Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Verifies, whether value exists in row..
  * @param row The row of the cell.
  * @param rowOperator the row header operator
  * @param value The cell text to verify.
  * @param operator The operation used to verify
  * @param searchType Determines where the search begins ("relative" or "absolute")
  * @param exists true if value exists, false otherwise
  * @throws StepExecutionException If the row or the column is invalid, or if the rendered text
  *     cannot be extracted.
 public void rcVerifyValueInRow(
     final String row,
     final String rowOperator,
     final String value,
     final String operator,
     final String searchType,
     boolean exists)
     throws StepExecutionException {
   final TreeTableOperationContext adapter = getContext();
   final int implRow = adapter.getRowFromString(row, rowOperator);
   boolean valueIsExisting = false;
   // if row is header
   if (implRow == -1) {
     for (int i = getStartingColIndex(searchType); i < adapter.getColumnCount(); ++i) {
       if (MatchUtil.getInstance().match(adapter.getColumnHeaderText(i), value, operator)) {
         valueIsExisting = true;
   } else {
     for (int i = getStartingColIndex(searchType); i < adapter.getColumnCount(); ++i) {
       if (MatchUtil.getInstance().match(getCellText(implRow, i), value, operator)) {
         valueIsExisting = true;
   Verifier.equals(exists, valueIsExisting);
Ejemplo n.º 2
   * Selects the cell of the Table.<br>
   * With the xPos, yPos, xUnits and yUnits the click position inside the cell can be defined.
   * @param row The row of the cell.
   * @param rowOperator The row header operator
   * @param col The column of the cell.
   * @param colOperator The column header operator
   * @param clickCount The number of clicks with the right mouse button
   * @param xPos what x position
   * @param xUnits should x position be pixel or percent values
   * @param yPos what y position
   * @param yUnits should y position be pixel or percent values
   * @param extendSelection Should this selection be part of a multiple selection
   * @param button what mouse button should be used
   * @throws StepExecutionException If the row or the column is invalid
  public void rcSelectCell(
      final String row,
      final String rowOperator,
      final String col,
      final String colOperator,
      final int clickCount,
      final int xPos,
      final String xUnits,
      final int yPos,
      final String yUnits,
      final String extendSelection,
      int button)
      throws StepExecutionException {
    TreeTableOperationContext adapter = getContext();
    final int implRow = adapter.getRowFromString(row, rowOperator);
    final int implCol = adapter.getColumnFromString(col, colOperator, implRow != -1);
    final boolean isExtendSelection = extendSelection.equals(ValueSets.BinaryChoice.yes.rcValue());
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
      log.debug("Selecting row, col: " + row + ", " + col); // $NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$

    Rectangle cellBounds;
    Object source = getRealComponent();
    // if row is header and col is existing
    if (implRow == -1 && implCol > -1) {
      cellBounds = adapter.getHeaderBounds(implCol);
      source = adapter.getTableHeader();
    } else {
      cellBounds = adapter.scrollCellToVisible(implRow, implCol);
    ClickOptions clickOptions = ClickOptions.create();
    try {
      if (isExtendSelection) {
        getRobot().keyPress(getRealComponent(), getExtendSelectionModifier());
    } finally {
      if (isExtendSelection) {
        getRobot().keyRelease(getRealComponent(), getExtendSelectionModifier());
Ejemplo n.º 3
   * Action to read the value of the passed cell of the table to store it in a variable in the
   * Client
   * @param variable the name of the variable
   * @param row the row to select
   * @param rowOperator the row header operator
   * @param col the column to select
   * @param colOperator the column header operator
   * @return the text value.
  public String rcReadValue(
      String variable, String row, String rowOperator, String col, String colOperator) {
    TreeTableOperationContext adapter = getContext();
    final int implRow = adapter.getRowFromString(row, rowOperator);
    final int implCol = adapter.getColumnFromString(col, colOperator, implRow != -1);

    // if row is header and column is existing
    if (implRow == -1 && implCol > -1) {
      return adapter.getColumnHeaderText(implCol);
    checkRowColBounds(implRow, implCol);
    adapter.scrollCellToVisible(implRow, implCol);
    return getCellText(implRow, implCol);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Verifies the editable property of the given indices.
  * @param editable The editable property to verify.
  * @param row the row to select
  * @param rowOperator the row header operator
  * @param col the column to select
  * @param colOperator the column header operator
 public void rcVerifyEditable(
     boolean editable, String row, String rowOperator, String col, String colOperator) {
   TreeTableOperationContext context = getContext();
   if (context.getRowFromString(row, rowOperator) == -1) {
     throw new StepExecutionException(
         "Unsupported Header Action", //$NON-NLS-1$
Ejemplo n.º 5
   * Finds the first column which contains the value <code>value</code> in the given row and selects
   * the cell.
   * @param row the row
   * @param rowOperator the row header operator
   * @param value the value
   * @param regex search using regex
   * @param extendSelection Should this selection be part of a multiple selection
   * @param searchType Determines where the search begins ("relative" or "absolute")
   * @param co the click options to use
  protected void selectCellByColValue(
      String row,
      String rowOperator,
      final String value,
      final String regex,
      final String extendSelection,
      final String searchType,
      ClickOptions co) {
    TreeTableOperationContext adapter = getContext();
    final int implRow = adapter.getRowFromString(row, rowOperator);
    int colCount = adapter.getColumnCount();
    Integer implCol = null;
    if (implRow == -1) {

      for (int i = getStartingColIndex(searchType); i < colCount; ++i) {
        if (MatchUtil.getInstance().match(adapter.getColumnHeaderText(i), value, regex)) {
          implCol = new Integer(i);
    } else {
      for (int i = getStartingColIndex(searchType); i < colCount; ++i) {
        if (MatchUtil.getInstance().match(getCellText(implRow, i), value, regex)) {

          implCol = new Integer(i);
    if (implCol == null) {
      throw new StepExecutionException(
          "no such cell found",
          EventFactory //$NON-NLS-1$

    String usrIdxRowStr = new Integer(IndexConverter.toUserIndex(implRow)).toString();
    String usrIdxColStr = new Integer(IndexConverter.toUserIndex(implCol.intValue())).toString();

    selectCell(usrIdxRowStr, rowOperator, usrIdxColStr, MatchUtil.EQUALS, co, extendSelection);
Ejemplo n.º 6
   * Verifies the rendered text inside the passed cell.
   * @param row The row of the cell.
   * @param rowOperator The row header operator
   * @param col The column of the cell.
   * @param colOperator The column header operator
   * @param text The cell text to verify.
   * @param operator The operation used to verify
   * @throws StepExecutionException If the row or the column is invalid, or if the rendered text
   *     cannot be extracted.
  public void rcVerifyText(
      String text,
      String operator,
      final String row,
      final String rowOperator,
      final String col,
      final String colOperator)
      throws StepExecutionException {
    TreeTableOperationContext adapter = getContext();
    final int implRow = adapter.getRowFromString(row, rowOperator);
    final int implCol = adapter.getColumnFromString(col, colOperator, implRow != -1);
    String current;
    // if row is header and column is existing
    if (implRow == -1 && implCol > -1) {
      current = adapter.getColumnHeaderText(implCol);
    } else {
      checkRowColBounds(implRow, implCol);
      adapter.scrollCellToVisible(implRow, implCol);
      current = getCellText(implRow, implCol);

    Verifier.match(current, text, operator);