Ejemplo n.º 1
   * Returns <code>true</code> if type src can be converted to type dst.
   * @param src a type
   * @param dst the type src should be converted to
   * @return <code>true</code> if type src can be converted to type dst
  public static boolean isConvertibleTo(Type src, Type dst) {
    if (src == null || dst == null) {
      return false;

    if (src.isFloat() && dst.isFloat()) {
      return dst.getSizeInBits() >= src.getSizeInBits();

    if (src.isBool() && dst.isBool()
        || src.isString() && dst.isString()
        || (src.isInt() || src.isUint()) && (dst.isInt() || dst.isUint())
        || (src.isInt() || src.isUint()) && dst.isFloat()) {
      return true;

    if (src.isList() && dst.isList()) {
      TypeList typeSrc = (TypeList) src;
      TypeList typeDst = (TypeList) dst;
      // Recursively check type convertibility
      if (isConvertibleTo(typeSrc.getType(), typeDst.getType())) {
        if (typeSrc.getSizeExpr() != null && typeDst.getSizeExpr() != null) {
          return typeSrc.getSize() <= typeDst.getSize();
        return true;

    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public int getSize(Type t1, Type t2) {
   int shift = t2.getSizeInBits();
   if (shift >= 6) {
     // limits type size to 64
     shift = 6;
   return t1.getSizeInBits() + (1 << shift) - 1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  public Loop caseBlockWhile(BlockWhile blockWhile) {
    // Initialize members
    Map<Var, Port> inputs = new HashMap<Var, Port>();
    Map<Var, Bus> outputs = new HashMap<Var, Bus>();

    Map<Bus, Var> feedbackBusVar = new HashMap<Bus, Var>();
    Map<Bus, Var> completeBusVar = new HashMap<Bus, Var>();
    // -- Decision
    // Construct decision from the block while condition
    Block decisionBlock = null;
    Component valueComponent = new ExprToComponent().doSwitch(blockWhile.getCondition());

    Map<Var, Port> dBlockDataPorts = null;

    if (!(valueComponent instanceof Block)) {
      dBlockDataPorts = new HashMap<Var, Port>();
      Map<Var, Port> valueDataPorts =
          (Map<Var, Port>) blockWhile.getCondition().getAttribute("inputs").getObjectValue();
      decisionBlock = new Block(Arrays.asList(valueComponent));
      // Propagate DataPorts
      ComponentUtil.propagateDataPorts(decisionBlock, dBlockDataPorts, valueDataPorts);
      // Propagate DataBuses
      for (Bus dataBus : valueComponent.getExit(Exit.DONE).getDataBuses()) {
        Bus blockDataBus = decisionBlock.getExit(Exit.DONE).makeDataBus();
        Port blockDataBuspeer = blockDataBus.getPeer();
        ComponentUtil.connectDataDependency(dataBus, blockDataBuspeer, 0);
    } else {
      decisionBlock = (Block) valueComponent;
      dBlockDataPorts =
          (Map<Var, Port>) blockWhile.getCondition().getAttribute("inputs").getObjectValue();

    Component decisionComponent = ComponentUtil.decisionFindConditionComponent(decisionBlock);

    // Create decision
    Decision decision = new Decision(decisionBlock, decisionComponent);

    Debug.depGraphTo(decision, "deicions", "/tmp/decision1.dot", 1);

    // Propagate decisionBlockInputs to the decision one
    Map<Var, Port> dDataPorts = new HashMap<Var, Port>();
    ComponentUtil.propagateDataPorts(decision, dDataPorts, dBlockDataPorts);

    // -- Loop Body
    // Construct Loop Body Block from the block while blocks
    Map<Var, Port> blockDataPorts = new HashMap<Var, Port>();
    Map<Var, Bus> blockDataBuses = new HashMap<Var, Bus>();

    Module body =
            new BlocksToBlock(blockDataPorts, blockDataBuses, false)

    // Loop body (While Body) inputs and outputs
    Map<Var, Port> lbDataPorts = new HashMap<Var, Port>();

    LoopBody loopBody = new WhileBody(decision, body);
    Debug.depGraphTo(loopBody, "loopBody", "/tmp/loopBody.dot", 1);
    // Propagate decision and body inputs to the loopBody
    // -- Propagate Decision data ports
    ComponentUtil.propagateDataPorts(loopBody, lbDataPorts, dDataPorts);

    // -- Propagate Body Blocks data ports
    ComponentUtil.propagateDataPorts(loopBody, lbDataPorts, blockDataPorts);

    // -- Complete Exit
    for (Var var : blockDataBuses.keySet()) {
      Type type = var.getType();
      Bus bus = blockDataBuses.get(var);
      // -- Make an complete exit data bus
      Bus cBus =
              .makeDataBus(var.getName() + "_fb", type.getSizeInBits(), type.isInt());
      // -- Connect
      Port cBusPeer = cBus.getPeer();
      ComponentUtil.connectDataDependency(bus, cBusPeer);
      // -- Save it to the feedbackBusVar
      completeBusVar.put(cBus, var);

    // -- FeedBack Exit
    for (Var var : blockDataBuses.keySet()) {
      Type type = var.getType();
      // -- If the input does not exist create one because this is a
      // feedback
      if (!lbDataPorts.containsKey(var)) {
        Port lbPort =
            loopBody.makeDataPort(var.getName() + "_fb", type.getSizeInBits(), type.isInt());
        lbDataPorts.put(var, lbPort);
      Bus bus = blockDataBuses.get(var);
      // -- Make an feedback exit data bus
      Bus fbBus =
              .makeDataBus(var.getName() + "_fb", type.getSizeInBits(), type.isInt());
      // -- Connect
      Port fbBusPeer = fbBus.getPeer();
      ComponentUtil.connectDataDependency(bus, fbBusPeer);
      // -- Save it to the feedbackBusVar
      feedbackBusVar.put(fbBus, var);

    // -- From input to Complete Exit dependency
    for (Bus bus : completeBusVar.keySet()) {
      Var var = completeBusVar.get(bus);
      Port port = lbDataPorts.get(var);
      // -- Connect it
      Port busPeer = bus.getPeer();
      Bus portpeer = port.getPeer();
      ComponentUtil.connectDataDependency(portpeer, busPeer);

    // Create Loop
    Loop loop = new Loop(loopBody);

    // -- Loop inputs comes from decision and body
    Set<Var> inVars = new HashSet<Var>();

    for (Var var : inVars) {
      Type type = var.getType();
      Port dataPort = loop.makeDataPort(var.getName(), type.getSizeInBits(), type.isInt());
      inputs.put(var, dataPort);

    // -- Init Dependencies
    Entry initEntry = loop.getBodyInitEntry();
    for (Var var : inputs.keySet()) {
      if (feedbackBusVar.containsValue(var)) {
        Port lPort = inputs.get(var);
        Port lbPort = lbDataPorts.get(var);
        Bus lPortPeer = lPort.getPeer();
        Dependency dep =
            (lbPort == lbPort.getOwner().getGoPort())
                ? new ControlDependency(lPortPeer)
                : new DataDependency(lPortPeer);
        initEntry.addDependency(lbPort, dep);

    // -- Feedback Dependencies
    Entry fbEntry = loop.getBodyFeedbackEntry();
    for (Bus bus : feedbackBusVar.keySet()) {
      Var var = feedbackBusVar.get(bus);
      Exit lfbExit = loop.getBody().getFeedbackExit();
      Port lbPort = lbDataPorts.get(var);

      // -- Create a feedback register
      Reg fbReg = loop.createDataRegister();
      fbReg.setIDLogical("fbReg_" + var.getName());
      // fbReg.getDataPort().setIDLogical(var.getName());
      // fbReg.getResultBus().setIDLogical(var.getName());

      // -- Dependencies
      Entry entry = fbReg.makeEntry(lfbExit);
      entry.addDependency(fbReg.getDataPort(), new DataDependency(bus));
      fbEntry.addDependency(lbPort, new DataDependency(fbReg.getResultBus()));

    // -- Latch Dependencies
    Collection<Dependency> goInitDeps = initEntry.getDependencies(loop.getBody().getGoPort());
    Bus initDoneBus = goInitDeps.iterator().next().getLogicalBus();
    for (Var var : inVars) {
      if (!feedbackBusVar.containsValue(var)) {
        Port lPort = inputs.get(var);
        Bus lPortPeer = lPort.getPeer();

        // -- Create a latch
        Latch latch = loop.createDataLatch();
        latch.setIDLogical("latched_" + var.getName());

        // -- Dependencies
        Entry latchEntry = latch.makeEntry(initDoneBus.getOwner());
        // -- Control dependency
        latchEntry.addDependency(latch.getEnablePort(), new ControlDependency(initDoneBus));
        // -- Data dependency in latch
        latchEntry.addDependency(latch.getDataPort(), new DataDependency(lPortPeer));
        // -- Data dependency out latch
        Bus latchResultBus = latch.getResultBus();
        latchResultBus.setIDLogical(var.getName() + "_result");

        Port lbPort = lbDataPorts.get(var);
        fbEntry.addDependency(lbPort, new DataDependency(latchResultBus));

    // -- Done Dependencies
    Entry outbufEntry = loop.getExit(Exit.DONE).getPeer().getEntries().get(0);
    for (Bus bus : loopBody.getLoopCompleteExit().getDataBuses()) {
      Var var = completeBusVar.get(bus);
      Type type = var.getType();
      Bus dataBus =
          loop.getExit(Exit.DONE).makeDataBus(var.getName(), type.getSizeInBits(), type.isInt());
      Port dataBusPeer = dataBus.getPeer();
      Dependency dep = new DataDependency(bus);
      outbufEntry.addDependency(dataBusPeer, dep);
      outputs.put(var, dataBus);

    // -- Set control dependency
    Port lbDonePort = loopBody.getLoopCompleteExit().getDoneBus().getPeer();
    Bus lDoneBus = loop.getExit(Exit.DONE).getDoneBus();
    Dependency dep = new ControlDependency(lDoneBus);
    outbufEntry.addDependency(lbDonePort, dep);

    // -- IDSourceInfo
    Procedure procedure = EcoreHelper.getContainerOfType(blockWhile, Procedure.class);
    IDSourceInfo sinfo = new IDSourceInfo(procedure.getName(), blockWhile.getLineNumber());
    Debug.depGraphTo(loop, "loopBody", "/tmp/loop_new.dot", 1);

    // -- Set attributes
    blockWhile.setAttribute("inputs", inputs);
    blockWhile.setAttribute("outputs", outputs);
    return loop;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public int getSize(Type t1, Type t2) {
   return t1.getSizeInBits() + t2.getSizeInBits();
Ejemplo n.º 5
   * Returns the type of a binary expression whose left operand has type t1 and right operand has
   * type t2, and whose operator is given.
   * <p>TODO replace automatic int/uint to float casting with explicit casts
   * @param op operator
   * @param t1 type of the first operand
   * @param t2 type of the second operand
   * @param source source object
   * @param feature feature
   * @return the type of the binary expression, or <code>null</code>
  public static Type getTypeBinary(OpBinary op, Type t1, Type t2) {
    if (t1 == null || t2 == null) {
      return null;

    switch (op) {
      case BITAND:
        return createType(t1, t2, Glb.instance);

      case BITOR:
      case BITXOR:
        return createType(t1, t2, Lub.instance);

      case TIMES:
        if ((t1.isInt() || t1.isUint()) && t2.isFloat()) {
          return IrFactory.eINSTANCE.createTypeFloat(t2.getSizeInBits());
        } else if ((t2.isInt() || t2.isUint()) && t1.isFloat()) {
          return IrFactory.eINSTANCE.createTypeFloat(t1.getSizeInBits());
        } else if (t1.isFloat() && t2.isFloat()) {
          return createType(t1, t2, Lub.instance);
        return createType(t1, t2, LubSum.instance);

      case MINUS:
        if ((t1.isInt() || t1.isUint()) && t2.isFloat()) {
          return IrFactory.eINSTANCE.createTypeFloat(t2.getSizeInBits());
        } else if ((t2.isInt() || t2.isUint()) && t1.isFloat()) {
          return IrFactory.eINSTANCE.createTypeFloat(t1.getSizeInBits());
        } else if (t1.isFloat() && t2.isFloat()) {
          return createType(t1, t2, Lub.instance);
        return createType(t1, t2, SignedLub.instance);

      case PLUS:
        if (t1.isString() && !t2.isList() || t2.isString() && !t1.isList()) {
          return IrFactory.eINSTANCE.createTypeString();

        if ((t1.isInt() || t1.isUint()) && t2.isFloat()) {
          return IrFactory.eINSTANCE.createTypeFloat(t2.getSizeInBits());
        } else if ((t2.isInt() || t2.isUint()) && t1.isFloat()) {
          return IrFactory.eINSTANCE.createTypeFloat(t1.getSizeInBits());
        } else if (t1.isFloat() && t2.isFloat()) {
          return createType(t1, t2, Lub.instance);
        return createType(t1, t2, LubPlus1.instance);

      case DIV:
      case DIV_INT:
        if ((t1.isInt() || t1.isUint()) && t2.isFloat()) {
          return IrFactory.eINSTANCE.createTypeFloat(t2.getSizeInBits());
        } else if ((t2.isInt() || t2.isUint()) && t1.isFloat()) {
          return IrFactory.eINSTANCE.createTypeFloat(t1.getSizeInBits());
        } else if (t1.isFloat() && t2.isFloat()) {
          return createType(t1, t2, Lub.instance);
      case SHIFT_RIGHT:
        return EcoreUtil.copy(t1);

      case MOD:
        return EcoreUtil.copy(t2);

      case SHIFT_LEFT:
        return createType(t1, t2, LubSumPow.instance);

      case EQ:
      case GE:
      case GT:
      case LE:
      case LT:
      case NE:
        return IrFactory.eINSTANCE.createTypeBool();

      case EXP:
        return null;

      case LOGIC_AND:
      case LOGIC_OR:
        return IrFactory.eINSTANCE.createTypeBool();

        return null;