Ejemplo n.º 1
   * Load the parameters in the {@code TrainingParameters} file.
   * @param paramFile the parameter file
   * @param supportSequenceTraining wheter sequence training is supported
   * @return the parameters
  private static TrainingParameters loadTrainingParameters(
      final String paramFile, final boolean supportSequenceTraining) {

    TrainingParameters params = null;

    if (paramFile != null) {

      checkInputFile("Training Parameter", new File(paramFile));

      InputStream paramsIn = null;
      try {
        paramsIn = new FileInputStream(new File(paramFile));

        params = new opennlp.tools.util.TrainingParameters(paramsIn);
      } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new TerminateToolException(
            -1, "Error during parameters loading: " + e.getMessage(), e);
      } finally {
        try {
          if (paramsIn != null) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
          System.err.println("Error closing the input stream");

      if (!TrainerFactory.isValid(params.getSettings())) {
        throw new TerminateToolException(
            1, "Training parameters file '" + paramFile + "' is invalid!");

    return params;
  public static POSModel train(
      String languageCode,
      ObjectStream<POSSample> samples,
      TrainingParameters trainParams,
      POSTaggerFactory posFactory)
      throws IOException {

    String beamSizeString = trainParams.getSettings().get(BeamSearch.BEAM_SIZE_PARAMETER);

    int beamSize = POSTaggerME.DEFAULT_BEAM_SIZE;
    if (beamSizeString != null) {
      beamSize = Integer.parseInt(beamSizeString);

    POSContextGenerator contextGenerator = posFactory.getPOSContextGenerator();

    Map<String, String> manifestInfoEntries = new HashMap<String, String>();

    TrainerType trainerType = TrainerFactory.getTrainerType(trainParams.getSettings());

    MaxentModel posModel = null;
    SequenceClassificationModel<String> seqPosModel = null;
    if (TrainerType.EVENT_MODEL_TRAINER.equals(trainerType)) {
      ObjectStream<Event> es = new POSSampleEventStream(samples, contextGenerator);

      EventTrainer trainer =
          TrainerFactory.getEventTrainer(trainParams.getSettings(), manifestInfoEntries);
      posModel = trainer.train(es);
    } else if (TrainerType.EVENT_MODEL_SEQUENCE_TRAINER.equals(trainerType)) {
      POSSampleSequenceStream ss = new POSSampleSequenceStream(samples, contextGenerator);
      EventModelSequenceTrainer trainer =
              trainParams.getSettings(), manifestInfoEntries);
      posModel = trainer.train(ss);
    } else if (TrainerType.SEQUENCE_TRAINER.equals(trainerType)) {
      SequenceTrainer trainer =
          TrainerFactory.getSequenceModelTrainer(trainParams.getSettings(), manifestInfoEntries);

      // TODO: This will probably cause issue, since the feature generator uses the outcomes array

      POSSampleSequenceStream ss = new POSSampleSequenceStream(samples, contextGenerator);
      seqPosModel = trainer.train(ss);
    } else {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Trainer type is not supported: " + trainerType);

    if (posModel != null) {
      return new POSModel(languageCode, posModel, beamSize, manifestInfoEntries, posFactory);
    } else {
      return new POSModel(languageCode, seqPosModel, manifestInfoEntries, posFactory);
   * @deprecated use {@link #train(String, ObjectStream, TrainingParameters, POSTaggerFactory)}
   *     instead and pass in a {@link POSTaggerFactory} and a {@link TrainingParameters}.
  public static POSModel train(
      String languageCode,
      ObjectStream<POSSample> samples,
      ModelType modelType,
      POSDictionary tagDictionary,
      Dictionary ngramDictionary,
      int cutoff,
      int iterations)
      throws IOException {

    TrainingParameters params = new TrainingParameters();

    params.put(TrainingParameters.ALGORITHM_PARAM, modelType.toString());
    params.put(TrainingParameters.ITERATIONS_PARAM, Integer.toString(iterations));
    params.put(TrainingParameters.CUTOFF_PARAM, Integer.toString(cutoff));

    return train(languageCode, samples, params, tagDictionary, ngramDictionary);