Ejemplo n.º 1
  private void writeSampleLikelihoods(
      StringBuffer out, VariantContext vc, double[] log10Likelihoods) {
    if (VQSRCalibrator != null) {
      log10Likelihoods =
          VQSRCalibrator.includeErrorRateInLikelihoods(VQSLOD_KEY, vc, log10Likelihoods);

    double[] normalizedLikelihoods = MathUtils.normalizeFromLog10(log10Likelihoods);
    // see if we need to randomly mask out genotype in this position.
    for (double likeVal : normalizedLikelihoods) {
      //            out.append(String.format("%5.4f ",likeVal));
Ejemplo n.º 2
  private Map<String, Object> calculateIC(final VariantContext vc) {
    final GenotypesContext genotypes =
        (founderIds == null || founderIds.isEmpty())
            ? vc.getGenotypes()
            : vc.getGenotypes(founderIds);
    if (genotypes == null || genotypes.size() < MIN_SAMPLES) return null;

    int idxAA = 0, idxAB = 1, idxBB = 2;

    if (!vc.isBiallelic()) {
      // for non-bliallelic case, do test with most common alt allele.
      // Get then corresponding indeces in GL vectors to retrieve GL of AA,AB and BB.
      int[] idxVector = vc.getGLIndecesOfAlternateAllele(vc.getAltAlleleWithHighestAlleleCount());
      idxAA = idxVector[0];
      idxAB = idxVector[1];
      idxBB = idxVector[2];

    double refCount = 0.0;
    double hetCount = 0.0;
    double homCount = 0.0;
    int N = 0; // number of samples that have likelihoods
    for (final Genotype g : genotypes) {
      if (g.isNoCall() || !g.hasLikelihoods()) continue;

      if (g.getPloidy() != 2) // only work for diploid samples

      final double[] normalizedLikelihoods =
      refCount += normalizedLikelihoods[idxAA];
      hetCount += normalizedLikelihoods[idxAB];
      homCount += normalizedLikelihoods[idxBB];

    if (N < MIN_SAMPLES) {
      return null;

    final double p =
        (2.0 * refCount + hetCount)
            / (2.0 * (refCount + hetCount + homCount)); // expected reference allele frequency
    final double q = 1.0 - p; // expected alternative allele frequency
    final double F = 1.0 - (hetCount / (2.0 * p * q * (double) N)); // inbreeding coefficient

    Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    map.put(getKeyNames().get(0), String.format("%.4f", F));
    return map;
Ejemplo n.º 3
   * Read in a list of ExactCall objects from reader, keeping only those with starts in startsToKeep
   * or all sites (if this is empty)
   * @param reader a just-opened reader sitting at the start of the file
   * @param startsToKeep a list of start position of the calls to keep, or empty if all calls should
   *     be kept
   * @param parser a genome loc parser to create genome locs
   * @return a list of ExactCall objects in reader
   * @throws IOException
  public static List<ExactCall> readExactLog(
      final BufferedReader reader, final List<Integer> startsToKeep, GenomeLocParser parser)
      throws IOException {
    if (reader == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("reader cannot be null");
    if (startsToKeep == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("startsToKeep cannot be null");
    if (parser == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("GenomeLocParser cannot be null");

    List<ExactCall> calls = new LinkedList<ExactCall>();

    // skip the header line

    // skip the first "type" line

    while (true) {
      final VariantContextBuilder builder = new VariantContextBuilder();
      final List<Allele> alleles = new ArrayList<Allele>();
      final List<Genotype> genotypes = new ArrayList<Genotype>();
      final double[] posteriors = new double[2];
      final double[] priors = MathUtils.normalizeFromLog10(new double[] {0.5, 0.5}, true);
      final List<Integer> mle = new ArrayList<Integer>();
      final Map<Allele, Double> log10pNonRefByAllele = new HashMap<Allele, Double>();
      long runtimeNano = -1;

      GenomeLoc currentLoc = null;
      while (true) {
        final String line = reader.readLine();
        if (line == null) return calls;

        final String[] parts = line.split("\t");
        final GenomeLoc lineLoc = parser.parseGenomeLoc(parts[0]);
        final String variable = parts[1];
        final String key = parts[2];
        final String value = parts[3];

        if (currentLoc == null) currentLoc = lineLoc;

        if (variable.equals("type")) {
          if (startsToKeep.isEmpty() || startsToKeep.contains(currentLoc.getStart())) {
            final int stop = currentLoc.getStart() + alleles.get(0).length() - 1;
            final int[] mleInts = ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(mle.toArray(new Integer[] {}));
            final AFCalcResult result =
                new AFCalcResult(mleInts, 1, alleles, posteriors, priors, log10pNonRefByAllele);
            calls.add(new ExactCall(builder.make(), runtimeNano, result));
        } else if (variable.equals("allele")) {
          final boolean isRef = key.equals("0");
          alleles.add(Allele.create(value, isRef));
        } else if (variable.equals("PL")) {
          final GenotypeBuilder gb = new GenotypeBuilder(key);
        } else if (variable.equals("log10PosteriorOfAFEq0")) {
          posteriors[0] = Double.valueOf(value);
        } else if (variable.equals("log10PosteriorOfAFGt0")) {
          posteriors[1] = Double.valueOf(value);
        } else if (variable.equals("MLE")) {
        } else if (variable.equals("pNonRefByAllele")) {
          final Allele a = Allele.create(key);
          log10pNonRefByAllele.put(a, Double.valueOf(value));
        } else if (variable.equals("runtime.nano")) {
          runtimeNano = Long.valueOf(value);
        } else {
          // nothing to do