public static void main(String[] args) { try { Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(new ThreadHandler()); Sound.playTone(2000, 300); BtReceiver btReceiver = new BtReceiver(); btReceiver.connect(); } catch (Exception e) {; System.out.println("Main: exception"); System.out.println(e.toString()); System.out.print(e.getMessage()); Utils.sleep(1000); Button.waitForAnyPress(); System.exit(0); } }
// The recognize() method returns true if the object is a blue block public boolean recognize() { // Boolean that determines whether or not to start detecting what kind of object is in front boolean isRecognizing = true; while (isRecognizing) { // The robot will drive slowly if the light reads under 300, which means an object is closeby while (color.getNormalizedLightValue() < 300) { robot.setForwardSpeed(2); } // When the robot is close enough to the object, it will stop then turn on its // blue light which gives two noticeable different light values for a wooden and blue // block robot.setForwardSpeed(0); color.setFloodlight(Color.BLUE); // If the light value of blue reads over 250, it is a blue block if (color.getNormalizedLightValue() >= 250) { Sound.beep(); LCD.drawString("Blue styrofoam block", 3, 5); // Turn the default light back on after analyzing an object color.setFloodlight(true); return true; } else { // If it is not a blue block, it is a wooden block; LCD.drawString("Wooden block", 3, 5); // Turn the default light back on after analyzing an object color.setFloodlight(true); } // Set the boolean to false to break out of the while loop and stop analyzing the object isRecognizing = false; } // Default return value. It should never get here but JAVA requires a return type return false; }
public void run() { System.out.println("Connecting to " + name); conn = Bluetooth.connect(Bluetooth.getKnownDevice(name)); conn.setIOMode(NXTConnection.PACKET); dis = conn.openDataInputStream(); dos = conn.openDataOutputStream(); System.out.println("NXT connected"); // Request dimensions try { dos.writeByte(3); dos.flush(); } catch (IOException e1) { } try { while (true) { byte type = dis.readByte(); switch (type) { case 1: byte slot = dis.readByte(); byte state = dis.readByte(); states[slot] = state; break; case 3: slotCount = dis.readByte(); stateCount = dis.readByte(); break; case 127: EStop.thread.activate = true; break; } } } catch (IOException e) {; System.out.println("Comm dropped to " + name); } }