Ejemplo n.º 1
    public void handle(HttpExchange t) throws IOException {
      LOGGER.debug("root req " + t.getRequestURI());
      if (RemoteUtil.deny(t)) {
        throw new IOException("Access denied");
      if (t.getRequestURI().getPath().contains("favicon")) {

      HashMap<String, Object> vars = new HashMap<>();
      vars.put("logs", getLogs(true));
      if (configuration.getUseCache()) {
                + PMS.get().getServer().getHost()
                + ":"
                + PMS.get().getServer().getPort()
                + "/console/home");

      String response = parent.getResources().getTemplate("doc.html").execute(vars);
      RemoteUtil.respond(t, response, 200, "text/html");
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void handle(HttpExchange t) throws IOException {
   // LOGGER.debug("poll req " + t.getRequestURI());
   if (RemoteUtil.deny(t)) {
     throw new IOException("Access denied");
   RootFolder root = parent.getRoot(RemoteUtil.userName(t), t);
   WebRender renderer = (WebRender) root.getDefaultRenderer();
   String json = renderer.getPushData();
   RemoteUtil.respond(t, json, 200, "text");
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> getLogs(boolean asList) {
   Set<File> files = new DbgPacker().getItems();
   ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> logs =
       asList ? new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>() : null;
   for (File f : files) {
     if (f.exists()) {
       String id = String.valueOf(parent.getResources().add(f));
       if (asList) {
         HashMap<String, String> item = new HashMap<>();
         item.put("filename", f.getName());
         item.put("id", id);
   return logs;
Ejemplo n.º 4
    public void handle(HttpExchange t) throws IOException {
      LOGGER.debug("root req " + t.getRequestURI());
      if (RemoteUtil.deny(t)) {
        throw new IOException("Access denied");
      if (t.getRequestURI().getPath().contains("favicon")) {

      HashMap<String, Object> vars = new HashMap<>();
      vars.put("serverName", configuration.getServerName());
      vars.put("profileName", configuration.getProfileName());

      String response = parent.getResources().getTemplate("start.html").execute(vars);
      RemoteUtil.respond(t, response, 200, "text/html");
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public void handle(HttpExchange t) throws IOException {
   if (RemoteUtil.deny(t)) {
     throw new IOException("Access denied");
   String id = RemoteUtil.getId("thumb/", t);
   LOGGER.trace("web thumb req " + id);
   if (id.contains("logo")) {
   RootFolder root = parent.getRoot(RemoteUtil.userName(t), t);
   if (root == null) {
     LOGGER.debug("weird root in thumb req");
     throw new IOException("Unknown root");
   final DLNAResource r = root.getDLNAResource(id, root.getDefaultRenderer());
   if (r == null) {
     // another error
     LOGGER.debug("media unknown");
     throw new IOException("Bad id");
   InputStream in;
   if (!configuration.isShowCodeThumbs() && !r.isCodeValid(r)) {
     // we shouldn't show the thumbs for coded objects
     // unless the code is entered
     in = r.getGenericThumbnailInputStream(null);
   } else {
     in = r.getThumbnailInputStream();
   Headers hdr = t.getResponseHeaders();
   hdr.add("Content-Type", r.getThumbnailContentType());
   hdr.add("Accept-Ranges", "bytes");
   hdr.add("Connection", "keep-alive");
   t.sendResponseHeaders(200, in.available());
   OutputStream os = t.getResponseBody();
   LOGGER.trace("input is {} output is {}", in, os);
   RemoteUtil.dump(in, os);
Ejemplo n.º 6
    public void handle(HttpExchange t) throws IOException {
      LOGGER.debug("file req " + t.getRequestURI());

      String path = t.getRequestURI().getPath();
      String response = null;
      String mime = null;
      int status = 200;

      if (path.contains("crossdomain.xml")) {
        response =
            "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
                + "<!-- http://www.bitsontherun.com/crossdomain.xml -->"
                + "<cross-domain-policy>"
                + "<allow-access-from domain=\"*\" />"
                + "</cross-domain-policy>";
        mime = "text/xml";

      } else if (path.startsWith("/files/log/")) {
        String filename = path.substring(11);
        if (filename.equals("info")) {
          String log = PMS.get().getFrame().getLog();
          log = log.replaceAll("\n", "<br>");
          String fullLink = "<br><a href=\"/files/log/full\">Full log</a><br><br>";
          String x = fullLink + log;
          if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(log)) {
            x = x + fullLink;
          response = "<html><title>UMS LOG</title><body>" + x + "</body></html>";
        } else {
          File file = parent.getResources().getFile(filename);
          if (file != null) {
            filename = file.getName();
            HashMap<String, Object> vars = new HashMap<>();
            vars.put("title", filename);
                    ? "debug_log"
                    : filename.endsWith(".log") ? "log" : "conf");
            vars.put("log", RemoteUtil.read(file).replace("<", "&lt;"));
            response = parent.getResources().getTemplate("util/log.html").execute(vars);
          } else {
            status = 404;
        mime = "text/html";

      } else if (parent.getResources().write(path.substring(7), t)) {
        // The resource manager found and sent the file, all done.

      } else {
        status = 404;

      if (status == 404 && response == null) {
        response = "<html><body>404 - File Not Found: " + path + "</body></html>";
        mime = "text/html";

      RemoteUtil.respond(t, response, status, mime);
  public void handle(HttpExchange t) throws IOException {
    if (RemoteUtil.deny(t)) {
      throw new IOException("Access denied");
    RootFolder root = parent.getRoot(RemoteUtil.userName(t), t);
    if (root == null) {
      throw new IOException("Unknown root");
    Headers h = t.getRequestHeaders();
    for (String h1 : h.keySet()) {
      LOGGER.debug("key " + h1 + "=" + h.get(h1));
    String id = RemoteUtil.getId(path, t);
    id = RemoteUtil.strip(id);
    RendererConfiguration r = render;
    if (render == null) {
      r = root.getDefaultRenderer();
    DLNAResource dlna = root.getDLNAResource(id, r);
    if (dlna == null) {
      // another error
      LOGGER.debug("media unkonwn");
      throw new IOException("Bad id");
    if (!dlna.isCodeValid(dlna)) {
      LOGGER.debug("coded object with invalid code");
      throw new IOException("Bad code");
    DLNAMediaSubtitle sid = null;
    long len = dlna.length();
    Range range = RemoteUtil.parseRange(t.getRequestHeaders(), len);
    String mime = root.getDefaultRenderer().getMimeType(dlna.mimeType());
    // DLNAResource dlna = res.get(0);
    WebRender render = (WebRender) r;
    DLNAMediaInfo m = dlna.getMedia();
    if (m == null) {
      m = new DLNAMediaInfo();
    if (mime.equals(FormatConfiguration.MIMETYPE_AUTO) && m.getMimeType() != null) {
      mime = m.getMimeType();
    int code = 200;
    if (dlna.getFormat().isVideo()) {
      if (flash) {
        mime = "video/flash";
      } else if (!RemoteUtil.directmime(mime) || RemoteUtil.transMp4(mime, m)) {
        mime = render != null ? render.getVideoMimeType() : RemoteUtil.transMime();
        if (FileUtil.isUrl(dlna.getSystemName())) {
          dlna.setPlayer(new FFmpegWebVideo());
        } else {
          dlna.setPlayer(new FFMpegVideo());
        // code = 206;
      if (PMS.getConfiguration().getWebSubs()
          && dlna.getMediaSubtitle() != null
          && dlna.getMediaSubtitle().isExternal()) {
        // fetched on the side
        sid = dlna.getMediaSubtitle();

    if (!RemoteUtil.directmime(mime) && dlna.getFormat().isAudio()) {
      dlna.setPlayer(new FFmpegAudio());
      code = 206;

    LOGGER.debug("dumping media " + mime + " " + dlna);
    InputStream in = dlna.getInputStream(range, root.getDefaultRenderer());
    Headers hdr = t.getResponseHeaders();
    hdr.add("Content-Type", mime);
    hdr.add("Accept-Ranges", "bytes");
    if (range != null) {
      long end = range.asByteRange().getEnd();
      long start = range.asByteRange().getStart();
      String rStr = start + "-" + end + "/*";
      hdr.add("Content-Range", "bytes " + rStr);
      if (start != 0) {
        code = 206;
    hdr.add("Server", PMS.get().getServerName());
    hdr.add("Connection", "keep-alive");
    t.sendResponseHeaders(code, 0);
    OutputStream os = t.getResponseBody();
    if (sid != null) {
    RemoteUtil.dump(in, os, render);