  protected DataMessageComponent getTransformedMessage(List<DataMessageComponent> cache)
      throws DataMessageException {

    // get the data out of the message, name of the item should be specified
    final Map<String, Serializable> data = MessageUtils.getList(cache);
    Map<String, AFunction> functions;
    try {
      functions = MessageUtils.getFunctions(cache);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new DataMessageException(
          "Could not parse the Funcitons comming into the FunctionToDatsetActor", null, e);

    // prepare the output message
    DataMessageComponent result = MessageUtils.copy(cache);

    // get the required datasets
    String dataset = datasetName.getExpression();
    String xAxis = xAxisName.getExpression();
    String functionString = functionName.getExpression();

    // Get the actual objects
    Dataset xAxisDS = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(data.get(xAxis)).clone();
    AFunction function = functions.get(functionString);

    populateDataBasedFunctions(data, function);

    // process the data
    // TODO Add Null Protection here.
    DoubleDataset createdDS = function.calculateValues(xAxisDS);

    // Add it to the result
    result.addList(createdDS.getName(), createdDS);

    return result;