public FeatureVector classify(Object __example) { if (!(__example instanceof Word)) { String type = __example == null ? "null" : __example.getClass().getName(); System.err.println( "Classifier 'WordTypeInformation(Word)' defined on line 71 of CommonFeatures.lbj received '" + type + "' as input."); new Exception().printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } if (__example == WordTypeInformation.exampleCache) return WordTypeInformation.cache; Word word = (Word) __example; FeatureVector __result = new FeatureVector(); String __id; String __value; int i; Word w = word, last = word; for (i = 0; i <= 2 && last != null; ++i) { last = (Word); } for (i = 0; i > -2 && w.previous != null; --i) { w = (Word) w.previous; } for (; w != last; w = (Word), ++i) { boolean allCapitalized = true, allDigits = true, allNonLetters = true; for (int j = 0; j < w.form.length(); ++j) { allCapitalized &= Character.isUpperCase(w.form.charAt(j)); allDigits &= Character.isDigit(w.form.charAt(j)); allNonLetters &= !Character.isLetter(w.form.charAt(j)); } __id = + ("c" + i); __value = "" + (allCapitalized); __result.addFeature( new DiscreteFeature( this.containingPackage, __id, __value, valueIndexOf(__value), (short) 2)); __id = + ("d" + i); __value = "" + (allDigits); __result.addFeature( new DiscreteFeature( this.containingPackage, __id, __value, valueIndexOf(__value), (short) 2)); __id = + ("p" + i); __value = "" + (allNonLetters); __result.addFeature( new DiscreteFeature( this.containingPackage, __id, __value, valueIndexOf(__value), (short) 2)); } WordTypeInformation.exampleCache = __example; WordTypeInformation.cache = __result; return __result; }
public FeatureVector[] classify(Object[] examples) { for (int i = 0; i < examples.length; ++i) if (!(examples[i] instanceof Word)) { System.err.println( "Classifier 'WordTypeInformation(Word)' defined on line 71 of CommonFeatures.lbj received '" + examples[i].getClass().getName() + "' as input."); new Exception().printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } return super.classify(examples); }