldName = parser.currentName();
         } else {
           if ("value".equals(currentFieldName) || "_value".equals(currentFieldName)) {
             if (parser.currentToken() != XContentParser.Token.VALUE_NULL) {
               objValue = parser.longValue();
           } else if ("boost".equals(currentFieldName) || "_boost".equals(currentFieldName)) {
             boost = parser.floatValue();
           } else {
             throw new ElasticSearchIllegalArgumentException(
                 "unknown property [" + currentFieldName + "]");
       if (objValue == null) {
         // no value
         return null;
       value = objValue;
     } else {
       value = parser.longValue();
       if (context.includeInAll(includeInAll, this)) {
         context.allEntries().addText(names.fullName(), parser.text(), boost);
   CustomLongNumericField field = new CustomLongNumericField(this, value, fieldType);
   return field;
 protected void innerParseCreateField(ParseContext context, List<Field> fields)
     throws IOException {
   int value;
   float boost = this.boost;
   if (context.externalValueSet()) {
     Object externalValue = context.externalValue();
     if (externalValue == null) {
       if (nullValue == null) {
       value = nullValue;
     } else if (externalValue instanceof String) {
       String sExternalValue = (String) externalValue;
       if (sExternalValue.length() == 0) {
         if (nullValue == null) {
         value = nullValue;
       } else {
         value = Integer.parseInt(sExternalValue);
     } else {
       value = ((Number) externalValue).intValue();
     if (context.includeInAll(includeInAll, this)) {
       context.allEntries().addText(names.fullName(), Integer.toString(value), boost);
   } else {
     XContentParser parser = context.parser();
     if (parser.currentToken() == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_NULL
         || (parser.currentToken() == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING
             && parser.textLength() == 0)) {
       if (nullValue == null) {
       value = nullValue;
       if (nullValueAsString != null && (context.includeInAll(includeInAll, this))) {
         context.allEntries().addText(names.fullName(), nullValueAsString, boost);
     } else if (parser.currentToken() == XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) {
       XContentParser.Token token;
       String currentFieldName = null;
       Integer objValue = nullValue;
       while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) {
         if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) {
           currentFieldName = parser.currentName();
         } else {
           if ("value".equals(currentFieldName) || "_value".equals(currentFieldName)) {
             if (parser.currentToken() != XContentParser.Token.VALUE_NULL) {
               objValue = parser.intValue(coerce.value());
           } else if ("boost".equals(currentFieldName) || "_boost".equals(currentFieldName)) {
             boost = parser.floatValue();
           } else {
             throw new ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException(
                 "unknown property [" + currentFieldName + "]");
       if (objValue == null) {
         // no value
       value = objValue;
     } else {
       value = parser.intValue(coerce.value());
       if (context.includeInAll(includeInAll, this)) {
         context.allEntries().addText(names.fullName(), parser.text(), boost);
   addIntegerFields(context, fields, value, boost);
Ejemplo n.º 28
  private void serializeValue(
      final ParseContext context, String currentFieldName, XContentParser.Token token)
      throws IOException {
    if (currentFieldName == null) {
      throw new MapperParsingException(
          "object mapping ["
              + name
              + "] trying to serialize a value with no field associated with it, current value ["
              + context.parser().textOrNull()
              + "]");
    Mapper mapper = mappers.get(currentFieldName);
    if (mapper != null) {
    Dynamic dynamic = this.dynamic;
    if (dynamic == null) {
      dynamic = context.root().dynamic();
    if (dynamic == Dynamic.STRICT) {
      throw new StrictDynamicMappingException(fullPath, currentFieldName);
    if (dynamic == Dynamic.FALSE) {
    // we sync here since we don't want to add this field twice to the document mapper
    // its not the end of the world, since we add it to the mappers once we create it
    // so next time we won't even get here for this field
    boolean newMapper = false;
    synchronized (mutex) {
      mapper = mappers.get(currentFieldName);
      if (mapper == null) {
        newMapper = true;
        BuilderContext builderContext = new BuilderContext(context.indexSettings(), context.path());
        if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING) {
          boolean resolved = false;

          // do a quick test to see if its fits a dynamic template, if so, use it.
          // we need to do it here so we can handle things like attachment templates, where calling
          // text (to see if its a date) causes the binary value to be cleared
          if (!resolved) {
            Mapper.Builder builder =
                context.root().findTemplateBuilder(context, currentFieldName, "string", null);
            if (builder != null) {
              mapper = builder.build(builderContext);
              resolved = true;

          if (!resolved && context.parser().textLength() == 0) {
            // empty string with no mapping, treat it like null value

          if (!resolved && context.root().dateDetection()) {
            String text = context.parser().text();
            // a safe check since "1" gets parsed as well
            if (Strings.countOccurrencesOf(text, ":") > 1
                || Strings.countOccurrencesOf(text, "-") > 1
                || Strings.countOccurrencesOf(text, "/") > 1) {
              for (FormatDateTimeFormatter dateTimeFormatter :
                  context.root().dynamicDateTimeFormatters()) {
                try {
                  Mapper.Builder builder =
                      context.root().findTemplateBuilder(context, currentFieldName, "date");
                  if (builder == null) {
                    builder = dateField(currentFieldName).dateTimeFormatter(dateTimeFormatter);
                  mapper = builder.build(builderContext);
                  resolved = true;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                  // failure to parse this, continue
          if (!resolved && context.root().numericDetection()) {
            String text = context.parser().text();
            try {
              Mapper.Builder builder =
                  context.root().findTemplateBuilder(context, currentFieldName, "long");
              if (builder == null) {
                builder = longField(currentFieldName);
              mapper = builder.build(builderContext);
              resolved = true;
            } catch (Exception e) {
              // not a long number
            if (!resolved) {
              try {
                Mapper.Builder builder =
                    context.root().findTemplateBuilder(context, currentFieldName, "double");
                if (builder == null) {
                  builder = doubleField(currentFieldName);
                mapper = builder.build(builderContext);
                resolved = true;
              } catch (Exception e) {
                // not a long number
          // DON'T do automatic ip detection logic, since it messes up with docs that have hosts and
          // ips
          // check if its an ip
          //                if (!resolved && text.indexOf('.') != -1) {
          //                    try {
          //                        IpFieldMapper.ipToLong(text);
          //                        XContentMapper.Builder builder =
          // context.root().findTemplateBuilder(context, currentFieldName, "ip");
          //                        if (builder == null) {
          //                            builder = ipField(currentFieldName);
          //                        }
          //                        mapper = builder.build(builderContext);
          //                        resolved = true;
          //                    } catch (Exception e) {
          //                        // failure to parse, not ip...
          //                    }
          //                }
          if (!resolved) {
            Mapper.Builder builder =
                context.root().findTemplateBuilder(context, currentFieldName, "string");
            if (builder == null) {
              builder = stringField(currentFieldName);
            mapper = builder.build(builderContext);
        } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_NUMBER) {
          XContentParser.NumberType numberType = context.parser().numberType();
          if (numberType == XContentParser.NumberType.INT) {
            if (context.parser().estimatedNumberType()) {
              Mapper.Builder builder =
                  context.root().findTemplateBuilder(context, currentFieldName, "long");
              if (builder == null) {
                builder = longField(currentFieldName);
              mapper = builder.build(builderContext);
            } else {
              Mapper.Builder builder =
                  context.root().findTemplateBuilder(context, currentFieldName, "integer");
              if (builder == null) {
                builder = integerField(currentFieldName);
              mapper = builder.build(builderContext);
          } else if (numberType == XContentParser.NumberType.LONG) {
            Mapper.Builder builder =
                context.root().findTemplateBuilder(context, currentFieldName, "long");
            if (builder == null) {
              builder = longField(currentFieldName);
            mapper = builder.build(builderContext);
          } else if (numberType == XContentParser.NumberType.FLOAT) {
            if (context.parser().estimatedNumberType()) {
              Mapper.Builder builder =
                  context.root().findTemplateBuilder(context, currentFieldName, "double");
              if (builder == null) {
                builder = doubleField(currentFieldName);
              mapper = builder.build(builderContext);
            } else {
              Mapper.Builder builder =
                  context.root().findTemplateBuilder(context, currentFieldName, "float");
              if (builder == null) {
                builder = floatField(currentFieldName);
              mapper = builder.build(builderContext);
          } else if (numberType == XContentParser.NumberType.DOUBLE) {
            Mapper.Builder builder =
                context.root().findTemplateBuilder(context, currentFieldName, "double");
            if (builder == null) {
              builder = doubleField(currentFieldName);
            mapper = builder.build(builderContext);
        } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_BOOLEAN) {
          Mapper.Builder builder =
              context.root().findTemplateBuilder(context, currentFieldName, "boolean");
          if (builder == null) {
            builder = booleanField(currentFieldName);
          mapper = builder.build(builderContext);
        } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_EMBEDDED_OBJECT) {
          Mapper.Builder builder =
              context.root().findTemplateBuilder(context, currentFieldName, "binary");
          if (builder == null) {
            builder = binaryField(currentFieldName);
          mapper = builder.build(builderContext);
        } else {
          Mapper.Builder builder =
              context.root().findTemplateBuilder(context, currentFieldName, null);
          if (builder != null) {
            mapper = builder.build(builderContext);
          } else {
            // TODO how do we identify dynamically that its a binary value?
            throw new ElasticSearchIllegalStateException(
                "Can't handle serializing a dynamic type with content token ["
                    + token
                    + "] and field name ["
                    + currentFieldName
                    + "]");
    if (newMapper) {
  public Mapper parse(ParseContext context) throws IOException {
    XContentParser parser = context.parser();
    XContentParser.Token token = parser.currentToken();
    if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_NULL) {
      throw new MapperParsingException(
          "completion field [" + fieldType().names().fullName() + "] does not support null values");

    String surfaceForm = null;
    BytesRef payload = null;
    long weight = -1;
    List<String> inputs = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(4);

    SortedMap<String, ContextConfig> contextConfig = null;

    if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING) {
      multiFields.parse(this, context);
    } else {
      String currentFieldName = null;
      while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) {
        if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) {
          currentFieldName = parser.currentName();
          if (!ALLOWED_CONTENT_FIELD_NAMES.contains(currentFieldName)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "Unknown field name["
                    + currentFieldName
                    + "], must be one of "
                    + ALLOWED_CONTENT_FIELD_NAMES);
        } else if (Fields.CONTEXT.equals(currentFieldName)) {
          SortedMap<String, ContextConfig> configs = Maps.newTreeMap();

          if (token == Token.START_OBJECT) {
            while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != Token.END_OBJECT) {
              String name = parser.text();
              ContextMapping mapping = fieldType().getContextMapping().get(name);
              if (mapping == null) {
                throw new ElasticsearchParseException("context [{}] is not defined", name);
              } else {
                token = parser.nextToken();
                configs.put(name, mapping.parseContext(context, parser));
            contextConfig = Maps.newTreeMap();
            for (ContextMapping mapping : fieldType().getContextMapping().values()) {
              ContextConfig config = configs.get(mapping.name());
              contextConfig.put(mapping.name(), config == null ? mapping.defaultConfig() : config);
          } else {
            throw new ElasticsearchParseException("context must be an object");
        } else if (Fields.CONTENT_FIELD_NAME_PAYLOAD.equals(currentFieldName)) {
          if (!isStoringPayloads()) {
            throw new MapperException("Payloads disabled in mapping");
          if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) {
            XContentBuilder payloadBuilder =
            payload = payloadBuilder.bytes().toBytesRef();
          } else if (token.isValue()) {
            payload = parser.utf8BytesOrNull();
          } else {
            throw new MapperException("payload doesn't support type " + token);
        } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING) {
          if (Fields.CONTENT_FIELD_NAME_OUTPUT.equals(currentFieldName)) {
            surfaceForm = parser.text();
          if (Fields.CONTENT_FIELD_NAME_INPUT.equals(currentFieldName)) {
          if (Fields.CONTENT_FIELD_NAME_WEIGHT.equals(currentFieldName)) {
            Number weightValue;
            try {
              weightValue = Long.parseLong(parser.text());
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
              throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                  "Weight must be a string representing a numeric value, but was ["
                      + parser.text()
                      + "]");
            weight =
                weightValue.longValue(); // always parse a long to make sure we don't get overflow
        } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_NUMBER) {
          if (Fields.CONTENT_FIELD_NAME_WEIGHT.equals(currentFieldName)) {
            NumberType numberType = parser.numberType();
            if (NumberType.LONG != numberType && NumberType.INT != numberType) {
              throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                  "Weight must be an integer, but was [" + parser.numberValue() + "]");
            weight = parser.longValue(); // always parse a long to make sure we don't get overflow
        } else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_ARRAY) {
          if (Fields.CONTENT_FIELD_NAME_INPUT.equals(currentFieldName)) {
            while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_ARRAY) {

    if (contextConfig == null) {
      contextConfig = Maps.newTreeMap();
      for (ContextMapping mapping : fieldType().getContextMapping().values()) {
        contextConfig.put(mapping.name(), mapping.defaultConfig());

    final ContextMapping.Context ctx = new ContextMapping.Context(contextConfig, context.doc());

    payload = payload == null ? EMPTY : payload;
    if (surfaceForm == null) { // no surface form use the input
      for (String input : inputs) {
        if (input.length() == 0) {
        BytesRef suggestPayload =
                .buildPayload(new BytesRef(input), weight, payload);
        context.doc().add(getCompletionField(ctx, input, suggestPayload));
    } else {
      BytesRef suggestPayload =
              .buildPayload(new BytesRef(surfaceForm), weight, payload);
      for (String input : inputs) {
        if (input.length() == 0) {
        context.doc().add(getCompletionField(ctx, input, suggestPayload));
    return null;
Ejemplo n.º 30
  protected void innerParseCreateField(ParseContext context, List<Field> fields)
      throws IOException {
    double value;
    float boost = this.boost;
    if (context.externalValueSet()) {
      Object externalValue = context.externalValue();
      if (externalValue == null) {
        if (nullValue == null) {
        value = nullValue;
      } else if (externalValue instanceof String) {
        String sExternalValue = (String) externalValue;
        if (sExternalValue.length() == 0) {
          if (nullValue == null) {
          value = nullValue;
        } else {
          value = Double.parseDouble(sExternalValue);
      } else {
        value = ((Number) externalValue).doubleValue();
      if (context.includeInAll(includeInAll, this)) {
        context.allEntries().addText(names.fullName(), Double.toString(value), boost);
    } else {
      XContentParser parser = context.parser();
      if (parser.currentToken() == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_NULL
          || (parser.currentToken() == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING
              && parser.textLength() == 0)) {
        if (nullValue == null) {
        value = nullValue;
        if (nullValueAsString != null && (context.includeInAll(includeInAll, this))) {
          context.allEntries().addText(names.fullName(), nullValueAsString, boost);
      } else if (parser.currentToken() == XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) {
        XContentParser.Token token;
        String currentFieldName = null;
        Double objValue = nullValue;
        while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) {
          if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) {
            currentFieldName = parser.currentName();
          } else {
            if ("value".equals(currentFieldName) || "_value".equals(currentFieldName)) {
              if (parser.currentToken() != XContentParser.Token.VALUE_NULL) {
                objValue = parser.doubleValue(coerce.value());
            } else if ("boost".equals(currentFieldName) || "_boost".equals(currentFieldName)) {
              boost = parser.floatValue();
            } else {
              throw new ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException(
                  "unknown property [" + currentFieldName + "]");
        if (objValue == null) {
          // no value
        value = objValue;
      } else {
        value = parser.doubleValue(coerce.value());
        if (context.includeInAll(includeInAll, this)) {
          context.allEntries().addText(names.fullName(), parser.text(), boost);

    if (fieldType.indexOptions() != IndexOptions.NONE || fieldType.stored()) {
      CustomDoubleNumericField field = new CustomDoubleNumericField(this, value, fieldType);
    if (hasDocValues()) {
      if (useSortedNumericDocValues) {
        addDocValue(context, fields, NumericUtils.doubleToSortableLong(value));
      } else {
        CustomDoubleNumericDocValuesField field =
            (CustomDoubleNumericDocValuesField) context.doc().getByKey(names().indexName());
        if (field != null) {
        } else {
          field = new CustomDoubleNumericDocValuesField(names().indexName(), value);
          context.doc().addWithKey(names().indexName(), field);