  public ModelBiped getArmorModel(
      EntityLivingBase entityLiving, ItemStack itemStack, int armorSlot) {

    ModelBackBokken armorModel = null;
    if (itemStack != null) {
      if (itemStack.getItem() instanceof ItemArmourKatana) {
        int type = ((ItemArmor) itemStack.getItem()).armorType;

        if (type == 1) {
          armorModel = new ModelBackBokken();
          DataWatcher dw = entityLiving.getDataWatcher();
          armorModel.animationID = dw.getWatchableObjectString(20);
          armorModel.animationlastID = dw.getWatchableObjectString(26);
          armorModel.animationTick = dw.getWatchableObjectFloat(25);
    if (entityLiving.getHeldItem() != null) {
      // armorModel.blade.isHidden = true;
      // armorModel.blade.isHidden = false;
      armorModel.handle.isHidden = entityLiving.getHeldItem().getItem() == NarutoItems.Katana;
    } else {
      // armorModel.blade.isHidden = false;
      armorModel.handle.isHidden = false;

    if (armorModel != null) {
      armorModel.bipedBody.showModel = armorSlot == 1;

      armorModel.isSneak = entityLiving.isSneaking();
      armorModel.isRiding = entityLiving.isRiding();
      armorModel.isChild = entityLiving.isChild();
      armorModel.heldItemRight = entityLiving.getEquipmentInSlot(0) != null ? 1 : 0;
      armorModel.isSprinting = entityLiving.isSprinting();
      if (entityLiving instanceof EntityPlayer) {
        EntityPlayer entityPlayer = (EntityPlayer) entityLiving;
        if (itemStack != null && entityPlayer.getItemInUseCount() > 0) {
          EnumAction enumaction = itemStack.getItemUseAction();

          if (enumaction == EnumAction.block) {
            armorModel.heldItemRight = 3;
          } else if (enumaction == EnumAction.bow) {
            armorModel.aimedBow = true;
          } else if (enumaction == NarutoItems.Throw) {
            if (FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().thePlayer == entityPlayer) {
              armorModel.isClientThrowing = true;
            } else {
              armorModel.isThrowing = true;

    return armorModel;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  public void HandleEnchant(LivingAttackEvent fEvent) {
    if (fEvent.source.damageType != "player" && fEvent.source.damageType != "mob") return;

    if (!(fEvent.source.getSourceOfDamage() instanceof EntityLivingBase)) return;

    EntityLivingBase attacker = (EntityLivingBase) fEvent.source.getSourceOfDamage();
    if (attacker == null) return;

    ItemStack dmgSource = ((EntityLivingBase) fEvent.source.getSourceOfDamage()).getHeldItem();
    if (dmgSource == null) return;

    if (EnchantmentHelper.getEnchantmentLevel(effectId, dmgSource) <= 0) return;

    // We have a cleaving level, let's figure out our damage value.
    float splashDamage =
        fEvent.ammount * (EnchantmentHelper.getEnchantmentLevel(effectId, dmgSource) * 0.25F);

    // Next, find our entities to hit.
    AxisAlignedBB boundBox =
            attacker.posX - 5,
            attacker.posY - 5,
            attacker.posZ - 5,
            attacker.posX + 5,
            attacker.posY + 5,
            attacker.posZ + 5);
    ArrayList<Entity> targetEntities =
        new ArrayList<Entity>(
            attacker.worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABBExcludingEntity(fEvent.entity, boundBox));

    // Let's remove all the entries that aren't within range of our attacker
    ListIterator<Entity> itr = targetEntities.listIterator();
    while (itr.hasNext()) {
      Entity target = itr.next();

      if (!(target instanceof EntityLivingBase)) continue;

      if (target == attacker) continue;

      if (target.getDistanceToEntity(attacker) > 3.5F) continue;

      Vec3 attackerCheck =
              target.posX - attacker.posX,
              target.posY - attacker.posY,
              target.posZ - attacker.posZ);
      double angle =

      if (angle < 60.0D) {
        // This is within our arc, let's deal our damage.
        DamageSource source = null;
        if (attacker instanceof EntityPlayer) source = new EntityDamageSource("player", attacker);
        if (attacker instanceof EntityMob) source = new EntityDamageSource("mob", attacker);

        if (source != null) {
          target.attackEntityFrom(DamageSource.generic, splashDamage);

        if (attacker instanceof EntityPlayer) {
          // Apply knockback
          int modKnockback = 1;
          modKnockback +=
              EnchantmentHelper.getKnockbackModifier(attacker, (EntityLivingBase) target);
          if (attacker.isSprinting()) modKnockback++;

          if (modKnockback > 0)
                    (-MathHelper.sin(attacker.rotationYaw * (float) Math.PI / 180.0F)
                        * (float) modKnockback
                        * 0.5F),
                    (MathHelper.cos(attacker.rotationYaw * (float) Math.PI / 180.0F)
                        * (float) modKnockback
                        * 0.5F));

    // Stop the player sprinting