Ejemplo n.º 1
  // #if polish.api.paintdirect
  public Node paintDirect(PaintContext createPC) {

    iDrawState = 2;

    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

    //				Projection p = ProjFactory.getInstance(createPC.center,
    //						nextSc.course, nextSc.scale, xSize, ySize);
    //				p.inverse(xSize, 0, createPC.screenRU);
    //				p.inverse(0, ySize, createPC.screenLD);
    // pcCollect.trace = nextSc.trace;
    // pcCollect.dataReader = nextSc.dataReader;
    // cleans the screen
    // jkp createPC.g = img[nextCreate].getGraphics();
    // jkp createPC.g.setColor(Legend.COLORS[Legend.COLOR_MAP_BACKGROUND]);
    // createPC.g.fillRect(0, 0, xSize, ySize);

    //				createPC.g.setColor(0x00FF0000);
    //				createPC.g.drawRect(0, 0, xSize - 1, ySize - 1);
    //				createPC.g.drawRect(20, 20, xSize - 41, ySize - 41);
    createPC.squareDstWithPenToWay = Float.MAX_VALUE;
    createPC.squareDstWithPenToActualRoutableWay = Float.MAX_VALUE;
    createPC.squareDstWithPenToRoutePath = Float.MAX_VALUE;
    createPC.squareDstToRoutePath = Float.MAX_VALUE;
    createPC.dest = nextSc.dest;
    createPC.waysPainted = 0;
    // Projection p = ProjFactory.getInstance(createPC.center, nextSc.course, nextSc.scale, xSize,
    //				       (createPC.trace.isShowingSplitScreen()) ? (int) (ySize / 2) : ySize);
    //		System.out.println("p  =" + p);
    Projection p =
            (createPC.trace.isShowingSplitScreen()) ? (int) (ySize / 2) : ySize);
    Projection p1 = p;

    // System.out.println("create " + pcCollect);

    Way.setupDirectionalPenalty(createPC, tr.speed, tr.gpsRecenter && !tr.gpsRecenterInvalid);

    float boost = Configuration.getMaxDetailBoostMultiplier();

     * layers containing highlighted path segments
    createPC.hlLayers = 0;

     * highlighted path is on top if gps recentered, but if not it might still come to top
     * when we determine during painting that the cursor is closer than 25 meters at the route line.
    createPC.highlightedPathOnTop = tr.gpsRecenter;

     * At the moment we don't really have proper layer support in the data yet, so only split it
     * into Area, Way and Node layers
    byte layersToRender[] = {
      1 | Tile.LAYER_AREA,
      2 | Tile.LAYER_AREA,
      3 | Tile.LAYER_AREA,
      4 | Tile.LAYER_AREA,
      0 | Tile.LAYER_HIGHLIGHT,
      1 | Tile.LAYER_HIGHLIGHT,
      2 | Tile.LAYER_HIGHLIGHT,
      3 | Tile.LAYER_HIGHLIGHT

     * Draw each layer separately to enforce paint ordering:
     * <p>Go through the entire tile tree multiple times to get the drawing order correct.
     * <p>The first 5 layers correspond to drawing areas with the osm layer tag of (< -1, -1, 0, 1,
     * >1), then next 5 layers are drawing streets with osm layer tag (< -1, -1, 0, 1, >1).
     * <p>Then we draw the highlighted streets and finally we draw the POI layer.
     * <p>So e. g. layer 7 corresponds to all streets that have no osm layer tag or layer = 0.
    boolean simplifyMap = Configuration.getCfgBitState(Configuration.CFGBIT_SIMPLIFY_MAP_WHEN_BUSY);
    boolean skippableLayer = false;
    for (byte layer = 0; layer < layersToRender.length; layer++) {
      if (simplifyMap) {
        skippableLayer =
            ((layer < 5 && layer > 1)
                // #if polish.api.finland
                // don't skip node layer where speed camera is if camera alert is o
                || (layer == 14
                    && !Configuration.getCfgBitState(Configuration.CFGBIT_SPEEDCAMERA_ALERT))
                // #else
                || (layer == 14)
                // #endif
                // #if polish.android
                || (Trace.getInstance().mapBrowsing && ((layer < 5) || layer == 14))
                // #else
                || (Trace.getInstance().mapBrowsing && ((layer < 5 && layer > 1) || layer == 14))
            // #endif
        // skip update if a new one is queued
        if (needRedraw && skippableLayer) {
          // continue;

      // render only highlight layers which actually have highlighted path segments
      if ((layersToRender[layer] & Tile.LAYER_HIGHLIGHT) > 0
          && layersToRender[layer] != Tile.LAYER_NODE) {
         * as we do two passes for each way layer when gps recentered - one for the ways and one for
         * the route line on top, we can use in the second pass the determined route path connection
         * / idx to highlight the route line in the correct / prior route line color. when not gps
         * recentered, this info will be by one image obsolete however
        if (layersToRender[layer]
            == Tile.LAYER_HIGHLIGHT /*(0 | Tile.LAYER_HIGHLIGHT) pointless bitwise operation*/) {
           *  only take ImageCollector loops into account for dstToRoutePath if ways were painted
           *  otherwise this would trigger wrong route recalculations
          if (createPC.waysPainted != 0) {
            // RouteInstructions.dstToRoutePath =
            // createPC.getDstFromSquareDst(createPC.squareDstToRoutePath);
            RouteInstructions.dstToRoutePath = createPC.getDstFromRouteSegment();
            if (RouteInstructions.dstToRoutePath != RouteInstructions.DISTANCE_UNKNOWN) {
              RouteInstructions.routePathConnection = createPC.routePathConnection;
              RouteInstructions.pathIdxInRoutePathConnection =
              RouteInstructions.actualRoutePathWay = createPC.actualRoutePathWay;
              // when we determine during painting that the cursor is closer than 25 meters at the
              // route line, bring it to the top
              if (RouteInstructions.dstToRoutePath < 25) {
                createPC.highlightedPathOnTop = true;
            // System.out.println("waysPainted: " + createPC.waysPainted);
          } else {
            // FIXME: Sometimes there are ImageCollector loop with no way pained even when ways
            // would be there and tile data is fully loaded
            // Update 2011-06-11: Might be fixed with the patch from gojkos at [
            // sharenav-Bugs-3310178 ] Delayed map draw on LG cookie phone
            // Update 2012-03-17 (patch from walter9): The image collector has been started twice.
            // This seems to be fixed now in Trace.java.startImageCollector()
            System.out.println("No ways painted in this ImageCollector loop");
        byte relLayer = (byte) (((int) layersToRender[layer]) & 0x0000000F);
        if ((createPC.hlLayers & (1 << relLayer)) == 0) {
      minTile = Legend.scaleToTile((int) (createPC.scale / (boost * overviewTileScaleBoost)));

      if (t[0] != null) {
        if (needRedraw && skippableLayer) {
        t[0].paint(createPC, layersToRender[layer]);
        if (needRedraw && skippableLayer) {
      if ((minTile >= 1) && (t[1] != null)) {
        if (needRedraw && skippableLayer) {
        t[1].paint(createPC, layersToRender[layer]);
        if (needRedraw && skippableLayer) {
        // Thread.yield();
      if ((minTile >= 2) && (t[2] != null)) {
        if (needRedraw && skippableLayer) {
        t[2].paint(createPC, layersToRender[layer]);
        if (needRedraw && skippableLayer) {
        // Thread.yield();
      if ((minTile >= 3) && (t[3] != null)) {
        if (needRedraw && skippableLayer) {
        t[3].paint(createPC, layersToRender[layer]);
        if (needRedraw && skippableLayer) {
        // Thread.yield();

      /** Drawing waypoints */
      if (t[DictReader.GPXZOOMLEVEL] != null) {
        t[DictReader.GPXZOOMLEVEL].paint(createPC, layersToRender[layer]);
      if (suspended) {
        // Don't continue rendering if suspended
        createPC.state = PaintContext.STATE_READY;
    /** Drawing debuginfo for routing */
    if (!suspended
        && t[DictReader.ROUTEZOOMLEVEL] != null
        && (Configuration.getCfgBitState(Configuration.CFGBIT_ROUTE_CONNECTIONS)
            || Configuration.getCfgBitState(Configuration.CFGBIT_SHOW_TURN_RESTRICTIONS))) {
      t[DictReader.ROUTEZOOMLEVEL].paint(createPC, (byte) 0);

    iDrawState = 0;

    icDuration = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
    // #mdebug
    logger.info("Painting map took " + icDuration + " ms");
    // #enddebug
    System.out.println("Painting map took " + icDuration + " ms " + xSize + "/" + ySize);

    createPC.state = PaintContext.STATE_READY;
    // lastCreatedSc=createPC.cloneToScreenContext();
    if (!shutdown) {
      // newCollected();
    // needRedraw = false;
    // tr.cleanup();
    // System.out.println("create ready");
    // System.gc();
    if (Configuration.getCfgBitState(Configuration.CFGBIT_KEEP_ON_ROAD_IN_ROUTE_GUIDANCE)) {
      return createPC.gpsNode.copy();
    } else {
      return createPC.center.copy();
Ejemplo n.º 2
  public void run() {
    PaintContext createPC = null;
    final byte MAXCRASHES = 5;
    byte crash = 0;
    do {
      try {

        while (!shutdown) {

          if (!needRedraw || suspended) {
            synchronized (this) {
              try {
                /* FIXME: We still have some situations where redraw is not done automatically immediately,
                 * e.g. on Nokia 5800 after returning from another Displayable
                 * Therefore reduce the timeout for redrawing anyway from 30 seconds to 1 seconds
                 * if the last user interaction happened less than 1.5 secs before

                if (Trace.getDurationSinceLastUserActionTime() > 1500 ) {
                } else {
              } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                continue; // Recheck condition of the loop

          needRedraw = false; // moved here and deleted from the bottom of this routine

          // #debug debug
          logger.debug("Redrawing Map");

          iDrawState = 1;

          synchronized (this) {
            while (pc[nextCreate].state != PaintContext.STATE_READY && !shutdown) {
              try {
                // System.out.println("img not ready");
              } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            if (suspended || shutdown) {
            pc[nextCreate].state = PaintContext.STATE_IN_CREATE;

          iDrawState = 2;

          createPC = pc[nextCreate];

          long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

          // create PaintContext
          createPC.xSize = nextSc.xSize;
          createPC.ySize = nextSc.ySize;
          createPC.center = nextSc.center.copy();
          mapCenter = nextSc.center.copy();
          createPC.scale = nextSc.scale;
          createPC.course = nextSc.course;
          //				Projection p = ProjFactory.getInstance(createPC.center,
          //						nextSc.course, nextSc.scale, xSize, ySize);
          //				p.inverse(xSize, 0, createPC.screenRU);
          //				p.inverse(0, ySize, createPC.screenLD);
          // pcCollect.trace = nextSc.trace;
          // pcCollect.dataReader = nextSc.dataReader;
          // cleans the screen
          createPC.g = img[nextCreate].getGraphics();
          createPC.g.fillRect(0, 0, xSize, ySize);

          //				createPC.g.setColor(0x00FF0000);
          //				createPC.g.drawRect(0, 0, xSize - 1, ySize - 1);
          //				createPC.g.drawRect(20, 20, xSize - 41, ySize - 41);
          createPC.squareDstWithPenToWay = Float.MAX_VALUE;
          createPC.squareDstWithPenToActualRoutableWay = Float.MAX_VALUE;
          createPC.squareDstWithPenToRoutePath = Float.MAX_VALUE;
          createPC.squareDstToRoutePath = Float.MAX_VALUE;
          createPC.dest = nextSc.dest;
          createPC.waysPainted = 0;

          // System.out.println("create " + pcCollect);

          Way.setupDirectionalPenalty(createPC, tr.speed, tr.gpsRecenter && !tr.gpsRecenterInvalid);

          float boost = Configuration.getMaxDetailBoostMultiplier();

           * layers containing highlighted path segments
          createPC.hlLayers = 0;

           * highlighted path is on top if gps recentered, but if not it might still come to top
           * when we determine during painting that the cursor is closer than 25 meters at the route line.
          createPC.highlightedPathOnTop = tr.gpsRecenter;

           * At the moment we don't really have proper layer support in the data yet, so only split
           * it into Area, Way and Node layers
          byte layersToRender[] = {
            1 | Tile.LAYER_AREA,
            2 | Tile.LAYER_AREA,
            3 | Tile.LAYER_AREA,
            4 | Tile.LAYER_AREA,
            0 | Tile.LAYER_HIGHLIGHT,
            1 | Tile.LAYER_HIGHLIGHT,
            2 | Tile.LAYER_HIGHLIGHT,
            3 | Tile.LAYER_HIGHLIGHT

           * Draw each layer separately to enforce paint ordering:
           * <p>Go through the entire tile tree multiple times to get the drawing order correct.
           * <p>The first 5 layers correspond to drawing areas with the osm layer tag of (< -1, -1,
           * 0, 1, >1), then next 5 layers are drawing streets with osm layer tag (< -1, -1, 0, 1,
           * >1).
           * <p>Then we draw the highlighted streets and finally we draw the POI layer.
           * <p>So e. g. layer 7 corresponds to all streets that have no osm layer tag or layer = 0.
          boolean simplifyMap =
          boolean skippableLayer = false;

          if (Configuration.getCfgBitState(Configuration.CFGBIT_TMS_BACKGROUND)) {
            RasterTile.drawRasterMap(createPC, createPC.trace.rootWindow);
          for (byte layer = 0; layer < layersToRender.length; layer++) {
            if (simplifyMap) {
              skippableLayer =
                  ((layer < 5 && layer > 1)
                      // #if polish.api.finland
                      // don't skip node layer where speed camera is if camera alert is on
                      || (layer == 14
                          && !Configuration.getCfgBitState(Configuration.CFGBIT_SPEEDCAMERA_ALERT))
                      // #else
                      || (layer == 14)
                      // #endif
                      // #if polish.android
                      || (Trace.getInstance().mapBrowsing && ((layer < 5) || layer == 14))
                      // #else
                      || (Trace.getInstance().mapBrowsing
                          && ((layer < 5 && layer > 1) || layer == 14))
                  // #endif
              // skip update if a new one is queued
              if (needRedraw && skippableLayer) {

            if (layersToRender[layer] == Tile.LAYER_NODE) {

            // render only highlight layers which actually have highlighted path segments
            if ((layersToRender[layer] & Tile.LAYER_HIGHLIGHT) > 0
                && layersToRender[layer] != Tile.LAYER_NODE) {
               * as we do two passes for each way layer when gps recentered - one for the ways and
               * one for the route line on top, we can use in the second pass the determined route
               * path connection / idx to highlight the route line in the correct / prior route line
               * color. when not gps recentered, this info will be by one image obsolete however
              if (layersToRender[layer]
                  == Tile
                      .LAYER_HIGHLIGHT /*(0 | Tile.LAYER_HIGHLIGHT) pointless bitwise operation*/) {
                 *  only take ImageCollector loops into account for dstToRoutePath if ways were painted
                 *  otherwise this would trigger wrong route recalculations
                if (createPC.waysPainted != 0) {
                  // RouteInstructions.dstToRoutePath =
                  // createPC.getDstFromSquareDst(createPC.squareDstToRoutePath);
                  RouteInstructions.dstToRoutePath = createPC.getDstFromRouteSegment();
                  if (RouteInstructions.dstToRoutePath != RouteInstructions.DISTANCE_UNKNOWN) {
                    RouteInstructions.routePathConnection = createPC.routePathConnection;
                    RouteInstructions.pathIdxInRoutePathConnection =
                    RouteInstructions.actualRoutePathWay = createPC.actualRoutePathWay;
                    // when we determine during painting that the cursor is closer than 25 meters at
                    // the route line, bring it to the top
                    if (RouteInstructions.dstToRoutePath < 25) {
                      createPC.highlightedPathOnTop = true;
                  // System.out.println("waysPainted: " + createPC.waysPainted);
                } else {
                  // FIXME: Sometimes there are ImageCollector loop with no way pained even when
                  // ways would be there and tile data is fully loaded
                  // Update 2011-06-11: Might be fixed with the patch from gojkos at [
                  // sharenav-Bugs-3310178 ] Delayed map draw on LG cookie phone
                  // Update 2012-03-17 (patch from walter9): The image collector has been started
                  // twice. This seems to be fixed now in Trace.java.startImageCollector()
                  System.out.println("No ways painted in this ImageCollector loop");
              byte relLayer = (byte) (((int) layersToRender[layer]) & 0x0000000F);
              if ((createPC.hlLayers & (1 << relLayer)) == 0) {
            minTile = Legend.scaleToTile((int) (createPC.scale / (boost * overviewTileScaleBoost)));

            if (t[0] != null) {
              if (needRedraw && skippableLayer) {
              t[0].paint(createPC, layersToRender[layer]);
              if (needRedraw && skippableLayer) {
            if ((minTile >= 1) && (t[1] != null)) {
              if (needRedraw && skippableLayer) {
              t[1].paint(createPC, layersToRender[layer]);
              if (needRedraw && skippableLayer) {
            if ((minTile >= 2) && (t[2] != null)) {
              if (needRedraw && skippableLayer) {
              t[2].paint(createPC, layersToRender[layer]);
              if (needRedraw && skippableLayer) {
            if ((minTile >= 3) && (t[3] != null)) {
              if (needRedraw && skippableLayer) {
              t[3].paint(createPC, layersToRender[layer]);
              if (needRedraw && skippableLayer) {

            /** Drawing waypoints */
            if (t[DictReader.GPXZOOMLEVEL] != null) {
              t[DictReader.GPXZOOMLEVEL].paint(createPC, layersToRender[layer]);
            if (suspended) {
              // Don't continue rendering if suspended
              createPC.state = PaintContext.STATE_READY;
          /** Drawing debuginfo for routing */
          if (!suspended
              && t[DictReader.ROUTEZOOMLEVEL] != null
              && (Configuration.getCfgBitState(Configuration.CFGBIT_ROUTE_CONNECTIONS)
                  || Configuration.getCfgBitState(Configuration.CFGBIT_SHOW_TURN_RESTRICTIONS))) {
            t[DictReader.ROUTEZOOMLEVEL].paint(createPC, (byte) 0);

          iDrawState = 0;

          icDuration = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
          // #mdebug
          logger.info("Painting map took " + icDuration + " ms");
          // #enddebug
          System.out.println("Painting map took " + icDuration + " ms " + xSize + "/" + ySize);

          createPC.state = PaintContext.STATE_READY;
          lastCreatedSc = createPC.cloneToScreenContext();
          if (!shutdown) {
          // needRedraw = false;
          // System.out.println("create ready");
          // System.gc();
      } catch (OutOfMemoryError oome) {
        if (createPC != null) {
          createPC.state = PaintContext.STATE_READY;
        String recoverZoomedIn = "";
        if (tr.scale > 10000 && crash < MAXCRASHES) {
          tr.scale /= 1.5f;
          recoverZoomedIn =
              Locale.get("imagecollector.ZoomingInToRecover") /* Zooming in to recover.*/;
                    "imagecollector.ImageCollectorRanOutOfMemory") /*ImageCollector ran out of memory: */
                + oome.getMessage()
                + recoverZoomedIn);
      } catch (Exception e) {
                "imagecollector.ImageCollectorCrashed") /*ImageCollector thread crashed unexpectedly with error */,
      if (crash >= MAXCRASHES) {
                "imagecollector.ImageCollectorCrashedAborting") /*ImageCollector crashed too often. Aborting.*/);
    } while (!shutdown && crash < MAXCRASHES);
    processorThread = null;
    synchronized (this) {