public static void main(String args[]) {
    DescriptiveStatistics stats = DescriptiveStatistics.newInstance();

    /*		stats.addValue(2);


    double p25 = stats.getPercentile(25);
    double p50 = stats.getPercentile(50);
    double p75 = stats.getPercentile(75);

    // System.out.println(stats.toString());

    double delta = p75 - p25;
    double center = p25 + (delta / 2);
    double spread = delta / 2;

    System.out.println("p25:" + p25 + " - p50:" + p50 + " - p75:" + p75);
    System.out.println("center: " + center + " - spread: " + spread);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Contains all the performance results obtained during log replay analysis. Can be used to retrieve
 * values for the performance metrics and to get extended visualizations.
 * @see PerformanceMeasurer
 * @author Peter T.G. Hornix ([email protected])
public class PerformanceLogReplayResult extends LogReplayAnalysisResult {

  // DescriptiveStatistics-object in which throughput times can be stored
  private DescriptiveStatistics timeStats = DescriptiveStatistics.newInstance();
  // SummaryStatistics to obtain mean inter arrival times
  private SummaryStatistics arrivalStats = SummaryStatistics.newInstance();

  // number of log traces that can be replayed normally
  private int properFrequency;

  public PerformanceLogReplayResult(
      AnalysisConfiguration analysisOptions,
      PetriNet net,
      LogReader log,
      LogReplayAnalysisMethod method) {
    // call the constructor of the superclass
    super(analysisOptions, net, log, method);

   * Initializes the diagnostic data structures needed to store the measurements taken during the
   * log replay analysis.
  protected void initDiagnosticDataStructures() {
    replayedLog = new ExtendedLogReader(inputLogReader);
    replayedPetriNet = new ExtendedPetriNet(inputPetriNet, replayedLog.getLogTraceIDs());

  // ////////////////////////////METRICS-RELATED
  // METHODS///////////////////////////

   * Calculates the average, min ad max throughput time out of the throughput times of all traces in
   * piList. Next to this, the arrival rate is calculated. All metrics are based on the process
   * instances in piList only
   * @param piList ArrayList: the process instances used
   * @param fitOption int: the fit option used (how to deal with non-conformance)
   * @throws Exception
  public void calculateMetrics(ArrayList piList, int fitOption) throws Exception {
    properFrequency = 0;
    ArrayList arrivalDates = new ArrayList();
    ListIterator lit = piList.listIterator();
    while (lit.hasNext()) {
      ExtendedLogTrace currentTrace = (ExtendedLogTrace);
      if (currentTrace.hasProperlyTerminated() && currentTrace.hasSuccessfullyExecuted()) {
      try {
        long tp = (currentTrace.getEndDate().getTime() - currentTrace.getBeginDate().getTime());
        if (fitOption == 0) {
          // timeStats based on all traces
        if (currentTrace.hasProperlyTerminated() && currentTrace.hasSuccessfullyExecuted()) {
          if (fitOption == 1) {
            // timeStats based on fitting traces only
      } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
    Date[] arrivals = (Date[]) arrivalDates.toArray(new Date[0]);
    // make sure arrivaldates are sorted
    if (arrivals.length > 1) {
      for (int i = 1; i < arrivals.length; i++) {
        long t1 = arrivals[i].getTime();
        long t2 = arrivals[i - 1].getTime();
        long iat = arrivals[i].getTime() - arrivals[i - 1].getTime();
        if (iat >= 0) {

   * Exports the throughput times of all process instances in piList to a comma-seperated text-file.
   * @param piList ArrayList: the process instances used
   * @param file File: the file to which the times are exported
   * @param divider long: the time divider used
   * @param sort String: the time sort used
   * @param fitOption int: the fit option used (how to deal with non-conformance)
   * @throws IOException
  public void exportToFile(ArrayList piList, File file, long divider, String sort, int fitOption)
      throws IOException {
    Writer output = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file));
    String line = "Log Trace,Throughput time (" + sort + ")\n";
    ListIterator lit = piList.listIterator();
    while (lit.hasNext()) {
      ExtendedLogTrace currentTrace = (ExtendedLogTrace);
      try {
        double tp =
            (currentTrace.getEndDate().getTime() - currentTrace.getBeginDate().getTime())
                * 1.0
                / divider;
        if (fitOption == 0) {
          // times based on all traces
          line = currentTrace.getName() + "," + tp + "\n";
          // write line to the file
        if (fitOption == 1
            && currentTrace.hasProperlyTerminated()
            && currentTrace.hasSuccessfullyExecuted()) {
          // times based on fitting traces only
          line = currentTrace.getName() + "," + tp + "\n";
          // write line to the file
      } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
    // close the file

  // ////////////////////////////GET
  // METHODS///////////////////////////////////////

   * Calculates and returns the stdev in throughput time out of the throughput times in timeStats.
   * (make sure calculateProcessMetrics() is called before this method).
   * @return double
  public double getStdevThroughputTime() {
    return timeStats.getStandardDeviation();

   * Calculates the average of the (fastestpercentage) fast traces, the (slowestPercentage) slow
   * traces and the (100% - fastestPercentage - slowestPercentage) normal speed traces and returns
   * these averages in an array, where [0]: avg fast throughput time [1]: avg slow throughput time
   * [2]: avg middle throughput time
   * @param fastestPercentage double: the percentage of measurements that is to be counted as fast
   * @param slowestPercentage double: the percentage of measurements that is to be counted as slow
   * @return double[]
  public double[] getAverageTimes(double fastestPercentage, double slowestPercentage) {
    // initialize arrays
    double[] timeList = timeStats.getSortedValues();
    double[] avgTimes = new double[3];
    long total = 0;
    // obtain the number of fast , slow, normal traces
    int[] sizes = getSizes(fastestPercentage, slowestPercentage);
    int fastSize = sizes[0], slowSize = sizes[1], middleSize = sizes[2];
    for (int i = 0; i < fastSize; i++) {
      total += timeList[i];
    // calculate average of the fastest traces
    double avgFastestTime = 0.0;
    if (fastSize != 0) {
      avgFastestTime = (total * 1.0) / fastSize;
    // calculate average of the slowest traces
    int upperSize = timeList.length - slowSize;
    total = 0;
    for (int i = upperSize; i < timeList.length; i++) {
      total += timeList[i];
    double avgSlowestTime = 0.0;
    if (slowSize > 0) {
      avgSlowestTime = (total * 1.0) / slowSize;

    // calculate the middle/normal-speed traces
    total = 0;
    for (int i = fastSize; i < upperSize; i++) {
      total += timeList[i];
    double avgMiddleTime = 0.0;
    if (middleSize > 0) {
      avgMiddleTime = (total * 1.0) / middleSize;
    avgTimes[0] = avgFastestTime;
    avgTimes[1] = avgSlowestTime;
    avgTimes[2] = avgMiddleTime;
    return avgTimes;

   * Returns an array containing the number of process instances that are considered to be fast,
   * i.e. have a low throughput time (place 0 in array), the number of process instances that are
   * slow (place 1 in array) and the number of process instances that are considered to be of normal
   * speed (place 2 in array). Based on fastestPercentage, slowestPercentage and timeList (thus
   * method calculateProcessMetrics() should be called before this one)
   * @param fastestPercentage double: the percentage of measurements that is to be counted as fast
   * @param slowestPercentage double: the percentage of measurements that is to be counted as slow
   * @return int[]
  public int[] getSizes(double fastestPercentage, double slowestPercentage) {
    int[] sizes = new int[3];
    String sizeString;
    int length = timeStats.getValues().length;
    sizeString = Math.round((length * fastestPercentage) / 100.0) + "";
    sizes[0] = Integer.parseInt(sizeString);
    if (sizes[0] != length) {
      sizeString = Math.round((length * slowestPercentage) / 100.0) + "";
      sizes[1] = Integer.parseInt(sizeString);
      if ((sizes[0] + sizes[1]) > length) {
        // Make sure that sizes[0] + sizes[1] remains smaller than
        // the number of measurements in timeList (rounding could mess
        // this up)
        sizes[1] = length - sizes[0];
    } else {
      sizes[1] = 0;
    sizes[2] = length - sizes[0] - sizes[1];
    return sizes;

   * Calculates and returns the arrival rate of the traces in piList
   * @return double
  public double getArrivalRate() {
    double arrivalRate = 0;
    if (arrivalStats.getN() > 0 && arrivalStats.getMean() != 0) {
      // mean arrivalRate is 1 divided by the mean of the inter-arrival
      // times
      arrivalRate = 1 / arrivalStats.getMean();
    return arrivalRate;

   * Returns the arrival Stats of the traces in piList
   * @return SummaryStatistics
  public SummaryStatistics getArrivalStats() {
    return arrivalStats;

   * Returns the mean throughput time
   * @return double
  public double getMeanThroughputTime() {
    return timeStats.getMean();

   * Returns the minimal throughput time. Note that method calculateProcessMetrics() should be
   * called before this method.
   * @return double
  public double getMinThroughputTime() {
    return timeStats.getMin();

   * Returns the maximal throughput time
   * @return double
  public double getMaxThroughputTime() {
    return timeStats.getMax();

   * returns the number of cases that execute successfully and complete properly
   * @return int
  public int getProperFrequency() {
    return (properFrequency);

  // ////////////////////////////GRAPPA-RELATED
  // METHODS///////////////////////////
   * Creates a visualization of the performance analysis results. Note that a change of the display
   * state by the user will have no effect before calling this methods. This is intended to prevent
   * unnecessary cloning of the extended petri net, which actually delivers the custom visualization
   * of the performance analysis results.
   * @param selectedInstances The process instances that have been selected for updating the
   *     visualization.
   * @return The visualization wrapped in a ModelGraphPanel.
  public ModelGraphPanel getVisualization(ArrayList selectedInstances) {
    // sets the currentlySelectedInstances attribute, which is necessary
    // because
    // the writeToDot() method has a fixed interface, though the
    // visualization should
    // be able to take them into account
    ((ExtendedPetriNet) replayedPetriNet).currentlySelectedInstances = selectedInstances;
    ModelGraphPanel myResultVisualization;
    myResultVisualization = ((ExtendedPetriNet) replayedPetriNet).getGrappaVisualization();
    return myResultVisualization;