   * {@inheritDoc}
   * @see
   *     org.eclipse.emf.eef.runtime.api.component.IPropertiesEditionComponent#initPart(java.lang.Object,
   *     int, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet)
  public void initPart(Object key, int kind, EObject elt, ResourceSet allResource) {
    if (editingPart != null && key == partKey) {
      editingPart.setContext(elt, allResource);

      final ViewsRepository viewsRepository = (ViewsRepository) elt;
      final ViewsRepositoryPropertiesEditionPart basePart =
          (ViewsRepositoryPropertiesEditionPart) editingPart;
      // init values
      // FIXME NO VALID CASE INTO template public updater(editionElement : PropertiesEditionElement,
      // view : View, pec : PropertiesEditionComponent) in widgetControl.mtl module, with the values
      // : RepositoryKind, ViewsRepository, ViewsRepository.
      if (isAccessible(ViewsViewsRepository.ViewsRepository.Properties.name))
                EcorePackage.Literals.ESTRING, viewsRepository.getName()));

      // init filters
      // FIXME NO VALID CASE INTO template public filterUpdater(editionElement :
      // PropertiesEditionElement, view : View, pec : PropertiesEditionComponent) in
      // widgetControl.mtl module, with the values : RepositoryKind, ViewsRepository,
      // ViewsRepository.

      // init values for referenced views

      // init filters for referenced views
