   * Computes an allele biased version of the given pileup
   * @param pileup the original pileup
   * @param downsamplingFraction the fraction of total reads to remove per allele
   * @return allele biased pileup
  public static ReadBackedPileup createAlleleBiasedBasePileup(
      final ReadBackedPileup pileup, final double downsamplingFraction) {
    // special case removal of all or no reads
    if (downsamplingFraction <= 0.0) return pileup;
    if (downsamplingFraction >= 1.0)
      return new ReadBackedPileupImpl(pileup.getLocation(), new ArrayList<PileupElement>());

    final PileupElementList[] alleleStratifiedElements = new PileupElementList[4];
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) alleleStratifiedElements[i] = new PileupElementList();

    // start by stratifying the reads by the alleles they represent at this position
    for (final PileupElement pe : pileup) {
      final int baseIndex = BaseUtils.simpleBaseToBaseIndex(pe.getBase());
      if (baseIndex != -1) alleleStratifiedElements[baseIndex].add(pe);

    // make a listing of allele counts and calculate the total count
    final int[] alleleCounts = calculateAlleleCounts(alleleStratifiedElements);
    final int totalAlleleCount = (int) MathUtils.sum(alleleCounts);

    // do smart down-sampling
    final int numReadsToRemove = (int) (totalAlleleCount * downsamplingFraction); // floor
    final int[] targetAlleleCounts = runSmartDownsampling(alleleCounts, numReadsToRemove);

    final HashSet<PileupElement> readsToRemove = new HashSet<PileupElement>(numReadsToRemove);
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      final PileupElementList alleleList = alleleStratifiedElements[i];
      // if we don't need to remove any reads, then don't
      if (alleleCounts[i] > targetAlleleCounts[i])
                alleleList, alleleCounts[i], alleleCounts[i] - targetAlleleCounts[i]));

    // we need to keep the reads sorted because the FragmentUtils code will expect them in
    // coordinate order and will fail otherwise
    final List<PileupElement> readsToKeep =
        new ArrayList<PileupElement>(totalAlleleCount - numReadsToRemove);
    for (final PileupElement pe : pileup) {
      if (!readsToRemove.contains(pe)) {

    return new ReadBackedPileupImpl(
        pileup.getLocation(), new ArrayList<PileupElement>(readsToKeep));