public boolean runTest(String filename) throws Exception { Test test = new Test(); test.file = new File(filename); runTest(test); // Print the DOM node if (this.resultsWriter != null) { this.resultsWriter.write("<html><head>"); this.resultsWriter.write("<title>" + + "</title>"); this.resultsWriter.write("<style>"); this.resultsWriter.write(".ran { background-color: #eeffee; }"); this.resultsWriter.write(".passed { background-color: #ccffcc; }"); this.resultsWriter.write(".failed { background-color: #ffcccc; }"); this.resultsWriter.write(".error { background-color: #ffeeee; }"); this.resultsWriter.write("</style>"); this.resultsWriter.write("</head><body>"); this.resultsWriter.write("<div>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write( "<h3><a name=\"" + test.label + "\">" + test.file.getName() + "</a></h3>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("<table border=\"1\">\n"); this.resultsWriter.write( "<tr class=\"" + (test.result ? "passed" : "failed") + "\"><td colspan=\"3\">" + + "</td></tr>\n"); for (Command command : test.commands) { boolean result = command.result.startsWith("OK"); this.resultsWriter.write("<tr class=\"" + (result ? "passed" : "failed") + "\"><td>"); this.resultsWriter.write(command.cmd); this.resultsWriter.write("</td><td>"); if (command.args != null) { this.resultsWriter.write(Arrays.asList(command.args).toString()); } this.resultsWriter.write("</td><td>"); this.resultsWriter.write(command.result); this.resultsWriter.write("</td></tr>\n"); if (command.failure) break; } this.resultsWriter.write("</table>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("</body></html>"); // outputDocument(this.resultsWriter); } return test.result; }
public Command executeStep(Element stepRow) throws Exception { Command command = new Command(); NodeList stepFields = stepRow.getElementsByTagName("td"); String cmd = stepFields.item(0).getTextContent().trim(); command.cmd = cmd; ArrayList<String> argList = new ArrayList<String>(); if (stepFields.getLength() == 1) { // skip comments command.result = "OK"; return command; } for (int i = 1; i < stepFields.getLength(); i++) { String content = stepFields.item(i).getTextContent(); content = content.replaceAll(" +", " "); content = content.replace('\u00A0', ' '); content = content.trim(); argList.add(content); } String args[] = argList.toArray(new String[0]); command.args = args; if (this.verbose) { System.out.println(cmd + " " + Arrays.asList(args)); } try { command.result = this.commandProcessor.doCommand(cmd, args); command.error = false; } catch (Exception e) { command.result = e.getMessage(); command.error = true; } command.failure = command.error && !cmd.startsWith("verify"); if (this.verbose) { System.out.println(command.result); } return command; }
public boolean runSuite(String filename) throws Exception { if (this.verbose) { System.out.println( "Running test suite " + filename + " against " + + ":" + this.port + " with " + this.browser); } TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); suite.numTestPasses = 0; suite.file = new File(filename); File suiteDirectory = suite.file.getParentFile(); this.document = parseDocument(filename); Element table = (Element) this.document.getElementsByTagName("table").item(0); NodeList tableRows = table.getElementsByTagName("tr"); Element tableNameRow = (Element) tableRows.item(0); = tableNameRow.getTextContent(); suite.result = true; suite.tests = new Test[tableRows.getLength() - 1]; for (int i = 1; i < tableRows.getLength(); i++) { Element tableRow = (Element) tableRows.item(i); Element cell = (Element) tableRow.getElementsByTagName("td").item(0); Element link = (Element) cell.getElementsByTagName("a").item(0); Test test = new Test(); test.label = link.getTextContent(); test.file = new File(suiteDirectory, link.getAttribute("href")); SeleniumHtmlClient subclient = new SeleniumHtmlClient(); subclient.setHost(; subclient.setPort(this.port); subclient.setBrowser(this.browser); // subclient.setResultsWriter(this.resultsWriter); subclient.setBaseUrl(this.baseUrl); subclient.setVerbose(this.verbose); subclient.runTest(test); if (test.result) { suite.numTestPasses++; } suite.result &= test.result; suite.tests[i - 1] = test; } long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); suite.totalTime = (end - start) / 1000; if (this.resultsWriter != null) { this.resultsWriter.write("<html><head>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("<style type='text/css'>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write( "body, table {font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;font-size: 12;}\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("table {border-collapse: collapse;border: 1px solid #ccc;}\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("th, td {padding-left: 0.3em;padding-right: 0.3em;}\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("a {text-decoration: none;}\n"); this.resultsWriter.write(".title {font-style: italic;}"); this.resultsWriter.write(".selected {background-color: #ffffcc;}\n"); this.resultsWriter.write(".status_done {background-color: #eeffee;}\n"); this.resultsWriter.write(".status_passed {background-color: #ccffcc;}\n"); this.resultsWriter.write(".status_failed {background-color: #ffcccc;}\n"); this.resultsWriter.write( ".breakpoint {background-color: #cccccc;border: 1px solid black;}\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("</style>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("<title>" + + "</title>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("</head><body>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("<h1>Test suite results </h1>\n\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("<table>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write( "<tr>\n<td>result:</td>\n<td>" + (suite.result ? "passed" : "failed") + "</td>\n</tr>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write( "<tr>\n<td>totalTime:</td>\n<td>" + suite.totalTime + "</td>\n</tr>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write( "<tr>\n<td>numTestTotal:</td>\n<td>" + suite.tests.length + "</td>\n</tr>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write( "<tr>\n<td>numTestPasses:</td>\n<td>" + suite.numTestPasses + "</td>\n</tr>\n"); int numTestFailures = suite.tests.length - suite.numTestPasses; this.resultsWriter.write( "<tr>\n<td>numTestFailures:</td>\n<td>" + numTestFailures + "</td>\n</tr>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("<tr>\n<td>numCommandPasses:</td>\n<td>0</td>\n</tr>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("<tr>\n<td>numCommandFailures:</td>\n<td>0</td>\n</tr>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("<tr>\n<td>numCommandErrors:</td>\n<td>0</td>\n</tr>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("<tr>\n<td>Selenium Version:</td>\n<td>2.24</td>\n</tr>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("<tr>\n<td>Selenium Revision:</td>\n<td>.1</td>\n</tr>\n"); // test suite this.resultsWriter.write("<tr>\n<td>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write( "<table id=\"suiteTable\" class=\"selenium\" border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\"><tbody>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write( "<tr class=\"title " + (suite.result ? "status_passed" : "status_failed") + "\"><td><b>Test Suite</b></td></tr>\n"); int i = 0; for (Test test : suite.tests) { this.resultsWriter.write( "<tr class=\"" + (test.result ? "status_passed" : "status_failed") + "\"><td><a href=\"#testresult" + i + "\">" + + "</a></td></tr>"); i++; } this.resultsWriter.write( "</tbody></table>\n</td>\n<td> </td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n<table>"); int j = 0; for (Test test : suite.tests) { this.resultsWriter.write( "<tr><td><a name=\"testresult" + j + "\">" + test.file + "</a><br/><div>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\">\n"); this.resultsWriter.write( "<thead>\n<tr class=\"title " + (test.result ? "status_passed" : "status_failed") + "\"><td rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"3\">" + + "</td></tr>"); this.resultsWriter.write("</thead><tbody>\n"); for (Command command : test.commands) { boolean result = command.result.startsWith("OK"); boolean isAssert = command.cmd.startsWith("assert") || command.cmd.startsWith("verify"); ; if (!isAssert) { this.resultsWriter.write( "<tr class=\"" + (result ? "status_done" : "") + "\">\n<td>\n"); } else { this.resultsWriter.write( "<tr class=\"" + (result ? "status_passed" : "status_failed") + "\">\n<td>\n"); } this.resultsWriter.write(command.cmd); this.resultsWriter.write("</td>\n"); if (command.args != null) { for (String arg : Arrays.asList(command.args)) { this.resultsWriter.write("<td>" + arg + "</td>\n"); } } } this.resultsWriter.write("</tr>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("</tbody></table>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("</div></td>\n<td> </td>\n</tr>"); j++; } int k = 0; for (Test test : suite.tests) { k++; } this.resultsWriter.write("</tbody></table>\n</td><td> </td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n"); this.resultsWriter.write("</body></html>"); } return suite.result; }
/** * return a list of queues for connected groups of pathways place pathways according to the order * of the queues and the list * * @param layouts * @param dependOn the index number of pathway this one depends on, -1 if no dependency * @return */ public static ArrayList<Queue> pathwayQueues(LayoutInfo[] layouts, int[] dependOn) { ArrayList<Queue> queues = new ArrayList<Queue>(); // each queue is for a disconnected group of pathways int n = layouts.length; boolean[] added = new boolean[n]; // whether the pathway is added into a queue // boolean[] processed = new boolean[n];//whether all neighbours of this pathway are added into // some queue Queue<Integer> toProcess = new LinkedList<Integer>(); // current queue to add pathways into // if not null, then exists a queue to add pathways into // otherwise need to create a new queue(for disconnected group of pathways) Queue currentQueue = null; Arrays.sort(layouts, new LayoutBoxSizeComparator()); /*TODO delete LayoutInfo tmp0 = layouts[0]; LayoutInfo tmp1 = layouts[1]; LayoutInfo tmp2 = layouts[2]; LayoutInfo tmp3 = layouts[3]; LayoutInfo tmp6 = layouts[6]; layouts[3]=tmp1; layouts[2]=tmp6; layouts[1]=tmp2; layouts[6]=tmp0; layouts[0] = tmp3; /* for(LayoutInfo i:layouts){ System.out.println(i.getExactLayoutBox().size()); } //*/ for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (added[i]) { continue; } currentQueue = new LinkedList<Integer>(); // current queue to add connected pathways into queues.add(currentQueue); toProcess.add(i); currentQueue.add(i); added[i] = true; dependOn[i] = -1; while (toProcess.size() != 0) { int p = toProcess.remove(); for (int j = n - 2; j >= 0; j--) { // the first one is already added, so search from n-2 // find all non-visited neighbour pathways of layout[p] if (added[j]) { continue; } if (layouts[p].sharedNodes(layouts[j]).size() > 0 && !added[j]) { currentQueue.add(j); toProcess.add(j); added[j] = true; dependOn[j] = p; } } // processed[p]=true; } currentQueue = null; // finished a connected group of pathways } return queues; }