Ejemplo n.º 1
  public int doRun(Map options) {
    String password = (String) globalOptions.get("password");

    SchemaHelper.dropSchema(password, null /*use default from dbDescriptor*/);
    print("Schema dropped.");
    return 0;
  * Deletes the partition identified by the given partitionId.
  * @param partitionId - The id of the partition to be deleted.
  * @param password - The password of the sysconsole.
 public static void dropAuditTrailPartition(String partitionId, String password) {
   SchemaHelper.alterAuditTrailDropPartition(partitionId, password);
  * Creates a new partition with the given partitionId, if no partition having this id currently
  * exists.
  * @param partitionId - The id of the partition to be created.
  * @param password - The password of the sysconsole.
  * @throws SQLException
 public static void createAuditTrailPartition(String partitionId, String password)
     throws SQLException {
   SchemaHelper.alterAuditTrailCreatePartition(password, partitionId, null, null);