   ** Create an sps that is used by the trigger.
  private SPSDescriptor createSPS(
      LanguageConnectionContext lcc,
      DataDescriptorGenerator ddg,
      DataDictionary dd,
      TransactionController tc,
      UUID triggerId,
      SchemaDescriptor sd,
      UUID spsId,
      UUID compSchemaId,
      String text,
      boolean isWhen,
      TableDescriptor triggerTable)
      throws StandardException {
    if (text == null) {
      return null;

     ** Note: the format of this string is very important.
     ** Dont change it arbitrarily -- see sps code.
    String spsName =
            + (isWhen ? "WHEN_" : "ACTN_")
            + triggerId
            + "_"
            + triggerTable.getUUID().toString();

    SPSDescriptor spsd =
        new SPSDescriptor(
            (spsId == null) ? dd.getUUIDFactory().createUUID() : spsId,
            compSchemaId == null ? lcc.getDefaultSchema().getUUID() : compSchemaId,
            true, // it is valid
            text, // the text
            true); // no defaults

     ** Prepared the stored prepared statement
     ** and release the activation class -- we
     ** know we aren't going to execute statement
     ** after create it, so for now we are finished.
    spsd.prepareAndRelease(lcc, triggerTable);

    dd.addSPSDescriptor(spsd, tc);

    return spsd;