  public void update(Collection collection) throws AuthorizeException {
    try {
      TableRow row = DatabaseManager.find(context, "collection", collection.getID());

      if (row != null) {
        populateTableRowFromCollection(collection, row);
        DatabaseManager.update(context, row);
      } else {
        throw new RuntimeException("Didn't find collection " + collection.getID());
    } catch (SQLException sqle) {
      throw new RuntimeException(sqle);
   * Commit the contained item to the main archive. The item is associated with the relevant
   * collection, added to the search index, and any other tasks such as assigning dates are
   * performed.
   * @return the fully archived item.
  public Item archive(Context context, BasicWorkflowItem workflowItem)
      throws SQLException, IOException, AuthorizeException {
    // FIXME: Check auth
    Item item = workflowItem.getItem();
    Collection collection = workflowItem.getCollection();

                + workflowItem.getID()
                + "item_id="
                + item.getID()
                + "collection_id="
                + collection.getID()));

    installItemService.installItem(context, workflowItem);

    // Log the event
            "workflow_id=" + workflowItem.getID() + ", item_id=" + item.getID() + "handle=FIXME"));

    return item;
Ejemplo n.º 3
   * Change default privileges from the anonymous group to a new group that will be created and
   * appropriate privileges assigned. The id of this new group will be returned.
   * @param context The current DSpace context.
   * @param collectionID The collection id.
   * @return The group ID of the new group.
  public static int createCollectionDefaultReadGroup(Context context, int collectionID)
      throws SQLException, AuthorizeException, UIException {
    int roleID = getCollectionDefaultRead(context, collectionID);

    if (roleID != 0) {
      throw new UIException(
          "Unable to create a new default read group because either the group already exists or multiple groups are assigned the default privileges.");

    Collection collection = Collection.find(context, collectionID);
    Group role = Group.create(context);
    role.setName("COLLECTION_" + collection.getID() + "_DEFAULT_READ");

    // Remove existing privileges from the anonymous group.
    AuthorizeManager.removePoliciesActionFilter(context, collection, Constants.DEFAULT_ITEM_READ);
        context, collection, Constants.DEFAULT_BITSTREAM_READ);

    // Grant our new role the default privileges.
    AuthorizeManager.addPolicy(context, collection, Constants.DEFAULT_ITEM_READ, role);
    AuthorizeManager.addPolicy(context, collection, Constants.DEFAULT_BITSTREAM_READ, role);

    // Commit the changes

    return role.getID();
Ejemplo n.º 4
   * Commit the contained item to the main archive. The item is associated with the relevant
   * collection, added to the search index, and any other tasks such as assigning dates are
   * performed.
   * @return the fully archived item.
  private static Item archive(Context c, WorkflowItem wfi)
      throws SQLException, IOException, AuthorizeException {
    // FIXME: Check auth
    Item item = wfi.getItem();
    Collection collection = wfi.getCollection();

                + wfi.getID()
                + "item_id="
                + item.getID()
                + "collection_id="
                + collection.getID()));

    InstallItem.installItem(c, wfi);

    // Log the event
            "workflow_id=" + wfi.getID() + ", item_id=" + item.getID() + "handle=FIXME"));

    return item;
   * Get all workflow items for a particular collection.
   * @param context the context object
   * @param c the collection
   * @return array of the corresponding workflow items
  public static WorkflowItem[] findByCollection(Context context, Collection c) throws SQLException {
    List wsItems = new ArrayList();

    TableRowIterator tri =
            "SELECT workflowitem.* FROM workflowitem WHERE " + "workflowitem.collection_id= ? ",

    try {
      while (tri.hasNext()) {
        TableRow row = tri.next();

        // Check the cache
        WorkflowItem wi =
            (WorkflowItem) context.fromCache(WorkflowItem.class, row.getIntColumn("workflow_id"));

        // not in cache? turn row into workflowitem
        if (wi == null) {
          wi = new WorkflowItem(context, row);

    } finally {
      if (tri != null) tri.close();

    WorkflowItem[] wsArray = new WorkflowItem[wsItems.size()];
    wsArray = (WorkflowItem[]) wsItems.toArray(wsArray);

    return wsArray;
Ejemplo n.º 6
   * Return the workflow item to the workspace of the submitter. The workflow item is removed, and a
   * workspace item created.
   * @param c Context
   * @param wfi WorkflowItem to be 'dismantled'
   * @return the workspace item
  private static WorkspaceItem returnToWorkspace(Context c, WorkflowItem wfi)
      throws SQLException, IOException, AuthorizeException {
    Item myitem = wfi.getItem();
    Collection mycollection = wfi.getCollection();

    // FIXME: How should this interact with the workflow system?
    // FIXME: Remove license
    // FIXME: Provenance statement?
    // Create the new workspace item row
    TableRow row = DatabaseManager.create(c, "workspaceitem");
    row.setColumn("item_id", myitem.getID());
    row.setColumn("collection_id", mycollection.getID());
    DatabaseManager.update(c, row);

    int wsi_id = row.getIntColumn("workspace_item_id");
    WorkspaceItem wi = WorkspaceItem.find(c, wsi_id);

    // myitem.update();
            "workflow_item_id=" + wfi.getID() + "workspace_item_id=" + wi.getID()));

    // Now remove the workflow object manually from the database
    DatabaseManager.updateQuery(c, "DELETE FROM WorkflowItem WHERE workflow_id=" + wfi.getID());

    return wi;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public Group getWorkflowRoleGroup(
     Context context, Collection collection, String roleName, Group roleGroup)
     throws SQLException, IOException, WorkflowException, AuthorizeException {
   try {
     Role role = WorkflowUtils.getCollectionAndRepositoryRoles(collection).get(roleName);
     if (role.getScope() == Role.Scope.COLLECTION || role.getScope() == Role.Scope.REPOSITORY) {
       roleGroup = WorkflowUtils.getRoleGroup(context, collection, role);
       if (roleGroup == null) {
         authorizeService.authorizeAction(context, collection, Constants.WRITE);
         roleGroup = groupService.create(context);
         if (role.getScope() == Role.Scope.COLLECTION) {
               "COLLECTION_" + collection.getID().toString() + "_WORKFLOW_ROLE_" + roleName);
         } else {
           groupService.setName(roleGroup, role.getName());
         groupService.update(context, roleGroup);
         authorizeService.addPolicy(context, collection, Constants.ADD, roleGroup);
         if (role.getScope() == Role.Scope.COLLECTION) {
           WorkflowUtils.createCollectionWorkflowRole(context, collection, roleName, roleGroup);
     return roleGroup;
   } catch (WorkflowConfigurationException e) {
     throw new WorkflowException(e);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public CollectionEntity(
     final Collection collection,
     final List<Entity> items,
     final List<Entity> communities,
     final int itemsCount)
     throws SQLException {
   this.canEdit = collection.canEditBoolean();
   this.handle = collection.getHandle();
   this.licence = collection.getLicense();
   this.short_description = collection.getMetadata("short_description");
   this.intro_text = collection.getMetadata("introductory_text");
   this.copyright_text = collection.getMetadata("copyright_text");
   this.sidebar_text = collection.getMetadata("side_bar_text");
   this.provenance = collection.getMetadata("provenance_description");
   if (collection.getLogo() == null) {
     this.logo = null;
   } else {
     this.logo = new BitstreamEntityId(collection.getLogo());
 public void unlink(Collection collection, Item item) throws AuthorizeException {
   if (linked(collection, item)) {
     try {
           "DELETE FROM collection2item WHERE collection_id= ? " + "AND item_id= ? ",
     } catch (SQLException sqle) {
       throw new RuntimeException(sqle);
  public void link(Collection collection, Item item) throws AuthorizeException {
    if (!linked(collection, item)) {
      try {
        TableRow row = DatabaseManager.create(context, "collection2item");

        row.setColumn("collection_id", collection.getID());
        row.setColumn("item_id", item.getID());

        DatabaseManager.update(context, row);
      } catch (SQLException sqle) {
        throw new RuntimeException(sqle);
  private void populateTableRowFromCollection(Collection collection, TableRow row) {
    int id = collection.getID();
    Bitstream logo = collection.getLogo();
    Item templateItem = collection.getTemplateItem();
    Group admins = collection.getAdministrators();
    Group[] workflowGroups = collection.getWorkflowGroups();

    if (logo == null) {
    } else {
      row.setColumn("logo_bitstream_id", logo.getID());

    if (templateItem == null) {
    } else {
      row.setColumn("template_item_id", templateItem.getID());

    if (admins == null) {
    } else {
      row.setColumn("admin", admins.getID());

    for (int i = 1; i <= workflowGroups.length; i++) {
      Group g = workflowGroups[i - 1];
      if (g == null) {
        row.setColumnNull("workflow_step_" + i);
      } else {
        row.setColumn("workflow_step_" + i, g.getID());

    // Now loop over all allowed metadata fields and set the value into the
    // TableRow.
    for (CollectionMetadataField field : CollectionMetadataField.values()) {
      String value = collection.getMetadata(field.toString());
      if (value == null) {
      } else {
        row.setColumn(field.toString(), value);

    row.setColumn("uuid", collection.getIdentifier().getUUID().toString());
Ejemplo n.º 12
  private void populateTableRowFromItem(Item item, TableRow row) {
    EPerson submitter = item.getSubmitter();
    Collection owningCollection = item.getOwningCollection();

    row.setColumn("item_id", item.getID());
    row.setColumn("in_archive", item.isArchived());
    row.setColumn("withdrawn", item.isWithdrawn());
    row.setColumn("last_modified", item.getLastModified());

    if (submitter != null) {
      row.setColumn("submitter_id", submitter.getID());

    if (owningCollection != null) {
      row.setColumn("owning_collection", owningCollection.getID());
  public boolean linked(Collection collection, Item item) {
    try {
      TableRowIterator tri =
              "SELECT id FROM collection2item " + "WHERE collection_id = ? AND item_id = ? ",

      boolean result = tri.hasNext();

      return result;
    } catch (SQLException sqle) {
      throw new RuntimeException(sqle);
Ejemplo n.º 14
  public List<Item> getItemsByCollection(Collection collection) {
    try {
      TableRowIterator tri =
              "SELECT i.item_id "
                  + "FROM item i, collection2item c2i "
                  + "WHERE i.item_id = c2i.item_id "
                  + "AND c2i.collection_id = ? "
                  + "AND i.in_archive = '1'",

      return returnAsList(tri);
    } catch (SQLException sqle) {
      throw new RuntimeException(sqle);
Ejemplo n.º 15
   * startWorkflow() begins a workflow - in a single transaction do away with the PersonalWorkspace
   * entry and turn it into a WorkflowItem.
   * @param c Context
   * @param wsi The WorkspaceItem to convert to a workflow item
   * @return The resulting workflow item
  public static WorkflowItem start(Context c, WorkspaceItem wsi)
      throws SQLException, AuthorizeException, IOException {
    // FIXME Check auth
    Item myitem = wsi.getItem();
    Collection collection = wsi.getCollection();

                + wsi.getID()
                + "item_id="
                + myitem.getID()
                + "collection_id="
                + collection.getID()));

    // record the start of the workflow w/provenance message
    recordStart(c, myitem);

    // create the WorkflowItem
    TableRow row = DatabaseManager.create(c, "workflowitem");
    row.setColumn("item_id", myitem.getID());
    row.setColumn("collection_id", wsi.getCollection().getID());

    WorkflowItem wfi = new WorkflowItem(c, row);


    // remove the WorkspaceItem

    // now get the worflow started
    doState(c, wfi, WFSTATE_STEP1POOL, null);

    // Return the workflow item
    return wfi;
Ejemplo n.º 16
   * Commit the contained item to the main archive. The item is associated with the relevant
   * collection, added to the search index, and any other tasks such as assigning dates are
   * performed.
   * @param context The relevant DSpace Context.
   * @param wfi workflow item
   * @return the fully archived item.
   * @throws IOException A general class of exceptions produced by failed or interrupted I/O
   *     operations.
   * @throws SQLException An exception that provides information on a database access error or other
   *     errors.
   * @throws AuthorizeException Exception indicating the current user of the context does not have
   *     permission to perform a particular action.
  public Item archive(Context context, XmlWorkflowItem wfi)
      throws SQLException, IOException, AuthorizeException {
    // FIXME: Check auth
    Item item = wfi.getItem();
    Collection collection = wfi.getCollection();

    // Remove (if any) the workflowItemroles for this item
    workflowItemRoleService.deleteForWorkflowItem(context, wfi);

                + wfi.getID()
                + "item_id="
                + item.getID()
                + "collection_id="
                + collection.getID()));

    installItemService.installItem(context, wfi);

    // Notify
    notifyOfArchive(context, item, collection);

    // Clear any remaining workflow metadata
        context, item, WorkflowRequirementsService.WORKFLOW_SCHEMA, Item.ANY, Item.ANY, Item.ANY);
    itemService.update(context, item);

    // Log the event
            "workflow_item_id=" + wfi.getID() + ", item_id=" + item.getID() + "handle=FIXME"));

    return item;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 private static Group getXMLWorkflowRole(
     Context context, int collectionID, String roleName, Collection collection, Group roleGroup)
     throws IOException, WorkflowConfigurationException, SQLException, AuthorizeException {
   Role role = WorkflowUtils.getCollectionAndRepositoryRoles(collection).get(roleName);
   if (role.getScope() == Role.Scope.COLLECTION || role.getScope() == Role.Scope.REPOSITORY) {
     roleGroup = WorkflowUtils.getRoleGroup(context, collectionID, role);
     if (roleGroup == null) {
       AuthorizeManager.authorizeAction(context, collection, Constants.WRITE);
       roleGroup = Group.create(context);
       if (role.getScope() == Role.Scope.COLLECTION) {
         roleGroup.setName("COLLECTION_" + collection.getID() + "_WORKFLOW_ROLE_" + roleName);
       } else {
       AuthorizeManager.addPolicy(context, collection, Constants.ADD, roleGroup);
       if (role.getScope() == Role.Scope.COLLECTION) {
         WorkflowUtils.createCollectionWorkflowRole(context, collectionID, roleName, roleGroup);
   return roleGroup;
  public BasicWorkflowItem start(Context context, WorkspaceItem wsi)
      throws SQLException, AuthorizeException, IOException {
    // FIXME Check auth
    Item myitem = wsi.getItem();
    Collection collection = wsi.getCollection();

                + wsi.getID()
                + "item_id="
                + myitem.getID()
                + "collection_id="
                + collection.getID()));

    // record the start of the workflow w/provenance message
    recordStart(context, myitem);

    // create the WorkflowItem
    BasicWorkflowItem wfi = workflowItemService.create(context, myitem, collection);

    // remove the WorkspaceItem
    workspaceItemService.deleteWrapper(context, wsi);

    // now get the workflow started
    advance(context, wfi, null);

    // Return the workflow item
    return wfi;
  public int itemCount(Collection collection) {
    try {
      String query =
          "SELECT count(*) FROM collection2item, item WHERE "
              + "collection2item.collection_id =  ? "
              + "AND collection2item.item_id = item.item_id "
              + "AND in_archive ='1' AND item.withdrawn='0' ";

      PreparedStatement statement = context.getDBConnection().prepareStatement(query);
      statement.setInt(1, collection.getID());

      ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery();

      int itemcount = rs.getInt(1);


      return itemcount;
    } catch (SQLException sqle) {
      throw new RuntimeException(sqle);
Ejemplo n.º 20
   * Create a new collection
   * @param context The current DSpace context.
   * @param communityID The id of the parent community.
   * @return A process result's object.
  public static FlowResult processCreateCollection(
      Context context, int communityID, Request request)
      throws SQLException, AuthorizeException, IOException {
    FlowResult result = new FlowResult();

    Community parent = Community.find(context, communityID);
    Collection newCollection = parent.createCollection();

    // Get the metadata
    String name = request.getParameter("name");
    String shortDescription = request.getParameter("short_description");
    String introductoryText = request.getParameter("introductory_text");
    String copyrightText = request.getParameter("copyright_text");
    String sideBarText = request.getParameter("side_bar_text");
    String license = request.getParameter("license");
    String provenanceDescription = request.getParameter("provenance_description");

    // If they don't have a name then make it untitled.
    if (name == null || name.length() == 0) {
      name = "Untitled";

    // If empty, make it null.
    if (shortDescription != null && shortDescription.length() == 0) {
      shortDescription = null;
    if (introductoryText != null && introductoryText.length() == 0) {
      introductoryText = null;
    if (copyrightText != null && copyrightText.length() == 0) {
      copyrightText = null;
    if (sideBarText != null && sideBarText.length() == 0) {
      sideBarText = null;
    if (license != null && license.length() == 0) {
      license = null;
    if (provenanceDescription != null && provenanceDescription.length() == 0) {
      provenanceDescription = null;

    // Save the metadata
    newCollection.setMetadata("name", name);
    newCollection.setMetadata("short_description", shortDescription);
    newCollection.setMetadata("introductory_text", introductoryText);
    newCollection.setMetadata("copyright_text", copyrightText);
    newCollection.setMetadata("side_bar_text", sideBarText);
    newCollection.setMetadata("license", license);
    newCollection.setMetadata("provenance_description", provenanceDescription);

    // Set the logo
    Object object = request.get("logo");
    Part filePart = null;
    if (object instanceof Part) {
      filePart = (Part) object;

    if (filePart != null && filePart.getSize() > 0) {
      InputStream is = filePart.getInputStream();


    // Save everything
    // success
    result.setMessage(new Message("default", "The collection was successfully created."));
    result.setParameter("collectionID", newCollection.getID());

    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 21
   * Perform a deposit, using the supplied SWORD Deposit object.
   * @param deposit
   * @throws SWORDErrorException
   * @throws DSpaceSWORDException
  public DepositResult doDeposit(Deposit deposit) throws SWORDErrorException, DSpaceSWORDException {
    // get the things out of the service that we need
    Context context = swordService.getContext();
    SWORDConfiguration swordConfig = swordService.getSwordConfig();
    SWORDUrlManager urlManager = swordService.getUrlManager();

    // FIXME: the spec is unclear what to do in this situation.  I'm going
    // the throw a 415 (ERROR_CONTENT) until further notice
    // determine if this is an acceptable file format
    if (!swordConfig.isAcceptableContentType(context, deposit.getContentType(), collection)) {
          "Unacceptable content type detected: "
              + deposit.getContentType()
              + " for collection "
              + collection.getID());
      throw new SWORDErrorException(
          "Unacceptable content type in deposit request: " + deposit.getContentType());

    // determine if this is an acceptable packaging type for the deposit
    // if not, we throw a 415 HTTP error (Unsupported Media Type, ERROR_CONTENT)
    if (!swordConfig.isSupportedMediaType(deposit.getPackaging(), this.collection)) {
          "Unacceptable packaging type detected: "
              + deposit.getPackaging()
              + "for collection"
              + collection.getID());
      throw new SWORDErrorException(
          "Unacceptable packaging type in deposit request: " + deposit.getPackaging());

    // Obtain the relevant ingester from the factory
    SWORDIngester si = SWORDIngesterFactory.getInstance(context, deposit, collection);
    swordService.message("Loaded ingester: " + si.getClass().getName());

    // do the deposit
    DepositResult result = si.ingest(swordService, deposit, collection);
    swordService.message("Archive ingest completed successfully");

    // if there's an item availalble, and we want to keep the original
    // then do that
    try {
      if (swordConfig.isKeepOriginal()) {
            "DSpace will store an original copy of the deposit, "
                + "as well as ingesting the item into the archive");

        // in order to be allowed to add the file back to the item, we need to ignore authorisations
        // for a moment
        boolean ignoreAuth = context.ignoreAuthorization();

        String bundleName = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("sword-server", "bundle.name");
        if (bundleName == null || "".equals(bundleName)) {
          bundleName = "SWORD";
        Item item = result.getItem();
        Bundle[] bundles = item.getBundles(bundleName);
        Bundle swordBundle = null;
        if (bundles.length > 0) {
          swordBundle = bundles[0];
        if (swordBundle == null) {
          swordBundle = item.createBundle(bundleName);

        String fn = swordService.getFilename(context, deposit, true);

        Bitstream bitstream;
        FileInputStream fis = null;
        try {
          fis = new FileInputStream(deposit.getFile());
          bitstream = swordBundle.createBitstream(fis);
        } finally {
          if (fis != null) {

        bitstream.setDescription("SWORD deposit package");

        BitstreamFormat bf = BitstreamFormat.findByMIMEType(context, deposit.getContentType());
        if (bf != null) {



            "Original package stored as " + fn + ", in item bundle " + swordBundle);

        // now reset the context ignore authorisation

        // set the media link for the created item
      } else {
        // set the vanilla media link, which doesn't resolve to anything
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      log.error("caught exception: ", e);
      throw new DSpaceSWORDException(e);
    } catch (AuthorizeException e) {
      log.error("caught exception: ", e);
      throw new DSpaceSWORDException(e);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
      log.error("caught exception: ", e);
      throw new DSpaceSWORDException(e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      log.error("caught exception: ", e);
      throw new DSpaceSWORDException(e);

    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 22
   * Perform a limited browse, which only returns the results requested, without any extraneous
   * information. To perform a full browse, use BrowseEngine.browse() above. This supports Item
   * browse only, and does not currently support focus or values. This method is used, for example,
   * to generate the Recently Submitted Items results.
   * @param bs the scope of the browse
   * @return the results of the browse
  public BrowseInfo browseMini(BrowserScope bs) throws BrowseException {
    log.info(LogManager.getHeader(context, "browse_mini", ""));

    // load the scope into the object
    this.scope = bs;

    // since we use it so much, get the browse index out of the
    // scope and store as a member
    browseIndex = scope.getBrowseIndex();

    // get the table name that we are going to be getting our data from

    // tell the browse query whether we are ascending or descending on the value

    // define a clause for the WHERE clause which will allow us to constrain
    // our browse to a specified community or collection
    if (scope.inCollection() || scope.inCommunity()) {
      if (scope.inCollection()) {
        Collection col = (Collection) scope.getBrowseContainer();
      } else if (scope.inCommunity()) {
        Community com = (Community) scope.getBrowseContainer();


    // assemble the ORDER BY clause
    String orderBy = browseIndex.getSortField(scope.isSecondLevel());
    if (scope.getSortBy() > 0) {
      orderBy = "sort_" + Integer.toString(scope.getSortBy());

    // now run the query
    List<BrowseItem> results = dao.doQuery();

    // construct the mostly empty BrowseInfo object to pass back
    BrowseInfo browseInfo = new BrowseInfo(results, 0, scope.getResultsPerPage(), 0);

    // add the browse index to the Browse Info

    // set the sort option for the Browse Info

    // tell the Browse Info which way we are sorting

    // tell the browse info what the container for the browse was
    if (scope.inCollection() || scope.inCommunity()) {



    return browseInfo;
Ejemplo n.º 23
   * Browse the archive by the full item browse mechanism. This produces a BrowseInfo object which
   * contains full BrowseItem objects as its result set.
   * @param bs the scope of the browse
   * @return the results of the browse
   * @throws BrowseException
  private BrowseInfo browseByItem(BrowserScope bs) throws BrowseException {
    log.info(LogManager.getHeader(context, "browse_by_item", ""));
    try {
      // get the table name that we are going to be getting our data from

      // tell the browse query whether we are ascending or descending on the value

      // assemble the value clause
      String rawValue = null;
      if (scope.hasFilterValue() && scope.isSecondLevel()) {
        String value = scope.getFilterValue();
        rawValue = value;

        // make sure the incoming value is normalised
        value =
                value, scope.getFilterValueLang(), scope.getBrowseIndex().getDataType());


        // set the values in the Browse Query
        if (scope.isSecondLevel()) {
        } else {

        // to apply the filtering, we need the distinct and map tables for the index
            browseIndex.getDistinctTableName(), browseIndex.getMapTableName());

      // define a clause for the WHERE clause which will allow us to constrain
      // our browse to a specified community or collection
      if (scope.inCollection() || scope.inCommunity()) {
        if (scope.inCollection()) {
          Collection col = (Collection) scope.getBrowseContainer();
        } else if (scope.inCommunity()) {
          Community com = (Community) scope.getBrowseContainer();

      // this is the total number of results in answer to the query
      int total = getTotalResults();

      // assemble the ORDER BY clause
      String orderBy = browseIndex.getSortField(scope.isSecondLevel());
      if (scope.getSortBy() > 0) {
        orderBy = "sort_" + Integer.toString(scope.getSortBy());

      int offset = scope.getOffset();
      String rawFocusValue = null;
      if (offset < 1
          && (scope.hasJumpToItem() || scope.hasJumpToValue() || scope.hasStartsWith())) {
        // We need to convert these to an offset for the actual browse query.
        // First, get a value that we can look up in the ordering field
        rawFocusValue = getJumpToValue();

        // make sure the incoming value is normalised
        String focusValue = normalizeJumpToValue(rawFocusValue);

        log.debug("browsing using focus: " + focusValue);

        // Convert the focus value into an offset
        offset = getOffsetForValue(focusValue);


      // assemble the LIMIT clause

      // Holder for the results
      List<BrowseItem> results = null;

      // Does this browse have any contents?
      if (total > 0) {
        // now run the query
        results = dao.doQuery();

        // now, if we don't have any results, we are at the end of the browse.  This will
        // be because a starts_with value has been supplied for which we don't have
        // any items.
        if (results.size() == 0) {
          // In this case, we will calculate a new offset for the last page of results
          offset = total - scope.getResultsPerPage();
          if (offset < 0) {
            offset = 0;

          // And rerun the query
          results = dao.doQuery();
      } else {
        // No records, so make an empty list
        results = new ArrayList<BrowseItem>();

      // construct the BrowseInfo object to pass back
      //            BrowseInfo browseInfo = new BrowseInfo(results, position, total, offset);
      BrowseInfo browseInfo = new BrowseInfo(results, offset, total, offset);

      if (offset + scope.getResultsPerPage() < total) {
        browseInfo.setNextOffset(offset + scope.getResultsPerPage());

      if (offset - scope.getResultsPerPage() > -1) {
        browseInfo.setPrevOffset(offset - scope.getResultsPerPage());

      // add the browse index to the Browse Info

      // set the sort option for the Browse Info

      // tell the Browse Info which way we are sorting

      // tell the Browse Info which level of browse we are at

      // set the browse value if there is one

      // set the browse authority key if there is one

      // set the focus value if there is one

      if (scope.hasJumpToItem()) {

      // tell the browse info if it is working from a starts with parameter

      // tell the browse info what the container for the browse was
      if (scope.inCollection() || scope.inCommunity()) {



      return browseInfo;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      log.error("caught exception: ", e);
      throw new BrowseException(e);
Ejemplo n.º 24
   * Respond to a post request for metadata bulk importing via csv
   * @param context a DSpace Context object
   * @param request the HTTP request
   * @param response the HTTP response
   * @throws ServletException
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws SQLException
   * @throws AuthorizeException
  protected void doDSPost(Context context, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
      throws ServletException, IOException, SQLException, AuthorizeException {

    // First, see if we have a multipart request (uploading a metadata file)
    String contentType = request.getContentType();
    if ((contentType != null) && (contentType.indexOf("multipart/form-data") != -1)) {
      String message = null;

      // Process the file uploaded
      try {
        // Wrap multipart request to get the submission info
        FileUploadRequest wrapper = new FileUploadRequest(request);

        String inputType = wrapper.getParameter("inputType");
        List<String> reqCollectionsTmp =
            getRepeatedParameter(wrapper, "collections", "collections");
        String[] reqCollections = new String[reqCollectionsTmp.size()];

        // Get all collections
        List<Collection> collections = null;
        String colIdS = wrapper.getParameter("colId");
        if (colIdS != null) {
          collections = new ArrayList<>();
          collections.add(collectionService.findByIdOrLegacyId(context, colIdS));

        } else {
          collections = collectionService.findAll(context);
        request.setAttribute("collections", collections);

        Collection owningCollection = null;
        if (wrapper.getParameter("collection") != null) {
          owningCollection =
              collectionService.findByIdOrLegacyId(context, wrapper.getParameter("collection"));

        // Get all the possible data loaders from the Spring configuration
        BTEBatchImportService dls = new DSpace().getSingletonService(BTEBatchImportService.class);
        List<String> inputTypes = dls.getFileDataLoaders();
        request.setAttribute("input-types", inputTypes);

        if (reqCollectionsTmp != null) request.setAttribute("otherCollections", reqCollectionsTmp);
        if (owningCollection != null)
          request.setAttribute("owningCollection", owningCollection.getID());
        request.setAttribute("inputType", inputType);

        File f = null;
        String zipurl = null;

        if (inputType.equals("saf")) {
          zipurl = wrapper.getParameter("zipurl");
          if (StringUtils.isEmpty(zipurl)) {
            request.setAttribute("has-error", "true");
            Locale locale = request.getLocale();
            ResourceBundle msgs = ResourceBundle.getBundle("Messages", locale);
            try {
              message = msgs.getString("jsp.layout.navbar-admin.batchimport.fileurlempty");
            } catch (Exception e) {
              message = "???jsp.layout.navbar-admin.batchimport.fileurlempty???";

            request.setAttribute("message", message);

            JSPManager.showJSP(request, response, "/dspace-admin/batchimport.jsp");

        } else {
          f = wrapper.getFile("file");
          if (f == null) {
            request.setAttribute("has-error", "true");
            Locale locale = request.getLocale();
            ResourceBundle msgs = ResourceBundle.getBundle("Messages", locale);
            try {
              message = msgs.getString("jsp.layout.navbar-admin.batchimport.fileempty");
            } catch (Exception e) {
              message = "???jsp.layout.navbar-admin.batchimport.fileempty???";

            request.setAttribute("message", message);

            JSPManager.showJSP(request, response, "/dspace-admin/batchimport.jsp");

          } else if (owningCollection == null) {
            request.setAttribute("has-error", "true");
            Locale locale = request.getLocale();
            ResourceBundle msgs = ResourceBundle.getBundle("Messages", locale);
            try {
              message = msgs.getString("jsp.layout.navbar-admin.batchimport.owningcollectionempty");
            } catch (Exception e) {
              message = "???jsp.layout.navbar-admin.batchimport.owningcollectionempty???";

            request.setAttribute("message", message);

            JSPManager.showJSP(request, response, "/dspace-admin/batchimport.jsp");


        String uploadId = wrapper.getParameter("uploadId");
        if (uploadId != null) {
          request.setAttribute("uploadId", uploadId);

        if (owningCollection == null && reqCollections != null && reqCollections.length > 0) {
          request.setAttribute("has-error", "true");

          Locale locale = request.getLocale();
          ResourceBundle msgs = ResourceBundle.getBundle("Messages", locale);
          String ms = msgs.getString("jsp.layout.navbar-admin.batchimport.owningcollection");
          if (ms == null) {
            ms = "???jsp.layout.navbar-admin.batchimport.owningcollection???";
          request.setAttribute("message", ms);

          JSPManager.showJSP(request, response, "/dspace-admin/batchimport.jsp");


        try {
          String finalInputType = "saf";
          String filePath = zipurl;
          if (f != null) {
            finalInputType = inputType;
            filePath = f.getAbsolutePath();

              filePath, owningCollection, reqCollections, uploadId, finalInputType, context, true);

          request.setAttribute("has-error", "false");
          request.setAttribute("uploadId", null);

        } catch (Exception e) {
          request.setAttribute("has-error", "true");
          message = e.getMessage();
      } catch (FileSizeLimitExceededException e) {
        request.setAttribute("has-error", "true");
        message = e.getMessage();
      } catch (Exception e) {
        request.setAttribute("has-error", "true");
        message = e.getMessage();

      request.setAttribute("message", message);

      // Show the upload screen
      JSPManager.showJSP(request, response, "/dspace-admin/batchimport.jsp");

    } else {
      request.setAttribute("has-error", "true");

      // Show the upload screen
      JSPManager.showJSP(request, response, "/dspace-admin/batchimport.jsp");
   * Show a collection home page, or deal with button press on home page
   * @param context Context object
   * @param request the HTTP request
   * @param response the HTTP response
   * @param community the community
   * @param collection the collection
  private void collectionHome(
      Context context,
      HttpServletRequest request,
      HttpServletResponse response,
      Community community,
      Collection collection)
      throws ServletException, IOException, SQLException, AuthorizeException {
    // Handle click on a browse or search button
    if (!handleButton(request, response, IdentifierService.getURL(community))) {
      // Will need to know whether to commit to DB
      boolean updated = false;

      // No search or browse button pressed, check for
      if (request.getParameter("submit_subscribe") != null) {
        // Subscribe button pressed.
        // Only registered can subscribe, so redirect unless logged in.
        if (context.getCurrentUser() == null
            && !Authenticate.startAuthentication(context, request, response)) return;
        else {
          SubscriptionManager.subscribe(context, context.getCurrentUser(), collection);
          updated = true;
      } else if (request.getParameter("submit_unsubscribe") != null) {
        SubscriptionManager.unsubscribe(context, context.getCurrentUser(), collection);
        updated = true;

      // display collection home page
          LogManager.getHeader(context, "view_collection", "collection_id=" + collection.getID()));

      // perform any necessary pre-processing
      preProcessCollectionHome(context, request, response, collection);

      // Is the user logged in/subscribed?
      EPerson e = context.getCurrentUser();
      boolean subscribed = false;

      if (e != null) {
        subscribed = SubscriptionManager.isSubscribed(context, e, collection);

        // is the user a COLLECTION_EDITOR?
        //                if (collection.canEditBoolean())
        if (AuthorizeManager.canEdit(collection, context)) {
          // set a variable to create an edit button
          request.setAttribute("editor_button", new Boolean(true));

        // can they admin this collection?
        if (AuthorizeManager.authorizeActionBoolean(
            context, collection, Constants.COLLECTION_ADMIN)) {
          request.setAttribute("admin_button", new Boolean(true));

          // give them a button to manage submitter list
          // what group is the submitter?
          Group group = collection.getSubmitters();

          if (group != null) {
            request.setAttribute("submitters", group);

        // can they submit to this collection?
        if (AuthorizeManager.authorizeActionBoolean(context, collection, Constants.ADD)) {
          request.setAttribute("can_submit_button", new Boolean(true));

        } else {
          request.setAttribute("can_submit_button", new Boolean(false));

      // Forward to collection home page
      request.setAttribute("collection", collection);
      request.setAttribute("community", community);
      request.setAttribute("logged.in", new Boolean(e != null));
      request.setAttribute("subscribed", new Boolean(subscribed));
      JSPManager.showJSP(request, response, "/collection-home.jsp");

      if (updated) {
  protected void doDSGet(Context context, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
      throws ServletException, IOException, SQLException, AuthorizeException {
    // Get the query
    String query = request.getParameter("query");
    int start = UIUtil.getIntParameter(request, "start");
    String advanced = request.getParameter("advanced");
    String fromAdvanced = request.getParameter("from_advanced");
    int sortBy = UIUtil.getIntParameter(request, "sort_by");
    String order = request.getParameter("order");
    int rpp = UIUtil.getIntParameter(request, "rpp");
    String advancedQuery = "";
    HashMap queryHash = new HashMap();

    // can't start earlier than 0 in the results!
    if (start < 0) {
      start = 0;

    int collCount = 0;
    int commCount = 0;
    int itemCount = 0;

    Item[] resultsItems;
    Collection[] resultsCollections;
    Community[] resultsCommunities;

    QueryResults qResults = null;
    QueryArgs qArgs = new QueryArgs();
    SortOption sortOption = null;

    if (request.getParameter("etal") != null)
      qArgs.setEtAl(UIUtil.getIntParameter(request, "etal"));

    try {
      if (sortBy > 0) {
        sortOption = SortOption.getSortOption(sortBy);

      if (SortOption.ASCENDING.equalsIgnoreCase(order)) {
      } else {
    } catch (Exception e) {

    if (rpp > 0) {

    // if the "advanced" flag is set, build the query string from the
    // multiple query fields
    if (advanced != null) {
      query = qArgs.buildQuery(request);
      advancedQuery = qArgs.buildHTTPQuery(request);

    // Ensure the query is non-null
    if (query == null) {
      query = "";

    // Get the location parameter, if any
    String location = request.getParameter("location");
    String newURL;

    // If there is a location parameter, we should redirect to
    // do the search with the correct location.
    if ((location != null) && !location.equals("")) {
      String url = "";

      if (!location.equals("/")) {
        // Location points to a resource
        url = "/resource/" + location;

      // Encode the query
      query = URLEncoder.encode(query, Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING);

      if (advancedQuery.length() > 0) {
        query = query + "&from_advanced=true&" + advancedQuery;

      // Do the redirect
              request.getContextPath() + url + "/simple-search?query=" + query));


    // Build log information
    String logInfo = "";

    // Get our location
    Community community = UIUtil.getCommunityLocation(request);
    Collection collection = UIUtil.getCollectionLocation(request);

    // get the start of the query results page
    //        List resultObjects = null;

    // Perform the search
    if (collection != null) {
      logInfo = "collection_id=" + collection.getID() + ",";

      // Values for drop-down box
      request.setAttribute("community", community);
      request.setAttribute("collection", collection);

      qResults = DSQuery.doQuery(context, qArgs, collection);
    } else if (community != null) {
      logInfo = "community_id=" + community.getID() + ",";

      request.setAttribute("community", community);

      // Get the collections within the community for the dropdown box
      request.setAttribute("collection.array", community.getCollections());

      qResults = DSQuery.doQuery(context, qArgs, community);
    } else {
      // Get all communities for dropdown box
      //            Community[] communities = Community.findAll(context);
      Community[] communities =
          (Community[]) ApplicationService.findAllCommunities(context).toArray();
      request.setAttribute("community.array", communities);

      qResults = DSQuery.doQuery(context, qArgs);

    // now instantiate the results and put them in their buckets
    for (int i = 0; i < qResults.getHitTypes().size(); i++) {
      String myURI = (String) qResults.getHitURIs().get(i);
      Integer myType = (Integer) qResults.getHitTypes().get(i);

      // add the URI to the appropriate lists
      switch (myType.intValue()) {
        case Constants.ITEM:

        case Constants.COLLECTION:

        case Constants.COMMUNITY:

    // Make objects from the URIs - make arrays, fill them out
    resultsCommunities = new Community[commCount];
    resultsCollections = new Collection[collCount];
    resultsItems = new Item[itemCount];

    for (int i = 0; i < qResults.getHitTypes().size(); i++) {
      Integer myId = (Integer) qResults.getHitIds().get(i);
      String myURI = (String) qResults.getHitURIs().get(i);
      Integer myType = (Integer) qResults.getHitTypes().get(i);

      switch (myType.intValue()) {
        case Constants.ITEM:
          if (myId != null) {
            //                    resultsItems[itemCount] = Item.find(context, myId);
            resultsItems[itemCount] = ApplicationService.get(context, Item.class, myId);
          } else {
            ObjectIdentifier oi = ObjectIdentifier.parseCanonicalForm(myURI);
            resultsItems[itemCount] = (Item) oi.getObject(context);

          if (resultsItems[itemCount] == null) {
            throw new SQLException("Query \"" + query + "\" returned unresolvable item");

        case Constants.COLLECTION:
          if (myId != null) {
            //                    resultsCollections[collCount] = Collection.find(context, myId);
            resultsCollections[collCount] = ApplicationService.get(context, Collection.class, myId);
          } else {
            ObjectIdentifier oi = ObjectIdentifier.parseCanonicalForm(myURI);
            resultsCollections[collCount] = (Collection) oi.getObject(context);

          if (resultsCollections[collCount] == null) {
            throw new SQLException("Query \"" + query + "\" returned unresolvable collection");


        case Constants.COMMUNITY:
          if (myId != null) {
            //                    resultsCommunities[commCount] = Community.find(context, myId);
            resultsCommunities[commCount] = ApplicationService.get(context, Community.class, myId);
          } else {
            ObjectIdentifier oi = ObjectIdentifier.parseCanonicalForm(myURI);
            resultsCommunities[commCount] = (Community) oi.getObject(context);

          if (resultsCommunities[commCount] == null) {
            throw new SQLException("Query \"" + query + "\" returned unresolvable community");


    // Log
                + "query=\""
                + query
                + "\",results=("
                + resultsCommunities.length
                + ","
                + resultsCollections.length
                + ","
                + resultsItems.length
                + ")"));

    // Pass in some page qualities
    // total number of pages
    int pageTotal = 1 + ((qResults.getHitCount() - 1) / qResults.getPageSize());

    // current page being displayed
    int pageCurrent = 1 + (qResults.getStart() / qResults.getPageSize());

    // pageLast = min(pageCurrent+9,pageTotal)
    int pageLast = ((pageCurrent + 9) > pageTotal) ? pageTotal : (pageCurrent + 9);

    // pageFirst = max(1,pageCurrent-9)
    int pageFirst = ((pageCurrent - 9) > 1) ? (pageCurrent - 9) : 1;

    // Pass the results to the display JSP
    request.setAttribute("items", resultsItems);
    request.setAttribute("communities", resultsCommunities);
    request.setAttribute("collections", resultsCollections);

    request.setAttribute("pagetotal", new Integer(pageTotal));
    request.setAttribute("pagecurrent", new Integer(pageCurrent));
    request.setAttribute("pagelast", new Integer(pageLast));
    request.setAttribute("pagefirst", new Integer(pageFirst));

    request.setAttribute("queryresults", qResults);

    // And the original query string
    request.setAttribute("query", query);

    request.setAttribute("order", qArgs.getSortOrder());
    request.setAttribute("sortedBy", sortOption);

    if ((fromAdvanced != null) && (qResults.getHitCount() == 0)) {
      // send back to advanced form if no results
      Community[] communities =
          (Community[]) ApplicationService.findAllCommunities(context).toArray();
      //            Community[] communities = Community.findAll(context);
      request.setAttribute("communities", communities);
      request.setAttribute("no_results", "yes");

      queryHash = qArgs.buildQueryHash(request);

      Iterator i = queryHash.keySet().iterator();

      while (i.hasNext()) {
        String key = (String) i.next();
        String value = (String) queryHash.get(key);

        request.setAttribute(key, value);

      JSPManager.showJSP(request, response, "/search/advanced.jsp");
    } else {
      JSPManager.showJSP(request, response, "/search/results.jsp");
Ejemplo n.º 27
  protected void doDSGet(Context context, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
      throws ServletException, IOException, SQLException, AuthorizeException {
    // We will resolve the HTTP request parameters into a scope
    BrowseScope scope = new BrowseScope(context);

    // Will need to know whether to highlight the "focus" point
    boolean highlight = false;

    // Build up log information
    String logInfo = "";

    // For browse by date, we'll need to work out the URL query string to
    // use when the user swaps the ordering, so that they stay at the same
    // point in the index
    String flipOrderingQuery = "";

    // Grab HTTP request parameters
    String focus = request.getParameter("focus");
    String startsWith = request.getParameter("starts_with");
    String top = request.getParameter("top");
    String bottom = request.getParameter("bottom");

    // The following three are specific to browsing items by date
    String month = request.getParameter("month");
    String year = request.getParameter("year");
    String order = request.getParameter("order");

    // For browse by date: oldest item first?
    boolean oldestFirst = false;

    if ((order != null) && order.equalsIgnoreCase("oldestfirst")) {
      oldestFirst = true;

    if (browseDates
        && (year != null)
        && !year.equals("")
        && ((startsWith == null) || startsWith.equals(""))) {
      // We're browsing items by date, the user hasn't typed anything
      // into the "year" text box, and they've selected a year from
      // the drop-down list. From this we work out where to start
      // the browse.
      startsWith = year;

      if ((month != null) & !month.equals("-1")) {
        // They've selected a month as well
        if (month.length() == 1) {
          // Ensure double-digit month number
          month = "0" + month;

        startsWith = year + "-" + month;

    // Set the scope according to the parameters passed in
    if (focus != null) {
      // ----------------------------------------------
      // Browse should start at a specified focus point
      // ----------------------------------------------
      if (browseAuthors || browseSubjects) {
        // For browsing authors, focus is just a text value
      } else {
        // For browsing items by title or date, focus is a Handle
        Item item = (Item) HandleManager.resolveToObject(context, focus);

        if (item == null) {
          // Handle is invalid one. Show an error.
          JSPManager.showInvalidIDError(request, response, focus, Constants.ITEM);



      // Will need to highlight the focus
      highlight = true;

      logInfo = "focus=" + focus + ",";

      if (browseDates) {
        // if the date order is flipped, we'll keep the same focus
        flipOrderingQuery =
            "focus=" + URLEncoder.encode(focus, Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING) + "&amp;";
    } else if (startsWith != null) {
      // ----------------------------------------------
      // Start the browse using user-specified text
      // ----------------------------------------------
      if (browseDates) {
        // if the date order is flipped, we'll keep the same focus
        flipOrderingQuery =
            "starts_with=" + URLEncoder.encode(startsWith, Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING) + "&amp;";

         * When the user is browsing with the most recent items first,
         * the browse code algorithm doesn't quite do what some people
         * might expect. For example, if in the index there are entries:
         * Mar-2000 15-Feb-2000 6-Feb-2000 15-Jan-2000
         * and the user has selected "Feb 2000" as the start point for
         * the browse, the browse algorithm will start at the first
         * point in that index *after* "Feb 2000". "Feb 2000" would
         * appear in the index above between 6-Feb-2000 and 15-Jan-2000.
         * So, the browse code in this case will start the browse at
         * "15-Jan-2000". This isn't really what users are likely to
         * want: They're more likely to want the browse to start at the
         * first Feb 2000 date, i.e. 15-Feb-2000. A similar scenario
         * occurs when the user enters just a year. Our quick hack to
         * produce this behaviour is to add "-32" to the startsWith
         * variable, when sorting with most recent items first. This
         * means the browse code starts at the topmost item in the index
         * that matches the user's input, rather than the point in the
         * index where the user's input would appear.
        if (!oldestFirst) {
          startsWith = startsWith + "-32";

      highlight = true;
      logInfo = "starts_with=" + startsWith + ",";
    } else if ((top != null) || (bottom != null)) {
      // ----------------------------------------------
      // Paginating: put specified entry at top or bottom
      // ----------------------------------------------
      // Use a single value and a boolean to simplify the code below
      String val = bottom;
      boolean isTop = false;

      if (top != null) {
        val = top;
        isTop = true;

      if (browseAuthors || browseSubjects) {
        // Value will be a text value for author browse
      } else {
        // Value is Handle if we're browsing items by title or date
        Item item = (Item) HandleManager.resolveToObject(context, val);

        if (item == null) {
          // Handle is invalid one. Show an error.
          JSPManager.showInvalidIDError(request, response, focus, Constants.ITEM);



      // This entry appears at the top or bottom, and so needs to have
      // 0 or 20 entries shown before it
      scope.setNumberBefore(isTop ? 0 : 20);

      logInfo = (isTop ? "top" : "bottom") + "=" + val + ",";

      if (browseDates) {
        // If the date order is flipped, we'll flip the table upside
        // down - i.e. the top will become the bottom and the bottom
        // the top.
        if (top != null) {
          flipOrderingQuery =
              "bottom=" + URLEncoder.encode(top, Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING) + "&amp;";
        } else {
          flipOrderingQuery =
              "top=" + URLEncoder.encode(bottom, Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING) + "&amp;";

    // ----------------------------------------------
    // If none of the above apply, no positioning parameters
    // set - use start of index
    // ----------------------------------------------
    // Are we in a community or collection?
    Community community = UIUtil.getCommunityLocation(request);
    Collection collection = UIUtil.getCollectionLocation(request);

    if (collection != null) {
      logInfo = logInfo + ",collection_id=" + collection.getID() + ",";
    } else if (community != null) {
      logInfo = logInfo + ",community_id=" + community.getID() + ",";

    BrowseInfo browseInfo;

    try {
      // Query the browse index
      if (browseAuthors) {
        browseInfo = Browse.getAuthors(scope);
      } else if (browseDates) {
        browseInfo = Browse.getItemsByDate(scope, oldestFirst);
      } else if (browseSubjects) {
        browseInfo = Browse.getSubjects(scope);
      } else {
        browseInfo = Browse.getItemsByTitle(scope);
    } catch (SQLException sqle) {
      // An invalid scope was given
      JSPManager.showIntegrityError(request, response);

    // Write log entry
    String what = "title";

    if (browseAuthors) {
      what = "author";
    } else if (browseSubjects) {
      what = "subject";
    } else if (browseDates) {
      what = "date";

            context, "browse_" + what, logInfo + "results=" + browseInfo.getResultCount()));

    if (browseInfo.getResultCount() == 0) {
      // No results!
      request.setAttribute("community", community);
      request.setAttribute("collection", collection);

      JSPManager.showJSP(request, response, "/browse/no-results.jsp");
    } else {
      // Work out what the query strings will be for the previous
      // and next pages
      if (!browseInfo.isFirst()) {
        // Not the first page, so we'll need a "previous page" button
        // The top entry of the current page becomes the bottom
        // entry of the "previous page"
        String s;

        if (browseAuthors || browseSubjects) // aneesh
          s = (browseInfo.getStringResults())[0];
        } else {
          Item firstItem = (browseInfo.getItemResults())[0];
          s = firstItem.getHandle();

        if (browseDates && oldestFirst) {
          // For browsing by date, oldest first, we need
          // to add the ordering parameter
              "order=oldestfirst&amp;bottom=" + URLEncoder.encode(s, Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING));
        } else {
              "previous.query", "bottom=" + URLEncoder.encode(s, Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING));

      if (!browseInfo.isLast()) {
        // Not the last page, so we'll need a "next page" button
        // The bottom entry of the current page will be the top
        // entry in the next page
        String s;

        if (browseAuthors) {
          String[] authors = browseInfo.getStringResults();
          s = authors[authors.length - 1];
        } else if (browseSubjects) {
          String[] subjects = browseInfo.getStringResults();
          s = subjects[subjects.length - 1];
        } else {
          Item[] items = browseInfo.getItemResults();
          Item lastItem = items[items.length - 1];
          s = lastItem.getHandle();

        if (browseDates && oldestFirst) {
          // For browsing by date, oldest first, we need
          // to add the ordering parameter
              "order=oldestfirst&amp;top=" + URLEncoder.encode(s, Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING));
        } else {
              "next.query", "top=" + URLEncoder.encode(s, Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING));

      // Set appropriate attributes and forward to results page
      request.setAttribute("community", community);
      request.setAttribute("collection", collection);
      request.setAttribute("browse.info", browseInfo);
      request.setAttribute("highlight", new Boolean(highlight));

      if (browseAuthors) {
        JSPManager.showJSP(request, response, "/browse/authors.jsp");
      } else if (browseSubjects) {
        JSPManager.showJSP(request, response, "/browse/subjects.jsp");
      } else if (browseDates) {
        request.setAttribute("oldest.first", new Boolean(oldestFirst));
        request.setAttribute("flip.ordering.query", flipOrderingQuery);
        JSPManager.showJSP(request, response, "/browse/items-by-date.jsp");
      } else {
        JSPManager.showJSP(request, response, "/browse/items-by-title.jsp");
Ejemplo n.º 28
   * Browse the archive by single values (such as the name of an author). This produces a BrowseInfo
   * object that contains Strings as the results of the browse
   * @param bs the scope of the browse
   * @return the results of the browse
   * @throws BrowseException
  private BrowseInfo browseByValue(BrowserScope bs) throws BrowseException {
    log.info(LogManager.getHeader(context, "browse_by_value", "focus=" + bs.getJumpToValue()));

    try {
      // get the table name that we are going to be getting our data from
      // this is the distinct table constrained to either community or collection

      // remind the DAO that this is a distinct value browse, so it knows what sort
      // of query to build

      // tell the browse query whether we are ascending or descending on the value

      // set our constraints on community or collection
      if (scope.inCollection() || scope.inCommunity()) {
        // Scoped browsing of distinct metadata requires the mapping
        // table to be specified.
        dao.setFilterMappingTables(null, browseIndex.getMapTableName());

        if (scope.inCollection()) {
          Collection col = (Collection) scope.getBrowseContainer();
        } else if (scope.inCommunity()) {
          Community com = (Community) scope.getBrowseContainer();

      // this is the total number of results in answer to the query
      int total = getTotalResults(true);

      // set the ordering field (there is only one option)

      // assemble the focus clause if we are to have one
      // it will look like one of the following
      // - sort_value < myvalue
      // = sort_1 > myvalue
      int offset = scope.getOffset();
      String rawFocusValue = null;
      if (offset < 1 && scope.hasJumpToValue() || scope.hasStartsWith()) {
        String focusValue = getJumpToValue();

        // store the value to tell the Browse Info object which value we are browsing on
        rawFocusValue = focusValue;

        // make sure the incoming value is normalised
        focusValue = normalizeJumpToValue(focusValue);

        offset = getOffsetForDistinctValue(focusValue);

      // assemble the offset and limit

      // Holder for the results
      List<String[]> results = null;

      // Does this browse have any contents?
      if (total > 0) {
        // now run the query
        results = dao.doValueQuery();

        // now, if we don't have any results, we are at the end of the browse.  This will
        // be because a starts_with value has been supplied for which we don't have
        // any items.
        if (results.size() == 0) {
          // In this case, we will calculate a new offset for the last page of results
          offset = total - scope.getResultsPerPage();
          if (offset < 0) {
            offset = 0;

          // And rerun the query
          results = dao.doValueQuery();
      } else {
        // No records, so make an empty list
        results = new ArrayList<String[]>();

      // construct the BrowseInfo object to pass back
      BrowseInfo browseInfo = new BrowseInfo(results, offset, total, offset);

      if (offset + scope.getResultsPerPage() < total) {
        browseInfo.setNextOffset(offset + scope.getResultsPerPage());

      if (offset - scope.getResultsPerPage() > -1) {
        browseInfo.setPrevOffset(offset - scope.getResultsPerPage());

      // add the browse index to the Browse Info

      // set the sort option for the Browse Info

      // tell the Browse Info which way we are sorting

      // tell the Browse Info which level of browse we are at

      // set the browse value if there is one

      // tell the browse info if it is working from a starts with parameter

      // tell the browse info what the container for the browse was
      if (scope.inCollection() || scope.inCommunity()) {


      return browseInfo;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      log.error("caught exception: ", e);
      throw new BrowseException(e);