public void doReadLoop() { HttpContext context = new BasicHttpContext(); context.setAttribute(CX_SOCKET, rawSocket); while (!Thread.interrupted() && this.htConn.isOpen() && HttpServer.this.shouldRun) { // Clear the context from any auth settings; since this is done // anew on each connection.. context.removeAttribute(CX_AUTH); try { HttpServer.this.httpService.handleRequest(htConn, context); } catch (ConnectionClosedException ex_closed) { break; } catch (IOException ex) { if (!closeRequested) { ex.printStackTrace(); } break; } catch (HttpException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); break; } catch (ResponseHandledException ex) { break; } } bail(); }
public static byte[] httpEntityToByteArray(final HttpEntity entity) throws IOException { if (entity == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("HTTP entity may not be null"); } InputStream instream = entity.getContent(); if (instream == null) { return new byte[] {}; } if (entity.getContentLength() > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("HTTP entity too large to be buffered in memory"); } int i = (int) entity.getContentLength(); if (i < 0) { i = 4096; } ByteArrayBuffer buffer = new ByteArrayBuffer(i); try { byte[] tmp = new byte[4096]; int l; while ((l = != -1) { if (Thread.interrupted()) throw new InterruptedIOException("File download process was canceled"); buffer.append(tmp, 0, l); } } finally { instream.close(); } return buffer.toByteArray(); }
public void run() { HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(initParams.getRemoteContactPointEncoded(lastReceivedTimestamp)); // httpPost.getParams().setParameter(CoreProtocolPNames.USE_EXPECT_CONTINUE, Boolean.FALSE); // HttpResponse response = null; // This is acting as keep alive. // while (isActive()) { try { Thread.sleep(KEEP_ALIVE_PERIOD); httpPost.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(postParameters, HTTP.UTF_8)); response = null; response = httpclient.execute(httpPost); int status = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (status != RestStreamHanlder.SUCCESS_200) { logger.error( "Cant register to the remote client, retrying in:" + (KEEP_ALIVE_PERIOD / 1000) + " seconds."); structure = registerAndGetStructure(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { if (response != null) { try { response.getEntity().getContent().close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e); } } } } }
public static void usleep(int msec) { try { Thread.sleep(msec); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } }
@Override public Thread newThread(Runnable r) { Thread thread = new Thread(r, "HttpUtils #" + mCount.getAndIncrement()); thread.setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY - 1); return thread; }
public void connect() { if (mThread != null && mThread.isAlive()) { return; } mThread = new Thread( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { int port = (mURI.getPort() != -1) ? mURI.getPort() : ((mURI.getScheme().equals("wss") || mURI.getScheme().equals("https")) ? 443 : 80); String path = TextUtils.isEmpty(mURI.getPath()) ? "/" : mURI.getPath(); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mURI.getQuery())) { path += "?" + mURI.getQuery(); } String originScheme = mURI.getScheme().equals("wss") ? "https" : "http"; URI origin = new URI(originScheme, "//" + mURI.getHost(), null); SocketFactory factory = (mURI.getScheme().equals("wss") || mURI.getScheme().equals("https")) ? getSSLSocketFactory() : SocketFactory.getDefault(); mSocket = factory.createSocket(mURI.getHost(), port); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(mSocket.getOutputStream()); out.print("GET " + path + " HTTP/1.1\r\n"); out.print("Upgrade: websocket\r\n"); out.print("Connection: Upgrade\r\n"); out.print("Host: " + mURI.getHost() + "\r\n"); out.print("Origin: " + origin.toString() + "\r\n"); out.print("Sec-WebSocket-Key: " + createSecret() + "\r\n"); out.print("Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13\r\n"); if (mExtraHeaders != null) { for (NameValuePair pair : mExtraHeaders) { out.print(String.format("%s: %s\r\n", pair.getName(), pair.getValue())); } } out.print("\r\n"); out.flush(); HybiParser.HappyDataInputStream stream = new HybiParser.HappyDataInputStream(mSocket.getInputStream()); // Read HTTP response status line. StatusLine statusLine = parseStatusLine(readLine(stream)); if (statusLine == null) { throw new HttpException("Received no reply from server."); } else if (statusLine.getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.SC_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS) { throw new HttpResponseException( statusLine.getStatusCode(), statusLine.getReasonPhrase()); } // Read HTTP response headers. String line; while (!TextUtils.isEmpty(line = readLine(stream))) { Header header = parseHeader(line); if (header.getName().equals("Sec-WebSocket-Accept")) { // FIXME: Verify the response... } } mConnected = true; mListener.onConnect(); // Now decode websocket frames. mParser.start(stream); } catch (EOFException ex) { mListener.onDisconnect(0, "EOF"); mConnected = false; } catch (SSLException ex) { // Connection reset by peer mConnected = false; mListener.onDisconnect(0, "SSL"); } catch (Exception ex) { mListener.onError(ex); } } }); mThread.start(); }