  * Synchronize the copy map, i.e. put the correspondences between existing source and target
  * elements into the map. Otherwise, a new binding would produce duplicates. TODO: A more
  * efficient way would be to cache the copy function and only re-sync, if a new model has been
  * loaded. On the other hand, the bound package is normally not very large
  * @param sourcePkg The package template (source)
  * @param targetPkg The bound package (target)
 public void syncCopyMap(Package sourcePkg, Package targetPkg) {
   copier.put(sourcePkg, targetPkg);
   for (PackageableElement target : targetPkg.getPackagedElements()) {
     if (target instanceof NamedElement) {
       String targetName = ((NamedElement) target).getName();
       PackageableElement source = sourcePkg.getPackagedElement(targetName);
       if ((source instanceof Package) && (target instanceof Package)) {
         syncCopyMap((Package) source, (Package) target);
       } else {
         copier.put(source, target);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  public static StateMachine loadStateMachine(URI modelUri) {
    org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Package model = UMLLoader.loadUMLModel(modelUri);

    StateMachine umlStateMachine = null;
    if (model != null) {
      umlStateMachine =
              model.getPackagedElement(null, true, UMLPackage.Literals.STATE_MACHINE, false);

    if (umlStateMachine != null && logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
          "loadStateMachine() loaded state machine with owned elements "
              + umlStateMachine.getOwnedElements());

    return umlStateMachine;
   * Corresponds to ticket #1811. Check that after a creation of a diagram with ports from an
   * existing diagram, the layoutConstraint of all ports is not {0, 0}.
  public void testPortLocationForCreationFromNavigation() {
    // Get the desired package
    final Model model = (Model) semanticModel;
    assertNotNull("Corrupted input data", model);
    // Get the diagram for the root of this model.
    diagram = (DDiagram) createRepresentation(NODE_REPRESENTATION_DESC_NAME, model);

    // Open the editor (and refresh it)
    final IEditorPart editorPart =
        DialectUIManager.INSTANCE.openEditor(session, diagram, new NullProgressMonitor());

    // Set the focus to the desired package
        "We should have a DiagramDocumentEditor", editorPart instanceof DiagramDocumentEditor);

    final DiagramDocumentEditor diagramEditor = (DiagramDocumentEditor) editorPart;

    // Get the package named "SubPackage"
    PackageableElement element = model.getPackagedElement("SubPackage");
    assertTrue("Corrupted input data", element instanceof Package);
    final Package packageSubPackage = (Package) element;

    IMenuManager popupMenu = new MenuManager();
        new MenuManager(
            IWorkbenchActionConstants.MB_ADDITIONS)); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
    popupMenu.add(new MenuManager("popup.new", "popup.new")); // $NON-NLS-1$

    // Set the focus to package SubPackage
    IGraphicalEditPart elementEditPart =
        getEditPart(getFirstDiagramElement(diagram, packageSubPackage));

    DNode focusedElement =
            ((GraphicalEditPart) diagramEditor.getDiagramGraphicalViewer().getFocusEditPart())
        "This is not the good focused element", focusedElement.getTarget() instanceof Package);
        "This is not the good focused element",
        ((Package) focusedElement.getTarget()).getName());

    ContributionItemService.getInstance().contributeToPopupMenu(popupMenu, diagramEditor);

    // Check the popup menu.
    IMenuManager newRepresentationMenu = (IMenuManager) popupMenu.find("popup.new");
    IContributionItem[] items = newRepresentationMenu.getItems();

    boolean inNewRepresentationToGroup = false;

    ActionContributionItem actionContribution = null;

    for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
      if (items[i] instanceof Separator) {
        Separator sep = (Separator) items[i];
        if ("createRepresentationGroup".equals(sep.getId())) {
          inNewRepresentationToGroup = true;
        } else {
          inNewRepresentationToGroup = false;
      if (inNewRepresentationToGroup && items[i] instanceof ActionContributionItem) {
        assertNull("There should be only one ActionContributionItem", actionContribution);
        actionContribution = (ActionContributionItem) items[i];

    assertNotNull("There should be one ActionContributionItem", actionContribution);
    final IAction action = actionContribution.getAction();

    assertEquals("Action has not the correct text", "New diagram", action.getText());

    // Disabling ui callback of diagram command factory
    final Object adapter = diagramEditor.getAdapter(IDiagramCommandFactoryProvider.class);
    final IDiagramCommandFactoryProvider diagramCmdFactoryProvider =
        (IDiagramCommandFactoryProvider) adapter;
    final IDiagramCommandFactory diagramCommandFactory =
    diagramCommandFactory.setUserInterfaceCallBack(new NoUICallback());


    IEditorPart editor2 =
    assertTrue("We should have a DiagramDocumentEditor", editor2 instanceof DiagramDocumentEditor);

    final DiagramDocumentEditor diagramEditor2 = (DiagramDocumentEditor) editor2;
    GraphicalEditPart diagramPart = (GraphicalEditPart) diagramEditor2.getDiagramEditPart();
    final DSemanticDiagram diagram2 = (DSemanticDiagram) diagramPart.resolveSemanticElement();

        "The opened diagram is not valid", diagram2.getTarget(), focusedElement.getTarget());

    // Get the class named "SubClass1"
    element = packageSubPackage.getPackagedElement("SubClass1");
    assertTrue("Corrupted input data", element instanceof Class);
    final Class subClass1 = (Class) element;

    final Property firstProperty = subClass1.getOwnedAttribute("Prop1", subClass1);
    final Property secondProperty = subClass1.getOwnedAttribute("Prop2", subClass1);

    final DDiagramElement firstPropertyDiagramElement =
        getFirstDiagramElement(diagram2, firstProperty);
        "The first property has no corresponding diagramElement", firstPropertyDiagramElement);
    final Node firstPropertyNode = getGmfNode(firstPropertyDiagramElement);
    assertNotNull("The first property has no corresponding GMF node", firstPropertyNode);
        "Bag layout constraint type", firstPropertyNode.getLayoutConstraint() instanceof Location);
    final Location firstLocation = (Location) firstPropertyNode.getLayoutConstraint();
    final DDiagramElement secondPropertyDiagramElement =
        getFirstDiagramElement(diagram2, secondProperty);
        "The second property has no corresponding diagramElement", secondPropertyDiagramElement);
    final Node secondPropertyNode = getGmfNode(secondPropertyDiagramElement);
    assertNotNull("The second property has no corresponding GMF node", secondPropertyNode);
        "Bag layout constraint type", secondPropertyNode.getLayoutConstraint() instanceof Location);
    final Location secondLocation = (Location) secondPropertyNode.getLayoutConstraint();

        "All the layout constraints of the ports should not be in {0,0}",
        firstLocation.getX() == 0
            && firstLocation.getY() == 0
            && secondLocation.getX() == 0
            && secondLocation.getY() == 0);
        "All the layout constraints of the ports should be different",
        firstLocation.getX() != secondLocation.getX()
            || firstLocation.getY() != secondLocation.getY());

    DialectUIManager.INSTANCE.closeEditor(editorPart, false);

    DialectUIManager.INSTANCE.closeEditor(editor2, false);