Ejemplo n.º 1
  private List<Object> processRepeat(
      Object sdt, Map<String, CustomXmlPart> customXmlDataStorageParts, XPathsPart xPathsPart) {

    Tag tag = getSdtPr(sdt).getTag();

    HashMap<String, String> map = QueryString.parseQueryString(tag.getVal(), true);

    String repeatId = map.get(BINDING_ROLE_REPEAT);

    // Check, whether we are in an old repeat case. These can be removed.
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(repeatId)) return new ArrayList<Object>();

    org.opendope.xpaths.Xpaths.Xpath xpathObj = XPathsPart.getXPathById(xPaths, repeatId);

    String storeItemId = xpathObj.getDataBinding().getStoreItemID();
    String xpath = xpathObj.getDataBinding().getXpath();
    String prefixMappings = xpathObj.getDataBinding().getPrefixMappings();

    // Get the bound XML
    String xpathBase;
    // if (xpath.endsWith("/*")) {
    // xpathBase = xpath.substring(0, xpath.length()-2);
    // } else
    if (xpath.endsWith("/")) {
      xpathBase = xpath.substring(0, xpath.length() - 1);

      // Check, whether the xpath ends with a [1]. If so, guess it comes
      // from a round-tripped path and strip it
    } else if (xpath.endsWith("[1]")) {
      xpathBase = xpath.substring(0, xpath.length() - 3);

    } else {
      xpathBase = xpath;

    // DON'T Drop any trailing position! That breaks nested repeats
    // if (xpathBase.endsWith("]"))
    // xpathBase = xpathBase.substring(0, xpathBase.lastIndexOf("["));

    log.info("/n/n Repeat: using xpath: " + xpathBase);
    List<Node> repeatedSiblings =
        xpathGetNodes(customXmlDataStorageParts, storeItemId, xpathBase, prefixMappings);
    // storeItemId, xpathBase+"/*", prefixMappings);

    // Count siblings
    int numRepeats = repeatedSiblings.size();
    log.debug("yields REPEATS: " + numRepeats);

    if (numRepeats == 0) {
      // return new ArrayList<Object>(); // effectively, delete

      // Change tag to od:resultRepeatZero=id
      return repeatZero(sdt);

    // duplicate content here ...
    List<Object> repeated = cloneRepeatSdt(sdt, xpathBase, numRepeats);

    // deep traverse to fix binding
    DeepTraversor dt = new DeepTraversor();
    dt.xpathBase = xpathBase;
    for (int i = 0; i < repeated.size(); i++) {

      log.info("\n Traversing clone " + i);

      dt.index = i;
      new TraversalUtil(repeated.get(i), dt);
    log.info(".. deep traversals done ");

    // make bookmarks (if any) unique
    for (int i = 0; i < repeated.size(); i++) {
      try {

        // Use the sdt id for uniqueness
        long global = ((SdtElement) repeated.get(i)).getSdtPr().getId().getVal().longValue();

            ((SdtElement) repeated.get(i)).getSdtContent().getContent(),
      } catch (Exception e) {
        // Shouldn't happen .. TODO remove reflection?
        log.error(e.getMessage(), e);

    return repeated;
    public void apply(SdtElement element, Object parent, List<Object> siblings) {


      SdtPr sdtPr = element.getSdtPr();
      if (sdtPr == null) {
                + element.getClass().getSimpleName()
                + "  [no sdtPr!]"
                + " (having parent "
                + parent.getClass().getSimpleName()
                + ")");
      } else {
                + element.getClass().getSimpleName()
                + " (having parent "
                + parent.getClass().getSimpleName()
                + ")");

        CTDataBinding binding = (CTDataBinding) XmlUtils.unwrap(sdtPr.getDataBinding());
        if (binding != null) {
          System.out.println(callback.indent + "  binding: " + binding.getXpath());

        Tag tag = sdtPr.getTag();
        if (tag == null) return;

        System.out.println(callback.indent + "  " + tag.getVal());

        HashMap<String, String> map = QueryString.parseQueryString(tag.getVal(), true);

        String conditionId = map.get(OpenDoPEHandler.BINDING_ROLE_CONDITIONAL);
        String repeatId = map.get(OpenDoPEHandler.BINDING_ROLE_REPEAT);
        String xp = map.get(OpenDoPEHandler.BINDING_ROLE_XPATH);

        if (conditionId != null) {
          Condition c = ConditionsPart.getConditionById(conditions, conditionId);
          if (c == null) {
            System.out.println(callback.indent + "  " + "Missing condition " + conditionId);

          if (c.getParticle() instanceof org.opendope.conditions.Xpathref) {
            org.opendope.conditions.Xpathref xpathRef = (Xpathref) c.getParticle();
            if (xpathRef == null) {
                      + "  "
                      + "Condition "
                      + c.getId()
                      + " references a missing xpath!");

            org.opendope.xpaths.Xpaths.Xpath xpath =
                XPathsPart.getXPathById(xPaths, xpathRef.getId());
            if (xpath == null) {
                      + "  "
                      + "XPath specified in condition '"
                      + c.getId()
                      + "' is missing!");
            } else {
                      + "  "
                      + xpath.getId()
                      + ": "
                      + xpath.getDataBinding().getXpath());
          } else {
            System.out.println("Complex condition: " + XmlUtils.marshaltoString(c, true, true));

        } else if (repeatId != null) {

          org.opendope.xpaths.Xpaths.Xpath xpath = XPathsPart.getXPathById(xPaths, repeatId);

          if (xpath == null) {
                    + "  "
                    + "XPath specified in repeat '"
                    + repeatId
                    + "' is missing!");
          } else {
                callback.indent + "  " + xpath.getId() + ": " + xpath.getDataBinding().getXpath());

        } else if (xp != null) {

          org.opendope.xpaths.Xpaths.Xpath xpath = XPathsPart.getXPathById(xPaths, xp);

          if (xpath == null) {
                callback.indent + "  " + "XPath specified with id '" + xp + "' is missing!");
          } else {
                callback.indent + "  " + xpath.getId() + ": " + xpath.getDataBinding().getXpath());
Ejemplo n.º 3
  private void processDescendantBindings(Object sdt, String xpathBase, int index) {

    SdtPr sdtPr = getSdtPr(sdt);

    // log.debug(XmlUtils.marshaltoString(sdtPr, true, true));

    // Give it a unique ID (supersedes above?)

    // log.debug(XmlUtils.marshaltoString(sdtPr, true, true));
    CTDataBinding binding = (CTDataBinding) XmlUtils.unwrap(sdtPr.getDataBinding());

    String thisXPath = null;

    // It'll have one of these three...
    String conditionId = null;
    String repeatId = null;
    String bindingId = null;

    org.opendope.xpaths.Xpaths.Xpath xpathObj = null;

    Tag tag = sdtPr.getTag();
    if (tag == null) return;
    HashMap<String, String> map = QueryString.parseQueryString(tag.getVal(), true);

    if (binding == null) {

      conditionId = map.get(BINDING_ROLE_CONDITIONAL);
      repeatId = map.get(BINDING_ROLE_REPEAT);

      if (conditionId != null) {

        //				c = ConditionsPart.getConditionById(conditions, conditionId);
        //				if (c == null) {
        //					log.error("Missing condition " + conditionId);
        //					throw new InputIntegrityException("Required condition '" + conditionId + "' is
        // missing");
        //				}
        //				// TODO: this code assumes the condition contains
        //				// a simple xpath
        //				log.debug("Using condition"
        //						+ XmlUtils.marshaltoString(c, true, true));
        //				xpathObj = getXPathFromCondition(c);
        //				thisXPath = xpathObj.getDataBinding().getXpath();

        processDescendantCondition(sdt, xpathBase, index, tag);

      } else if (repeatId != null) {

        xpathObj = XPathsPart.getXPathById(xPaths, repeatId);
        thisXPath = xpathObj.getDataBinding().getXpath();

      } else if (map.containsKey(BINDING_CONTENTTYPE)
          || map.containsKey(BINDING_HANDLER)
          || map.containsKey(BINDING_PROGID)) {

        xpathObj = XPathsPart.getXPathById(xPaths, map.get(BINDING_ROLE_XPATH));
        thisXPath = xpathObj.getDataBinding().getXpath();

      } else {

        log.warn("couldn't find binding or bindingrole!");
        // not all sdt's need have a binding;
        // they could be present in the docx for other purposes

        // NB an OpenDoPE xpath tag (with no w:binding element)
        // eg as created by authoring tool for a "count(" XPath
        // ends up here.

    } else {
      thisXPath = binding.getXpath();

      // Set this stuff up now
      bindingId = map.get(BINDING_ROLE_XPATH);
      xpathObj = XPathsPart.getXPathById(xPaths, bindingId);

      // Sanity test
      if (!thisXPath.equals(xpathObj.getDataBinding().getXpath())) {
            "XPaths didn't match for id "
                + bindingId
                + ": \n\r    "
                + thisXPath
                + "\n\rcf. "
                + xpathObj.getDataBinding().getXpath());

      // 2012 09 20 - when did this break?
      // thisXPath = xpathObj.getDataBinding().getXpath();

    //		System.out.println("xpathBase: " + xpathBase);
    //		System.out.println("index: " + index);
    //		System.out.println("thisXPath: " + thisXPath);

    final String newPath = enhanceXPath(xpathBase, index + 1, thisXPath);

    //		System.out.println("newPath: " + newPath);

    if (log.isDebugEnabled() && !thisXPath.equals(newPath)) {
      log.debug("xpath prefix enhanced " + thisXPath + " to " + newPath);

    if (binding == null) {

      if (repeatId != null) {

        // Create the new xpath object
        org.opendope.xpaths.Xpaths.Xpath newXPathObj =
            createNewXPathObject(newPath, xpathObj, index);

        // set sdt to use it
        map.put(BINDING_ROLE_REPEAT, newXPathObj.getId());

      } else if (map.containsKey(BINDING_CONTENTTYPE)
          || map.containsKey(BINDING_HANDLER)
          || map.containsKey(BINDING_PROGID)) {

        // Also need to create new xpath id, and add that
        org.opendope.xpaths.Xpaths.Xpath newXPathObj =
            createNewXPathObject(newPath, xpathObj, index);

        // set sdt to use it
        map.put(BINDING_ROLE_XPATH, newXPathObj.getId());

    } else {

      // Also need to create new xpath id, and add that
      org.opendope.xpaths.Xpaths.Xpath newXPathObj = createNewXPathObject(newPath, xpathObj, index);

      // set sdt to use it
      map.put(BINDING_ROLE_XPATH, newXPathObj.getId());