public boolean build(Player p, int tips, int id) {
   if (!plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("allow.zero_room")) {
     TARDISMessage.send(p, "ZERO_DISABLED");
     return true;
   TARDISInteriorPostioning tintpos = new TARDISInteriorPostioning(plugin);
   int slot = tips;
   if (tips == -1) {
     slot = tintpos.getFreeSlot();
     // uodate TARDIS table with new slot number
     QueryFactory qf = new QueryFactory(plugin);
     HashMap<String, Object> set = new HashMap<String, Object>();
     set.put("tips", slot);
     HashMap<String, Object> where = new HashMap<String, Object>();
     where.put("tardis_id", id);
     qf.doUpdate("tardis", set, where);
   TARDISTIPSData pos = tintpos.getTIPSData(slot);
   int x = pos.getCentreX();
   int y = 64;
   int z = pos.getCentreZ();
   World w = plugin.getServer().getWorld("TARDIS_Zero_room");
   if (w == null) {
     TARDISMessage.send(p, "ZERO_NOT_FOUND");
     return true;
   Location l = new Location(w, x, y, z);
   TARDISRoomBuilder builder = new TARDISRoomBuilder(plugin, "ZERO", l, COMPASS.SOUTH, p);
   if ( {
     UUID uuid = p.getUniqueId();
     // ok, room growing was successful, so take their energy!
     int amount = plugin.getRoomsConfig().getInt("rooms.ZERO.cost");
     QueryFactory qf = new QueryFactory(plugin);
     HashMap<String, Object> set = new HashMap<String, Object>();
     set.put("uuid", p.getUniqueId().toString());
     qf.alterEnergyLevel("tardis", -amount, set, p);
     // remove blocks from condenser table if rooms_require_blocks is true
     if (plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("growth.rooms_require_blocks")) {
       TARDISCondenserData c_data = plugin.getGeneralKeeper().getRoomCondenserData().get(uuid);
       for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : c_data.getBlockIDCount().entrySet()) {
         HashMap<String, Object> wherec = new HashMap<String, Object>();
         wherec.put("tardis_id", c_data.getTardis_id());
         wherec.put("block_data", entry.getKey());
         qf.alterCondenserBlockCount(entry.getValue(), wherec);
     // are we doing an achievement?
     if (plugin.getAchievementConfig().getBoolean("rooms.enabled")) {
       TARDISAchievementFactory taf =
           new TARDISAchievementFactory(
               plugin, p, "rooms", plugin.getBuildKeeper().getSeeds().size());
   return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public boolean setMessage(Player player, String[] args, QueryFactory qf) {
   String message;
   int count = args.length;
   ItemStack bq = player.getItemInHand();
   if (bq != null
       && (bq.getType().equals(Material.BOOK_AND_QUILL)
           || bq.getType().equals(Material.WRITTEN_BOOK))) {
     BookMeta bm = (BookMeta) bq.getItemMeta();
     List<String> pages = bm.getPages();
     StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
     for (String s : pages) {
       sb.append(s).append(" ");
     message = sb.toString();
   } else {
     if (count < 2) {
       TARDISMessage.send(player, "EP1_NEED");
       return false;
     StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
     for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) {
       buf.append(args[i]).append(" ");
     String tmp = buf.toString();
     message = tmp.substring(0, tmp.length() - 1);
   HashMap<String, Object> sete = new HashMap<String, Object>();
   sete.put("eps_message", message);
   HashMap<String, Object> where = new HashMap<String, Object>();
   where.put("uuid", player.getUniqueId().toString());
   qf.doUpdate("player_prefs", sete, where);
   TARDISMessage.send(player, "EP1_SET");
   return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private void cleanDatabase(int id) {
   QueryFactory qf = new QueryFactory(plugin);
   // remove record from tardis table
   HashMap<String, Object> tid = new HashMap<String, Object>();
   tid.put("tardis_id", id);
   qf.doDelete("tardis", tid);
   // remove blocks from blocks table
   HashMap<String, Object> bid = new HashMap<String, Object>();
   bid.put("tardis_id", id);
   qf.doDelete("blocks", bid);
   // remove lamps from lamps table
   HashMap<String, Object> eid = new HashMap<String, Object>();
   eid.put("tardis_id", id);
   qf.doDelete("lamps", eid);
   // remove doors from doors table
   HashMap<String, Object> did = new HashMap<String, Object>();
   did.put("tardis_id", id);
   qf.doDelete("doors", did);
   // remove controls from controls table
   HashMap<String, Object> oid = new HashMap<String, Object>();
   oid.put("tardis_id", id);
   qf.doDelete("controls", oid);
   // remove gravity wells
   HashMap<String, Object> gid = new HashMap<String, Object>();
   gid.put("tardis_id", id);
   qf.doDelete("gravity_well", gid);
   // remove saved destinations
   HashMap<String, Object> lid = new HashMap<String, Object>();
   lid.put("tardis_id", id);
   qf.doDelete("destinations", lid);
   HashMap<String, Object> vid = new HashMap<String, Object>();
   vid.put("tardis_id", id);
   qf.doDelete("travellers", vid);
   HashMap<String, Object> cid = new HashMap<String, Object>();
   cid.put("tardis_id", id);
   qf.doDelete("chunks", cid);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public boolean setHumPref(Player player, String[] args, QueryFactory qf) {
   if (args.length < 2) {
     TARDISMessage.send(player, "HUM_NEED");
     return false;
   HUM go;
   try {
     go = HUM.valueOf(args[1].toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH));
   } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
     TARDISMessage.send(player, "HUM_NOT_VALID");
     return false;
   String hum_set = (go.equals(HUM.RANDOM)) ? "" : go.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
   HashMap<String, Object> set = new HashMap<String, Object>();
   set.put("hum", hum_set);
   HashMap<String, Object> where = new HashMap<String, Object>();
   where.put("uuid", player.getUniqueId().toString());
   qf.doUpdate("player_prefs", set, where);
   TARDISMessage.send(player, "HUM_SAVED");
   return true;
 public boolean toggle(Player player, String arg, QueryFactory qf) {
     UUID uuid = player.getUniqueId();
     String ustr = uuid.toString();
     // get TARDIS
     HashMap<String, Object> where = new HashMap<String, Object>();
     where.put("uuid", ustr);
     ResultSetTardis rs = new ResultSetTardis(plugin, where, "", false, 0);
     if (rs.resultSet()) {
         Tardis tardis = rs.getTardis();
         int id = tardis.getTardis_id();
         // get current preset
         String current = tardis.getPreset().toString();
         String chameleon = tardis.getChameleon();
         // must be outside of the TARDIS
         HashMap<String, Object> wheret = new HashMap<String, Object>();
         wheret.put("uuid", ustr);
         ResultSetTravellers rst = new ResultSetTravellers(plugin, wheret, false);
         if (rst.resultSet()) {
             TARDISMessage.send(player, "JUNK_PRESET_OUTSIDE");
             return true;
         if (plugin.getTrackerKeeper().getRebuildCooldown().containsKey(uuid)) {
             long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
             long cooldown = plugin.getConfig().getLong("police_box.rebuild_cooldown");
             long then = plugin.getTrackerKeeper().getRebuildCooldown().get(uuid) + cooldown;
             if (now < then) {
                 TARDISMessage.send(player.getPlayer(), "COOLDOWN", String.format("%d", cooldown / 1000));
                 return true;
         // make sure is opposite
         if (current.equals("JUNK_MODE") && arg.equalsIgnoreCase("on")) {
             TARDISMessage.send(player, "JUNK_ALREADY_ON");
             return true;
         if (!current.equals("JUNK_MODE") && arg.equalsIgnoreCase("off")) {
             TARDISMessage.send(player, "JUNK_ALREADY_OFF");
             return true;
         // check if they have a junk record
         HashMap<String, Object> wherej = new HashMap<String, Object>();
         wherej.put("uuid", ustr);
         ResultSetJunk rsj = new ResultSetJunk(plugin, wherej);
         boolean has = rsj.resultSet();
         HashMap<String, Object> sett = new HashMap<String, Object>();
         String cham_set = "";
         if (arg.equalsIgnoreCase("on")) {
             HashMap<String, Object> set = new HashMap<String, Object>();
             if (has) {
                 // update record
                 HashMap<String, Object> whereu = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                 whereu.put("uuid", ustr);
                 set.put("preset", current);
                 qf.doSyncUpdate("junk", set, whereu);
             } else {
                 // insert record
                 set.put("uuid", ustr);
                 set.put("tardis_id", id);
                 set.put("preset", current);
                 qf.doSyncInsert("junk", set);
             // save JUNK_MODE preset
             sett.put("chameleon_preset", "JUNK_MODE");
             sett.put("chameleon_demat", current);
             TARDISMessage.send(player, "JUNK_PRESET_ON");
             cham_set = "JUNK_MODE";
         if (arg.equalsIgnoreCase("off")) {
             // restore saved preset
             String preset = (has) ? rsj.getPreset().toString() : current;
             sett.put("chameleon_preset", preset);
             sett.put("chameleon_demat", "JUNK_MODE");
             TARDISMessage.send(player, "JUNK_PRESET_OFF");
             cham_set = preset;
         // update tardis table
         HashMap<String, Object> whereu = new HashMap<String, Object>();
         whereu.put("uuid", ustr);
         qf.doSyncUpdate("tardis", sett, whereu);
         // set the Chameleon Circuit sign
         TARDISStaticUtils.setSign(chameleon, 3, cham_set, player);
         // rebuild
         player.performCommand("tardis rebuild");
         return true;
     return true;
 public boolean doRemoteComeHere(Player player, UUID uuid) {
   Location eyeLocation =
       player.getTargetBlock(plugin.getGeneralKeeper().getTransparent(), 50).getLocation();
   if (!plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("travel.include_default_world")
       && plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("creation.default_world")
       && eyeLocation
           .equals(plugin.getConfig().getString("creation.default_world_name"))) {
     TARDISMessage.send(player, "NO_WORLD_TRAVEL");
     return true;
   if (!plugin
       .getRespect(eyeLocation, new Parameters(player, FLAG.getDefaultFlags()))) {
     return true;
   if (!plugin.getTardisArea().areaCheckInExisting(eyeLocation)) {
         ChatColor.AQUA + "/tardisremote [player] travel area [area name]");
     return true;
   Material m = player.getTargetBlock(plugin.getGeneralKeeper().getTransparent(), 50).getType();
   if (m != Material.SNOW) {
     int yplusone = eyeLocation.getBlockY();
     eyeLocation.setY(yplusone + 1);
   // check the world is not excluded
   String world = eyeLocation.getWorld().getName();
   if (!plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("worlds." + world)) {
     TARDISMessage.send(player, "NO_PB_IN_WORLD");
     return true;
   // check the remote player is a Time Lord
   HashMap<String, Object> where = new HashMap<String, Object>();
   where.put("uuid", uuid.toString());
   ResultSetTardis rs = new ResultSetTardis(plugin, where, "", false, 0);
   if (!rs.resultSet()) {
     TARDISMessage.send(player, "PLAYER_NO_TARDIS");
     return true;
   Tardis tardis = rs.getTardis();
   final int id = tardis.getTardis_id();
   // check they are not in the tardis
   HashMap<String, Object> wherettrav = new HashMap<String, Object>();
   wherettrav.put("uuid", player.getUniqueId().toString());
   wherettrav.put("tardis_id", id);
   ResultSetTravellers rst = new ResultSetTravellers(plugin, wherettrav, false);
   if (rst.resultSet()) {
     TARDISMessage.send(player, "NO_PB_IN_TARDIS");
     return true;
   if (plugin.getTrackerKeeper().getInVortex().contains(id)) {
     TARDISMessage.send(player, "NOT_WHILE_MAT");
     return true;
   boolean chamtmp = false;
   if (plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("travel.chameleon")) {
     chamtmp = tardis.isChamele_on();
   boolean hidden = tardis.isHidden();
   // get current police box location
   HashMap<String, Object> wherecl = new HashMap<String, Object>();
   wherecl.put("tardis_id", id);
   ResultSetCurrentLocation rsc = new ResultSetCurrentLocation(plugin, wherecl);
   if (!rsc.resultSet()) {
     hidden = true;
   COMPASS d = rsc.getDirection();
   COMPASS player_d = COMPASS.valueOf(TARDISStaticUtils.getPlayersDirection(player, false));
   Biome biome = rsc.getBiome();
   TARDISTimeTravel tt = new TARDISTimeTravel(plugin);
   int count;
   boolean sub = false;
   Block b = eyeLocation.getBlock();
   if (b.getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getType().equals(Material.WATER)
       || b.getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getType().equals(Material.STATIONARY_WATER)) {
     count = (tt.isSafeSubmarine(eyeLocation, player_d)) ? 0 : 1;
     if (count == 0) {
       sub = true;
   } else {
     int[] start_loc = tt.getStartLocation(eyeLocation, player_d);
     // safeLocation(int startx, int starty, int startz, int resetx, int resetz, World w, COMPASS
     // player_d)
     count =
   if (plugin.getPM().isPluginEnabled("Lockette")) {
     Lockette Lockette = (Lockette) plugin.getPM().getPlugin("Lockette");
     if (Lockette.isProtected(eyeLocation.getBlock())) {
       count = 1;
   if (count > 0) {
     TARDISMessage.send(player, "WOULD_GRIEF_BLOCKS");
     return true;
   boolean cham = chamtmp;
   final QueryFactory qf = new QueryFactory(plugin);
   Location oldSave = null;
   HashMap<String, Object> bid = new HashMap<String, Object>();
   bid.put("tardis_id", id);
   HashMap<String, Object> bset = new HashMap<String, Object>();
   if (rsc.getWorld() != null) {
     oldSave = new Location(rsc.getWorld(), rsc.getX(), rsc.getY(), rsc.getZ());
     // set fast return location
     bset.put("world", rsc.getWorld().getName());
     bset.put("x", rsc.getX());
     bset.put("y", rsc.getY());
     bset.put("z", rsc.getZ());
     bset.put("direction", d.toString());
     bset.put("submarine", rsc.isSubmarine());
   } else {
     // set fast return location
     bset.put("world", eyeLocation.getWorld().getName());
     bset.put("x", eyeLocation.getX());
     bset.put("y", eyeLocation.getY());
     bset.put("z", eyeLocation.getZ());
     bset.put("submarine", (sub) ? 1 : 0);
   qf.doUpdate("back", bset, bid);
   HashMap<String, Object> tid = new HashMap<String, Object>();
   tid.put("tardis_id", id);
   HashMap<String, Object> set = new HashMap<String, Object>();
   set.put("world", eyeLocation.getWorld().getName());
   set.put("x", eyeLocation.getBlockX());
   set.put("y", eyeLocation.getBlockY());
   set.put("z", eyeLocation.getBlockZ());
   set.put("direction", player_d.toString());
   set.put("submarine", (sub) ? 1 : 0);
   if (hidden) {
     HashMap<String, Object> sett = new HashMap<String, Object>();
     sett.put("hidden", 0);
     HashMap<String, Object> ttid = new HashMap<String, Object>();
     ttid.put("tardis_id", id);
     qf.doUpdate("tardis", sett, ttid);
     // restore biome
     plugin.getUtils().restoreBiome(oldSave, biome);
   qf.doUpdate("current", set, tid);
   TARDISMessage.send(player, "TARDIS_COMING");
   //        boolean mat = plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("police_box.materialise");
   //        long delay = (mat) ? 1L : 180L;
   long delay = 1L;
   final boolean hid = hidden;
   if (!plugin.getTrackerKeeper().getDestinationVortex().containsKey(id)) {
     final DestroyData dd = new DestroyData(plugin, player.getUniqueId().toString());
             new Runnable() {
               public void run() {
                 if (!hid) {
                 } else {
                   plugin.getPresetDestroyer().removeBlockProtection(id, qf);
   final BuildData bd = new BuildData(plugin, player.getUniqueId().toString());
           new Runnable() {
             public void run() {
           delay * 2);
   if (plugin.getTrackerKeeper().getRescue().containsKey(id)) {
   return true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 /** Builds the TARDIS Police Box. */
 public void buildPoliceBox() {
   int plusx, minusx, x, plusz, minusz, z;
   byte sd = 0, grey = 8;
   byte mds = data,
       mdw = data,
       mdn = data,
       mde = data,
       bds = data,
       bdw = data,
       bdn = data,
       bde = data;
   final World world;
   // expand placed blocks to a police box
   double lowX = location.getX();
   double lowY = location.getY();
   double lowZ = location.getZ();
   location.setX(lowX + 0.5);
   location.setY(lowY + 2);
   location.setZ(lowZ + 0.5);
   // get relative locations
   x = location.getBlockX();
   plusx = (location.getBlockX() + 1);
   minusx = (location.getBlockX() - 1);
   final int y = location.getBlockY();
   final int plusy = (location.getBlockY() + 1),
       minusy = (location.getBlockY() - 1),
       down2y = (location.getBlockY() - 2),
       down3y = (location.getBlockY() - 3);
   z = (location.getBlockZ());
   plusz = (location.getBlockZ() + 1);
   minusz = (location.getBlockZ() - 1);
   world = location.getWorld();
   int south = mat, west = mat, north = mat, east = mat, signx = 0, signz = 0;
   String doorloc = "";
   // platform
   plugin.buildPB.addPlatform(location, false, d, p, tid);
   QueryFactory qf = new QueryFactory(plugin);
   HashMap<String, Object> ps = new HashMap<String, Object>();
   ps.put("tardis_id", tid);
   String loc = "";
   // get direction player is facing from yaw place block under door if block is in list of blocks
   // an iron door cannot go on
   switch (d) {
     case SOUTH:
       // if (yaw >= 315 || yaw < 45)
           world, x, down3y, minusz, 35, grey, tid); // door is here if player facing south
       loc = world.getBlockAt(x, down3y, minusz).getLocation().toString();
       ps.put("location", loc);
       doorloc = world.getName() + ":" + x + ":" + down2y + ":" + minusz;
       sd = 2;
       signx = x;
       signz = (minusz - 1);
       south = 71;
       mds = 8;
       bds = 1;
     case EAST:
       // if (yaw >= 225 && yaw < 315)
           world, minusx, down3y, z, 35, grey, tid); // door is here if player facing east
       loc = world.getBlockAt(minusx, down3y, z).getLocation().toString();
       ps.put("location", loc);
       doorloc = world.getName() + ":" + minusx + ":" + down2y + ":" + z;
       sd = 4;
       signx = (minusx - 1);
       signz = z;
       east = 71;
       mde = 8;
       bde = 0;
     case NORTH:
       // if (yaw >= 135 && yaw < 225)
           world, x, down3y, plusz, 35, grey, tid); // door is here if player facing north
       loc = world.getBlockAt(x, down3y, plusz).getLocation().toString();
       ps.put("location", loc);
       doorloc = world.getName() + ":" + x + ":" + down2y + ":" + plusz;
       sd = 3;
       signx = x;
       signz = (plusz + 1);
       north = 71;
       mdn = 8;
       bdn = 3;
     case WEST:
       // if (yaw >= 45 && yaw < 135)
           world, plusx, down3y, z, 35, grey, tid); // door is here if player facing west
       loc = world.getBlockAt(plusx, down3y, z).getLocation().toString();
       ps.put("location", loc);
       doorloc = world.getName() + ":" + plusx + ":" + down2y + ":" + z;
       sd = 5;
       signx = (plusx + 1);
       signz = z;
       west = 71;
       mdw = 8;
       bdw = 2;
   ps.put("police_box", 1);
   qf.doInsert("blocks", ps);
   if (!loc.isEmpty()) {
     plugin.protectBlockMap.put(loc, tid);
   // should insert the door when tardis is first made, and then update location there after!
   HashMap<String, Object> whered = new HashMap<String, Object>();
   whered.put("door_type", 0);
   whered.put("tardis_id", tid);
   ResultSetDoors rsd = new ResultSetDoors(plugin, whered, false);
   HashMap<String, Object> setd = new HashMap<String, Object>();
   setd.put("door_location", doorloc);
   if (rsd.resultSet()) {
     HashMap<String, Object> whereid = new HashMap<String, Object>();
     whereid.put("door_id", rsd.getDoor_id());
     qf.doUpdate("doors", setd, whereid);
   } else {
     setd.put("tardis_id", tid);
     setd.put("door_type", 0);
     setd.put("door_direction", d.toString());
     qf.doInsert("doors", setd);
   // bottom layer corners
   plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, plusx, down2y, plusz, mat, data, tid);
   plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, minusx, down2y, plusz, mat, data, tid);
   plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, minusx, down2y, minusz, mat, data, tid);
   plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, plusx, down2y, minusz, mat, data, tid);
   // middle layer corners
   plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, plusx, minusy, plusz, mat, data, tid);
   plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, minusx, minusy, plusz, mat, data, tid);
   plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, minusx, minusy, minusz, mat, data, tid);
   plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, plusx, minusy, minusz, mat, data, tid);
   // top layer
   switch (mat) {
     case 18:
       plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, x, y, z, 17, data, tid);
     case 46:
       plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, x, y, z, 35, (byte) 14, tid);
     case 79:
       plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, x, y, z, 35, (byte) 3, tid);
     case 89:
       plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, x, y, z, 35, (byte) 4, tid);
       plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, x, y, z, mat, data, tid);
   plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, plusx, y, z, mat, data, tid); // east
   plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, plusx, y, plusz, mat, data, tid);
   plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, x, y, plusz, mat, data, tid); // south
   plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, minusx, y, plusz, mat, data, tid);
   plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, minusx, y, z, mat, data, tid); // west
   plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, minusx, y, minusz, mat, data, tid);
   plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, x, y, minusz, mat, data, tid); // north
   plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, plusx, y, minusz, mat, data, tid);
   if (!plain) {
     // set sign
     plugin.utils.setBlock(world, signx, y, signz, 68, sd);
     Block sign = world.getBlockAt(signx, y, signz);
     if (sign.getType().equals(Material.WALL_SIGN)) {
       Sign s = (Sign) sign.getState();
       if (plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("name_tardis")) {
         HashMap<String, Object> wheret = new HashMap<String, Object>();
         wheret.put("tardis_id", tid);
         ResultSetTardis rst = new ResultSetTardis(plugin, wheret, "", false);
         if (rst.resultSet()) {
           String owner = rst.getOwner();
           if (owner.length() > 14) {
             s.setLine(0, owner.substring(0, 12) + "'s");
           } else {
             s.setLine(0, owner + "'s");
       s.setLine(1, ChatColor.WHITE + "POLICE");
       s.setLine(2, ChatColor.WHITE + "BOX");
     // put torch on top
     if (mat == 79) {
       plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, x, plusy, z, 76, (byte) 5, tid);
     } else {
       plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, x, plusy, z, lamp, (byte) 5, tid);
   // bottom layer with door bottom
   plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, plusx, down2y, z, west, bdw, tid);
   plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, x, down2y, plusz, north, bdn, tid);
   plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, minusx, down2y, z, east, bde, tid);
   plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, x, down2y, minusz, south, bds, tid);
   // middle layer with door top
   plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, plusx, minusy, z, west, mdw, tid);
   plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, x, minusy, plusz, north, mdn, tid);
   plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, minusx, minusy, z, east, mde, tid);
   plugin.utils.setBlockAndRemember(world, x, minusy, minusz, south, mds, tid);
   // message travellers in tardis
   HashMap<String, Object> where = new HashMap<String, Object>();
   where.put("tardis_id", tid);
   ResultSetTravellers rst = new ResultSetTravellers(plugin, where, true);
   if (rst.resultSet()) {
     final List<String> travellers = rst.getData();
             new Runnable() {
               public void run() {
                 for (String s : travellers) {
                   Player p = plugin.getServer().getPlayer(s);
                   if (p != null) {
                     String message =
                             ? "There was a malfunction and the emergency handbrake was engaged! Scan location before exit!"
                             : "LEFT-click the handbrake to exit!";
                     p.sendMessage(plugin.pluginName + message);