   * Creates the named CDX from effective, maturity, coupon, IR curve name, credit curve name set,
   * and their weights.
   * @param dtEffective JulianDate Effective
   * @param dtMaturity JulianDate Maturity
   * @param dblCoupon Coupon
   * @param strIR IR curve name
   * @param astrCC credit curve name
   * @param adblWeight Credit Component Weights
   * @param strName CDX name
   * @return BasketDefaultSwap
  public static final org.drip.product.definition.BasketProduct MakeCDX(
      final org.drip.analytics.date.JulianDate dtEffective,
      final org.drip.analytics.date.JulianDate dtMaturity,
      final double dblCoupon,
      final java.lang.String strIR,
      final java.lang.String[] astrCC,
      final double[] adblWeight,
      final java.lang.String strName) {
    if (null == dtEffective
        || null == dtMaturity
        || !org.drip.math.common.NumberUtil.IsValid(dblCoupon)
        || null == strIR
        || strIR.isEmpty()
        || null == strName
        || strName.isEmpty()
        || null == astrCC
        || 0 == astrCC.length
        || null == adblWeight
        || 0 == adblWeight.length
        || adblWeight.length != astrCC.length) return null;

    org.drip.product.definition.CreditDefaultSwap aCDS[] =
        new org.drip.product.definition.CreditDefaultSwap[astrCC.length];

    for (int i = 0; i < astrCC.length; ++i) {
      try {
        aCDS[i] =
                dtEffective, dtMaturity, dblCoupon, strIR, 0.40, astrCC[i], strIR, true);
      } catch (java.lang.Exception e) {

        return null;

    try {
      return new org.drip.product.credit.CDSBasket(
          dtEffective, dtMaturity, dblCoupon, aCDS, adblWeight, strName);
    } catch (java.lang.Exception e) {

    return null;
  private static final void CDSEODMeasuresAPISample() {
    JulianDate dtEOD = JulianDate.CreateFromYMD(2011, 7, 21); // EOD

     * Create a spot starting CDS based off of a specific credit curve

    CreditDefaultSwap cds = CDSBuilder.CreateSNAC(JulianDate.Today(), "5Y", 0.1, "813796");

     * Calculate the EOD CDS measures

    CaseInsensitiveTreeMap<Double> mapEODCDSMeasures =
        CreditAnalytics.GetEODCDSMeasures(cds, dtEOD);

     * Display the EOD CDS measures

    for (Map.Entry<String, Double> me : mapEODCDSMeasures.entrySet())
      System.out.println(me.getKey() + " => " + me.getValue());
  private static final void CDSAPISample() throws Exception {
    JulianDate dtStart = JulianDate.Today();

     * Flat Discount Curve

    DiscountCurve dc = DiscountCurveBuilder.CreateFromFlatRate(dtStart, "USD", 0.05);

     * Flat Credit Curve

    CreditCurve cc = CreditCurveBuilder.FromFlatHazard(dtStart.getJulian(), "CC", "USD", 0.02, 0.4);

     * Component Market Parameters built from the Discount and the Credit Curves

    ComponentMarketParams cmp = ComponentMarketParamsBuilder.MakeCreditCMP(dc, cc);

     * Create an SNAC CDS

    CreditDefaultSwap cds = CDSBuilder.CreateSNAC(dtStart, "5Y", 0.1, "CC");

     * Valuation Parameters

    ValuationParams valParams =
        ValuationParams.CreateValParams(dtStart, 0, "", Convention.DR_ACTUAL);

     * Standard Credit Pricer Parameters (check javadoc for details)

    PricerParams pricerParams = PricerParams.MakeStdPricerParams();

        "Acc Start       Acc End     Pay Date    Index   Spread   Cpn DCF    Pay01    Surv01");

        "---------      ---------    ---------   ------  ------   -------- --------- --------");

     * CDS Coupon Cash Flow

    for (CashflowPeriodCurveFactors p : cds.getCouponFlow(valParams, pricerParams, cmp))
              + FIELD_SEPARATOR
              + JulianDate.fromJulian(p.getAccrualEndDate())
              + FIELD_SEPARATOR
              + JulianDate.fromJulian(p.getPayDate())
              + FIELD_SEPARATOR
              + FormatUtil.FormatDouble(p.getIndexRate(), 1, 4, 1.)
              + FIELD_SEPARATOR
              + FormatUtil.FormatDouble(p.getSpread(), 1, 4, 1.)
              + FIELD_SEPARATOR
              + FormatUtil.FormatDouble(p.getCouponDCF(), 1, 4, 1.)
              + FIELD_SEPARATOR
              + FormatUtil.FormatDouble(dc.df(p.getPayDate()), 1, 4, 1.)
              + FIELD_SEPARATOR
              + FormatUtil.FormatDouble(cc.getSurvival(p.getPayDate()), 1, 4, 1.));

        "Loss Start     Loss End      Pay Date      Cpn    Notl     Rec    EffDF    StartSurv  EndSurv");

        "----------     --------      --------      ---    ----     ---    -----    ---------  -------");

     * CDS Loss Cash Flow

    for (LossPeriodCurveFactors dp : cds.getLossFlow(valParams, pricerParams, cmp))
              + FIELD_SEPARATOR
              + JulianDate.fromJulian(dp.getEndDate())
              + FIELD_SEPARATOR
              + JulianDate.fromJulian(dp.getPayDate())
              + FIELD_SEPARATOR
              + FormatUtil.FormatDouble(dp.getCouponDCF(), 1, 4, 1.)
              + FIELD_SEPARATOR
              + FormatUtil.FormatDouble(dp.effectiveNotional(), 1, 0, 1.)
              + FIELD_SEPARATOR
              + FormatUtil.FormatDouble(dp.effectiveRecovery(), 1, 2, 1.)
              + FIELD_SEPARATOR
              + FormatUtil.FormatDouble(dp.effectiveDF(), 1, 4, 1.)
              + FIELD_SEPARATOR
              + FormatUtil.FormatDouble(dp.startSurvival(), 1, 4, 1.)
              + FIELD_SEPARATOR
              + FormatUtil.FormatDouble(dp.endSurvival(), 1, 4, 1.));
  private static void CreateCreditCurveFromCDSInstruments() throws Exception {
    JulianDate dtStart = JulianDate.Today();

     * Populate the instruments, the calibration measures, and the calibration quotes

    double[] adblQuotes = new double[5];
    String[] astrCalibMeasure = new String[5];
    CreditDefaultSwap[] aCDS = new CreditDefaultSwap[5];

    for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
       * The Calibration CDS

      aCDS[i] = CDSBuilder.CreateSNAC(dtStart, (i + 1) + "Y", 0.01, "CORP");

       * Calibration Quote

      adblQuotes[i] = 100.;

       * Calibration Measure

      astrCalibMeasure[i] = "FairPremium";

     * Flat Discount Curve

    DiscountCurve dc = DiscountCurveBuilder.CreateFromFlatRate(dtStart, "USD", 0.05);

     * Create the Credit Curve from the give CDS instruments

    CreditCurve cc =
            "CORP", dtStart, aCDS, dc, adblQuotes, astrCalibMeasure, 0.4, false);

     * Valuation Parameters

    ValuationParams valParams =
        ValuationParams.CreateValParams(dtStart, 0, "", Convention.DR_ACTUAL);

     * Standard Credit Pricer Parameters (check javadoc for details)

    PricerParams pricerParams = PricerParams.MakeStdPricerParams();

     * Re-calculate the input calibration measures for the input CDSes

    for (int i = 0; i < aCDS.length; ++i)
              + astrCalibMeasure[i]
              + "["
              + i
              + "] = "
              + aCDS[i].calcMeasureValue(
                      dc, null, null, cc, null, null, null),