/** Plan for the removal of the given worker. */
  private void releaseWorker(MesosWorkerStore.Worker worker) {
    try {
      LOG.info("Releasing worker {}", worker.taskID());

      // update persistent state of worker to Released
      worker = worker.releaseWorker();
      workersBeingReturned.put(extractResourceID(worker.taskID()), worker);
      taskRouter.tell(new TaskMonitor.TaskGoalStateUpdated(extractGoalState(worker)), self());

      if (worker.hostname().isDefined()) {
        // tell the launch coordinator that the task is being unassigned from the host, for planning
        // purposes
            new LaunchCoordinator.Unassign(worker.taskID(), worker.hostname().get()), self());
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      fatalError("unable to release worker", ex);
   * Accept offers as advised by the launch coordinator.
   * <p>Acceptance is routed through the RM to update the persistent state before forwarding the
   * message to Mesos.
  private void acceptOffers(AcceptOffers msg) {

    try {
      List<TaskMonitor.TaskGoalStateUpdated> toMonitor = new ArrayList<>(msg.operations().size());

      // transition the persistent state of some tasks to Launched
      for (Protos.Offer.Operation op : msg.operations()) {
        if (op.getType() != Protos.Offer.Operation.Type.LAUNCH) {
        for (Protos.TaskInfo info : op.getLaunch().getTaskInfosList()) {
          MesosWorkerStore.Worker worker = workersInNew.remove(extractResourceID(info.getTaskId()));
          assert (worker != null);

          worker = worker.launchWorker(info.getSlaveId(), msg.hostname());
          workersInLaunch.put(extractResourceID(worker.taskID()), worker);

              "Launching Mesos task {} on host {}.",

          toMonitor.add(new TaskMonitor.TaskGoalStateUpdated(extractGoalState(worker)));

      // tell the task router about the new plans
      for (TaskMonitor.TaskGoalStateUpdated update : toMonitor) {
        taskRouter.tell(update, self());

      // send the acceptance message to Mesos
      schedulerDriver.acceptOffers(msg.offerIds(), msg.operations(), msg.filters());
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      fatalError("unable to accept offers", ex);
   * Plan for some additional workers to be launched.
   * @param numWorkers The number of workers to allocate.
  protected void requestNewWorkers(int numWorkers) {

    try {
      List<TaskMonitor.TaskGoalStateUpdated> toMonitor = new ArrayList<>(numWorkers);
      List<LaunchableTask> toLaunch = new ArrayList<>(numWorkers);

      // generate new workers into persistent state and launch associated actors
      for (int i = 0; i < numWorkers; i++) {
        MesosWorkerStore.Worker worker = MesosWorkerStore.Worker.newWorker(workerStore.newTaskID());
        workersInNew.put(extractResourceID(worker.taskID()), worker);

        LaunchableMesosWorker launchable = createLaunchableMesosWorker(worker.taskID());

            "Scheduling Mesos task {} with ({} MB, {} cpus).",

        toMonitor.add(new TaskMonitor.TaskGoalStateUpdated(extractGoalState(worker)));

      // tell the task router about the new plans
      for (TaskMonitor.TaskGoalStateUpdated update : toMonitor) {
        taskRouter.tell(update, self());

      // tell the launch coordinator to launch the new tasks
      if (toLaunch.size() >= 1) {
        launchCoordinator.tell(new LaunchCoordinator.Launch(toLaunch), self());
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      fatalError("unable to request new workers", ex);