Ejemplo n.º 1
   * Method to delete meal by using meal ID which is unique for each meal.
   * @return
  public static Result deleteMeal(int id) {
    Meal m = Meal.find(id);
    Restaurant r = m.restaurant;

    m.restaurant = null;
    List<Meal> rMeals = r.meals;
    Iterator<Meal> it = rMeals.iterator();

    while (it.hasNext()) {
      int index = 0;
      Meal current = it.next();
      if (current.id == id) {
    try {
      Logger.info("Restaurant " + r.name + " just deleted meal.");
      flash("deletedMeal", "You have successfully deleted your meal");
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Logger.info("Restaurant " + r.name + " just failed to delete meal.");
    return redirect("/restaurantOwner/" + Session.getCurrentUser(ctx()).email);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static Result editMealURL(int id) {
   String userEmail = Session.getCurrentUser(ctx()).email;
   Meal oldMeal = Meal.find(id);
   User user = Session.getCurrentUser(ctx());
   Restaurant restaurant = user.restaurant;
   return ok(views.html.restaurant.restaurantOwnerEditMeal.render(oldMeal, userEmail, restaurant));
Ejemplo n.º 3
  public static Result restaurant(String email) {
    List<Restaurant> restaurants = findR.all();
    User u = User.find(email);
    List<Meal> meals = Meal.allById(u);

    Restaurant restaurant = u.restaurant;
    List<TransactionU> tobeapproved = restaurant.toBeApproved;

    return ok(
            email, meals, restaurant, restaurants, tobeapproved));
Ejemplo n.º 4
  public static Result editMeal(int id) {

    String userEmail = Session.getCurrentUser(ctx()).email;

    Meal oldMeal = Meal.find(id);

    String mealName = inputForm.bindFromRequest().field("name").value();
    String mealPrice = inputForm.bindFromRequest().field("price").value();
    String mealCategory = inputForm.bindFromRequest().field("category").value();
    String mealDescription = inputForm.bindFromRequest().field("description").value();

    mealPrice = mealPrice.replace(',', '.');
    Double price = Double.parseDouble(mealPrice);

    try {
      Meal.modifyMeal(oldMeal, mealName, price, mealCategory, mealDescription);
      flash("successEdited", "You have successfully edited your meal");
      Logger.info("User " + userEmail + " just edited meal " + oldMeal.id);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Logger.error("User " + userEmail + " failed to edit meal " + oldMeal.id);
    return redirect("/restaurantOwner/" + userEmail);
Ejemplo n.º 5
   * Method to create meal. Use Meal.create method from models.
   * @return
  public static Result createMeal() {
    User u = Session.getCurrentUser(ctx());
    if (!u.role.equalsIgnoreCase("RESTAURANT")) {
      return ok(views.html.admin.wrong.render("Cannot create meal if you're not reastaurant! "));

    String mealName = inputForm.bindFromRequest().field("name").value();
    String mealPrice = inputForm.bindFromRequest().field("price").value();
    String mealCategory = inputForm.bindFromRequest().field("category").value();
    String mealDescription = inputForm.bindFromRequest().field("description").value();

    mealPrice = mealPrice.replace(',', '.');
    Double price = Double.parseDouble(mealPrice);
    Restaurant currentUser = u.restaurant;

    if ((Meal.create(mealName, price, mealCategory, currentUser, mealDescription)) == true) {
      Meal m =
              .eq("name", mealName)
              .eq("price", mealPrice)
              .eq("restaurant_id", u.restaurant.id)
      String userEmail = Session.getCurrentUser(ctx()).email;
      session("email", userEmail);
      flash("successMeal", "Succesfully created meal!");
      Logger.info("Restaurant " + currentUser.name + " just created meal");
      return ok(
          views.html.restaurant.fileUploadMeal.render("", userEmail, m, Restaurant.all(), m.image));
      // return redirect("/restaurantOwner/" + userEmail);
    Logger.error("Restaurant " + currentUser.name + " failed to create meal.");
    return TODO;