public static Result delete(Long id) { Customer customer = Customer.get(id); if (customer == null) { return notFound(Messages.get("id.not.exists", id)); } Customer.delete(id); return ok(Messages.get("record.deleted.succ")); }
private static void showPage(String custId, String errMsg) { // Obviously this is inefficient -- the list of customer and products never changes, // so we could cache it. List<Customer> customers = Customer.find("order by name").fetch(); List<Product> products = Product.find("order by name").fetch(); Customer currentCustomer; if (custId == null || custId.trim().length() == 0) currentCustomer = customers.get(0); else currentCustomer = Customer.findById(new Long(custId)); renderTemplate("Application/index.html", customers, currentCustomer, products, errMsg); }
public static Result create_save() { Form<CustomerForm> filledForm = customerForm.bindFromRequest(); if (filledForm.hasErrors()) { System.out.println("in error"); return badRequest(create.render(filledForm)); } CustomerForm customerForm = filledForm.get(); if (customerForm == null) { System.out.println("in form"); return badRequest(create.render(filledForm)); } Customer customer = new Customer(); formToModel(customer, customerForm); MultipartFormData body = request().body().asMultipartFormData(); FilePart picture1 = body.getFile("signatureOne"); FilePart picture2 = body.getFile("signatureTwo"); if (picture1 != null && picture2 != null) { File file1 = picture1.getFile(); File file2 = picture2.getFile(); String path = "public/signatureimages/" + customer.accountNumber; File f = new File(path); f.mkdir(); file1.renameTo(new File(path, customer.signatureOne)); file2.renameTo(new File(path, customer.signatureTwo)); System.out.println("File uploaded successfully..."); } else { filledForm.reject("file", "Please select the image to uplaod"); } String inputFile = "public/signatureimages/" + customer.accountNumber + "/" + customer.signatureOne; String smoothfilename = "public/signatureimages/" + customer.accountNumber + "/signatureOne_smooth.jpg"; String binaryfilename = "public/signatureimages/" + customer.accountNumber + "/signatureOne_binary.jpg"; String sizeNormalizeFileName = "public/signatureimages/" + customer.accountNumber + "/signatureOne_normalize.jpg"; SigImgProcessingController.smoothing(inputFile, smoothfilename); SigImgProcessingController.binarization(smoothfilename, binaryfilename); SigImgProcessingController.sizeNormalization(binaryfilename, sizeNormalizeFileName); float[] sig1 = SigImgProcessingController.calculateAngles(sizeNormalizeFileName); StringBuffer angels = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < sig1.length; i++) { angels.append(sig1[i] + "|"); } System.out.println("Angles: " + angels); customer.signOneAngles = angels.toString();; return redirect(controllers.routes.CustomerController.index()); }
private static void processUpdate(String type, String id, String att, String value) { if (type == null || type.trim().length() == 0) return; if ("Order".equals(type)) { PurchaseOrder order = PurchaseOrder.findById(new Long(id)); if ("paid".equals(att)) { Boolean oldValue = order.paid; if (oldValue == null) oldValue = Boolean.FALSE; order.paid = !oldValue; if (oldValue) setCurrentUseCaseName("Order unpaid"); else setCurrentUseCaseName("Order paid"); } else if ("customer".equals(att)) { if (value == null || value.startsWith( "- ")) // Do nothing if somehow the "- select a customer -" item was selected return; Customer customer = Customer.findById(new Long(value)); order.customer = customer; Flash.current().success("The order has been reassigned to customer " +; setCurrentUseCaseName("Order reassigned"); } else if ("notes".equals(att)) { order.notes = value; setCurrentUseCaseName("Order notes updated"); }; } else if ("Customer".equals(type)) { Customer customer = Customer.findById(new Long(id)); if ("creditLimit".equals(att)) { BigDecimal val = NumberFormat.parseMoney(value); customer.creditLimit = val; setCurrentUseCaseName("Customer credit limit updated"); }; } else if ("LineItem".equals(type)) { LineItem lineitem = LineItem.findById(new Long(id)); if ("quantity".equals(att)) { Integer val = NumberFormat.parseNumber(value); lineitem.qtyOrdered = val; setCurrentUseCaseName("Line Item quantity updated"); } else if ("unitPrice".equals(att)) { BigDecimal val = NumberFormat.parseMoney(value); lineitem.productPrice = val; setCurrentUseCaseName("Line Item unit price updated"); } else if ("product".equals(att)) { Product product = Product.findById(new Long(value)); lineitem.product = product; setCurrentUseCaseName("Line Item product changed"); }; } }
/** @return */ @BodyParser.Of(BodyParser.Json.class) public static Result create() { JsonNode jsonNode = request().body().asJson(); if (jsonNode == null) { return badRequest(Messages.get("json.expecting")); } Customer customer = Json.fromJson(jsonNode, Customer.class); if (customer == null) { return badRequest(Messages.get("json.expecting")); }; ObjectNode result = Json.newObject(); result.put("id",; return created(result); }
public static Result verifySignature(String accno) { Customer cust = Customer.byAccno(accno); float[] src = new float[96]; String angles = cust.signOneAngles; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(angles, "|"); int tokenCount = st.countTokens(); for (int i = 0; i < tokenCount; i++) { String token = st.nextToken(); float angle = Float.parseFloat(token); src[i] = angle; } String inputFile = "public/signatureimages/" + accno + "/" + accno + "_verify.jpg"; String smoothfilename = "public/signatureimages/" + accno + "/" + accno + "_verify_smooth.jpg"; String binaryfilename = "public/signatureimages/" + accno + "/" + accno + "_verify_binary.jpg"; String sizeNormalizeFileName = "public/signatureimages/" + accno + "/" + accno + "_verify_normalize.jpg"; SigImgProcessingController.smoothing(inputFile, smoothfilename); SigImgProcessingController.binarization(smoothfilename, binaryfilename); SigImgProcessingController.sizeNormalization(binaryfilename, sizeNormalizeFileName); float[] trg = SigImgProcessingController.calculateAngles(sizeNormalizeFileName); if (SigImgProcessingController.compareBlockAngles(src, trg)) { return ok("Signatures Matched"); } else { return ok("Signatures Not Matched"); } }
public static Result verify_get(Long id) { Customer customer = Customer.get(id); ImageUploadForm imgform = new ImageUploadForm(); imgform.accountNo = customer.accountNumber; String accno = customer.accountNumber; return ok(verify.render(imageForm.fill(imgform), accno)); }
public void doJob() { // For some reason, our plugin does not get called in standalone mode, so we need to // pre-load the classes into the ABL engine here if (Play.standalonePlayServer) { System.out.println("Standalone mode: pre-loading classes into ABL"); preloadClass("models.Customer"); preloadClass("models.PurchaseOrder"); preloadClass("models.LineItem"); preloadClass("models.Product"); preloadClass("businesslogic.CustomerLogic"); preloadClass("businesslogic.PurchaseOrderLogic"); preloadClass("businesslogic.LineItemLogic"); preloadClass("businesslogic.LogicObject"); } if (Customer.count() == 0) { try { Fixtures.loadModels("initial-data.yml"); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("Loaded bootstrap data..."); } }
/** This method is the for pulling up the home page of the non-secure drive-cleaners site. */ public static void index() { if (CustomerId.present()) { Customer customer = Customer.findById(CustomerId.get()); renderTemplate("site/index.html", customer); } else { renderTemplate("site/index.html"); } }
/** * @param id * @return */ @BodyParser.Of(BodyParser.Json.class) public static Result update(Long id) { if (id == null) { return badRequest(Messages.get("id.expecting")); } JsonNode jsonNode = request().body().asJson(); if (jsonNode == null) { return badRequest(Messages.get("json.expecting")); } Customer customer = Json.fromJson(jsonNode, Customer.class); if (customer == null) { return badRequest(Messages.get("json.expecting")); } = id; customer.update(); return ok(); }
/** * Return Customer by id. * * @return */ public static Result get(Long id) { if (id == null) { return badRequest(Messages.get("id.expecting")); } Customer customer = Customer.get(id); if (customer == null) { return notFound(Messages.get("id.not.exists", id)); } JsonNode result = Json.toJson(customer); return ok(result); }
public static Result update_get(Long id) { Customer customer = Customer.get(id); CustomerForm csForm = new CustomerForm(); csForm.fname = customer.fname; //; csForm.lname = customer.lname; csForm.address = customer.address; =; =; return ok(update.render(customerForm.fill(csForm), id)); }
private static void formToModel(Customer customer, CustomerForm customerForm) { customer.fname = customerForm.fname; customer.lname = customerForm.lname; customer.address = customerForm.address; =; =; // to genrate random account number int accno = min + (int) (Math.random() * ((max - min) + 1)); String accountNumber = customerForm.fname.substring(0, 3).toUpperCase() + String.valueOf(accno); customer.accountNumber = accountNumber; customer.signatureOne = accountNumber + "_1.jpg"; customer.signatureTwo = accountNumber + "_2.jpg"; }
public static Result update_save(Long id) { Form<CustomerForm> filledForm = customerForm.bindFromRequest(); if (filledForm.hasErrors()) { return badRequest(update.render(filledForm, id)); } CustomerForm customerForm = filledForm.get(); if (customerForm == null) { return badRequest(update.render(filledForm, id)); } Customer customer = Customer.get(id); if (customer == null) { filledForm.reject(Messages.get("id.not.exists", id)); return badRequest(update.render(filledForm, id)); } formToModel(customer, customerForm); customer.update(); return redirect(controllers.routes.CustomerController.index()); }
private static void processInsert( String custId, String type, String id, String att, String value) { if (type == null || type.trim().length() == 0) return; if ("LineItem".equals(type)) { PurchaseOrder order = PurchaseOrder.findById(new Long(id)); Product product = Product.findById(new Long(1)); LineItem newItem = new LineItem(); newItem.purchaseOrder = order; order.lineItems.add(newItem); newItem.product = product; product.lineItems.add(newItem); newItem.qtyOrdered = 1; setCurrentUseCaseName("New Line Item created");; } else if ("Order".equals(type)) { Customer customer = Customer.findById(new Long(custId)); PurchaseOrder newOrder = new PurchaseOrder(); newOrder.customer = customer; newOrder.paid = Boolean.FALSE; newOrder.notes = ""; setCurrentUseCaseName("New Order created");; } }
/** * Return List of all Customers in JSON format. * * @return */ public static Result all() { List<Customer> customers = Customer.all(); return ok(Json.toJson(customers)); }