protected void applyLayoutInternal(
      InternalNode[] entitiesToLayout,
      InternalRelationship[] relationshipsToConsider,
      double boundsX,
      double boundsY,
      double boundsWidth,
      double boundsHeight) {

    List<InternalNode> entitiesList = asList(entitiesToLayout);
    List<InternalRelationship> relationshipsList = asList(relationshipsToConsider);

    // --- build the node matrix without laying out first ---//
    List<List<GXMoreThanNode>> rows = buildNodeMatrix(entitiesList, relationshipsList);

    // --- layout the nodes --- //

    // we're going to put them together bottom - up.

    double[] maxHeights = new double[rows.size()];
    // the vertical size of a node line
    //		double maxHeight = -1;
    double maxWidth = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < maxHeights.length; ++i) {
      double temp = -1;
      for (GXMoreThanNode item : rows.get(i)) {
        if ((temp = item.m_node.getHeightInLayout()) > maxHeights[i]) maxHeights[i] = temp;
    double temp = -1;
    for (InternalNode list : entitiesToLayout) {

      //			if((temp=list.getLayoutEntity().getHeightInLayout()) > maxHeight){
      //				maxHeight = temp;
      //			}
      if ((temp = list.getLayoutEntity().getWidthInLayout()) > maxWidth) {
        maxWidth = temp;

    //		int verticalLineSize =(int) (maxHeights[] +
    // verSpacing);//(int)(entitiesToLayout[0].getLayoutEntity().getHeightInLayout() + verSpacing);

    // the vertical location we begin placing the nodes from
    int sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < maxHeights.length; ++i) sum += (int) (maxHeights[i] + verSpacing);
    int heightSoFar = sum; // (int) (((rows.size()-1) * verticalLineSize) + verSpacing);

    // place bottom most row first - just center it.
    List<GXMoreThanNode> childRow = rows.get(0);
    int nodeSpacing =
                + maxWidth); // (int) (horSpacing +
                             // childRow.get(0).getNode().getLayoutEntity().getWidthInLayout());
    int x = (int) ((boundsWidth / 2) - ((childRow.size() / 2) * nodeSpacing));
    placeStrand(childRow, x, heightSoFar, nodeSpacing);

    // place parent rows
    List<GXMoreThanNode> parentRow;

    // run through all parent rows
    for (int i = 1; i < rows.size(); i++) {

      // initialize stuff we'll need
      parentRow = rows.get(i);
      heightSoFar -= (int) (maxHeights[i] + verSpacing); // verticalLineSize;
      placeRow(parentRow, heightSoFar);