Ejemplo n.º 1
  /* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see org.dspace.browse.BrowseDAO#doValueQuery()
  public List<String[]> doValueQuery() throws BrowseException {
    String query = getQuery();

    Object[] params = getQueryParams();
    log.debug(LogManager.getHeader(context, "executing_value_query", "query=" + query));

    TableRowIterator tri = null;

    try {
      // now run the query
      tri = DatabaseManager.query(context, query, params);

      // go over the query results and process
      List<String[]> results = new ArrayList<String[]>();
      while (tri.hasNext()) {
        TableRow row = tri.next();
        String valueResult = row.getStringColumn("value");
        String authorityResult = row.getStringColumn("authority");
        if (enableBrowseFrequencies) {
          long frequency = row.getLongColumn("num");
          results.add(new String[] {valueResult, authorityResult, String.valueOf(frequency)});
        } else results.add(new String[] {valueResult, authorityResult, ""});

      return results;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      log.error("caught exception: ", e);
      throw new BrowseException(e);
    } finally {
      if (tri != null) {
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Constructor to load the object from the database.
  * @param row database row from which to populate object.
 public MetadataField(TableRow row) {
   if (row != null) {
     this.fieldID = row.getIntColumn("metadata_field_id");
     this.schemaID = row.getIntColumn("metadata_schema_id");
     this.element = row.getStringColumn("element");
     this.qualifier = row.getStringColumn("qualifier");
     this.scopeNote = row.getStringColumn("scope_note");
     this.row = row;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    List<DCValue> get(Context c, int resourceId, int resourceTypeId, Logger log)
        throws SQLException {
      if (metadata == null) {
        metadata = new ArrayList<DCValue>();

        // Get Dublin Core metadata
        TableRowIterator tri = retrieveMetadata(resourceId, resourceTypeId);

        if (tri != null) {
          try {
            while (tri.hasNext()) {
              TableRow resultRow = tri.next();

              // Get the associated metadata field and schema information
              int fieldID = resultRow.getIntColumn("metadata_field_id");
              MetadataField field = MetadataField.find(c, fieldID);

              if (field == null) {
                log.error("Loading item - cannot find metadata field " + fieldID);
              } else {
                MetadataSchema schema = MetadataSchema.find(c, field.getSchemaID());
                if (schema == null) {
                      "Loading item - cannot find metadata schema "
                          + field.getSchemaID()
                          + ", field "
                          + fieldID);
                } else {
                  // Make a DCValue object
                  DCValue dcv = new DCValue();
                  dcv.element = field.getElement();
                  dcv.qualifier = field.getQualifier();
                  dcv.value = resultRow.getStringColumn("text_value");
                  dcv.language = resultRow.getStringColumn("text_lang");
                  // dcv.namespace = schema.getNamespace();
                  dcv.schema = schema.getName();
                  dcv.authority = resultRow.getStringColumn("authority");
                  dcv.confidence = resultRow.getIntColumn("confidence");

                  // Add it to the list
          } finally {
            // close the TableRowIterator to free up resources
            if (tri != null) {

      return metadata;
  * Construct the metadata object from the matching database row.
  * @param row database row to use for contents
 public RevisionToken(TableRow row) {
   if (row != null) {
     revisionTokenId = row.getIntColumn("revision_token_id");
     tipo = row.getStringColumn("tipo");
     email = row.getStringColumn("email");
     token = row.getStringColumn("token");
     handleRevisado = row.getStringColumn("handle_revisado");
     workspaceId = row.getStringColumn("workspace_id");
     revisionId = row.getStringColumn("revision_id");
     this.row = row;
  private void populateEPersonFromTableRow(EPerson eperson, TableRow row) {
    UUID uuid = UUID.fromString(row.getStringColumn("uuid"));

    for (EPersonMetadataField f : EPersonMetadataField.values()) {
      eperson.setMetadata(f, row.getStringColumn(f.toString()));

    eperson.setIdentifier(new ObjectIdentifier(uuid));
  /* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see org.dspace.browse.BrowseDAO#doValueQuery()
  public List doValueQuery() throws BrowseException {
    String query = getQuery();
    Object[] params = getQueryParams();
    log.debug(LogManager.getHeader(context, "executing_value_query", "query=" + query));

    TableRowIterator tri = null;

    try {
      // now run the query
      tri = DatabaseManager.query(context, query, params);

      // go over the query results and process
      List results = new ArrayList();
      while (tri.hasNext()) {
        TableRow row = tri.next();
        String stringResult = row.getStringColumn("value");

      return results;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      log.error("caught exception: ", e);
      throw new BrowseException(e);
    } finally {
      if (tri != null) {
Ejemplo n.º 7
   * Perform a database query to obtain the string array of values corresponding to the passed
   * parameters. This is only really called from <code>
   * getMetadata(schema, element, qualifier, lang);
   * </code> which will obtain the value from cache if available first.
   * @param schema
   * @param element
   * @param qualifier
   * @param lang
  public List<DCValue> getMetadata(
      Item item, String schema, String element, String qualifier, String lang) {
    List<DCValue> metadata = new ArrayList<DCValue>();
    try {
      TableRowIterator tri;

      if (qualifier == null) {
        Object[] params = {item.getID(), element, schema};
        tri = DatabaseManager.query(context, getByMetadataElement, params);
      } else if (Item.ANY.equals(qualifier)) {
        Object[] params = {item.getID(), element, schema};
        tri = DatabaseManager.query(context, getByMetadataAnyQualifier, params);
      } else {
        Object[] params = {item.getID(), element, qualifier, schema};
        tri = DatabaseManager.query(context, getByMetadata, params);

      while (tri.hasNext()) {
        TableRow tr = tri.next();
        DCValue dcv = new DCValue();
        dcv.schema = schema;
        dcv.element = element;
        dcv.qualifier = qualifier;
        dcv.language = lang;
        dcv.value = tr.getStringColumn("text_value");
    } catch (SQLException sqle) {
      throw new RuntimeException(sqle);
    return metadata;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  /** Return the list of running applications. */
  public static List<AbstractDSpaceWebapp> getApps() {
    ArrayList<AbstractDSpaceWebapp> apps = new ArrayList<AbstractDSpaceWebapp>();
    TableRowIterator tri;

    Context context = null;
    HttpMethod request = null;
    try {
      context = new Context();
      tri = DatabaseManager.queryTable(context, "Webapp", "SELECT * FROM Webapp");

      for (TableRow row : tri.toList()) {
        DSpaceWebapp app = new DSpaceWebapp();
        app.kind = row.getStringColumn("AppName");
        app.url = row.getStringColumn("URL");
        app.started = row.getDateColumn("Started");
        app.uiQ = row.getBooleanColumn("isUI");

        HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
        request = new HeadMethod(app.url);
        int status = client.executeMethod(request);
        if (status != HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
          DatabaseManager.delete(context, row);

    } catch (SQLException e) {
      log.error("Unable to list running applications", e);
    } catch (HttpException e) {
      log.error("Failure checking for a running webapp", e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      log.error("Failure checking for a running webapp", e);
    } finally {
      if (null != request) {
      if (null != context) {

    return apps;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  public void loadMetadata(Item item) {
    MetadataFieldDAO mfDAO = MetadataFieldDAOFactory.getInstance(context);
    MetadataSchemaDAO msDAO = MetadataSchemaDAOFactory.getInstance(context);

    try {
      TableRowIterator tri =
              "SELECT * FROM MetadataValue "
                  + "WHERE item_id = ? "
                  + "ORDER BY metadata_field_id, place",

      List<DCValue> metadata = new ArrayList<DCValue>();

      for (TableRow row : tri.toList()) {
        // Get the associated metadata field and schema information
        int fieldID = row.getIntColumn("metadata_field_id");
        MetadataField field = mfDAO.retrieve(fieldID);

        if (field == null) {
          log.error("Loading item - cannot find metadata field " + fieldID);
        } else {
          MetadataSchema schema = msDAO.retrieve(field.getSchemaID());

          // Make a DCValue object
          DCValue dcv = new DCValue();
          dcv.schema = schema.getName();
          dcv.element = field.getElement();
          dcv.qualifier = field.getQualifier();
          dcv.language = row.getStringColumn("text_lang");
          dcv.value = row.getStringColumn("text_value");

          // Add it to the item

    } catch (SQLException sqle) {
      throw new RuntimeException(sqle);
 public static boolean estaFinalizado(Context context, String token) throws SQLException {
   TableRow qResult =
           context, "SELECT revision_id FROM revision_token WHERE token = ?", token);
   if (qResult != null && qResult.getStringColumn("revision_id") != null) {
     return true;
   return false;
Ejemplo n.º 11
  public static boolean IsInstitution(Context context, String ip) throws SQLException {
    String sql = "select ip_range from stats.ip_institution";

    TableRowIterator iterator = DatabaseManager.query(context, sql);
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
      TableRow row = iterator.next();
      String range = row.getStringColumn("ip_range");
      if (ip.indexOf(range) == 0) return true;
    return false;
  private void populateCollectionFromTableRow(Collection c, TableRow row) {
    Bitstream logo = null;
    Item templateItem = null;

    // Get the logo bitstream
    if (!row.isColumnNull("logo_bitstream_id")) {
      int id = row.getIntColumn("logo_bitstream_id");
      logo = bitstreamDAO.retrieve(id);

    // Get the template item
    if (!row.isColumnNull("template_item_id")) {
      templateItem = itemDAO.retrieve(row.getIntColumn("template_item_id"));

    UUID uuid = UUID.fromString(row.getStringColumn("uuid"));
    c.setIdentifier(new ObjectIdentifier(uuid));


    c.setWorkflowGroup(1, groupFromColumn(row, "workflow_step_1"));
    c.setWorkflowGroup(2, groupFromColumn(row, "workflow_step_2"));
    c.setWorkflowGroup(3, groupFromColumn(row, "workflow_step_3"));

    c.setSubmitters(groupFromColumn(row, "submitter"));
    c.setAdministrators(groupFromColumn(row, "admin"));

    for (CollectionMetadataField field : CollectionMetadataField.values()) {
      String value = row.getStringColumn(field.toString());
      if (value == null) {
        c.setMetadata(field.toString(), "");
      } else {
        c.setMetadata(field.toString(), value);
Ejemplo n.º 13
  private void populateItemFromTableRow(Item item, TableRow row) {
    UUID uuid = UUID.fromString(row.getStringColumn("uuid"));
    int submitterId = row.getIntColumn("submitter_id");
    int owningCollectionId = row.getIntColumn("owning_collection");
    boolean inArchive = row.getBooleanColumn("in_archive");
    boolean withdrawn = row.getBooleanColumn("withdrawn");
    Date lastModified = row.getDateColumn("last_modified");

    item.setIdentifier(new ObjectIdentifier(uuid));
  /* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see org.dspace.browse.BrowseDAO#doMaxQuery(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int)
  public String doMaxQuery(String column, String table, int itemID) throws BrowseException {
    TableRowIterator tri = null;

    try {
      String query = "SELECT max(" + column + ") FROM " + table + " WHERE item_id = ?";

      Object[] params = {new Integer(itemID)};
      tri = DatabaseManager.query(context, query, params);

      TableRow row;
      if (tri.hasNext()) {
        row = tri.next();
        return row.getStringColumn("max");
      } else {
        return null;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      throw new BrowseException(e);
    } finally {
      if (tri != null) {
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * get name of group
  * @return name
 public String getName() {
   return myRow.getStringColumn("name");
Ejemplo n.º 16
  public void updateMetadata() throws SQLException, AuthorizeException {
    // Map counting number of values for each element/qualifier.
    // Keys are Strings: "element" or "element.qualifier"
    // Values are Integers indicating number of values written for a
    // element/qualifier
    Map<String, Integer> elementCount = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

    modifiedMetadata = false;

    // Arrays to store the working information required
    int[] placeNum = new int[getMetadata().size()];
    boolean[] storedDC = new boolean[getMetadata().size()];
    MetadataField[] dcFields = new MetadataField[getMetadata().size()];

    // Work out the place numbers for the in memory DC
    for (int dcIdx = 0; dcIdx < getMetadata().size(); dcIdx++) {
      DCValue dcv = getMetadata().get(dcIdx);

      // Work out the place number for ordering
      int current = 0;

      // Key into map is "element" or "element.qualifier"
      String key = dcv.element + ((dcv.qualifier == null) ? "" : ("." + dcv.qualifier));

      Integer currentInteger = elementCount.get(key);
      if (currentInteger != null) {
        current = currentInteger.intValue();

      elementCount.put(key, Integer.valueOf(current));

      // Store the calculated place number, reset the stored flag, and cache the metadatafield
      placeNum[dcIdx] = current;
      storedDC[dcIdx] = false;
      dcFields[dcIdx] = getMetadataField(dcv);
      if (dcFields[dcIdx] == null) {
        // Bad DC field, log and throw exception
        log.warn("Invalid metadata field: [" + dcv.getField() + "] : [" + dcv.value + "]");
        throw new SQLException("Invalid metadata field: [" + dcv.getField() + "]");

    // Now the precalculations are done, iterate through the existing metadata
    // looking for matches
    TableRowIterator tri = retrieveMetadata();
    if (tri != null) {
      try {
        while (tri.hasNext()) {
          TableRow tr = tri.next();
          // Assume that we will remove this row, unless we get a match
          boolean removeRow = true;

          // Go through the in-memory metadata, unless we've already decided to keep this row
          for (int dcIdx = 0; dcIdx < getMetadata().size() && removeRow; dcIdx++) {
            // Only process if this metadata has not already been matched to something in the DB
            if (!storedDC[dcIdx]) {
              boolean matched = true;
              DCValue dcv = getMetadata().get(dcIdx);

              // Check the metadata field is the same
              if (matched && dcFields[dcIdx].getFieldID() != tr.getIntColumn("metadata_field_id")) {
                matched = false;

              // Check the place is the same
              if (matched && placeNum[dcIdx] != tr.getIntColumn("place")) {
                matched = false;

              // Check the text is the same
              if (matched) {
                String text = tr.getStringColumn("text_value");
                if (dcv.value == null && text == null) {
                  matched = true;
                } else if (dcv.value != null && dcv.value.equals(text)) {
                  matched = true;
                } else {
                  matched = false;

              // Check the language is the same
              if (matched) {
                String lang = tr.getStringColumn("text_lang");
                if (dcv.language == null && lang == null) {
                  matched = true;
                } else if (dcv.language != null && dcv.language.equals(lang)) {
                  matched = true;
                } else {
                  matched = false;

              // check that authority and confidence match
              if (matched) {
                String auth = tr.getStringColumn("authority");
                int conf = tr.getIntColumn("confidence");
                if (!((dcv.authority == null && auth == null)
                    || (dcv.authority != null && auth != null && dcv.authority.equals(auth))
                        && dcv.confidence == conf)) {
                  matched = false;

              // If the db record is identical to the in memory values
              if (matched) {
                // Flag that the metadata is already in the DB
                storedDC[dcIdx] = true;

                // Flag that we are not going to remove the row
                removeRow = false;

          // If after processing all the metadata values, we didn't find a match
          // delete this row from the DB
          if (removeRow) {
            DatabaseManager.delete(ourContext, tr);
            modifiedMetadata = true;
      } finally {

    // Add missing in-memory DC
    for (int dcIdx = 0; dcIdx < getMetadata().size(); dcIdx++) {
      // Only write values that are not already in the db
      if (!storedDC[dcIdx]) {
        DCValue dcv = getMetadata().get(dcIdx);

        // Write DCValue
        MetadataValue metadata = new MetadataValue();
        modifiedMetadata = true;

    if (modifiedMetadata) {
          new Event(
              Event.MODIFY_METADATA, getType(), getID(), getDetails(), getIdentifiers(ourContext)));
      modifiedMetadata = false;
Ejemplo n.º 17
  private static void loadParameters(
      PreparedStatement statement, Collection<ColumnInfo> columns, TableRow row)
      throws SQLException {
    int count = 0;
    for (ColumnInfo info : columns) {
      String column = info.getCanonicalizedName();
      int jdbctype = info.getType();

      if (row.isColumnNull(column)) {
        statement.setNull(count, jdbctype);
      } else {
        switch (jdbctype) {
          case Types.BOOLEAN:
          case Types.BIT:
            statement.setBoolean(count, row.getBooleanColumn(column));

          case Types.INTEGER:
            if (isOracle) {
              statement.setLong(count, row.getLongColumn(column));
            } else {
              statement.setInt(count, row.getIntColumn(column));

          case Types.NUMERIC:
          case Types.DECIMAL:
            statement.setLong(count, row.getLongColumn(column));
            // FIXME should be BigDecimal if TableRow supported that

          case Types.BIGINT:
            statement.setLong(count, row.getLongColumn(column));

          case Types.CLOB:
            if (isOracle) {
              // Support CLOBs in place of TEXT columns in Oracle
              statement.setString(count, row.getStringColumn(column));
            } else {
              throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported JDBC type: " + jdbctype);

          case Types.VARCHAR:
            statement.setString(count, row.getStringColumn(column));

          case Types.DATE:
            statement.setDate(count, new java.sql.Date(row.getDateColumn(column).getTime()));

          case Types.TIME:
            statement.setTime(count, new Time(row.getDateColumn(column).getTime()));

          case Types.TIMESTAMP:
            statement.setTimestamp(count, new Timestamp(row.getDateColumn(column).getTime()));

            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported JDBC type: " + jdbctype);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public String getRoleId() {
   return myRow.getStringColumn("role_id");