Ejemplo n.º 1
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  protected void renderListDisplay(
      FacesContext context, UIComponent component, String disclosedChildId) throws IOException {
    _LOG.finest("CorePanelRadioRenderer.renderRadioFacet: disclosedChildId: {0}", disclosedChildId);

    // This renders the select controls alongwith javascript onchange handler.
    UIXRenderingContext rCtx = getRenderingContext(context, component);

    String compId = component.getClientId(context);

    ResponseWriter out = context.getResponseWriter();

    // draw table to contain the select UI control
    out.startElement("table", component);
    out.writeAttribute("id", compId + _RADIO_TABLE_SUFFIX_ID_CONST, null);
    out.writeAttribute("border", "0", null);
    out.writeAttribute("cellspacing", "0", null);
    out.writeAttribute("cellpadding", "0", null);

    if (!XhtmlLafRenderer.isInaccessibleMode(rCtx)) {
      out.writeAttribute("summary", "", null);

    out.startElement("tr", component);

    String label = (String) component.getAttributes().get("label");

    out.startElement("td", component);
    out.writeAttribute("align", "left", null);
    out.writeAttribute("nowrap", Boolean.TRUE, null);
    out.startElement("span", component);

    XhtmlLafRenderer.renderStyleClassAttribute(rCtx, SkinSelectors.AF_LABEL_TEXT_STYLE_CLASS);

    if (label != null) out.writeText(label, null);


    // Render filler / separator between label and select control
    renderSpacerTD(out, component, getLabelControlSeparatorSize());

    _renderRadioItemsInTD(context, component, out, rCtx, compId, disclosedChildId);

Ejemplo n.º 2
   * Generates markup for rendering HTML radio controls.
   * <p>Each radio control is corresponding to a rendered UIXShowDetail child. The disable
   * showDetail children are shown as disabled radio buttons.
  private void _renderRadioItemsInTD(
      FacesContext context,
      UIComponent component,
      ResponseWriter out,
      UIXRenderingContext rCtx,
      String compId,
      String disclosedChildId)
      throws IOException {
    out.startElement("td", component);
    out.writeAttribute("valign", "top", null);
    out.writeAttribute("nowrap", Boolean.TRUE, null);

    String formName = RenderUtils.getFormId(context, component);

    // each of the radio buttons would occupy a td in a tr
    // so there will be as many rows as the number of children and each row
    // in turn will have only one td - to contain the radio button
    out.startElement("table", component);
    out.writeAttribute("id", compId + disclosedChildId, null);
    out.writeAttribute("summary", "", null);
    out.writeAttribute("border", "0", null);
    out.writeAttribute("cellspacing", "0", null);
    out.writeAttribute("cellpadding", "0", null);

    ListIterator<UIComponent> children = component.getChildren().listIterator();
    while (children.hasNext()) {
      UIComponent child = children.next();
      if (!(child instanceof UIXShowDetail)) {
        // Can't do any thing with non-showDetail children.
      UIXShowDetail detailItem = (UIXShowDetail) child;

      String childClientId = child.getClientId(context);
      out.startElement("tr", component);
      out.startElement("td", component);

      boolean isRTL = BaseLafUtils.isRightToLeft(rCtx);
      if (isRTL) {
        out.writeAttribute("align", "right", null);
      } else {
        out.writeAttribute("align", "left", null);
      out.writeAttribute("valign", "top", null);
      out.writeAttribute("nowrap", Boolean.TRUE, null);

      out.startElement("span", component);
      out.writeAttribute("id", childClientId + _RADIO_SPAN_SUFFIX_ID_CONST, null);

      Boolean disabledObj =
          (Boolean) detailItem.getAttributes().get(UIConstants.DISABLED_ATTR.getAttributeName());
      boolean disabled = false; // by default is enabled.
      if (disabledObj != null) {
        disabled = disabledObj.booleanValue();

      if (!disclosedChildId.equals(childClientId) && (!disabled)) {
        boolean isImmediate = detailItem.isImmediate();
        String submitJS =
            _getRadioSubmitJS(component, rCtx, formName, compId, childClientId, isImmediate);
        // PH:onclick javascript handler for a HTML SPAN element is not supported
        // on PIE, IE Mobile or Blackberry 4.0. Therefore, create onclick
        // javascript for non-PDAs only.
        if (!CoreRenderer.isPDA(RenderingContext.getCurrentInstance()))
          out.writeAttribute("onclick", submitJS, null);

      // render the radio button now
      out.startElement("input", component);
      out.writeAttribute("id", childClientId, null);
      out.writeAttribute("value", childClientId, null);
      out.writeAttribute("name", compId, null);

      // PH: onclick javascript handler for an INPUT element is supported on a
      // PDA. Therefore, create javascript for onclick on an INPUT element
      // instead of a SPAN element.
      if (CoreRenderer.isPDA(RenderingContext.getCurrentInstance())) {
        boolean isImmediate = detailItem.isImmediate();
        String submitJS =
            _getRadioSubmitJS(component, rCtx, formName, compId, childClientId, isImmediate);
        out.writeAttribute("onclick", submitJS, null);

      if (disabled) {
        out.writeAttribute("disabled", Boolean.TRUE, null);

      out.writeAttribute("type", "radio", null);
      if (disclosedChildId.equals(childClientId)) {
        out.writeAttribute("checked", Boolean.TRUE, null);

      out.startElement("label", component);
      out.writeAttribute("for", childClientId, null);

      Character accessChar = (Character) detailItem.getAttributes().get("accessKey");
      if (accessChar != null) {
        out.writeAttribute("accessKey", accessChar.toString(), null);

      out.startElement("span", component);

      String radioSpanClass = getFieldTextClass();
      if (disabled) {
        radioSpanClass = SkinSelectors.AF_FIELD_TEXT_DISABLED_STYLE_CLASS;
      XhtmlLafRenderer.renderStyleClassAttribute(rCtx, radioSpanClass);

      writeLabel(out, detailItem, (String) detailItem.getAttributes().get("text"));


    // For Non-JavaScript browsers, render a input element(type= submit) to
    // submit the page. Encode the name attribute with the parameter name
    // and value thus it would enable the browsers to include the name of
    // this element in its payLoad if it submits the page.

    if (!XhtmlRenderer.supportsScripting(RenderingContext.getCurrentInstance())) {
      out.startElement("tr", component);
      out.startElement("td", component);

      if (BaseLafUtils.isRightToLeft(rCtx)) {
        out.writeAttribute("align", "right", null);
      } else {
        out.writeAttribute("align", "left", null);

      out.writeAttribute("valign", "top", null);
      out.writeAttribute("nowrap", Boolean.TRUE, null);

      String nameAttri =
              + XhtmlUtils.getEncodedParameter(compId)
              + XhtmlUtils.getEncodedParameter(XhtmlConstants.EVENT_PARAM)
              + XhtmlConstants.SHOW_EVENT;

      out.startElement("span", null);
      out.startElement("input", null);
      out.writeAttribute("value", XhtmlConstants.NO_JS_PARAMETER_KEY_BUTTON, null);
      out.writeAttribute("type", "submit", null);
      out.writeAttribute("name", nameAttri, null);
