public void testRemoveRegion() throws BundleException {
		Region pp1Region = digraph.createRegion(PP1);
		assertEquals("Region not associated with bundle id", pp1Region, digraph.getRegion(TEST_BUNDLE_ID));
		assertNull("Region still associated with bundle id", digraph.getRegion(TEST_BUNDLE_ID));

		// Adding a bundle to a removed region should not change the digraph and should error
		try {
			fail("Added a bundle to a region which was not part of a digraph");
		} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
			// expected
		assertNull("Region now associated with bundle id", digraph.getRegion(TEST_BUNDLE_ID));

		Region pp2Region = digraph.createRegion(PP2);

		// removing a bundle from a removed region should not change the digraph and should error
		try {
			fail("Removed a bundle via a region which was not part of a digraph");
		} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
			// Expected
		assertEquals("Wrong region found for the bundle id", pp2Region, digraph.getRegion(TEST_BUNDLE_ID));
 private Region createRegion(String regionName, String... bundleSymbolicNames)
     throws BundleException {
   Region region = this.digraph.createRegion(regionName);
   for (String bundleSymbolicName : bundleSymbolicNames) {
     Bundle stubBundle = createBundle(bundleSymbolicName);
   this.regions.put(regionName, region);
   return region;