Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Generate LDAPResult
  * @param dn Distinguished Name
  * @param resultProtocol Result protocol/operation code
  * @param resultCode Result code
  * @param errMsg Error Message
  * @return reponse
 private void generateResult(String dn, int resultProtocol, int resultCode, String errMsg) {
   try {
     m_encoder.beginSeq(48); // Hard coded here for Envelope header
     m_encoder.encodeInt(resultCode, 10); // Enumeration - 10
     // Adding LDAPDN
     m_encoder.encodeString(dn, true);
     // Adding error message
     m_encoder.encodeString(errMsg == null ? "" : errMsg, true);
             + m_ldapMsg.getMsgId()
             + ": "
             + "dn="
             + dn
             + ", op="
             + resultProtocol
             + ", result="
             + resultCode
             + ", errMsg="
             + errMsg);
   } catch (Exception ex) {
     log.log(Level.SEVERE, "", ex);
 } // generateResult
Ejemplo n.º 2
   * Save (Insert new) Row of Tab
   * @param windowNo relative window
   * @param AD_Tab_ID tab
   * @param curRow insert after relative row number in results
   * @param context current (relevant) context of new row
   * @return error message or null
  public ChangeVO insertRow(
      int windowNo, int AD_Tab_ID, int queryResultID, int curRow, Map<String, String> context) {
    if (context == null || context.size() == 0) return new ChangeVO(true, "No Context");
    UITab tab = getTab(AD_Tab_ID);
    if (tab == null) {
      log.config("Not found AD_Tab_ID=" + AD_Tab_ID);
      return new ChangeVO(true, "@NotFound@ @AD_Tab_ID@=" + AD_Tab_ID);

    log.info("Line Amt:" + context.get("LineNetAmt"));
    CContext ctx = new CContext(m_context.entrySet());
    ctx.addWindow(windowNo, context);
    ChangeVO retValue = tab.saveRow(ctx, windowNo, true);
    if (retValue.hasError()) return retValue;
    // Update Results
    ArrayList<String[]> data = m_results.get(queryResultID);
    if (data == null) retValue.addError("Data Not Found");
    else {
      String[] dataRow = retValue.rowData;
      if (curRow >= data.size()) data.add(dataRow);
      else data.add(curRow, dataRow);
      retValue.trxInfo = GridTab.getTrxInfo(tab.getTableName(), ctx, windowNo, tab.getTabNo());
    return retValue;
  } // insertRow
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * ************************************************************************ Create Missing
  * Document Types
  * @param ctx context
  * @param AD_Client_ID client
  * @param sp server process
  * @param trx transaction
 public static void createDocumentTypes(Ctx ctx, int AD_Client_ID, SvrProcess sp, Trx trx) {
   s_log.info("AD_Client_ID=" + AD_Client_ID);
   String sql =
       "SELECT rl.Value, rl.Name "
           + "FROM AD_Ref_List rl "
           + "WHERE rl.AD_Reference_ID=183"
           + " AND rl.IsActive='Y' AND NOT EXISTS "
           + " (SELECT * FROM C_DocType dt WHERE dt.AD_Client_ID=? AND rl.Value=dt.DocBaseType)";
   PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
   ResultSet rs = null;
   try {
     pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, trx);
     pstmt.setInt(1, AD_Client_ID);
     rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
     while (rs.next()) {
       String name = rs.getString(2);
       String value = rs.getString(1);
       s_log.config(name + "=" + value);
       MDocType dt = new MDocType(ctx, value, name, trx);
       if (dt.save()) {
         if (sp != null) sp.addLog(0, null, null, name);
         else s_log.fine(name);
       } else {
         if (sp != null) sp.addLog(0, null, null, "Not created: " + name);
         else s_log.warning("Not created: " + name);
   } catch (Exception e) {
     s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
   } finally {
 } //	createDocumentTypes
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Get Lookup Data for Field in context
  * @param AD_Field_ID field
  * @param context context
  * @param refresh requery
  * @return lookup pair array
 public ArrayList<NamePair> getLookupData(
     int windowNo, int AD_Field_ID, Map<String, String> context, boolean refresh) {
   UIField field = getField(AD_Field_ID, windowNo);
   if (field == null) {
     log.warning("Cannot find AD_Field_ID=" + AD_Field_ID);
     return null;
   CContext ctx = new CContext(m_context.entrySet());
   ctx.addWindow(windowNo, context);
   if (field.isLookup() || field.isButtonLookup()) return field.getAllLookupData(ctx, windowNo);
   else log.warning("No Lookup: " + field.getColumnName());
   return null;
 } // getLookupData
Ejemplo n.º 5
   * Get Field Lookup Value Direct
   * @param windowNo Window
   * @param AD_Field_ID
   * @param keyValues array of id values
   * @param cache
   * @return list of display values
  public ArrayList<NamePair> getLookupValueDirect(
      int AD_Field_ID, ArrayList<String> keyValues, boolean cache) {
    int windowNo = 0; // No Context
    ArrayList<NamePair> displayValues = new ArrayList<NamePair>();
    UIField field = getField(AD_Field_ID, windowNo);

    // if (cache && field.isLookup())
    // field.getLookup().removeAllElements();
    if (field == null) log.warning("Cannot find AD_Field_ID=" + AD_Field_ID);
    for (int i = 0; i < keyValues.size(); i++) {
      String key = keyValues.get(i);
      String value = null;
      if (field != null) value = field.getLookupDisplay(m_context, windowNo, key, cache);
      if (value == null) {
         * if(key == null) value = ""; else value = "<" + key + ">";
        value = "";
      NamePair pp = new ValueNamePair(key, value);
    return displayValues;
  } // getLookupValueDirect
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public ChangeVO updateRow(
     int windowNo,
     int AD_Tab_ID,
     int queryResultID,
     int relRowNo,
     Map<String, String> context,
     boolean force) {
   if (context == null || context.size() == 0)
     return new ChangeVO(true, Msg.translate(m_context, "NoContext"));
   ArrayList<String[]> data = m_results.get(queryResultID);
   if (data == null || data.size() == 0)
     return new ChangeVO(true, Msg.translate(m_context, "CachedDataNotFound"));
   UITab tab = getTab(AD_Tab_ID);
   if (tab == null) {
     log.config("Not found AD_Tab_ID=" + AD_Tab_ID);
     return new ChangeVO(true, Msg.translate(m_context, "@NotFound@ @AD_Tab_ID@=" + AD_Tab_ID));
   CContext ctx = new CContext(m_context.entrySet());
   ctx.addWindow(windowNo, context);
   ChangeVO retValue;
   if (force) retValue = tab.saveRow(ctx, windowNo, false, null);
   else retValue = tab.saveRow(ctx, windowNo, false, data.get(relRowNo));
   if (retValue.hasError()) return retValue;
   // Update Results
   String[] dataRow = retValue.rowData.clone();
   data.set(relRowNo, dataRow);
   postProcessChangeVO(retValue, windowNo, context, dataRow, tab);
   retValue.trxInfo = GridTab.getTrxInfo(tab.getTableName(), ctx, windowNo, tab.getTabNo());
   if (retValue.isRefreshAll()) {}
   return retValue;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * ************************************************************************ Start Database Process
  * @param ProcedureName PL/SQL procedure name
  * @return true if success
 private boolean startDBProcess(String ProcedureName) {
   //  execute on this thread/connection
   log.fine(ProcedureName + "(" + m_pi.getAD_PInstance_ID() + ")");
   String sql = "{call " + ProcedureName + "(?)}";
   try {
     CallableStatement cstmt = DB.prepareCall(sql, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE, null); // 	ro??
     cstmt.setInt(1, m_pi.getAD_PInstance_ID());
   } catch (Exception e) {
     log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
     m_pi.setSummary(Msg.getMsg(m_wscctx, "ProcessRunError") + " " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
     return false;
   //	log.fine(Log.l4_Data, "ProcessCtl.startProcess - done");
   return true;
 } //  startDBProcess
Ejemplo n.º 8
   * Field Changed
   * @param windowNo relative window
   * @param AD_Field_ID field
   * @param AD_Tab_ID tab
   * @param oldValue old field value
   * @param newValue new field value
   * @param context record context
   * @return Field Change VO
  public ChangeVO fieldChanged(
      int windowNo,
      int AD_Field_ID,
      int AD_Tab_ID,
      String oldValue,
      String newValue,
      Map<String, String> context) {
    // Same Values
    if (oldValue == null || oldValue.equals(Null.NULLString)) oldValue = "";
    if (newValue == null || newValue.equals(Null.NULLString)) newValue = "";
    if (oldValue.equals(newValue)) return null;
    UITab tab = getTab(AD_Tab_ID);
    if (tab == null) {
      log.config("Not found AD_Tab_ID=" + AD_Tab_ID);
      return null;
    UIField field = getField(AD_Field_ID, windowNo);
    if (field == null) {
      log.warning("Cannot find AD_Field_ID=" + AD_Field_ID);
      return null;

    CContext ctx = new CContext(m_context.entrySet());
    ctx.addWindow(windowNo, context);
    CContext origCtx = new CContext(m_context.entrySet());
    origCtx.addWindow(windowNo, context);
    ChangeVO change = null;
    try {
      // reset the thread active flag, in case the thread is reused later on
      change =
              origCtx, ctx, new ArrayList<UIField>(5), windowNo, field, oldValue, newValue);
      ctx.setContext(windowNo, field.getColumnName(), change.newConfirmedFieldValue);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.severe("fieldChange error:" + field.getColumnName() + e.getMessage());
    } finally {

    return change;
  } // fieldChanged
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Retrieve results for Tab. If the from/to range does not exist, it returns existing rows
  * @param queryResultID stored query identifier provided by client
  * @param fromRow from row first is 0
  * @param noRows number of rows
  * @return array of rows of array of field values or null if error. You get the columnNames via
  *     String[] columns = uiTab.getColumnNames();
 public String[][] getResults(int queryResultID, int fromRow, int noRows) {
   if (noRows < 0) {
     log.config("Invalid: fromRow=" + fromRow + ",noRows" + noRows);
   } else if (noRows == 0) return new String[][] {};
   ArrayList<String[]> resultAll = m_results.get(queryResultID);
   if (resultAll == null) {
     log.config("No Results for queryResultID=" + queryResultID);
     return null;
   if (resultAll.size() < fromRow) {
         "Insufficient Results for queryResultID="
             + queryResultID
             + ", Length="
             + resultAll.size()
             + ", fromRow="
             + fromRow);
     return null;
   // copy
   if (resultAll.size() < noRows) {
         "Insufficient Rows for queryResultID="
             + queryResultID
             + ", Length="
             + resultAll.size()
             + ", fromRow="
             + fromRow
             + ", noRows="
             + noRows);
     noRows = resultAll.size();
   String[][] result = new String[noRows][];
   for (int i = 0; i < noRows; i++) {
     int index = i + fromRow;
     if (index >= resultAll.size()) break;
     result[i] = resultAll.get(index);
   return result;
 } // getResult
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Execute Query for Tab
  * @param AD_Tab_ID tab
  * @param queryVO optional query
  * @param context record context for link columns and other variables
  * @param queryResultID stored query identifier provided by client
  * @return number of records or -1 if error
 public int executeQuery(
     int AD_Tab_ID, QueryVO queryVO, HashMap<String, String> context, int queryResultID) {
   UITab tab = getTab(AD_Tab_ID);
   if (tab == null) {
     log.config("Not found AD_Tab_ID=" + AD_Tab_ID);
     return -1;
   ArrayList<String[]> result = tab.executeQueryString(queryVO, context, m_context);
   if (result == null) {
     log.config("Not Result for AD_Tab_ID=" + AD_Tab_ID);
     return -1;
   MRole role = getRole();
   // return -1 to indicate query exceeds
   if (role.isQueryMax(result.size())) {
     m_results.put(queryResultID, new ArrayList<String[]>());
     return -1;
   m_results.put(queryResultID, result);
   return result.size();
 } // executeQuery
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * ************************************************************************ Start Workflow.
  * @param AD_Workflow_ID workflow
  * @return true if started
 private boolean startWorkflow(int AD_Workflow_ID) {
   log.fine(AD_Workflow_ID + " - " + m_pi);
   boolean started = false;
   if (DB.isRemoteProcess()) {
     log.info("trying to running on the server");
     Server server = CConnection.get().getServer();
     try {
       if (server != null) { // 	See ServerBean
         log.info("running on the server");
         m_pi = server.workflow(m_wscctx, m_pi, AD_Workflow_ID);
         log.finest("server => " + m_pi);
         started = true;
     } catch (Exception ex) {
       log.log(Level.SEVERE, "AppsServer error", ex);
       started = false;
   //	Run locally
   if (!started && !m_IsServerProcess) {
     log.info("running locally");
     MWorkflow wf = MWorkflow.get(m_wscctx, AD_Workflow_ID);
     MWFProcess wfProcess = null;
     if (m_pi.isBatch()) wfProcess = wf.start(m_pi); // 	may return null
     else wfProcess = wf.startWait(m_pi); // 	may return null
     started = wfProcess != null;
   return started;
 } //  startWorkflow
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * ************************************************************************ Start Java Process
  * Class. instanciate the class implementing the interface ProcessCall. The class can be a
  * Server/Client class (when in Package org compiere.process or org.compiere.model) or a client
  * only class (e.g. in org.compiere.report)
  * @return true if success
 private boolean startProcess() {
   boolean started = false;
   if (DB.isRemoteProcess()) {
     Server server = CConnection.get().getServer();
     try {
       if (server != null) { // 	See ServerBean
         m_pi = server.process(m_wscctx, m_pi);
         log.finest("server => " + m_pi);
         started = true;
     } catch (UndeclaredThrowableException ex) {
       Throwable cause = ex.getCause();
       if (cause != null) {
         if (cause instanceof InvalidClassException)
               Level.SEVERE, "Version Server <> Client: " + cause.toString() + " - " + m_pi, ex);
           log.log(Level.SEVERE, "AppsServer error(1b): " + cause.toString() + " - " + m_pi, ex);
       } else log.log(Level.SEVERE, " AppsServer error(1) - " + m_pi, ex);
       started = false;
     } catch (Exception ex) {
       Throwable cause = ex.getCause();
       if (cause == null) cause = ex;
       log.log(Level.SEVERE, "AppsServer error - " + m_pi, cause);
       started = false;
   //	Run locally
   if (!started && !m_IsServerProcess) {
     ProcessCall myObject = null;
     try {
       Class myClass = Class.forName(m_pi.getClassName());
       myObject = (ProcessCall) myClass.newInstance();
       if (myObject == null) m_pi.setSummary("No Instance for " + m_pi.getClassName(), true);
       else myObject.startProcess(m_wscctx, m_pi, m_trx);
       if (m_trx != null) {
     } catch (Exception e) {
       if (m_trx != null) {
       m_pi.setSummary("Error starting Class " + m_pi.getClassName(), true);
       log.log(Level.SEVERE, m_pi.getClassName(), e);
   return !m_pi.isError();
 } //  startProcess
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public Query createQuery(int AD_Tab_ID, QueryVO queryVO, WindowCtx ctx, String tableName) {
   UITab tab = getTab(AD_Tab_ID);
   String whereClause = tab.getWhereClause();
   if (tab == null) {
     log.config("Not found AD_Tab_ID=" + AD_Tab_ID);
     return null;
   Query result = tab.createQueryForReport(m_context, queryVO);
   if (result == null) {
     result = new Query(tableName);
   if (whereClause != null && whereClause.length() != 0) {
     QueryRestriction restriction = new QueryRestriction(whereClause);
   return result;
 } // executeQuery
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * Get Field
  * @param AD_Field_ID id
  * @param windowNo relative windowNo
  * @return field or null
 public UIField getField(int AD_Field_ID, int windowNo) {
   Integer key = Integer.valueOf(AD_Field_ID);
   UIField field = m_fields.get(key);
   if (field == null) {
     UIFieldVOFactory fieldFactory = new UIFieldVOFactory();
     UIFieldVO vo = fieldFactory.get(m_context, AD_Field_ID);
     // m_context.setSOTrx(windowNo, isSOTrx);
     if (vo != null) {
       field = new UIField(vo);
       field.initialize(m_context, windowNo);
       log.warning("Loaded directly: " + field); // SOTrx may not
       // be correct
       m_fields.put(key, field); // save in cache
   } // create new
   return field;
 } // getField
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * Create new Row with Default values. The new Row is not saved in Results
  * @param windowNo relative window
  * @param AD_Tab_ID tab
  * @param context record context for parent columns and other variables
  * @return array of field values or null if error. You get the columnNames via String[] columns =
  *     uiTab.getColumnNames();
 public ChangeVO newRow(int windowNo, int AD_Tab_ID, Map<String, String> context) {
   UITab tab = getTab(AD_Tab_ID);
   if (tab == null) {
     log.config("Not found AD_Tab_ID=" + AD_Tab_ID);
     return null;
   CContext ctx = new CContext(m_context.entrySet());
   ctx.addWindow(windowNo, context);
   ctx.setIsSOTrx(windowNo, tab.isSOTrx());
   ChangeVO change = tab.newRow(ctx, windowNo);
    * Very likely not needed if (change.changedDropDowns == null) change.changedDropDowns = new
    * HashMap<String,ArrayList<NamePair>>(); for(UIField f:tab.getFields()) { if
    * (f.isDependentValue()) change.changedDropDowns.put(f.getColumnName(),
    * getLookupValues(windowNo, f.getAD_Field_ID(), change.changedFields)); }
   tab.canUpdate(ctx, windowNo, change);
   return change;
 } // newRow
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * Get Field Lookup Value Direct
  * @param windowNo Window
  * @param AD_Field_ID
  * @param keyValues array of id values
  * @param cache
  * @return list of display values
 public ArrayList<String> getLookupValueOnlyDirect(
     int AD_Field_ID, ArrayList<String> keyValues, boolean cache) {
   int windowNo = 0; // No Context
   ArrayList<String> displayValues = new ArrayList<String>();
   UIField field = getField(AD_Field_ID, windowNo);
   if (field == null) log.warning("Cannot find AD_Field_ID=" + AD_Field_ID);
   for (int i = 0; i < keyValues.size(); i++) {
     String key = keyValues.get(i);
     String value = null;
     if (field != null) value = field.getLookupDisplay(m_context, windowNo, key, cache);
     if (value == null) {
        * if(key == null) value = ""; else value = "<" + key + ">";
       value = "";
   return displayValues;
 } // getLookupValueDirect
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * Refresh current row of Tab
  * @param windowNo relative window
  * @param AD_Tab_ID tab
  * @param relRowNo relative row number in results
  * @param context current (relevant) context of new row
  * @return error message or null
 public ChangeVO refreshRow(
     int windowNo, int AD_Tab_ID, int queryResultID, int relRowNo, Map<String, String> context) {
   if (context == null || context.size() == 0) return new ChangeVO(true, "No Context");
   UITab tab = getTab(AD_Tab_ID);
   if (tab == null) {
     log.config("Not found AD_Tab_ID=" + AD_Tab_ID);
     return new ChangeVO(true, "@NotFound@ @AD_Tab_ID@=" + AD_Tab_ID);
   CContext ctx = new CContext(m_context.entrySet());
   ctx.addWindow(windowNo, context);
   ChangeVO retValue = tab.refreshRow(ctx, windowNo);
   if (retValue.hasError()) return retValue;
   // Update Results
   ArrayList<String[]> data = m_results.get(queryResultID);
   if (data == null) retValue.addError("Data Not Found");
   else {
     String[] dataRow = retValue.rowData.clone();
     data.set(relRowNo, dataRow);
     postProcessChangeVO(retValue, windowNo, context, dataRow, tab);
     retValue.trxInfo = GridTab.getTrxInfo(tab.getTableName(), ctx, windowNo, tab.getTabNo());
   return retValue;
 } // refreshRow
Ejemplo n.º 18
  * Delete existing Row
  * @param windowNo relative window
  * @param AD_Tab_ID tab
  * @param relRowNo relative row number in results
  * @return error message or null
 public ChangeVO deleteRow(int windowNo, int AD_Tab_ID, int queryResultID, int relRowNo) {
   UITab tab = getTab(AD_Tab_ID);
   if (tab == null) {
     log.config("Not found AD_Tab_ID=" + AD_Tab_ID);
     return new ChangeVO(true, "@NotFound@ @AD_Tab_ID@=" + AD_Tab_ID);
   ArrayList<String[]> data = m_results.get(queryResultID);
   if (data == null) return new ChangeVO(true, "Data Not Found");
   String[] rowData = data.get(relRowNo);
   // Copy Data into Context
   Map<String, String> context = new HashMap<String, String>();
   String[] columns = tab.getColumnNames();
   for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
     String column = columns[i];
     context.put(column, rowData[i]);
   CContext ctx = new CContext(m_context.entrySet());
   ctx.addWindow(windowNo, context);
   ChangeVO retValue = tab.deleteRow(ctx, windowNo);
   if (retValue.hasError()) return retValue;
   // Update Results
   return retValue;
 } // deleteRow
Ejemplo n.º 19
 * GWT Server Implementation. You maintain one instance per User
 * @author Jorg Janke, dzhao
 * @version $Id$
public class GwtServer {

  public static void resetWinDefCache() {

  private static final CCache<WindowVOCacheKey, Integer> Userdef_Winids =
      new CCache<WindowVOCacheKey, Integer>("AD_Global_WindowVO", 200, 120);

  // use only one window cache
  private static final CCache<WindowCacheKey, UIWindow> UIWindows =
      new CCache<WindowCacheKey, UIWindow>("AD_Global_Window", 2000, 120);

  /** Logger */
  private static final CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger(GwtServer.class);
  /** Server ID */
  private static AtomicInteger s_gwtServer_ID = new AtomicInteger(1);

  /** ************************************************************************* Gwt Server */
  public GwtServer() {
    m_context = new GWTServerContext();
    m_context.setContext(MRole.GWTSERVERID, s_gwtServer_ID.getAndIncrement());
  } // GwtServer

  /** Context */
  private final GWTServerContext m_context;

  /** Login */
  private Login m_login = null;

  /** Locale */
  private Locale m_loc = null;

  /** Role for User */
  private MRole m_role = null;

  /** Window Cache */
  // private final HashMap<Integer, UIWindow> m_windows
  // = new HashMap<Integer, UIWindow>(20);
  /** Tab Cache */
  private final HashMap<Integer, UITab> m_tabs = new HashMap<Integer, UITab>(20);

  private final HashMap<Integer, UITab> m_referencetabs = new HashMap<Integer, UITab>(20);

  /** Field Cache */
  private final HashMap<Integer, UIField> m_fields = new HashMap<Integer, UIField>(200);

  /** Tab Results */
  private final HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String[]>> m_results =
      new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String[]>>();

  /** Dashboard Drilldowns */
  private final HashMap<String, NodeVO> m_nodes = new HashMap<String, NodeVO>();

   * Get Login
   * @return login
  public Login getLogin() {
    if (m_login == null) m_login = new Login(m_context);
    return m_login;
  } // getLogin

   * Returns the context associated with this GwtServer
   * @return context
  public CContext getContext() {
    return m_context;
  } // getContext

   * Get Role for User
   * @return role
  public MRole getRole() {
    if (m_role == null) {
      if (m_login == null
          || m_login.getRole() == null
          || m_login.getAD_Role_ID() == -1
          || m_login.getAD_User_ID() == -1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not logged in yet");
      m_role = m_login.getRole();
    return m_role;
  } // getRole

   * Set Locale
   * @param loc locale (from login)
  public void setLocale(Locale loc) {
    m_loc = loc;
  } // setLocale

   * Logout
   * @param expired expire
  public void logout(boolean expired) {

    // End Session
    MSession session = MSession.get(m_context); // finish
    if (session != null) {
      if (expired) {
        if (session.getDescription() == null) session.setDescription("Expired");
        else session.setDescription(session.getDescription() + " Expired");
      session.logout(); // saves
    if (m_context != null) {
      int gwtServerID = m_context.getContextAsInt(MRole.GWTSERVERID);
      if (gwtServerID > 0) MRole.resetGwt(gwtServerID);
    // Clear Cache
    // m_windows.clear();

  } // logout

  public boolean isLogout() {
    return m_context.size() == 0;

  /** Finalize. Remove Role */
  protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
    if (m_context != null) {
      int gwtServerID = m_context.getContextAsInt(MRole.GWTSERVERID);
      if (gwtServerID > 0) MRole.resetGwt(gwtServerID);
  } // finalize

   * Get Locale
   * @return Locale
  public Locale getLocale() {
    if (m_loc == null) return Locale.US;
    return m_loc;
  } // getLocale

   * Get Menu
   * @return menu as array list
  public ArrayList<CTreeNode> getMenuTree() {
    int AD_Tree_ID = getTreeID();
    log.fine("AD_Tree_ID=" + AD_Tree_ID + " - " + Env.getAD_Language(m_context));
    return getMenuTree(AD_Tree_ID, false);
  } // getMenuTree

   * Get Tree ID for role
   * @return AD_Tree_ID as int
  private int getTreeID() {
    int AD_Role_ID = m_context.getAD_Role_ID();
    // Load Menu Structure ----------------------
    int AD_Tree_ID =
            "SELECT COALESCE(r.AD_Tree_Menu_ID, ci.AD_Tree_Menu_ID)"
                + "FROM AD_ClientInfo ci"
                + " INNER JOIN AD_Role r ON (ci.AD_Client_ID=r.AD_Client_ID) "
                + "WHERE AD_Role_ID=?",
    if (AD_Tree_ID <= 0) AD_Tree_ID = 10; // Menu
    return AD_Tree_ID;
  } // getTreeID

   * Get Menu favorites for a user
   * @return menu as array list
  public ArrayList<CTreeNode> getMenuFavorites() {
    MUser user = MUser.get(getContext());
    int AD_Tree_ID = user.getAD_Tree_MenuFavorite_ID();
    if (AD_Tree_ID == 0) // favorites has not yet been created
    return new ArrayList<CTreeNode>();
    return getMenuTree(AD_Tree_ID, false);
  } // get favorites menu

   * Get Menu tree that directly enter "create new" mode
   * @return menu as array list
  public ArrayList<CTreeNode> getMenuCreateNew() {
    MUser user = MUser.get(getContext());
    int AD_Tree_ID = user.getAD_Tree_MenuNew_ID();
    if (AD_Tree_ID == 0) // create new has not yet been created
    return new ArrayList<CTreeNode>();
    return getMenuTree(AD_Tree_ID, false);
  } // getMenuCreateNew

   * Get a menu tree representation based on a AD_Tree_ID
   * @param AD_Tree_ID A tree based on AD_Menu
   * @return menu as array list
  private ArrayList<CTreeNode> getMenuTree(int AD_Tree_ID, boolean edit) {
    MTree tree = new MTree(m_context, AD_Tree_ID, edit, true, true, null); // Language
    // set
    // in
    // WLogin
    // Trim tree
    CTreeNode root = tree.getRoot();
    Enumeration<?> en = root.preorderEnumeration();
    while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
      CTreeNode nd = (CTreeNode) en.nextElement();
      if (nd.isTask() || nd.isWorkbench() // || nd.isWorkFlow()
      // server
      ) {
        CTreeNode parent = (CTreeNode) nd.getParent();
    en = root.preorderEnumeration();
    ArrayList<CTreeNode> retValue = new ArrayList<CTreeNode>();
    while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
      CTreeNode nd = (CTreeNode) en.nextElement();
      // Issue #420: removed menu entries for un-implemented forms
      if (nd.getAD_Form_ID() == 119 || nd.getAD_Form_ID() == 102
      //					|| nd.getAD_Workflow_ID() == 106
      //					|| nd.getAD_Workflow_ID() == 104
      //					// Review
      //					|| nd.getAD_Workflow_ID() == 112
      //					// Setup
      //					|| nd.getAD_Workflow_ID() == 113
      //					|| nd.getAD_Workflow_ID() == 110
      //					|| nd.getAD_Workflow_ID() == 111
      // || nd.getAD_Process_ID() == 205
      ) {
      } else retValue.add(nd);
    return retValue;

   * Make Favorites add/remove persistent ("bar" in swing client)
   * @param add true if add - otherwise remove
   * @param Node_ID Node ID
   * @return true if updated
  public boolean updateFavorites(boolean add, int Node_ID) {
     * Code logic now uses MUser to store favorites. TODO:
     * VTreePanel.barDBupdate should be similarly updated or deprecated for
     * Swing client.
    MUser user = MUser.get(getContext());
    return user.addUserMenuFavorite(Node_ID, 0);
  } // updateFavorites

   * Update of user favorites for a user with specified ordering for favorites
   * @param menuIDs List<Integer> ordered list of menuIDs to put in the tree
   * @return true if updated
  public boolean updateFavorites(List<Integer> menuIDs) {
    MUser user = MUser.get(getContext());
    MTree menuTree = null;
    if ((menuTree = user.getUserFavoriteTree()) == null) return false;
    return updateUserTree(menuIDs, menuTree);
  } // updateFavorites

   * Make create new add/remove persistent ("bar" in swing client)
   * @param add true if add - otherwise remove
   * @param Node_ID Node ID
   * @return true if updated
  public boolean updateCreateNew(boolean add, int Node_ID) {
     * Code logic now uses MUser to store favorites. TODO:
     * VTreePanel.barDBupdate should be similarly updated or deprecated for
     * Swing client.
    MUser user = MUser.get(getContext());
    return user.addUserMenuNewFavorite(Node_ID, 0);
  } // updateCreateNew

   * Update of user favorites for a user with specified ordering for favorites
   * @param menuIDs List<Integer> ordered list of menuIDs to put in the tree
   * @return true if updated
  public boolean updateCreateNew(List<Integer> menuIDs) {
    MUser user = MUser.get(getContext());
    MTree menuTree = null;
    if ((menuTree = user.getUserNewFavoriteTree()) == null) return false;
    return updateUserTree(menuIDs, menuTree);
  } // updateCreateNew

   * Update of user tree for ordered menu nodes (favorites, create new list)
   * favorites @param menuIDs List<Integer> ordered list of menuIDs to put in
   * the tree @param menuTree MTree the tree to be reordered @return true if
   * updated
  private boolean updateUserTree(List<Integer> menuIDs, MTree menuTree) {
    CTreeNode root = menuTree.getRoot();
    if (root != null) {
      Enumeration<?> nodes = root.preorderEnumeration();
      while (nodes.hasMoreElements()) {
        CTreeNode nd = (CTreeNode) nodes.nextElement();
        if (!menuIDs.contains(nd.getNode_ID())) {
          MTreeNodeMM node = null;
          if ((node = MTreeNodeMM.get(menuTree, nd.getNode_ID())) != null) {
            if (!node.delete(true)) return false;
    int seq = 0;
    for (int id : menuIDs) {
      MTreeNodeMM node = null;
      if ((node = MTreeNodeMM.get(menuTree, id)) == null) {
        node = new MTreeNodeMM(menuTree, id);
      if (!node.save()) return false;
    return true;

   * Get Number of open Requests
   * @return number of requests
  public int getRequests() {
    return GwtServerUtil.getRequests(m_context);
  } // getRequests

   * Get number of open Notes
   * @return Number of notes
  public int getNotes() {
    return GwtServerUtil.getNotes(m_context);
  } // getNotes

   * ************************************************************************* Get Window in default
   * context based on Role
   * @param windowNO relative window
   * @param AD_Window_ID window
   * @param AD_Menu_ID menu
   * @return WindowVO or null
  public UIWindow getWindow(int windowNO, int AD_Window_ID, int AD_Menu_ID) {
    UIWindow win = null;
    // win = m_windows.get(AD_Window_ID);
    // if (win != null)
    // {
    // win.clearLookupCache();
    // return win;
    // }
    UIWindowVOFactory winFactory = new UIWindowVOFactory();
    UIWindowVO winVO = null;
    int AD_UserDef_Win_ID = -1;
    WindowVOCacheKey vokey =
        new WindowVOCacheKey(
            AD_Window_ID, m_context.getAD_Role_ID(), AD_Menu_ID, Env.getAD_Language(m_context));

    // note, the usage of m_context below in constructing window is only for
    // language, menu, role,
    // and those are already included in the cache key, so we can safely
    // assume the win is correctly cached
    if (Userdef_Winids.get(null, vokey) == null) {
      winVO = winFactory.get(m_context, AD_Window_ID, AD_Menu_ID);
      if (winVO == null) {
        log.config("No Window - AD_Window_ID=" + AD_Window_ID + ",AD_Menu_ID=" + AD_Menu_ID);
        return null;
      int theAD_UserDef_Win_ID = winVO.getAD_UserDef_Win_ID();

      if (Userdef_Winids.putIfAbsent(vokey, theAD_UserDef_Win_ID) == null)
        AD_UserDef_Win_ID = theAD_UserDef_Win_ID;
    } else AD_UserDef_Win_ID = Userdef_Winids.get(m_context, vokey);

    WindowCacheKey key =
        new WindowCacheKey(
    win = UIWindows.get(null, key);
    if (win == null) {
      // log.warning("key:" + key + " not found, create");
      if (winVO == null) winVO = winFactory.get(m_context, AD_Window_ID, AD_Menu_ID);
      if (winVO == null) {
        log.config("No Window - AD_Window_ID=" + AD_Window_ID + ",AD_Menu_ID=" + AD_Menu_ID);
        return null;
      UIWindow newWin = new UIWindow(winVO);
      AD_Window_ID = newWin.getAD_Window_ID();
      UIFieldVOFactory fieldFactory = new UIFieldVOFactory();
      newWin.setFields(fieldFactory.getAll(m_context, AD_Window_ID, AD_UserDef_Win_ID));
      UITabVOFactory tabFactory = new UITabVOFactory();
      // setTabVOs initrlize tabs but not fields, 'cuz fields needs to be
      // copied over and initialized later
          m_context, tabFactory.getAll(m_context, AD_Window_ID, AD_UserDef_Win_ID), windowNO);
      win = UIWindows.putIfAbsent(key, newWin);
      if (win == null) win = newWin;
    // deep copy the window object so we hold a separate window object for
    // each user session
    UIWindow duplicatedWin = (UIWindow) DeepCopy.copy(win);
    fillTabsFieldsAndInitFieldsAndCreateDependencyRelations(duplicatedWin, windowNO);

    MSession session = MSession.get(m_context);
    if (session != null)

    return duplicatedWin;
  } // getWindowVO

   * Get Tab with ID
   * @param AD_Tab_ID
   * @return tab or null
  public UITab getTab(int AD_Tab_ID) {
    Integer tabKey = Integer.valueOf(AD_Tab_ID);
    UITab tab = m_tabs.get(tabKey);
    if (tab == null) {
      // Check added for referenced tabs
      if (m_referencetabs.get(tabKey) != null) return m_referencetabs.get(tabKey);
      throw new CompiereStateException("No such tab:" + AD_Tab_ID);
    } // find in window
    return tab;
  } // getTab

   * Get Field
   * @param AD_Field_ID id
   * @param windowNo relative windowNo
   * @return field or null
  public UIField getField(int AD_Field_ID, int windowNo) {
    Integer key = Integer.valueOf(AD_Field_ID);
    UIField field = m_fields.get(key);
    if (field == null) {
      UIFieldVOFactory fieldFactory = new UIFieldVOFactory();
      UIFieldVO vo = fieldFactory.get(m_context, AD_Field_ID);
      // m_context.setSOTrx(windowNo, isSOTrx);
      if (vo != null) {
        field = new UIField(vo);
        field.initialize(m_context, windowNo);
        log.warning("Loaded directly: " + field); // SOTrx may not
        // be correct
        m_fields.put(key, field); // save in cache
    } // create new
    return field;
  } // getField

  /** Fill Tab and Field arrays */
  private void fillTabsFieldsAndInitFieldsAndCreateDependencyRelations(UIWindow win, int windowNO) {
    ArrayList<UITab> tabs = win.getTabs();
    for (int j = 0; j < tabs.size(); j++) {
      UITab winTab = tabs.get(j);
      Integer tabKey = Integer.valueOf(winTab.getAD_Tab_ID());
      Integer ReferencetabKey = Integer.valueOf(winTab.getReferenced_Tab_ID());
      m_tabs.put(tabKey, winTab);
      m_referencetabs.put(ReferencetabKey, winTab);
      ArrayList<UIField> fields = winTab.getFields();
      for (int k = 0; k < fields.size(); k++) {
        UIField field = fields.get(k);
        field.initialize(m_context, windowNO);
        Integer fieldKey = Integer.valueOf(field.getAD_Field_ID());
        // set the correct value
        if (field.isLookup()) field.getLookup().setContext(m_context, windowNO);
        m_fields.put(fieldKey, field);
  } // fillTabsFields

   * Execute Query for Tab
   * @param AD_Tab_ID tab
   * @param queryVO optional query
   * @param context record context for link columns and other variables
   * @param queryResultID stored query identifier provided by client
   * @return number of records or -1 if error
  public int executeQuery(
      int AD_Tab_ID, QueryVO queryVO, HashMap<String, String> context, int queryResultID) {
    UITab tab = getTab(AD_Tab_ID);
    if (tab == null) {
      log.config("Not found AD_Tab_ID=" + AD_Tab_ID);
      return -1;
    ArrayList<String[]> result = tab.executeQueryString(queryVO, context, m_context);
    if (result == null) {
      log.config("Not Result for AD_Tab_ID=" + AD_Tab_ID);
      return -1;
    MRole role = getRole();
    // return -1 to indicate query exceeds
    if (role.isQueryMax(result.size())) {
      m_results.put(queryResultID, new ArrayList<String[]>());
      return -1;
    m_results.put(queryResultID, result);
    return result.size();
  } // executeQuery

  public Query createQuery(int AD_Tab_ID, QueryVO queryVO, WindowCtx ctx, String tableName) {
    UITab tab = getTab(AD_Tab_ID);
    String whereClause = tab.getWhereClause();
    if (tab == null) {
      log.config("Not found AD_Tab_ID=" + AD_Tab_ID);
      return null;
    Query result = tab.createQueryForReport(m_context, queryVO);
    if (result == null) {
      result = new Query(tableName);
    if (whereClause != null && whereClause.length() != 0) {
      QueryRestriction restriction = new QueryRestriction(whereClause);
    return result;
  } // executeQuery

   * Retrieve results for Tab. If the from/to range does not exist, it returns existing rows
   * @param queryResultID stored query identifier provided by client
   * @param fromRow from row first is 0
   * @param noRows number of rows
   * @return array of rows of array of field values or null if error. You get the columnNames via
   *     String[] columns = uiTab.getColumnNames();
  public String[][] getResults(int queryResultID, int fromRow, int noRows) {
    if (noRows < 0) {
      log.config("Invalid: fromRow=" + fromRow + ",noRows" + noRows);
    } else if (noRows == 0) return new String[][] {};
    ArrayList<String[]> resultAll = m_results.get(queryResultID);
    if (resultAll == null) {
      log.config("No Results for queryResultID=" + queryResultID);
      return null;
    if (resultAll.size() < fromRow) {
          "Insufficient Results for queryResultID="
              + queryResultID
              + ", Length="
              + resultAll.size()
              + ", fromRow="
              + fromRow);
      return null;
    // copy
    if (resultAll.size() < noRows) {
          "Insufficient Rows for queryResultID="
              + queryResultID
              + ", Length="
              + resultAll.size()
              + ", fromRow="
              + fromRow
              + ", noRows="
              + noRows);
      noRows = resultAll.size();
    String[][] result = new String[noRows][];
    for (int i = 0; i < noRows; i++) {
      int index = i + fromRow;
      if (index >= resultAll.size()) break;
      result[i] = resultAll.get(index);
    return result;
  } // getResult

  public void sortResults(
      int WindowNo, int AD_Tab_ID, int AD_Field_ID, int queryResultID, final boolean ascending) {
    class SortCell {

      String[] row;

      String sort;
    ArrayList<String[]> results = m_results.get(queryResultID);
    if (results == null)
      log.severe("cannot sort. results non-existent for queryResultID:" + queryResultID);
    UITab tab = getTab(AD_Tab_ID);
    final UIField field = getField(AD_Field_ID, WindowNo);
    final int displayType = field.getAD_Reference_ID();
    final int idx = tab.getFieldIndex(AD_Field_ID);
    // if not a lookup, directly sort
    if (!field.isLookup()) {
      if (FieldType.isNumeric(displayType)) {
            new Comparator<String[]>() {

              public int compare(String[] o1, String[] o2) {
                if (o1[idx] == null) o1[idx] = "";
                if (o2[idx] == null) o2[idx] = "";
                BigDecimal s1 = new BigDecimal(o1[idx].equals("") ? "-1e-10" : o1[idx]);
                BigDecimal s2 = new BigDecimal(o2[idx].equals("") ? "-1e-10" : o2[idx]);
                return ascending ? s1.compareTo(s2) : s2.compareTo(s1);
      } else if (FieldType.isDate(displayType)) {
            new Comparator<String[]>() {

              public int compare(String[] o1, String[] o2) {
                if (o1[idx] == null) o1[idx] = "";
                if (o2[idx] == null) o2[idx] = "";
                Long s1 = new Long(o1[idx].equals("") ? "-1000000" : o1[idx]);
                Long s2 = new Long(o2[idx].equals("") ? "-1000000" : o2[idx]);
                return ascending ? s1.compareTo(s2) : s2.compareTo(s1);
      } else {
            new Comparator<String[]>() {

              public int compare(String[] o1, String[] o2) {
                if (o1[idx] == null) o1[idx] = "";
                if (o2[idx] == null) o2[idx] = "";
                String s1 = o1[idx];
                String s2 = o2[idx];
                return ascending ? s1.compareTo(s2) : s2.compareTo(s1);
    Comparator<SortCell> c =
        new Comparator<SortCell>() {

          public int compare(SortCell o1, SortCell o2) {
            if (ascending) return o1.sort.compareTo(o2.sort);
            else return o2.sort.compareTo(o1.sort);
    // for look up, first get id values
    ArrayList<String> fieldValues = new ArrayList<String>(results.size());
    for (String[] row : results) {
    // then translate into real values
    ArrayList<String> sorts = getLookupValueOnlyDirect(AD_Field_ID, fieldValues, true);
    ArrayList<SortCell> toBeSorteds = new ArrayList<SortCell>(sorts.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < sorts.size(); i++) {
      SortCell toBeSorted = new SortCell();
      toBeSorted.row = results.get(i);
      toBeSorted.sort = sorts.get(i);
    // sort
    Collections.sort(toBeSorteds, c);
    // after sorting, replace col with original values
    int i = 0;
    for (SortCell toBeSorted : toBeSorteds) {
      results.set(i, toBeSorted.row);

  public void copyQueryResults(int sourceID, int destID) {
    ArrayList<String[]> results = m_results.get(sourceID);
    m_results.put(destID, results);

  // Method to return a list of matches according to fields for a tab, using
  // the cached results
  // this does not store the result in the cache - this behavior is deferred
  // to the caller
  private int searchTabResults(
      int WindowNo,
      UITab tab,
      List<Integer> fieldIds,
      int queryResultID,
      int searchResultID,
      String query,
      int rowCount) {
    ArrayList<String[]> results = m_results.get(queryResultID);
    if (query.trim().equals("")) {
      m_results.put(searchResultID, results);
      return results.size();
    ScoreStrategy scorer = new ScoreStrategy(query);
    ScoreCell[] scores = new ScoreCell[results.size()];
    // first initialize score cells
    int j = 0;
    for (String[] result : results) {
      // initialize score cells
      ScoreCell score = new ScoreCell();
      score.row = result;
      score.score = scorer.createScore();
      scores[j++] = score;
    for (int id : fieldIds) {
      UIField field = getField(id, WindowNo);
      final int idx = tab.getFieldIndex(id);
      if (field.isLookup()) {
        ArrayList<String> fieldValues = new ArrayList<String>(results.size());
        for (String[] row : results) {
        ArrayList<String> sorts = getLookupValueOnlyDirect(id, fieldValues, true);
        int i = 0;
        for (String value : sorts) {
          scorer.getScore(value, scores[i].score);
      } else {
        int i = 0;
        for (String[] row : results) {
          String value = row[idx];
          scorer.getScore(value, scores[i].score);
    ArrayList<ScoreCell> matchingScores = new ArrayList<ScoreCell>();
    for (ScoreCell cell : scores) {
      if (cell.score.isMatch) {
    Collections.sort(matchingScores, scorer);
    ArrayList<String[]> matches = new ArrayList<String[]>();
    for (ScoreCell score : matchingScores) {
    m_results.put(searchResultID, matches);
    return matches.size();

  public String[][] getTabSearchResults(int searchResultID, int rowCount) {
    ArrayList<String[]> matches = m_results.get(searchResultID);
    if (matches != null) {
      if (matches.size() < rowCount) {
        rowCount = matches.size();
      String[][] result = new String[rowCount][];
      int i = 0;
      for (String[] row : matches) {
        result[i++] = row;
        if (i == rowCount) break;
      return result;
    } else {
      return new String[0][];

   * Execute Query for Tab. If the from/to range does not exist, it returns existing rows
   * @param queryResultID stored query identifier provided by client
   * @param row row number first is 0
   * @return array of rows of array of field values or null if error. You get the columnNames via
   *     String[] columns = uiTab.getColumnNames();
  public String[] requery(int queryResultID, int row) {
    // TODO requery
    String[][] results = getResults(queryResultID, row, 1);
    return results[0];
  } // requery

   * Release Results
   * @param resultIDs stored query identifier provided by client
  public void disposeWindow(ArrayList<Integer> resultIDs) {
    // System.out.println("before cached id:" + m_results.keySet());
    for (Integer queryResultID : resultIDs) m_results.remove(queryResultID);
    // System.out.println("after cached id:" + m_results.keySet());
  } // releaseResults

   * Create new Row with Default values. The new Row is not saved in Results
   * @param windowNo relative window
   * @param AD_Tab_ID tab
   * @param context record context for parent columns and other variables
   * @return array of field values or null if error. You get the columnNames via String[] columns =
   *     uiTab.getColumnNames();
  public ChangeVO newRow(int windowNo, int AD_Tab_ID, Map<String, String> context) {
    UITab tab = getTab(AD_Tab_ID);
    if (tab == null) {
      log.config("Not found AD_Tab_ID=" + AD_Tab_ID);
      return null;
    CContext ctx = new CContext(m_context.entrySet());
    ctx.addWindow(windowNo, context);
    ctx.setIsSOTrx(windowNo, tab.isSOTrx());
    ChangeVO change = tab.newRow(ctx, windowNo);
     * Very likely not needed if (change.changedDropDowns == null) change.changedDropDowns = new
     * HashMap<String,ArrayList<NamePair>>(); for(UIField f:tab.getFields()) { if
     * (f.isDependentValue()) change.changedDropDowns.put(f.getColumnName(),
     * getLookupValues(windowNo, f.getAD_Field_ID(), change.changedFields)); }
    tab.canUpdate(ctx, windowNo, change);
    return change;
  } // newRow

   * Refresh current row of Tab
   * @param windowNo relative window
   * @param AD_Tab_ID tab
   * @param relRowNo relative row number in results
   * @param context current (relevant) context of new row
   * @return error message or null
  public ChangeVO refreshRow(
      int windowNo, int AD_Tab_ID, int queryResultID, int relRowNo, Map<String, String> context) {
    if (context == null || context.size() == 0) return new ChangeVO(true, "No Context");
    UITab tab = getTab(AD_Tab_ID);
    if (tab == null) {
      log.config("Not found AD_Tab_ID=" + AD_Tab_ID);
      return new ChangeVO(true, "@NotFound@ @AD_Tab_ID@=" + AD_Tab_ID);
    CContext ctx = new CContext(m_context.entrySet());
    ctx.addWindow(windowNo, context);
    ChangeVO retValue = tab.refreshRow(ctx, windowNo);
    if (retValue.hasError()) return retValue;
    // Update Results
    ArrayList<String[]> data = m_results.get(queryResultID);
    if (data == null) retValue.addError("Data Not Found");
    else {
      String[] dataRow = retValue.rowData.clone();
      data.set(relRowNo, dataRow);
      postProcessChangeVO(retValue, windowNo, context, dataRow, tab);
      retValue.trxInfo = GridTab.getTrxInfo(tab.getTableName(), ctx, windowNo, tab.getTabNo());
    return retValue;
  } // refreshRow

  public ChangeVO updateRow(
      int windowNo,
      int AD_Tab_ID,
      int queryResultID,
      int relRowNo,
      Map<String, String> context,
      boolean force) {
    if (context == null || context.size() == 0)
      return new ChangeVO(true, Msg.translate(m_context, "NoContext"));
    ArrayList<String[]> data = m_results.get(queryResultID);
    if (data == null || data.size() == 0)
      return new ChangeVO(true, Msg.translate(m_context, "CachedDataNotFound"));
    UITab tab = getTab(AD_Tab_ID);
    if (tab == null) {
      log.config("Not found AD_Tab_ID=" + AD_Tab_ID);
      return new ChangeVO(true, Msg.translate(m_context, "@NotFound@ @AD_Tab_ID@=" + AD_Tab_ID));
    CContext ctx = new CContext(m_context.entrySet());
    ctx.addWindow(windowNo, context);
    ChangeVO retValue;
    if (force) retValue = tab.saveRow(ctx, windowNo, false, null);
    else retValue = tab.saveRow(ctx, windowNo, false, data.get(relRowNo));
    if (retValue.hasError()) return retValue;
    // Update Results
    String[] dataRow = retValue.rowData.clone();
    data.set(relRowNo, dataRow);
    postProcessChangeVO(retValue, windowNo, context, dataRow, tab);
    retValue.trxInfo = GridTab.getTrxInfo(tab.getTableName(), ctx, windowNo, tab.getTabNo());
    if (retValue.isRefreshAll()) {}
    return retValue;

  private void postProcessChangeVO(
      ChangeVO change, int windowNo, Map<String, String> context, String[] dataRow, UITab tab) {
    // make an updated context to get the necessary listboxvos
    Map<String, String> contextAfterUpdate = new HashMap<String, String>(context);
    int j = 0;
    for (UIField field : tab.getFields()) {
      contextAfterUpdate.put(field.getColumnName(), dataRow[j]);
    // now change rowData to remove password, and reload the changed
    // listboxes
    j = 0;
    for (UIField field : tab.getFields()) {
      // return an empty string for passwords etc
      if (field.isEncryptedField()
          || field.isEncryptedColumn()
          || "Password".equals(field.getColumnName())) change.rowData[j] = "";
      if (FieldType.isClientLookup(field.getAD_Reference_ID()) && field.isDependentValue()) {
        if (change.changedDropDowns == null)
          change.changedDropDowns = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<NamePair>>();
        ArrayList<NamePair> values;
        if (field.getAD_Reference_ID() == DisplayTypeConstants.Search) {
          ArrayList<String> t = new ArrayList<String>(1);
          values = getLookupValueDirect(field.getAD_Field_ID(), t, true);
        } else values = getLookupData(windowNo, field.getAD_Field_ID(), context, true);
        change.changedDropDowns.put(field.getColumnName(), values);

   * Save (Update existing) Row of Tab
   * @param windowNo relative window
   * @param AD_Tab_ID tab
   * @param relRowNo relative row number in results
   * @param context current (relevant) context of new row
   * @return error message or null
  public ChangeVO updateRow(
      int windowNo, int AD_Tab_ID, int queryResultID, int relRowNo, Map<String, String> context) {
    return updateRow(windowNo, AD_Tab_ID, queryResultID, relRowNo, context, false);
  } // updateRow

   * Save (Insert new) Row of Tab
   * @param windowNo relative window
   * @param AD_Tab_ID tab
   * @param curRow insert after relative row number in results
   * @param context current (relevant) context of new row
   * @return error message or null
  public ChangeVO insertRow(
      int windowNo, int AD_Tab_ID, int queryResultID, int curRow, Map<String, String> context) {
    if (context == null || context.size() == 0) return new ChangeVO(true, "No Context");
    UITab tab = getTab(AD_Tab_ID);
    if (tab == null) {
      log.config("Not found AD_Tab_ID=" + AD_Tab_ID);
      return new ChangeVO(true, "@NotFound@ @AD_Tab_ID@=" + AD_Tab_ID);

    log.info("Line Amt:" + context.get("LineNetAmt"));
    CContext ctx = new CContext(m_context.entrySet());
    ctx.addWindow(windowNo, context);
    ChangeVO retValue = tab.saveRow(ctx, windowNo, true);
    if (retValue.hasError()) return retValue;
    // Update Results
    ArrayList<String[]> data = m_results.get(queryResultID);
    if (data == null) retValue.addError("Data Not Found");
    else {
      String[] dataRow = retValue.rowData;
      if (curRow >= data.size()) data.add(dataRow);
      else data.add(curRow, dataRow);
      retValue.trxInfo = GridTab.getTrxInfo(tab.getTableName(), ctx, windowNo, tab.getTabNo());
    return retValue;
  } // insertRow

   * Delete existing Row
   * @param windowNo relative window
   * @param AD_Tab_ID tab
   * @param relRowNo relative row number in results
   * @return error message or null
  public ChangeVO deleteRow(int windowNo, int AD_Tab_ID, int queryResultID, int relRowNo) {
    UITab tab = getTab(AD_Tab_ID);
    if (tab == null) {
      log.config("Not found AD_Tab_ID=" + AD_Tab_ID);
      return new ChangeVO(true, "@NotFound@ @AD_Tab_ID@=" + AD_Tab_ID);
    ArrayList<String[]> data = m_results.get(queryResultID);
    if (data == null) return new ChangeVO(true, "Data Not Found");
    String[] rowData = data.get(relRowNo);
    // Copy Data into Context
    Map<String, String> context = new HashMap<String, String>();
    String[] columns = tab.getColumnNames();
    for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
      String column = columns[i];
      context.put(column, rowData[i]);
    CContext ctx = new CContext(m_context.entrySet());
    ctx.addWindow(windowNo, context);
    ChangeVO retValue = tab.deleteRow(ctx, windowNo);
    if (retValue.hasError()) return retValue;
    // Update Results
    return retValue;
  } // deleteRow

   * Field Changed
   * @param windowNo relative window
   * @param AD_Field_ID field
   * @param AD_Tab_ID tab
   * @param oldValue old field value
   * @param newValue new field value
   * @param context record context
   * @return Field Change VO
  public ChangeVO fieldChanged(
      int windowNo,
      int AD_Field_ID,
      int AD_Tab_ID,
      String oldValue,
      String newValue,
      Map<String, String> context) {
    // Same Values
    if (oldValue == null || oldValue.equals(Null.NULLString)) oldValue = "";
    if (newValue == null || newValue.equals(Null.NULLString)) newValue = "";
    if (oldValue.equals(newValue)) return null;
    UITab tab = getTab(AD_Tab_ID);
    if (tab == null) {
      log.config("Not found AD_Tab_ID=" + AD_Tab_ID);
      return null;
    UIField field = getField(AD_Field_ID, windowNo);
    if (field == null) {
      log.warning("Cannot find AD_Field_ID=" + AD_Field_ID);
      return null;

    CContext ctx = new CContext(m_context.entrySet());
    ctx.addWindow(windowNo, context);
    CContext origCtx = new CContext(m_context.entrySet());
    origCtx.addWindow(windowNo, context);
    ChangeVO change = null;
    try {
      // reset the thread active flag, in case the thread is reused later on
      change =
              origCtx, ctx, new ArrayList<UIField>(5), windowNo, field, oldValue, newValue);
      ctx.setContext(windowNo, field.getColumnName(), change.newConfirmedFieldValue);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.severe("fieldChange error:" + field.getColumnName() + e.getMessage());
    } finally {

    return change;
  } // fieldChanged

   * Get Field Lookup Value Direct
   * @param windowNo Window
   * @param AD_Field_ID
   * @param keyValues array of id values
   * @param cache
   * @return list of display values
  public ArrayList<NamePair> getLookupValueDirect(
      int AD_Field_ID, ArrayList<String> keyValues, boolean cache) {
    int windowNo = 0; // No Context
    ArrayList<NamePair> displayValues = new ArrayList<NamePair>();
    UIField field = getField(AD_Field_ID, windowNo);

    // if (cache && field.isLookup())
    // field.getLookup().removeAllElements();
    if (field == null) log.warning("Cannot find AD_Field_ID=" + AD_Field_ID);
    for (int i = 0; i < keyValues.size(); i++) {
      String key = keyValues.get(i);
      String value = null;
      if (field != null) value = field.getLookupDisplay(m_context, windowNo, key, cache);
      if (value == null) {
         * if(key == null) value = ""; else value = "<" + key + ">";
        value = "";
      NamePair pp = new ValueNamePair(key, value);
    return displayValues;
  } // getLookupValueDirect

   * Get Field Lookup Value Direct
   * @param windowNo Window
   * @param AD_Field_ID
   * @param keyValues array of id values
   * @param cache
   * @return list of display values
  public ArrayList<String> getLookupValueOnlyDirect(
      int AD_Field_ID, ArrayList<String> keyValues, boolean cache) {
    int windowNo = 0; // No Context
    ArrayList<String> displayValues = new ArrayList<String>();
    UIField field = getField(AD_Field_ID, windowNo);
    if (field == null) log.warning("Cannot find AD_Field_ID=" + AD_Field_ID);
    for (int i = 0; i < keyValues.size(); i++) {
      String key = keyValues.get(i);
      String value = null;
      if (field != null) value = field.getLookupDisplay(m_context, windowNo, key, cache);
      if (value == null) {
         * if(key == null) value = ""; else value = "<" + key + ">";
        value = "";
    return displayValues;
  } // getLookupValueDirect

   * Get Lookup Data for Field in context
   * @param AD_Field_ID field
   * @param context context
   * @param refresh requery
   * @return lookup pair array
  public ArrayList<NamePair> getLookupData(
      int windowNo, int AD_Field_ID, Map<String, String> context, boolean refresh) {
    UIField field = getField(AD_Field_ID, windowNo);
    if (field == null) {
      log.warning("Cannot find AD_Field_ID=" + AD_Field_ID);
      return null;
    CContext ctx = new CContext(m_context.entrySet());
    ctx.addWindow(windowNo, context);
    if (field.isLookup() || field.isButtonLookup()) return field.getAllLookupData(ctx, windowNo);
    else log.warning("No Lookup: " + field.getColumnName());
    return null;
  } // getLookupData

   * ************************************************************************* Get All Lookup Data
   * for fields w/o context dependency
   * @param AD_Tab_ID tab
   * @return map if FiledName and lookup pair array public Map<String,NamePair[]> getLookupDataAll
   *     (int AD_Tab_ID) { return null; } // getLookuupDataAll /**
   *     ************************************************************************
  private static int curZoomWindowNO = 0;

  public int getZoomWindowNO() {
    curZoomWindowNO += 100;
    return curZoomWindowNO;

  public Boolean savePreferences(Map<String, String> ctx) {
    CContext cContext = getContext();
    MUser user = MUser.get(cContext);
    MUserPreference preference = user.getPreference();
    String printerName = ctx.get("PrinterName");
    if (printerName != null && printerName.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
    String autoCommit = ctx.get("AutoCommit");
    if (autoCommit != null) {
    String showAdvanced = ctx.get("#ShowAdvanced");
    if (showAdvanced != null) {
      cContext.setContext("#ShowAdvanced", showAdvanced);
    String showAccounting = ctx.get("#ShowAcct");
    if (showAccounting != null) {
      cContext.setContext("#ShowAcct", showAccounting);
    String showTranslation = ctx.get("#ShowTrl");
    if (showTranslation != null) {
      cContext.setContext("#ShowTrl", showTranslation);
    String uiTheme = ctx.get("#UITheme");
    if (uiTheme != null && !uiTheme.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
      cContext.setContext("#UITheme", uiTheme);

    String printPreview = ctx.get("#PrintPreview");
    if (printPreview != null) {
      Ini.setProperty(Ini.P_PRINTPREVIEW, printPreview.equalsIgnoreCase("Y"));

    String date = ctx.get("#Date");
    cContext.setContext("#Date", date);

    return preference.save();

  public Boolean deleteSavedSearch(int tab_ID, String savedSearchName) {
    CContext cContext = getContext();
    MUserQuery query = MUserQuery.getForUser(cContext, tab_ID, savedSearchName);
    if (query != null)
      if (query.deleteLines()) {
        if (query.delete(true)) {
          return true;
    return false;
  } // deleteSavedsearch

  private static class WindowCacheKey extends WindowVOCacheKey {

        int AD_Window_ID,
        int AD_UserDef_Win_ID,
        int AD_Role_ID,
        int AD_Menu_ID,
        String AD_Language) {
      super(AD_Window_ID, AD_Role_ID, AD_Menu_ID, AD_Language);
      this.AD_UserDef_Win_ID = AD_UserDef_Win_ID;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
      if (!(obj instanceof WindowCacheKey)) return false;
      WindowCacheKey key = (WindowCacheKey) obj;
      return super.equals(obj) && AD_UserDef_Win_ID == key.AD_UserDef_Win_ID;

    public int hashCode() {
      return toString().hashCode();

    public String toString() {
      return super.toString() + AD_UserDef_Win_ID;

    int AD_UserDef_Win_ID;

  private static class WindowVOCacheKey {

    WindowVOCacheKey(int AD_Window_ID, int AD_Role_ID, int AD_Menu_ID, String AD_Language) {
      this.AD_Window_ID = AD_Window_ID;
      this.AD_Role_ID = AD_Role_ID;
      this.AD_Menu_ID = AD_Menu_ID;
      this.AD_Language = AD_Language;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
      if (!(obj instanceof WindowVOCacheKey)) return false;
      WindowVOCacheKey key = (WindowVOCacheKey) obj;
      return AD_Window_ID == key.AD_Window_ID
          // && AD_UserDef_Win_ID == key.AD_UserDef_Win_ID
          && AD_Role_ID == key.AD_Role_ID
          && AD_Menu_ID == key.AD_Menu_ID
          && AD_Language.equals(key.AD_Language);

    public int hashCode() {
      return toString().hashCode();

    public String toString() {
      return AD_Language + AD_Window_ID + AD_Role_ID + AD_Menu_ID;

    int AD_Window_ID;

    int AD_Role_ID;

    int AD_Menu_ID;

    String AD_Language;

  private static class ScoreStrategy implements Comparator<ScoreCell> {

    // TODO: populate from locale to strip out the/a/and etc...
    private String[] terms;

    private String query;

    public ScoreStrategy(String queryString) {
      HashSet<String> unique = new HashSet<String>();
      this.query = queryString.trim().toLowerCase();
      for (String term : this.query.split("\\s+")) {
        if (!unique.contains(term)) {
      this.terms = new String[unique.size()];
      int i = 0;
      for (String term : unique) {
        this.terms[i++] = term;

    public Score createScore() {
      Score score = new Score();
      score.terms = new int[terms.length];
      return score;

    public void getScore(String value3, Score score) {
      if (value3 == null || value3.trim().equals("")) return;
      String value2 = value3.toLowerCase();
      if (query.equals(value2)) {
        score.isMatch = true;
      try {
        int occurrences = value2.length() - value2.replaceAll(query, "").length();
        if (occurrences > 0) {
          score.completeMatches += occurrences;
          score.isMatch = true;
        if (terms.length > 1) {
          int termNo = 0;
          for (String term : terms) {
            int count = value2.length() - value2.replaceAll(term, "").length();
            if (count > 0) {
              score.terms[termNo++] += count;
              score.isMatch = true;
      } catch (PatternSyntaxException pse) {
        // assume no match on pattern syntax error

    public int compare(ScoreCell o1, ScoreCell o2) {
      Score s1 = o1.score;
      Score s2 = o2.score;
      int difference = 0;
      if ((difference = s2.equalsMatches - s1.equalsMatches) != 0) {
        return difference;
      if ((difference = s2.completeMatches - s1.completeMatches) != 0) {
        return difference;
      int total1 = 0;
      int total2 = 0;
      int terms1 = 0;
      int terms2 = 0;
      // otherwise check if both terms are matched and tabulate total
      for (int score : s1.terms) {
        if (score > 0) {
          total1 += score;
      for (int score : s2.terms) {
        if (score > 0) {
          total2 += score;
      if ((difference = terms2 - terms1) != 0) {
        return difference;
      } else {
        return total2 - total1;

  private static class ScoreCell {

    String[] row;

    Score score;

  private static class Score {

    public int completeMatches = 0;

    public int equalsMatches = 0;

    public int[] terms;

    public boolean isMatch = false;

  public int searchTabResults(
      int WindowNo,
      int AD_Tab_ID,
      int queryResultID,
      int searchResultID,
      String query,
      int rowCount) {
    UITab tab = getTab(AD_Tab_ID);
    ArrayList<Integer> ids = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    for (UIField field : tab.getFields()) {
      if (field.isSelectionColumn()
          || field.isIdentifier() && FieldType.isText(field.getAD_Reference_ID())) {
    return searchTabResults(WindowNo, tab, ids, queryResultID, searchResultID, query, rowCount);

  public NodeVO getNode(String key) {
    return m_nodes.get(key);

  public void putNode(String key, NodeVO node) {
    m_nodes.put(key, node);
} // GwtServer
Ejemplo n.º 20
  public void sortResults(
      int WindowNo, int AD_Tab_ID, int AD_Field_ID, int queryResultID, final boolean ascending) {
    class SortCell {

      String[] row;

      String sort;
    ArrayList<String[]> results = m_results.get(queryResultID);
    if (results == null)
      log.severe("cannot sort. results non-existent for queryResultID:" + queryResultID);
    UITab tab = getTab(AD_Tab_ID);
    final UIField field = getField(AD_Field_ID, WindowNo);
    final int displayType = field.getAD_Reference_ID();
    final int idx = tab.getFieldIndex(AD_Field_ID);
    // if not a lookup, directly sort
    if (!field.isLookup()) {
      if (FieldType.isNumeric(displayType)) {
            new Comparator<String[]>() {

              public int compare(String[] o1, String[] o2) {
                if (o1[idx] == null) o1[idx] = "";
                if (o2[idx] == null) o2[idx] = "";
                BigDecimal s1 = new BigDecimal(o1[idx].equals("") ? "-1e-10" : o1[idx]);
                BigDecimal s2 = new BigDecimal(o2[idx].equals("") ? "-1e-10" : o2[idx]);
                return ascending ? s1.compareTo(s2) : s2.compareTo(s1);
      } else if (FieldType.isDate(displayType)) {
            new Comparator<String[]>() {

              public int compare(String[] o1, String[] o2) {
                if (o1[idx] == null) o1[idx] = "";
                if (o2[idx] == null) o2[idx] = "";
                Long s1 = new Long(o1[idx].equals("") ? "-1000000" : o1[idx]);
                Long s2 = new Long(o2[idx].equals("") ? "-1000000" : o2[idx]);
                return ascending ? s1.compareTo(s2) : s2.compareTo(s1);
      } else {
            new Comparator<String[]>() {

              public int compare(String[] o1, String[] o2) {
                if (o1[idx] == null) o1[idx] = "";
                if (o2[idx] == null) o2[idx] = "";
                String s1 = o1[idx];
                String s2 = o2[idx];
                return ascending ? s1.compareTo(s2) : s2.compareTo(s1);
    Comparator<SortCell> c =
        new Comparator<SortCell>() {

          public int compare(SortCell o1, SortCell o2) {
            if (ascending) return o1.sort.compareTo(o2.sort);
            else return o2.sort.compareTo(o1.sort);
    // for look up, first get id values
    ArrayList<String> fieldValues = new ArrayList<String>(results.size());
    for (String[] row : results) {
    // then translate into real values
    ArrayList<String> sorts = getLookupValueOnlyDirect(AD_Field_ID, fieldValues, true);
    ArrayList<SortCell> toBeSorteds = new ArrayList<SortCell>(sorts.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < sorts.size(); i++) {
      SortCell toBeSorted = new SortCell();
      toBeSorted.row = results.get(i);
      toBeSorted.sort = sorts.get(i);
    // sort
    Collections.sort(toBeSorteds, c);
    // after sorting, replace col with original values
    int i = 0;
    for (SortCell toBeSorted : toBeSorteds) {
      results.set(i, toBeSorted.row);
Ejemplo n.º 21
 * Ldap Wire Response
 * @author Jorg Janke
 * @version $Id: LdapResult.java 7514 2009-04-20 21:57:40Z freyes $
public class LdapResult {
  /** LdapMesssage */
  private LdapMessage m_ldapMsg = null;
  /** Encoder */
  private BerEncoder m_encoder = null;
  /** Logger */
  private static CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger(LdapResult.class);
  /** Error number */
  private int m_errNo = LDAP_SUCCESS;
  /** Error String */
  private String m_errStr = "";
  /** LdapUser */
  private MLdapUser m_ldapUser = null;
  /** disconnect to client */
  private boolean m_disconnect = false;

  public LdapResult() {} // 	LdapResult

   * Reset the attributes
  public void reset(LdapMessage LdapMsg, MLdapUser LdapUser) {
    this.m_ldapMsg = LdapMsg;
    m_encoder = new BerEncoder();
    m_errNo = LDAP_SUCCESS;
    m_errStr = "";
    this.m_ldapUser = LdapUser;
  } // reset()

   * Get the response according to the request message
   * @param model model
   * @param remoteHost remote host name
   * @param remoteAddr remote host ip address
   * @return response
  public byte[] getResult(MLdapProcessor model, String remoteHost, String remoteAddr) {
    if (m_errNo != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
          (m_ldapMsg.getOperation() == LdapMessage.BIND_REQUEST
              ? LdapMessage.BIND_RESPONSE
              : LdapMessage.SEARCH_RES_RESULT),
          ldapErrorMessage[m_errNo] + ": " + m_errStr);

    try {
      String usrId = m_ldapMsg.getUserId();
      String o = m_ldapMsg.getOrg();
      String ou = m_ldapMsg.getOrgUnit();
      int msgId = m_ldapMsg.getMsgId();

      // Adding the Application 1 Sequence
      if (m_ldapMsg.getOperation() == LdapMessage.BIND_REQUEST) {
        String pwd = m_ldapMsg.getUserPasswd();
        if (pwd == null || pwd.length() <= 0) {
          // 1st anonymous bind
          generateResult(m_ldapMsg.getDN(), LdapMessage.BIND_RESPONSE, LDAP_SUCCESS, null);
          log.config("#" + msgId + ": Success on anonymous bind");
          return m_encoder.getTrimmedBuf();

        // Authenticate with Compiere data
        if (m_ldapUser.getUserId()
            == null) { // Try to authenticate on the 1st bind, must be java client
          model.authenticate(m_ldapUser, usrId, o, ou, remoteHost, remoteAddr);
          if (m_ldapUser.getErrorMsg() != null) { // Failed to authenticated with compiere
            m_errNo = LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT;
                ldapErrorMessage[LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT] + m_ldapUser.getErrorMsg());
            log.config("#" + msgId + ": Failed with bind");
            return m_encoder.getTrimmedBuf();

        // Check to see if the input passwd is match to the one
        // in compiere database
        if (m_ldapUser.getUserId() != null
            && m_ldapUser.getPassword() != null
            && usrId.compareTo(m_ldapUser.getUserId()) == 0
            && !SecureEngine.isEncrypted(pwd)
            && (pwd.compareTo(m_ldapUser.getPassword()) == 0
                || pwd.compareTo(SecureEngine.decrypt(m_ldapUser.getPassword()))
                    == 0)) { // Successfully authenticated
          generateResult("", LdapMessage.BIND_RESPONSE, LDAP_SUCCESS, null);
          // Close the connection to client since most of the client
          // application might cache the connection but we can't afford
          // to have too many such client connection
          m_disconnect = true;
          log.config("#" + msgId + ": Success authenticate with password");
        } else { // Unsuccessfully authenticated
              "#" + msgId + ": Failed : " + ldapErrorMessage[LDAP_INAPPROPRIATE_AUTHENTICATION]);
      } else if (m_ldapMsg.getOperation() == LdapMessage.SEARCH_REQUEST) {
        // Authenticate with compiere database
        model.authenticate(m_ldapUser, usrId, o, ou, remoteHost, remoteAddr);
        if (m_ldapUser.getErrorMsg() != null) {
          m_errNo = LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT;
              ldapErrorMessage[LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT] + m_ldapUser.getErrorMsg());
          log.info("#" + msgId + ": Failed with SEARCH_REQUEST");
          return m_encoder.getTrimmedBuf();

        m_encoder.beginSeq(48); // Hard coded here for Envelope header
        m_encoder.beginSeq(LdapMessage.SEARCH_REP_ENTRY); // Application 4
        m_encoder.encodeString("cn=" + m_ldapMsg.getUserId(), true); // this should be object name
        // not going to put in any attributes for this

        // SearchResultDone Application 5 for bind
        // Result 0 = success
        // No error message
        generateResult(m_ldapMsg.getBaseObj(), LdapMessage.SEARCH_RES_RESULT, LDAP_SUCCESS, null);
        log.config("#" + msgId + ": Success with SEARCH_REQUEST");

      return m_encoder.getTrimmedBuf();
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e);

      // Get the response operation
      int responseOp = LdapMessage.BIND_RESPONSE;
      if (m_ldapMsg.getOperation() == LdapMessage.SEARCH_REQUEST)
        responseOp = LdapMessage.SEARCH_RES_RESULT;

      // Send the response to the client and disconnect
      m_errNo = LDAP_OTHER;
          ldapErrorMessage[LDAP_OTHER] + e.getMessage());
      m_disconnect = true;

    return m_encoder.getTrimmedBuf();
  } //	getResult

   * Generate LDAPResult
   * @param dn Distinguished Name
   * @param resultProtocol Result protocol/operation code
   * @param resultCode Result code
   * @param errMsg Error Message
   * @return reponse
  private void generateResult(String dn, int resultProtocol, int resultCode, String errMsg) {
    try {
      m_encoder.beginSeq(48); // Hard coded here for Envelope header
      m_encoder.encodeInt(resultCode, 10); // Enumeration - 10
      // Adding LDAPDN
      m_encoder.encodeString(dn, true);
      // Adding error message
      m_encoder.encodeString(errMsg == null ? "" : errMsg, true);
              + m_ldapMsg.getMsgId()
              + ": "
              + "dn="
              + dn
              + ", op="
              + resultProtocol
              + ", result="
              + resultCode
              + ", errMsg="
              + errMsg);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      log.log(Level.SEVERE, "", ex);
  } // generateResult

   * Should it be close the connection with client
  public boolean getDone() {
    if (m_errNo != LDAP_SUCCESS) return true;
    return m_disconnect;
  } // getDone()

   * Set the error No
   * @param errNo Error Number
  public void setErrorNo(int errNo) {
    this.m_errNo = errNo;
  } // setErrorNo()

   * Get the error No
   * @return errNo Error Number
  public int getErrorNo() {
    return m_errNo;
  } // getErrorNo()

   * Set the error String
   * @param errStr Error String
  public void setErrorString(String errStr) {
    m_errStr = errStr;
  } // setErrorStr()

  static final int LDAP_SUCCESS = 0;
  static final int LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR = 1;
  static final int LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR = 2;
  static final int LDAP_TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = 3;
  static final int LDAP_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = 4;
  static final int LDAP_COMPARE_FALSE = 5;
  static final int LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE = 6;
  static final int LDAP_AUTH_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED = 7;
  static final int LDAP_STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED = 8;
  static final int LDAP_PARTIAL_RESULTS = 9;
  static final int LDAP_REFERRAL = 10;
  static final int LDAP_ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = 11;
  static final int LDAP_CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRED = 13;
  static final int LDAP_SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS = 14;
  static final int LDAP_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE = 16;
  static final int LDAP_UNDEFINED_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE = 17;
  static final int LDAP_INAPPROPRIATE_MATCHING = 18;
  static final int LDAP_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION = 19;
  static final int LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS = 20;
  static final int LDAP_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX = 21;
  static final int LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT = 32;
  static final int LDAP_ALIAS_PROBLEM = 33;
  static final int LDAP_INVALID_DN_SYNTAX = 34;
  static final int LDAP_IS_LEAF = 35;
  static final int LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS = 49;
  static final int LDAP_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS = 50;
  static final int LDAP_BUSY = 51;
  static final int LDAP_UNAVAILABLE = 52;
  static final int LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM = 53;
  static final int LDAP_LOOP_DETECT = 54;
  static final int LDAP_NAMING_VIOLATION = 64;
  static final int LDAP_OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION = 65;
  static final int LDAP_NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NON_LEAF = 66;
  static final int LDAP_NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN = 67;
  static final int LDAP_ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS = 68;
  static final int LDAP_OBJECT_CLASS_MODS_PROHIBITED = 69;
  static final int LDAP_AFFECTS_MULTIPLE_DSAS = 71;
  static final int LDAP_OTHER = 80;
  static final String ldapErrorMessage[] = {
    "Operations Error",
    "Protocol Error",
    "Timelimit Exceeded",
    "Sizelimit Exceeded",
    "Compare False",
    "Compare True",
    "Authentication Method Not Supported",
    "Strong Authentication Required",
    "Administrative Limit Exceeded",
    "Unavailable Critical Extension",
    "Confidentiality Required",
    "SASL Bind In Progress",
    "No Such Attribute",
    "Undefined Attribute Type",
    "Inappropriate Matching",
    "Constraint Violation",
    "Attribute Or Value Exists",
    "Invalid Attribute Syntax",
    "No Such Object",
    "Alias Problem",
    "Invalid DN Syntax",
    "Alias Dereferencing Problem",
    "Inappropriate Authentication",
    "Invalid Credentials",
    "Insufficient Access Rights",
    "Unwilling To Perform",
    "Loop Detect",
    "Naming Violation",
    "Object Class Violation",
    "Not Allowed On Non-leaf",
    "Not Allowed On RDN",
    "Entry Already Exists",
    "Object Class Modifications Prohibited",
    "Affects Multiple DSAs",
} //	LdapResult
Ejemplo n.º 22
   * Get the response according to the request message
   * @param model model
   * @param remoteHost remote host name
   * @param remoteAddr remote host ip address
   * @return response
  public byte[] getResult(MLdapProcessor model, String remoteHost, String remoteAddr) {
    if (m_errNo != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
          (m_ldapMsg.getOperation() == LdapMessage.BIND_REQUEST
              ? LdapMessage.BIND_RESPONSE
              : LdapMessage.SEARCH_RES_RESULT),
          ldapErrorMessage[m_errNo] + ": " + m_errStr);

    try {
      String usrId = m_ldapMsg.getUserId();
      String o = m_ldapMsg.getOrg();
      String ou = m_ldapMsg.getOrgUnit();
      int msgId = m_ldapMsg.getMsgId();

      // Adding the Application 1 Sequence
      if (m_ldapMsg.getOperation() == LdapMessage.BIND_REQUEST) {
        String pwd = m_ldapMsg.getUserPasswd();
        if (pwd == null || pwd.length() <= 0) {
          // 1st anonymous bind
          generateResult(m_ldapMsg.getDN(), LdapMessage.BIND_RESPONSE, LDAP_SUCCESS, null);
          log.config("#" + msgId + ": Success on anonymous bind");
          return m_encoder.getTrimmedBuf();

        // Authenticate with Compiere data
        if (m_ldapUser.getUserId()
            == null) { // Try to authenticate on the 1st bind, must be java client
          model.authenticate(m_ldapUser, usrId, o, ou, remoteHost, remoteAddr);
          if (m_ldapUser.getErrorMsg() != null) { // Failed to authenticated with compiere
            m_errNo = LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT;
                ldapErrorMessage[LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT] + m_ldapUser.getErrorMsg());
            log.config("#" + msgId + ": Failed with bind");
            return m_encoder.getTrimmedBuf();

        // Check to see if the input passwd is match to the one
        // in compiere database
        if (m_ldapUser.getUserId() != null
            && m_ldapUser.getPassword() != null
            && usrId.compareTo(m_ldapUser.getUserId()) == 0
            && !SecureEngine.isEncrypted(pwd)
            && (pwd.compareTo(m_ldapUser.getPassword()) == 0
                || pwd.compareTo(SecureEngine.decrypt(m_ldapUser.getPassword()))
                    == 0)) { // Successfully authenticated
          generateResult("", LdapMessage.BIND_RESPONSE, LDAP_SUCCESS, null);
          // Close the connection to client since most of the client
          // application might cache the connection but we can't afford
          // to have too many such client connection
          m_disconnect = true;
          log.config("#" + msgId + ": Success authenticate with password");
        } else { // Unsuccessfully authenticated
              "#" + msgId + ": Failed : " + ldapErrorMessage[LDAP_INAPPROPRIATE_AUTHENTICATION]);
      } else if (m_ldapMsg.getOperation() == LdapMessage.SEARCH_REQUEST) {
        // Authenticate with compiere database
        model.authenticate(m_ldapUser, usrId, o, ou, remoteHost, remoteAddr);
        if (m_ldapUser.getErrorMsg() != null) {
          m_errNo = LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT;
              ldapErrorMessage[LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT] + m_ldapUser.getErrorMsg());
          log.info("#" + msgId + ": Failed with SEARCH_REQUEST");
          return m_encoder.getTrimmedBuf();

        m_encoder.beginSeq(48); // Hard coded here for Envelope header
        m_encoder.beginSeq(LdapMessage.SEARCH_REP_ENTRY); // Application 4
        m_encoder.encodeString("cn=" + m_ldapMsg.getUserId(), true); // this should be object name
        // not going to put in any attributes for this

        // SearchResultDone Application 5 for bind
        // Result 0 = success
        // No error message
        generateResult(m_ldapMsg.getBaseObj(), LdapMessage.SEARCH_RES_RESULT, LDAP_SUCCESS, null);
        log.config("#" + msgId + ": Success with SEARCH_REQUEST");

      return m_encoder.getTrimmedBuf();
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.log(Level.SEVERE, "", e);

      // Get the response operation
      int responseOp = LdapMessage.BIND_RESPONSE;
      if (m_ldapMsg.getOperation() == LdapMessage.SEARCH_REQUEST)
        responseOp = LdapMessage.SEARCH_RES_RESULT;

      // Send the response to the client and disconnect
      m_errNo = LDAP_OTHER;
          ldapErrorMessage[LDAP_OTHER] + e.getMessage());
      m_disconnect = true;

    return m_encoder.getTrimmedBuf();
  } //	getResult
Ejemplo n.º 23
   * ************************************************************************* Get Window in default
   * context based on Role
   * @param windowNO relative window
   * @param AD_Window_ID window
   * @param AD_Menu_ID menu
   * @return WindowVO or null
  public UIWindow getWindow(int windowNO, int AD_Window_ID, int AD_Menu_ID) {
    UIWindow win = null;
    // win = m_windows.get(AD_Window_ID);
    // if (win != null)
    // {
    // win.clearLookupCache();
    // return win;
    // }
    UIWindowVOFactory winFactory = new UIWindowVOFactory();
    UIWindowVO winVO = null;
    int AD_UserDef_Win_ID = -1;
    WindowVOCacheKey vokey =
        new WindowVOCacheKey(
            AD_Window_ID, m_context.getAD_Role_ID(), AD_Menu_ID, Env.getAD_Language(m_context));

    // note, the usage of m_context below in constructing window is only for
    // language, menu, role,
    // and those are already included in the cache key, so we can safely
    // assume the win is correctly cached
    if (Userdef_Winids.get(null, vokey) == null) {
      winVO = winFactory.get(m_context, AD_Window_ID, AD_Menu_ID);
      if (winVO == null) {
        log.config("No Window - AD_Window_ID=" + AD_Window_ID + ",AD_Menu_ID=" + AD_Menu_ID);
        return null;
      int theAD_UserDef_Win_ID = winVO.getAD_UserDef_Win_ID();

      if (Userdef_Winids.putIfAbsent(vokey, theAD_UserDef_Win_ID) == null)
        AD_UserDef_Win_ID = theAD_UserDef_Win_ID;
    } else AD_UserDef_Win_ID = Userdef_Winids.get(m_context, vokey);

    WindowCacheKey key =
        new WindowCacheKey(
    win = UIWindows.get(null, key);
    if (win == null) {
      // log.warning("key:" + key + " not found, create");
      if (winVO == null) winVO = winFactory.get(m_context, AD_Window_ID, AD_Menu_ID);
      if (winVO == null) {
        log.config("No Window - AD_Window_ID=" + AD_Window_ID + ",AD_Menu_ID=" + AD_Menu_ID);
        return null;
      UIWindow newWin = new UIWindow(winVO);
      AD_Window_ID = newWin.getAD_Window_ID();
      UIFieldVOFactory fieldFactory = new UIFieldVOFactory();
      newWin.setFields(fieldFactory.getAll(m_context, AD_Window_ID, AD_UserDef_Win_ID));
      UITabVOFactory tabFactory = new UITabVOFactory();
      // setTabVOs initrlize tabs but not fields, 'cuz fields needs to be
      // copied over and initialized later
          m_context, tabFactory.getAll(m_context, AD_Window_ID, AD_UserDef_Win_ID), windowNO);
      win = UIWindows.putIfAbsent(key, newWin);
      if (win == null) win = newWin;
    // deep copy the window object so we hold a separate window object for
    // each user session
    UIWindow duplicatedWin = (UIWindow) DeepCopy.copy(win);
    fillTabsFieldsAndInitFieldsAndCreateDependencyRelations(duplicatedWin, windowNO);

    MSession session = MSession.get(m_context);
    if (session != null)

    return duplicatedWin;
  } // getWindowVO
Ejemplo n.º 24
 * Help and HTML Window
 * @author Jorg Janke
 * @version $Id: Help.java,v 1.3 2006/07/30 00:51:27 jjanke Exp $
public class Help extends CDialog implements ActionListener {
  /** */
  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

   * Help System for Window Help
   * @param frame Parent
   * @param title Title
   * @param mWindow Window Model
  public Help(Frame frame, String title, GridWindow mWindow) {
    super(frame, title, false);
    try {
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      log.log(Level.SEVERE, "", ex);
    AEnv.positionCenterWindow(frame, this);
  } //	Help

   * Help System
   * @param frame Parent
   * @param title Window
   * @param url URL to display
  public Help(Frame frame, String title, URL url) {
    super(frame, title, false);
    try {
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      log.log(Level.SEVERE, "", ex);
    AEnv.positionCenterWindow(frame, this);
  } //	Help

   * Help System
   * @param frame Parent
   * @param title Window
   * @param helpHtml Helptext
  public Help(Frame frame, String title, String helpHtml) {
    super(frame, title, false);
    try {
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Help", ex);
    AEnv.positionCenterWindow(frame, this);
  } //	Help

  /** Logger */
  private static CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger(Help.class);

  private CPanel mainPanel = new CPanel();
  private BorderLayout mainLayout = new BorderLayout();
  private OnlineHelp info = new OnlineHelp();
  private JScrollPane infoPane = new JScrollPane();
  private ConfirmPanel confirmPanel = new ConfirmPanel();

   * Static Init
   * @throws Exception
  void jbInit() throws Exception {
    infoPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500, 400));
    mainPanel.add(infoPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    mainPanel.add(confirmPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    infoPane.getViewport().add(info, null);
  } //	jbInit

   * *********************************************************************** Load Info - Windows
   * Help
   * @param mWindow window model
  private void loadInfo(GridWindow mWindow) {
    WebDoc doc = mWindow.getHelpDoc(true);
    String html = doc.toString();
  } //	loadInfo

   * ************************************************************************ Action Listener
   * @param e event
  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    if (e.getActionCommand().equals(ConfirmPanel.A_OK)) dispose();
  } //	actionPerformed
} //	Help
Ejemplo n.º 25
 * Verify Document Types. - Make sure that there is a DocumentType for all Document Base Types -
 * Create missing Period Controls for Document Type
 * @author Jorg Janke
 * @version $Id: DocumentTypeVerify.java,v 1.2 2006/07/30 00:51:01 jjanke Exp $
public class DocumentTypeVerify extends SvrProcess {
  /** Static Logger */
  private static CLogger s_log = CLogger.getCLogger(DocumentTypeVerify.class);

  /** No Parameters (Nop) */
  protected void prepare() {} // 	prepare

   * Execute process
   * @return info
   * @throws Exception
  protected String doIt() throws Exception {
    createDocumentTypes(getCtx(), getAD_Client_ID(), this, get_TrxName());
    createPeriodControls(getCtx(), getAD_Client_ID(), this, get_TrxName());
    return "OK";
  } //	doIt

   * ************************************************************************ Create Missing
   * Document Types
   * @param ctx context
   * @param AD_Client_ID client
   * @param sp server process
   * @param trx transaction
  public static void createDocumentTypes(Ctx ctx, int AD_Client_ID, SvrProcess sp, Trx trx) {
    s_log.info("AD_Client_ID=" + AD_Client_ID);
    String sql =
        "SELECT rl.Value, rl.Name "
            + "FROM AD_Ref_List rl "
            + "WHERE rl.AD_Reference_ID=183"
            + " AND rl.IsActive='Y' AND NOT EXISTS "
            + " (SELECT * FROM C_DocType dt WHERE dt.AD_Client_ID=? AND rl.Value=dt.DocBaseType)";
    PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, trx);
      pstmt.setInt(1, AD_Client_ID);
      rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
      while (rs.next()) {
        String name = rs.getString(2);
        String value = rs.getString(1);
        s_log.config(name + "=" + value);
        MDocType dt = new MDocType(ctx, value, name, trx);
        if (dt.save()) {
          if (sp != null) sp.addLog(0, null, null, name);
          else s_log.fine(name);
        } else {
          if (sp != null) sp.addLog(0, null, null, "Not created: " + name);
          else s_log.warning("Not created: " + name);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
    } finally {
  } //	createDocumentTypes

   * Create Period Controls
   * @param ctx context
   * @param AD_Client_ID client
   * @param sp server process
   * @param trx transaction
  public static void createPeriodControls(Ctx ctx, int AD_Client_ID, SvrProcess sp, Trx trx) {
    s_log.info("AD_Client_ID=" + AD_Client_ID);

    //	Delete Duplicates
    String sql =
        "DELETE FROM C_PeriodControl "
            + "WHERE (C_Period_ID, DocBaseType) IN "
            + "(SELECT C_Period_ID, DocBaseType "
            + "FROM C_PeriodControl pc2 "
            + "GROUP BY C_Period_ID, DocBaseType "
            + "HAVING COUNT(*) > 1)"
            + " AND C_PeriodControl_ID NOT IN "
            + "(SELECT MIN(C_PeriodControl_ID) "
            + "FROM C_PeriodControl pc3 "
            + "GROUP BY C_Period_ID, DocBaseType)";
    int no = DB.executeUpdate(trx, sql);
    s_log.info("Duplicates deleted #" + no);

    //	Insert Missing
    sql =
        "SELECT DISTINCT p.AD_Client_ID, p.C_Period_ID, dbt.DocBaseType "
            + "FROM C_Period p, "
            + "C_DocBaseType dbt "
            + "WHERE p.AD_Client_ID=? "
            + " AND NOT EXISTS"
            + " (SELECT * FROM C_PeriodControl pc "
            + "WHERE pc.C_Period_ID=p.C_Period_ID AND pc.DocBaseType=dbt.DocBaseType)"
            + " AND (dbt.AD_Client_ID = 0 OR p.AD_Client_ID = dbt.AD_Client_ID)";
    PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    int counter = 0;
    try {
      pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, trx);
      pstmt.setInt(1, AD_Client_ID);
      rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
      while (rs.next()) {
        int Client_ID = rs.getInt(1);
        int C_Period_ID = rs.getInt(2);
        String DocBaseType = rs.getString(3);
                + Client_ID
                + ", C_Period_ID="
                + C_Period_ID
                + ", DocBaseType="
                + DocBaseType);
        MPeriodControl pc = new MPeriodControl(ctx, Client_ID, C_Period_ID, DocBaseType, trx);
        if (pc.save()) {
        } else s_log.warning("Not saved: " + pc);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
    } finally {
    if (sp != null) sp.addLog(0, null, new BigDecimal(counter), "@C_PeriodControl_ID@ @Created@");
    s_log.info("Inserted #" + counter);
  } //	createPeriodControls
} //	DocumentTypeVerify
Ejemplo n.º 26
   * Create Period Controls
   * @param ctx context
   * @param AD_Client_ID client
   * @param sp server process
   * @param trx transaction
  public static void createPeriodControls(Ctx ctx, int AD_Client_ID, SvrProcess sp, Trx trx) {
    s_log.info("AD_Client_ID=" + AD_Client_ID);

    //	Delete Duplicates
    String sql =
        "DELETE FROM C_PeriodControl "
            + "WHERE (C_Period_ID, DocBaseType) IN "
            + "(SELECT C_Period_ID, DocBaseType "
            + "FROM C_PeriodControl pc2 "
            + "GROUP BY C_Period_ID, DocBaseType "
            + "HAVING COUNT(*) > 1)"
            + " AND C_PeriodControl_ID NOT IN "
            + "(SELECT MIN(C_PeriodControl_ID) "
            + "FROM C_PeriodControl pc3 "
            + "GROUP BY C_Period_ID, DocBaseType)";
    int no = DB.executeUpdate(trx, sql);
    s_log.info("Duplicates deleted #" + no);

    //	Insert Missing
    sql =
        "SELECT DISTINCT p.AD_Client_ID, p.C_Period_ID, dbt.DocBaseType "
            + "FROM C_Period p, "
            + "C_DocBaseType dbt "
            + "WHERE p.AD_Client_ID=? "
            + " AND NOT EXISTS"
            + " (SELECT * FROM C_PeriodControl pc "
            + "WHERE pc.C_Period_ID=p.C_Period_ID AND pc.DocBaseType=dbt.DocBaseType)"
            + " AND (dbt.AD_Client_ID = 0 OR p.AD_Client_ID = dbt.AD_Client_ID)";
    PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    int counter = 0;
    try {
      pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, trx);
      pstmt.setInt(1, AD_Client_ID);
      rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
      while (rs.next()) {
        int Client_ID = rs.getInt(1);
        int C_Period_ID = rs.getInt(2);
        String DocBaseType = rs.getString(3);
                + Client_ID
                + ", C_Period_ID="
                + C_Period_ID
                + ", DocBaseType="
                + DocBaseType);
        MPeriodControl pc = new MPeriodControl(ctx, Client_ID, C_Period_ID, DocBaseType, trx);
        if (pc.save()) {
        } else s_log.warning("Not saved: " + pc);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
    } finally {
    if (sp != null) sp.addLog(0, null, new BigDecimal(counter), "@C_PeriodControl_ID@ @Created@");
    s_log.info("Inserted #" + counter);
  } //	createPeriodControls
Ejemplo n.º 27
 * Process Interface Controller.
 * @author Jorg Janke
 * @version $Id: WProcessCtl.java,v 1.1 2009/04/15 11:27:15 vinhpt Exp $
public class WProcessCtl extends Thread {
   * Async Process - Do it all. <code>
   * - Get Instance ID
   * - Get Parameters
   * - execute (lock - start process - unlock)
   *  </code> Creates a ProcessCtl instance, which calls lockUI and unlockUI if parent is a
   * ASyncProcess <br>
   * Called from ProcessCtl.startProcess, ProcessDialog.actionPerformed, APanel.cmd_print,
   * APanel.actionButton, VPaySelect.cmd_generate
   * @param parent ASyncProcess & Container
   * @param WindowNo window no
   * @param pi ProcessInfo process info
   * @param trx Transaction
   * @return worker started ProcessCtl instance or null for workflow
  public static WProcessCtl process(
      Object parent, int WindowNo, ProcessInfo pi, Trx trx, HttpServletRequest request) {
    log.fine("WindowNo=" + WindowNo + " - " + pi);
    WebSessionCtx wsc = WebSessionCtx.get(request);
    MPInstance instance = new MPInstance(wsc.ctx, pi.getAD_Process_ID(), pi.getRecord_ID());

    if (!instance.save()) {
      pi.setSummary(Msg.getMsg(wsc.ctx, "ProcessNoInstance"));
      return null;

    //	Get Parameters (Dialog)
     * ProcessParameter para = new ProcessParameter (Env.getFrame((Container)parent), WindowNo, pi);
     * if (para.initDialog()) { para.setVisible(true); if (!para.isOK()) { pi.setSummary
     * (Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "ProcessCancelled")); pi.setError (true); return null; } }
    //	execute
    WProcessCtl worker = new WProcessCtl(parent, pi, trx, wsc.ctx);
    worker.start(); // 	MUST be start!
    return worker;
  } //	execute

   * ************************************************************************ Constructor
   * @param parent Container & ASyncProcess
   * @param pi Process info
   * @param trx Transaction Created in process(), VInvoiceGen.generateInvoices
  public WProcessCtl(Object parent, ProcessInfo pi, Trx trx, Properties wscctx) {
    m_parent = parent;
    m_pi = pi;
    m_wscctx = wscctx;
    m_trx = trx; // 	handeled correctly
  } //  ProcessCtl

  private Object m_parent;
  private Properties m_wscctx;
  private ProcessInfo m_pi;
  private Trx m_trx;
  private Waiting m_waiting;
  private boolean m_IsServerProcess = false;

  /** Static Logger */
  private static CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger(WProcessCtl.class);

   * Execute Process Instance and Lock UI. Calls lockUI and unlockUI if parent is a ASyncProcess
   * <pre>
   * 	- Get Process Information
   *      - Call Class
   * 	- Submit SQL Procedure
   * 	- Run SQL Procedure
   * </pre>
  public void run() {
    log.fine("AD_PInstance_ID=" + m_pi.getAD_PInstance_ID() + ", Record_ID=" + m_pi.getRecord_ID());

    //  Lock
    // lock();
    //	try {System.out.println(">> sleeping ..");sleep(20000);System.out.println(".. sleeping <<");}
    // catch (Exception e) {}

    //	Get Process Information: Name, Procedure Name, ClassName, IsReport, IsDirectPrint
    String ProcedureName = "";
    int AD_ReportView_ID = 0;
    int AD_Workflow_ID = 0;
    boolean IsReport = false;
    boolean IsDirectPrint = false;
    String sql =
        "SELECT p.Name, p.ProcedureName,p.ClassName, p.AD_Process_ID," //	1..4
            + " p.isReport,p.IsDirectPrint,p.AD_ReportView_ID,p.AD_Workflow_ID," //	5..8
            + " CASE WHEN COALESCE(p.Statistic_Count,0)=0 THEN 0 ELSE p.Statistic_Seconds/p.Statistic_Count END CASE,"
            + " p.IsServerProcess "
            + "FROM AD_Process p"
            + " INNER JOIN AD_PInstance i ON (p.AD_Process_ID=i.AD_Process_ID) "
            + "WHERE p.IsActive='Y'"
            + " AND i.AD_PInstance_ID=?";
    if (!Env.isBaseLanguage(m_wscctx, "AD_Process"))
      sql =
          "SELECT t.Name, p.ProcedureName,p.ClassName, p.AD_Process_ID," //	1..4
              + " p.isReport, p.IsDirectPrint,p.AD_ReportView_ID,p.AD_Workflow_ID," //	5..8
              + " CASE WHEN COALESCE(p.Statistic_Count,0)=0 THEN 0 ELSE p.Statistic_Seconds/p.Statistic_Count END CASE,"
              + " p.IsServerProcess "
              + "FROM AD_Process p"
              + " INNER JOIN AD_PInstance i ON (p.AD_Process_ID=i.AD_Process_ID) "
              + " INNER JOIN AD_Process_Trl t ON (p.AD_Process_ID=t.AD_Process_ID"
              + " AND t.AD_Language='"
              + Env.getAD_Language(m_wscctx)
              + "') "
              + "WHERE p.IsActive='Y'"
              + " AND i.AD_PInstance_ID=?";
    try {
      PreparedStatement pstmt =
          DB.prepareStatement(sql, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, null);
      pstmt.setInt(1, m_pi.getAD_PInstance_ID());
      ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
      if (rs.next()) {
        if (m_waiting != null) m_waiting.setTitle(m_pi.getTitle());
        ProcedureName = rs.getString(2);
        //	Report
        if ("Y".equals(rs.getString(5))) {
          IsReport = true;
          if ("Y".equals(rs.getString(6)) && !Ini.isPropertyBool(Ini.P_PRINTPREVIEW))
            IsDirectPrint = true;
        AD_ReportView_ID = rs.getInt(7);
        AD_Workflow_ID = rs.getInt(8);
        int estimate = rs.getInt(9);
        if (estimate != 0) {
          m_pi.setEstSeconds(estimate + 1); //  admin overhead
          if (m_waiting != null) m_waiting.setTimerEstimate(m_pi.getEstSeconds());
        m_IsServerProcess = "Y".equals(rs.getString(10));
      } else log.log(Level.SEVERE, "No AD_PInstance_ID=" + m_pi.getAD_PInstance_ID());
    } catch (SQLException e) {
          Msg.getMsg(m_wscctx, "ProcessNoProcedure") + " " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), true);
      // unlock();
      log.log(Level.SEVERE, "run", e);

    //  No PL/SQL Procedure
    if (ProcedureName == null) ProcedureName = "";

    /** ******************************************************************** Workflow */
    if (AD_Workflow_ID > 0) {
      // unlock();

    /** ******************************************************************** Start Optional Class */
    if (m_pi.getClassName() != null) {
      //	Run Class
      if (!startProcess()) {
        // unlock();

      //  No Optional SQL procedure ... done
      if (!IsReport && ProcedureName.length() == 0) {
        // unlock ();
      //  No Optional Report ... done
      if (IsReport && AD_ReportView_ID == 0) {
        // unlock ();

    //  If not a report, we need a prodedure name
    if (!IsReport && ProcedureName.length() == 0) {
      m_pi.setSummary(Msg.getMsg(m_wscctx, "ProcessNoProcedure"), true);
      // unlock();

    /** ******************************************************************** Report submission */
    if (IsReport) {
      //	Optional Pre-Report Process
      if (ProcedureName.length() > 0) {
        if (!startDBProcess(ProcedureName)) {
          // unlock();
      } //	Pre-Report

      //	Start Report	-----------------------------------------------
      boolean ok = ReportCtl.start(m_pi, IsDirectPrint);
      m_pi.setSummary("Report", !ok);
      // unlock ();
    /** ******************************************************************** Process submission */
    else {
      if (!startDBProcess(ProcedureName)) {
        // unlock();
      //	Success - getResult
      // unlock();
    } //	*** Process submission ***
    //	log.fine(Log.l3_Util, "ProcessCtl.run - done");
  } //  run

  /** Lock UI & show Waiting */
   * private void lock () { // log.info("..."); JFrame frame = Env.getFrame((Container)m_parent); if
   * (frame instanceof AWindow) ((AWindow)frame).setBusyTimer(m_pi.getEstSeconds()); else m_waiting
   * = new Waiting (frame, Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "Processing"), false, m_pi.getEstSeconds());
   * SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { log.finer("lock");
   * m_parent.lockUI(m_pi); } }); if (m_waiting != null) { m_waiting.toFront();
   * m_waiting.setVisible(true); } } // lock
  /** Unlock UI & dispose Waiting. Called from run() */
   * private void unlock () { // log.info("..."); if (m_pi.isBatch()) m_pi.setIsTimeout(true);
   * SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { String summary =
   * m_pi.getSummary(); log.finer("unlock - " + summary); if (summary != null &&
   * summary.indexOf("@") != -1) m_pi.setSummary(Msg.parseTranslation(Env.getCtx(), summary));
   * m_parent.unlockUI(m_pi); } }); // Remove Waiting/Processing Indicator if (m_waiting != null)
   * m_waiting.dispose(); m_waiting = null; } // unlock
   * ************************************************************************ Start Workflow.
   * @param AD_Workflow_ID workflow
   * @return true if started
  private boolean startWorkflow(int AD_Workflow_ID) {
    log.fine(AD_Workflow_ID + " - " + m_pi);
    boolean started = false;
    if (DB.isRemoteProcess()) {
      log.info("trying to running on the server");
      Server server = CConnection.get().getServer();
      try {
        if (server != null) { // 	See ServerBean
          log.info("running on the server");
          m_pi = server.workflow(m_wscctx, m_pi, AD_Workflow_ID);
          log.finest("server => " + m_pi);
          started = true;
      } catch (Exception ex) {
        log.log(Level.SEVERE, "AppsServer error", ex);
        started = false;
    //	Run locally
    if (!started && !m_IsServerProcess) {
      log.info("running locally");
      MWorkflow wf = MWorkflow.get(m_wscctx, AD_Workflow_ID);
      MWFProcess wfProcess = null;
      if (m_pi.isBatch()) wfProcess = wf.start(m_pi); // 	may return null
      else wfProcess = wf.startWait(m_pi); // 	may return null
      started = wfProcess != null;
    return started;
  } //  startWorkflow

   * ************************************************************************ Start Java Process
   * Class. instanciate the class implementing the interface ProcessCall. The class can be a
   * Server/Client class (when in Package org compiere.process or org.compiere.model) or a client
   * only class (e.g. in org.compiere.report)
   * @return true if success
  private boolean startProcess() {
    boolean started = false;
    if (DB.isRemoteProcess()) {
      Server server = CConnection.get().getServer();
      try {
        if (server != null) { // 	See ServerBean
          m_pi = server.process(m_wscctx, m_pi);
          log.finest("server => " + m_pi);
          started = true;
      } catch (UndeclaredThrowableException ex) {
        Throwable cause = ex.getCause();
        if (cause != null) {
          if (cause instanceof InvalidClassException)
                Level.SEVERE, "Version Server <> Client: " + cause.toString() + " - " + m_pi, ex);
            log.log(Level.SEVERE, "AppsServer error(1b): " + cause.toString() + " - " + m_pi, ex);
        } else log.log(Level.SEVERE, " AppsServer error(1) - " + m_pi, ex);
        started = false;
      } catch (Exception ex) {
        Throwable cause = ex.getCause();
        if (cause == null) cause = ex;
        log.log(Level.SEVERE, "AppsServer error - " + m_pi, cause);
        started = false;
    //	Run locally
    if (!started && !m_IsServerProcess) {
      ProcessCall myObject = null;
      try {
        Class myClass = Class.forName(m_pi.getClassName());
        myObject = (ProcessCall) myClass.newInstance();
        if (myObject == null) m_pi.setSummary("No Instance for " + m_pi.getClassName(), true);
        else myObject.startProcess(m_wscctx, m_pi, m_trx);
        if (m_trx != null) {
      } catch (Exception e) {
        if (m_trx != null) {
        m_pi.setSummary("Error starting Class " + m_pi.getClassName(), true);
        log.log(Level.SEVERE, m_pi.getClassName(), e);
    return !m_pi.isError();
  } //  startProcess

   * ************************************************************************ Start Database Process
   * @param ProcedureName PL/SQL procedure name
   * @return true if success
  private boolean startDBProcess(String ProcedureName) {
    //  execute on this thread/connection
    log.fine(ProcedureName + "(" + m_pi.getAD_PInstance_ID() + ")");
    String sql = "{call " + ProcedureName + "(?)}";
    try {
      CallableStatement cstmt = DB.prepareCall(sql, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE, null); // 	ro??
      cstmt.setInt(1, m_pi.getAD_PInstance_ID());
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
      m_pi.setSummary(Msg.getMsg(m_wscctx, "ProcessRunError") + " " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
      return false;
    //	log.fine(Log.l4_Data, "ProcessCtl.startProcess - done");
    return true;
  } //  startDBProcess
} //	ProcessCtl
Ejemplo n.º 28
  * Get Menu
  * @return menu as array list
 public ArrayList<CTreeNode> getMenuTree() {
   int AD_Tree_ID = getTreeID();
   log.fine("AD_Tree_ID=" + AD_Tree_ID + " - " + Env.getAD_Language(m_context));
   return getMenuTree(AD_Tree_ID, false);
 } // getMenuTree
Ejemplo n.º 29
   * Execute Process Instance and Lock UI. Calls lockUI and unlockUI if parent is a ASyncProcess
   * <pre>
   * 	- Get Process Information
   *      - Call Class
   * 	- Submit SQL Procedure
   * 	- Run SQL Procedure
   * </pre>
  public void run() {
    log.fine("AD_PInstance_ID=" + m_pi.getAD_PInstance_ID() + ", Record_ID=" + m_pi.getRecord_ID());

    //  Lock
    // lock();
    //	try {System.out.println(">> sleeping ..");sleep(20000);System.out.println(".. sleeping <<");}
    // catch (Exception e) {}

    //	Get Process Information: Name, Procedure Name, ClassName, IsReport, IsDirectPrint
    String ProcedureName = "";
    int AD_ReportView_ID = 0;
    int AD_Workflow_ID = 0;
    boolean IsReport = false;
    boolean IsDirectPrint = false;
    String sql =
        "SELECT p.Name, p.ProcedureName,p.ClassName, p.AD_Process_ID," //	1..4
            + " p.isReport,p.IsDirectPrint,p.AD_ReportView_ID,p.AD_Workflow_ID," //	5..8
            + " CASE WHEN COALESCE(p.Statistic_Count,0)=0 THEN 0 ELSE p.Statistic_Seconds/p.Statistic_Count END CASE,"
            + " p.IsServerProcess "
            + "FROM AD_Process p"
            + " INNER JOIN AD_PInstance i ON (p.AD_Process_ID=i.AD_Process_ID) "
            + "WHERE p.IsActive='Y'"
            + " AND i.AD_PInstance_ID=?";
    if (!Env.isBaseLanguage(m_wscctx, "AD_Process"))
      sql =
          "SELECT t.Name, p.ProcedureName,p.ClassName, p.AD_Process_ID," //	1..4
              + " p.isReport, p.IsDirectPrint,p.AD_ReportView_ID,p.AD_Workflow_ID," //	5..8
              + " CASE WHEN COALESCE(p.Statistic_Count,0)=0 THEN 0 ELSE p.Statistic_Seconds/p.Statistic_Count END CASE,"
              + " p.IsServerProcess "
              + "FROM AD_Process p"
              + " INNER JOIN AD_PInstance i ON (p.AD_Process_ID=i.AD_Process_ID) "
              + " INNER JOIN AD_Process_Trl t ON (p.AD_Process_ID=t.AD_Process_ID"
              + " AND t.AD_Language='"
              + Env.getAD_Language(m_wscctx)
              + "') "
              + "WHERE p.IsActive='Y'"
              + " AND i.AD_PInstance_ID=?";
    try {
      PreparedStatement pstmt =
          DB.prepareStatement(sql, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, null);
      pstmt.setInt(1, m_pi.getAD_PInstance_ID());
      ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
      if (rs.next()) {
        if (m_waiting != null) m_waiting.setTitle(m_pi.getTitle());
        ProcedureName = rs.getString(2);
        //	Report
        if ("Y".equals(rs.getString(5))) {
          IsReport = true;
          if ("Y".equals(rs.getString(6)) && !Ini.isPropertyBool(Ini.P_PRINTPREVIEW))
            IsDirectPrint = true;
        AD_ReportView_ID = rs.getInt(7);
        AD_Workflow_ID = rs.getInt(8);
        int estimate = rs.getInt(9);
        if (estimate != 0) {
          m_pi.setEstSeconds(estimate + 1); //  admin overhead
          if (m_waiting != null) m_waiting.setTimerEstimate(m_pi.getEstSeconds());
        m_IsServerProcess = "Y".equals(rs.getString(10));
      } else log.log(Level.SEVERE, "No AD_PInstance_ID=" + m_pi.getAD_PInstance_ID());
    } catch (SQLException e) {
          Msg.getMsg(m_wscctx, "ProcessNoProcedure") + " " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), true);
      // unlock();
      log.log(Level.SEVERE, "run", e);

    //  No PL/SQL Procedure
    if (ProcedureName == null) ProcedureName = "";

    /** ******************************************************************** Workflow */
    if (AD_Workflow_ID > 0) {
      // unlock();

    /** ******************************************************************** Start Optional Class */
    if (m_pi.getClassName() != null) {
      //	Run Class
      if (!startProcess()) {
        // unlock();

      //  No Optional SQL procedure ... done
      if (!IsReport && ProcedureName.length() == 0) {
        // unlock ();
      //  No Optional Report ... done
      if (IsReport && AD_ReportView_ID == 0) {
        // unlock ();

    //  If not a report, we need a prodedure name
    if (!IsReport && ProcedureName.length() == 0) {
      m_pi.setSummary(Msg.getMsg(m_wscctx, "ProcessNoProcedure"), true);
      // unlock();

    /** ******************************************************************** Report submission */
    if (IsReport) {
      //	Optional Pre-Report Process
      if (ProcedureName.length() > 0) {
        if (!startDBProcess(ProcedureName)) {
          // unlock();
      } //	Pre-Report

      //	Start Report	-----------------------------------------------
      boolean ok = ReportCtl.start(m_pi, IsDirectPrint);
      m_pi.setSummary("Report", !ok);
      // unlock ();
    /** ******************************************************************** Process submission */
    else {
      if (!startDBProcess(ProcedureName)) {
        // unlock();
      //	Success - getResult
      // unlock();
    } //	*** Process submission ***
    //	log.fine(Log.l3_Util, "ProcessCtl.run - done");
  } //  run