Ejemplo n.º 1
   * See if passing in a matrix or not providing one to getQ and getR functions has the same result
  public void checkGetNullVersusNot() {
    int width = 5;
    int height = 10;

    QRDecomposition<DenseMatrix64F> alg = createQRDecomposition();

    SimpleMatrix A = new SimpleMatrix(height, width);
    RandomMatrices.setRandom(A.getMatrix(), rand);


    // get the results from a provided matrix
    DenseMatrix64F Q_provided = RandomMatrices.createRandom(height, height, rand);
    DenseMatrix64F R_provided = RandomMatrices.createRandom(height, width, rand);

    assertTrue(R_provided == alg.getR(R_provided, false));
    assertTrue(Q_provided == alg.getQ(Q_provided, false));

    // get the results when no matrix is provided
    DenseMatrix64F Q_null = alg.getQ(null, false);
    DenseMatrix64F R_null = alg.getR(null, false);

    // see if they are the same
    assertTrue(MatrixFeatures.isEquals(Q_provided, Q_null));
    assertTrue(MatrixFeatures.isEquals(R_provided, R_null));
  @DeployableTestMethod(estimatedDuration = 0.0)
  @Test(timeout = 30000)
  public void testConstrainedSimple() {
    int objectiveSize = 3;
    int solutionSize = 3;
    int constraintSize = 1;

    DenseMatrix64F a = new DenseMatrix64F(objectiveSize, solutionSize);

    DenseMatrix64F b = new DenseMatrix64F(objectiveSize, 1);

    DenseMatrix64F c = new DenseMatrix64F(constraintSize, solutionSize);

    DenseMatrix64F d = new DenseMatrix64F(constraintSize, 1);
    d.set(0, 0, -1.0);

    QuadraticProgram quadraticProgram = new QuadraticProgram(a, b, c, d);

    DenseMatrix64F initialGuess = new DenseMatrix64F(solutionSize, 1);
    initialGuess.set(0, 0, -10.0);
    initialGuess.set(1, 0, -10.0);
    initialGuess.set(2, 0, -10.0);
    ActiveSearchSolutionInfo solutionInfo = solve(quadraticProgram, initialGuess);


    DenseMatrix64F expectedResult = new DenseMatrix64F(solutionSize, 1);
    expectedResult.set(0, 0, d.get(0, 0));
    expectedResult.set(1, 0, 0.0);
    expectedResult.set(2, 0, 0.0);
    assertTrue(MatrixFeatures.isEquals(expectedResult, solutionInfo.getSolution(), 1e-12));
   * Checks to see if the matrix is or is not modified as according to the modified flag.
   * @param decomp
  public static void checkModifiedInput(DecompositionInterface decomp) {
    DenseMatrix64F A = RandomMatrices.createSymmPosDef(4, new Random(0x434));
    DenseMatrix64F A_orig = A.copy();


    boolean modified = !MatrixFeatures.isEquals(A, A_orig);

    assertTrue(modified + " " + decomp.inputModified(), decomp.inputModified() == modified);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  public void perfectInput() {
    init(30, false);

    // compute true essential matrix
    DenseMatrix64F E = MultiViewOps.createEssential(worldToCamera.getR(), worldToCamera.getT());

    ModelFitter<DenseMatrix64F, AssociatedPair> alg = createAlgorithm();

    // give it the perfect matrix and see if it screwed it up
    assertTrue(alg.fitModel(pairs, E, found));

    // normalize so that they are the same
    CommonOps.divide(E.get(2, 2), E);
    CommonOps.divide(found.get(2, 2), found);

    assertTrue(MatrixFeatures.isEquals(E, found, 1e-8));