  public void updateEntity() {

    // If a comparator or such has accessed the container and
    // the contents have been changed, send a block update.
    if (hasComparatorAccessed() && hasContentsChanged()) comparatorUpdateAndReset();

    if (syncPlayersUsing()) {
      int newPlayersUsing = WorldUtils.syncPlayersUsing(this, playersUsing);
      if (newPlayersUsing != playersUsing) doSyncPlayersUsing(playersUsing = newPlayersUsing);

    prevLidAngle = lidAngle;
    if (playersUsing > 0) {
      if (lidAngle < 1.0F) lidAngle = Math.min(1.0F, lidAngle + getLidSpeed());
    } else if (lidAngle > 0.0F) lidAngle = Math.max(0.0F, lidAngle - getLidSpeed());