Ejemplo n.º 1
   * @param editInPlace If non-null, update this data structure. Otherwise do a copy-on-write of
   *     {@link #index}
  protected synchronized R load(File dataDir, Index editInPlace) {
    try {
      R r = retrieve(dataDir);
      if (r == null) return null;

      Index copy = editInPlace != null ? editInPlace : new Index(index);

      String id = getIdOf(r);
      BuildReference<R> ref = createReference(r);
      copy.byId.put(id, ref);
      copy.byNumber.put(getNumberOf(r), ref);

      if (editInPlace == null) index = copy;

      return r;
    } catch (IOException e) {
      LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to load " + dataDir, e);
    return null;
Ejemplo n.º 2
   * Finds the build #M where M is nearby the given 'n'.
   * <p>
   * @param n the index to start the search from
   * @param d defines what we mean by "nearby" above. If EXACT, find #N or return null. If ASC,
   *     finds the closest #M that satisfies M>=N. If DESC, finds the closest #M that satisfies
   *     M<=N.
  public R search(final int n, final Direction d) {
    Entry<Integer, BuildReference<R>> c = index.ceilingEntry(n);
    if (c != null && c.getKey() == n) {
      R r = c.getValue().get();
      if (r != null) return r; // found the exact #n

    // at this point we know that we don't have #n loaded yet

    { // check numberOnDisk as a cache to see if we can find it there
      int npos = numberOnDisk.find(n);
      if (npos >= 0) { // found exact match
        R r = load(numberOnDisk.get(npos), null);
        if (r != null) return r;

      switch (d) {
        case ASC:
        case DESC:
          // didn't find the exact match, but what's the nearest ascending value in the cache?
          int neighbor = (d == ASC ? HIGHER : LOWER).apply(npos);
          if (numberOnDisk.isInRange(neighbor)) {
            R r = getByNumber(numberOnDisk.get(neighbor));
            if (r != null) {
              // make sure that the cache is accurate by looking at the previous ID
              // and it actually satisfies the constraint
              int prev = (d == ASC ? LOWER : HIGHER).apply(idOnDisk.find(getIdOf(r)));
              if (idOnDisk.isInRange(prev)) {
                R pr = getById(idOnDisk.get(prev));
                // sign*sign is making sure that #pr and #r sandwiches #n.
                if (pr != null
                    && signOfCompare(getNumberOf(pr), n) * signOfCompare(n, getNumberOf(r)) > 0)
                  return r;
                else {
                  // cache is lying. there's something fishy.
                  // ignore the cache and do the slow search
              } else {
                // r is the build with youngest ID
                return r;
            } else {
              // cache says we should have a build but we didn't.
              // ignore the cache and do the slow search
        case EXACT:
          // fall through

      // didn't find it in the cache, but don't give up yet
      // maybe the cache just doesn't exist.
      // so fall back to the slow search

    // capture the snapshot and work off with it since it can be overwritten by other threads
    SortedList<String> idOnDisk = this.idOnDisk;
    boolean clonedIdOnDisk =
        false; // if we modify idOnDisk we need to write it back. this flag is set to true when we
               // overwrit idOnDisk local var

    // slow path: we have to find the build from idOnDisk by guessing ID of the build.
    // first, narrow down the candidate IDs to try by using two known number-to-ID mapping
    if (idOnDisk.isEmpty()) return null;

    Entry<Integer, BuildReference<R>> f = index.floorEntry(n);

    // if bound is null, use a sentinel value
    String cid = c == null ? "\u0000" : c.getValue().id;
    String fid = f == null ? "\uFFFF" : f.getValue().id;
    // at this point, #n must be in (cid,fid)

    // We know that the build we are looking for exists in [lo,hi)  --- it's "hi)" and not "hi]"
    // because we do +1.
    // we will narrow this down via binary search
    final int initialSize = idOnDisk.size();
    int lo = idOnDisk.higher(cid);
    int hi = idOnDisk.lower(fid) + 1;

    final int initialLo = lo, initialHi = hi;

    if (!(0 <= lo && lo <= hi && hi <= idOnDisk.size())) {
      // assertion error, but we are so far unable to get to the bottom of this bug.
      // but don't let this kill the loading the hard way
      String msg =
              "Assertion error: failing to load #%d %s: lo=%d,hi=%d,size=%d,size2=%d",
              n, d, lo, hi, idOnDisk.size(), initialSize);
      LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, msg, new Exception());
      throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(msg);

    while (lo < hi) {
      final int pivot = (lo + hi) / 2;
      if (!(0 <= lo && lo <= pivot && pivot < hi && hi <= idOnDisk.size())) {
        // assertion error, but we are so far unable to get to the bottom of this bug.
        // but don't let this kill the loading the hard way
        String msg =
                "Assertion error: failing to load #%d %s: lo=%d,hi=%d,pivot=%d,size=%d (initial:lo=%d,hi=%d,size=%d)",
                n, d, lo, hi, pivot, idOnDisk.size(), initialLo, initialHi, initialSize);
        LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, msg, new Exception());
        throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(msg);
      R r = load(idOnDisk.get(pivot), null);
      if (r == null) {
        // this ID isn't valid. get rid of that and retry pivot
        if (!clonedIdOnDisk) { // if we are making an edit, we need to own a copy
          idOnDisk = new SortedList<String>(idOnDisk);
          clonedIdOnDisk = true;

      int found = getNumberOf(r);
      if (found == n) return r; // exact match

      if (found < n) lo = pivot + 1; // the pivot was too small. look in the upper half
      else hi = pivot; // the pivot was too big. look in the lower half

    if (clonedIdOnDisk) this.idOnDisk = idOnDisk; // feedback the modified result atomically

    assert lo == hi;
    // didn't find the exact match
    // both lo and hi point to the insertion point on idOnDisk
    switch (d) {
      case ASC:
        if (hi == idOnDisk.size()) return null;
        return getById(idOnDisk.get(hi));
      case DESC:
        if (lo <= 0) return null;
        if (lo - 1 >= idOnDisk.size()) {
          // assertion error, but we are so far unable to get to the bottom of this bug.
          // but don't let this kill the loading the hard way
                  "Assertion error: failing to load #%d %s: lo=%d,hi=%d,size=%d (initial:lo=%d,hi=%d,size=%d)",
                  n, d, lo, hi, idOnDisk.size(), initialLo, initialHi, initialSize),
              new Exception());
          return null;
        return getById(idOnDisk.get(lo - 1));
      case EXACT:
        return null;
        throw new AssertionError();