public void reduce(LongWritable key, Iterable<Text> values, Context context)
      throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    LongWritable curNodeId = key;
    double previousPRValue = 1;
    double nextPRValue = 0;
    double localResidual = 0;
    String edgeListOfCurNode = "";
    long localResidualTransformed = 0;

    for (Text value : values) {
      String[] inputInfo = value.toString().split("\\s+");

      // incoming pagerank value
      if (inputInfo.length == 1) {
        nextPRValue += Double.parseDouble(inputInfo[0]);
      // current node info
      else if (inputInfo.length == 3) {
        edgeListOfCurNode = inputInfo[2];
        previousPRValue = Double.parseDouble(inputInfo[1]);
      } else if (inputInfo.length == 2) {
        previousPRValue = Double.parseDouble(inputInfo[1]);
      } else {
        System.out.println("ERROR: received unexpected TEXT in length");
    if (previousPRValue == 1) System.out.println("No node info has been received by a reducer");
    // calculate the pagerank value according to the given formula
    nextPRValue = pagerankFormula(nextPRValue);

    // should also iterate sink nodes list, add the evenly splitted value

    // reducer should store the updated node info(NPR) to output directory
    context.write(null, new Text(curNodeId + " " + nextPRValue + " " + edgeListOfCurNode));

    // then compare PPR with NPR
    try {
      localResidual = Math.abs(previousPRValue - nextPRValue) / nextPRValue;
      localResidualTransformed = (long) (localResidual * 10000);
      // System.out.println("Make sure you got the right transformed residual :
      // "+localResidualTransformed);

    } catch (ArithmeticException e) {
      System.out.println("PPR is zero. Check where you get the value!");

    // assume there is a global counter called residualCounter;

Ejemplo n.º 2
  protected void reduce(Text key, Iterable<Text> values, Context context)
      throws IOException, InterruptedException {

    Iterator<Text> itr = values.iterator();
    Text input = new Text();
    String[] inputTokens = null;

    // initialize/reset all variables
    Double pageRankOld = 0.0;
    Double residualError = 0.0;

    String output = "";
    Integer maxNode = 0;

    ArrayList<String> temp = new ArrayList<String>();
    Double tempBC = 0.0;

    while (itr.hasNext()) {
      input =;
      inputTokens = input.toString().split(" ");
      // if first element is PR, it is the node ID, previous pagerank and outgoing edgelist for this
      // node
      if (inputTokens[0].equals("PR")) {
        String nodeID = inputTokens[1];
        pageRankOld = Double.parseDouble(inputTokens[2]);
        newPR.put(nodeID, pageRankOld);
        NodeData node = new NodeData();
        if (inputTokens.length == 4) {
        nodeDataMap.put(nodeID, node);
        // keep track of the max nodeID for this block
        if (Integer.parseInt(nodeID) > maxNode) {
          maxNode = Integer.parseInt(nodeID);

        // if BE, it is an in-block edge
      } else if (inputTokens[0].equals("BE")) {

        if (BE.containsKey(inputTokens[2])) {
          // Initialize BC for this v
          temp = BE.get(inputTokens[2]);
        } else {
          temp = new ArrayList<String>();
        BE.put(inputTokens[2], temp);

        // if BC, it is an incoming node from outside of the block
      } else if (inputTokens[0].equals("BC")) {
        if (BC.containsKey(inputTokens[2])) {
          // Initialize BC for this v
          tempBC = BC.get(inputTokens[2]);
        } else {
          tempBC = 0.0;
        tempBC += Double.parseDouble(inputTokens[3]);
        BC.put(inputTokens[2], tempBC);

    int i = 0;
    do {
      residualError = IterateBlockOnce();
      // System.out.println("Block " + key + " pass " + i + " resError:" + residualError);
    } while (residualError > threshold);

    // i < maxIterations &&

    // compute the ultimate residual error for each node in this block
    residualError = 0.0;
    for (String v : vList) {
      NodeData node = nodeDataMap.get(v);
      residualError += Math.abs(node.getPageRank() - newPR.get(v)) / newPR.get(v);
    residualError = residualError / vList.size();
    // System.out.println("Block " + key + " overall resError for iteration: " + residualError);

    // add the residual error to the counter that is tracking the overall sum (must be expressed as
    // a long value)
    long residualAsLong = (long) Math.floor(residualError * PageRankBlock.precision);
    long numberOfIterations = (long) (i);


    // output should be
    //	key:nodeID (for this node)
    //	value:<pageRankNew> <degrees> <comma-separated outgoing edgeList>
    for (String v : vList) {
      NodeData node = nodeDataMap.get(v);
      output = newPR.get(v) + " " + node.getDegrees() + " " + node.getEdgeList();
      Text outputText = new Text(output);
      Text outputKey = new Text(v);
      context.write(outputKey, outputText);
      if (v.equals(maxNode.toString())) {
        System.out.println("Block:" + key + " | node:" + v + " | pageRank:" + newPR.get(v));
