/** @throws Exception If failed. */
  public void testCorrectAntGarTask() throws Exception {
    String tmpDirName = GridTestProperties.getProperty("ant.gar.tmpdir");
    String srcDirName = GridTestProperties.getProperty("ant.gar.srcdir");
    String baseDirName = tmpDirName + File.separator + System.currentTimeMillis() + "_0";
    String metaDirName = baseDirName + File.separator + "META-INF";
    String garFileName = baseDirName + ".gar";
    String garDescDirName =
            + File.separator
            + "ignite.xml";

    // Make base and META-INF dir.
    boolean mkdir = new File(baseDirName).mkdirs();

    assert mkdir;

    mkdir = new File(metaDirName).mkdirs();

    assert mkdir;

    // Make Gar file
    U.copy(new File(garDescDirName), new File(metaDirName + File.separator + "ignite.xml"), true);

    // Copy files to basedir
    U.copy(new File(srcDirName), new File(baseDirName), true);

    IgniteDeploymentGarAntTask garTask = new IgniteDeploymentGarAntTask();

    Project garProject = new Project();

    garProject.setName("Gar test project");

    garTask.setDestFile(new File(garFileName));
    garTask.setBasedir(new File(baseDirName));


    File garFile = new File(garFileName);

    assert garFile.exists();

    boolean res = checkStructure(garFile, true);

    assert res;
   * @param garFile GAR file.
   * @param hasDescr Whether GAR file has descriptor.
   * @throws IOException If GAR file is not found.
   * @return Whether GAR file structure is correct.
  private boolean checkStructure(File garFile, boolean hasDescr) throws IOException {
    ZipFile zip = new ZipFile(garFile);

    String descr = "META-INF/ignite.xml";

    ZipEntry entry = zip.getEntry(descr);

    if (entry == null && !hasDescr) {
      if (log().isInfoEnabled()) {
                "Process deployment without descriptor file [path="
                    + descr
                    + ", file="
                    + garFile.getAbsolutePath()
                    + ']');

      return true;
    } else if (entry != null && hasDescr) {
      InputStream in = null;

      try {
        in = new BufferedInputStream(zip.getInputStream(entry));

        return true;
      } finally {
        U.close(in, log());
    } else return false;
  /** @throws Exception if error occur. */
  private void checkGar() throws Exception {
    initGar = true;

    String garDir = "modules/extdata/p2p/deploy";
    String garFileName = "p2p.gar";

    File origGarPath = U.resolveIgnitePath(garDir + '/' + garFileName);

    File tmpPath = new File(System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"), UUID.randomUUID().toString());

    if (!tmpPath.mkdir()) throw new IOException("Can not create temp directory");

    try {
      File newGarFile = new File(tmpPath, garFileName);

      U.copy(origGarPath, newGarFile, false);

      assert newGarFile.exists();

      try {
        garFile = "file:///" + tmpPath.getAbsolutePath();

        try {
          Ignite ignite1 = startGrid(1);
          Ignite ignite2 = startGrid(2);

          Integer res =
                  .<UUID, Integer>execute(TASK_NAME, ignite2.cluster().localNode().id());

          assert res != null;
        } finally {
      } finally {
        if (newGarFile != null && !newGarFile.delete()) error("Can not delete temp gar file");
    } finally {
      if (!tmpPath.delete()) error("Can not delete temp directory");
  /** @throws Exception If failed. */
  public void testCompact() throws Exception {
    File file = new File(UUID.randomUUID().toString());

    X.println("file: " + file.getPath());

    FileSwapSpaceSpi.SwapFile f = new FileSwapSpaceSpi.SwapFile(file, 8);

    Random rnd = new Random();

    ArrayList<FileSwapSpaceSpi.SwapValue> arr = new ArrayList<>();

    int size = 0;

    for (int a = 0; a < 100; a++) {
      FileSwapSpaceSpi.SwapValue[] vals = new FileSwapSpaceSpi.SwapValue[1 + rnd.nextInt(10)];

      int size0 = 0;

      for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) {
        byte[] bytes = new byte[1 + rnd.nextInt(49)];


        size0 += bytes.length;

        vals[i] = new FileSwapSpaceSpi.SwapValue(bytes);


      f.write(new FileSwapSpaceSpi.SwapValues(vals, size0), 1);

      size += size0;

      assertEquals(f.length(), size);
      assertEquals(file.length(), size);

    int i = 0;

    for (FileSwapSpaceSpi.SwapValue val : arr) assertEquals(val.idx(), ++i);

    i = 0;

    for (int cnt = arr.size() / 2; i < cnt; i++) {

      FileSwapSpaceSpi.SwapValue v = arr.remove(rnd.nextInt(arr.size()));

      assertTrue(f.tryRemove(v.idx(), v));

    int hash0 = 0;

    for (FileSwapSpaceSpi.SwapValue val : arr) hash0 += Arrays.hashCode(val.readValue(f.readCh));

    ArrayList<T2<ByteBuffer, ArrayDeque<FileSwapSpaceSpi.SwapValue>>> bufs = new ArrayList();

    for (; ; ) {
      ArrayDeque<FileSwapSpaceSpi.SwapValue> que = new ArrayDeque<>();

      ByteBuffer buf = f.compact(que, 1024);

      if (buf == null) break;

      bufs.add(new T2(buf, que));


    int hash1 = 0;

    for (FileSwapSpaceSpi.SwapValue val : arr) hash1 += Arrays.hashCode(val.value(null));

    assertEquals(hash0, hash1);

    File file0 = new File(UUID.randomUUID().toString());

    FileSwapSpaceSpi.SwapFile f0 = new FileSwapSpaceSpi.SwapFile(file0, 8);

    for (T2<ByteBuffer, ArrayDeque<FileSwapSpaceSpi.SwapValue>> t : bufs)
      f0.write(t.get2(), t.get1(), 1);

    int hash2 = 0;

    for (FileSwapSpaceSpi.SwapValue val : arr) hash2 += Arrays.hashCode(val.readValue(f0.readCh));

    assertEquals(hash2, hash1);